Page 21 of Winning Moves

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  HEAVY RAIN TORTURED them for a good hour until minutes before they arrived at their destination. He turned to Nicole then, the first time he had even considered speaking to her since their clash over trust. His acute irritation was irrational but no less real. So real it had driven him to be a coldhearted ass, pushing Nicole harder than he should have, ignoring the pain he knew those damn boots were causing her, communicating nothing. But the simple truth was, he wanted her to give him her trust without question. Hell, he wanted more than her trust—he wanted her.

  “This is it,” Constantine informed Nicole, inspecting the cave entrance a few feet away, a cave he had explored with his father as a young boy.

  The minute he’d registered the way her wet clothes clung to her curves, he ground his teeth. He wasn’t a man without control, and he’d certainly known his share of pleasure, his share of women—some so beautiful, they could bring a man to his knees. They hadn’t gotten to him though, that was the thing. But Nicole just might have that power, and he wasn’t sure he liked it.

  He found himself lost in an inspection of Nicole, trying to decide why she drove him so insane with desire. Water clung to her lashes, to her lips, her hair soaked to the sides of her face, emphasizing her high cheekbones and full mouth. He followed the path of rain as it dotted her face, her neck, her blouse outlining her full breasts and erect nipples. His cock twitched, and he bit back a growl. He needed to focus on business, not desire. He should bed this woman and get her out of his system. Starting something he hadn’t finished was where he’d gone wrong. That was it. That was what was killing him. Get her naked and beneath him so he could stop fantasizing about it.

  The decision made, he savored those plump, pert breasts a moment longer, before his gaze lifted. Their eyes locked, collided actually, in a fiery contact that took his twitch to a full hard-on. Damn it, distraction was dangerous. She was that and more at this point.

  “When we go inside the cave, it’ll be pitch-black. Just hang by the wall while I open the door to the hideout. There is light, food and supplies there. We have a few hours before our rendezvous with Flores.”

  Her face went instantly pale. “Are we talking about hiding in that cave?”

  His brows dipped. “Right. There’s a hidden cavern beneath the surface. Even if they search the cave, they won’t find us.”

  “That’s, ah…” She hesitated. “I guess I didn’t mention I’m claustrophobic?”

  Once he managed to maneuver her inside the cave, he kept her near enough to the entrance that darkness didn’t completely consume her, giving her time to adjust to the small space.

  He pressed her against the wall. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  She grabbed his wrist, and tightly wrapped one leg around his calf. “Where are you going?” Her voice held panic.

  Crap. The woman was killing him. He wanted nothing more than to have those long legs wrapped tight around him, but now wasn’t the time. He was about to say as much when he realized she was shaking. The tough-as-nails prosecutor, who’d barely blinked when faced with guns and a snake, was quaking in her boots over a phobia. Her fear was as irrational as his anger over her mistrust, but that didn’t matter. In fact, somehow it made her seem more human, more vulnerable. The tough courtroom persona that she often showed had fled completely.

  Everything inside him went soft in a way he didn’t know he was still capable of. The past few years had made him hard, not easily enticed into sympathy. Just another bit of proof this woman had bewitched him in a big way.

  “Easy, cariña,” he whispered, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. Her face was in shadow, but he didn’t have to see it to know the fear it held. He could feel it in the way she clung to him, in the ragged way she was breathing. “I haven’t let anything happen to you thus far, and I’m not now.”

  She seemed to struggle with words, her expression tormented. “When I was a kid, I went exploring in a vacant apartment complex near my house. I fell through a floor and was trapped for hours under some boards. I’ve…never been able to kick the trapped thing. It’s stupid, but—”

  His thumb brushed her lips, silencing the words. “It’s not stupid,” he said, sensing this wasn’t a confession she delivered with ease. His chest tightened with that knowledge, with unexplainable emotion that he didn’t want to feel. “You could have died. But you didn’t and you’re not going to now. I used to come here when I was a kid, actually. With my father. I’ve spent lots of time in this cave.”

  Her hands went to his wrists as if she were afraid he was about to leave. “You’re sure it’s safe?”

  “Very. And we’ll only be here a few hours before we make our connection with Flores. Give it a try.” He paused intentionally, careful not to push too hard. “Yes?”

  She hesitated again, and then said, “Okay.” The one word quivered with discernible apprehension. He was proud of her for the bravery it took to speak it. Phobias were like criminals lurking in the mind waiting to attack, and were hard, often impossible, to defeat. He was lucky that some of the things he’d seen hadn’t done the same to him. Some of his fellow agents hadn’t been as fortunate.

  “Good,” he said of her agreement, reaching behind him to ease her leg from his with gentle insistence. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He settled her foot back on the ground and worked her fingers from his wrists.

  He realized then that he’d gotten the trust he wanted. But now that he had it, that trust felt like a hot potato he should toss back. All the women he’d been with these past three years were of Alvarez’s world. They were criminals, no better than the man they served, because of their choices. He’d tried to group Nicole into that category—just part of his assignment, gratifying his own needs. But Nicole wasn’t one of those other women; she wasn’t anything like them.

  At the same time, he himself wasn’t the type of man who walked in her world. He barely remembered his real name half the time. He didn’t even have a home right now. Everything was in storage. His life was danger, sex, poison, in all different flavors. Nicole’s world was a direct contrast to his: full of order and the pursuit of justice, by way of perfect appearances and rules.

  Yet…he still wanted her. Not only did he want her, he had to have her. Just one time, he told himself. He’d make sure she enjoyed every last minute of it, too.


  NICOLE HATED DEFEAT, and defeat created by one’s own self was the worst kind. For all the structure and control in her life, claustrophobia had been her nemesis. She’d learned relaxation techniques to deal with it. She had even managed to get on a plane, albeit slightly sedated, but still, she’d managed to fly and not panic. She could do the same with this damn cave, and doing it without drugs would be a sign of real progress.

  Easier said than done, she thought, as she stared at the black hole Constantine had disappeared into, and waited impatiently for the light he’d promised. All sorts of horrid fates that could befall him raced through her mind. Maybe a wild animal? Another snake?

  Her eyes went to the giant rock Constantine had removed from blocking the hole that seemed barely big enough for him to slide down into. Retrieving a rope hidden somewhere inside the cave, he’d tied it around the rock, which she assumed was to pull it back in place when ready. She couldn’t see how else the rock would get there once they were belowground. Quite ingenious.

  Suddenly, a warm glow filled the cavern, and Nicole let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding. That was the signal to follow him. She steadied herself, pressing one balled hand to the center of her chest and her racing heart. She could do this, and she would not hyperventilate. Inhale, exhale. Okay. Maybe this was just what she needed. To face her fear.

  Thunder crashed overhead, almost directly on top of her, and Nicole jumped at the ferocious sound. The violence of the storm somehow reminded her of the violence hunting them. This stupid phobia was not going to get her killed.

  She didn’t give herself
time to think any further; she quickly narrowed her gaze on the makeshift stairs Constantine had told her about. Clear on where to step, she went into action, and started down the wall, the steel stakes, thankfully, as sturdy as Constantine had promised. She passed an electric lantern—the kind that campers use—hanging to her left a few steps down. It was a comforting sight as these lanterns weren’t likely to burn out.

  She focused on each step, refusing to look down, except that she ran out of metal stakes too quickly, with nowhere to go, and the ground still a long ways off. Nicole twisted around, placing her back to the wall, to find Constantine standing directly below her. She scanned the area, surprised to find it the size of a small bedroom.

  Constantine held his hands out. “Jump,” he said, pulling her attention to him. “I’ll catch you.”

  If she tried, Nicole knew she could think of a million reasons not to jump. But then, she didn’t want to try. She was frustrated with herself—for her fear, her blisters, for letting herself expose a weakness to a mere stranger. She jumped, her heart all but stopping with the act.

  A second later, Constantine’s hands settled on her hips, the fingers of one hand spread on her backside, seemingly holding her without effort. The heart that had stuttered was now back to pounding a rapid drumroll.

  Constantine slid her body down his rock-hard perfect one with delicious slowness, their hips melting together. Somehow they froze like that, her feet not yet on the ground. The instant her gaze found the heat in his, her body reacted, nipples tightening, thighs aching with the burn of desire. He certainly knew how to take her mind off the small space.

  “Glad I could help,” he murmured, the hard line of his sexy mouth lifting ever-so-slightly as he gently eased her to her sore feet.

  “Tell me I didn’t say that out loud,” she said, stunned that she would speak before thinking. That wasn’t how she operated.

  His eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’m glad to be of service. Let me seal the opening so we can’t be found and I’ll get right on it.” His expression turned serious, his strong hands rubbing her arms, giving her goose bumps and making her realize how cool the cavern was despite the Texas heat. “Will you be all right for a minute?”

  No. Don’t leave me down here. Don’t seal us in this tiny hole. Suddenly, the cave felt more like a phone booth than a small bedroom. She swallowed hard, fighting the urge to beg to be taken back above. “Yes,” she lied, trying to smile and failing. “I’m fine now. I’m okay.”

  He didn’t look convinced and reluctantly stepped away from her. “I’m fine,” she repeated, responding to the doubt lingering in his eyes, hating that he apparently thought she needed coddling. Her voice turned stern. “And stop looking at me like I’m some needy child. What happened to the cold-shouldered jerk who led me here? Bring him back.”

  He stared at her, his gaze probing, seeing far too much, she was sure. “He’ll be back when you’re feeling better and can keep up with him.”

  “I’m fine!” she admonished in a whispered voice, because noise wasn’t such a hot idea considering this was a hideout. “I can keep up just fine.”

  With an agility most didn’t possess, Constantine sidestepped Nicole and jumped in the air, grabbing a steel stake with one hand. He hung there a moment, rotating around to face her. He winked. “We’ll find out if you really can, soon.”

  No doubt of his meaning, her body purred in response. He gave her no chance to reply to the bold statement, presenting her with his back as he climbed the wall. Muscles flexed under his wet T-shirt, denim hugging his nice tight ass. She bit her bottom lip. He was so much trouble, but he might just be worth it. And it wasn’t as if he was out of line.

  Her little comment had given him an open invitation to come seduce her into calmness, which hadn’t been her intention. Not really, anyway. Or maybe it was. Her subconscious was working at getting her what she really wanted—Constantine. She’d wanted that man since meeting him in the bar, despite knowing he didn’t fit her perfectly painted world of vanilla sex and strict rules—correction, lately it had been no sex and strict rules.

  Nevertheless, her current way of living had firmly placed her wild past behind her. And she felt her work helped her make amends—or try to, at least—for what she’d done back then, for getting that damn killer off and watching him take another life. She still had nightmares about the victim.

  Her mind’s stroll down memory lane landed her smack-dab in reality. In the small cave. In her present state of discomfort. An easier discomfort than the past held, at least. Her hand went to her throat as she watched Constantine disappear through the same opening she’d just climbed through, leaving her alone. In a hole. A small one. Okay. Maybe this wasn’t better than revisiting the past.

  Nicole drew a long breath simply because she wanted to make sure there was plenty of air. Then, with supreme effort, she forced herself to stop staring at the exit.

  Scrutinizing her surroundings, it appeared she was in a well-planned hideout, not just some cave Constantine knew as a kid. All the basics were present: a small mattress, a small fridge, battery-operated fans and even a few books. Her attention went to each wall as she circled around, feeling as if those walls might close in on her. Her head started spinning, and she knew she was about to hyperventilate. Not something she wanted to do with Constantine nearby. Time to put her relaxation techniques to use.

  She quickly sat down on the hard ground, before she fell down, her legs stretched before her. She was too wet, and didn’t want to risk damaging the mattress. Resting her head against the wall behind her, her gaze went to the ceiling. Could it collapse? Fall on top of her like the apartment floor had done so many years before? No. This wasn’t the way to calm down.

  Nicole squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on something soothing. Birds. Flowers. Sunrises. Instead, her brain took her to an image of Constantine’s sweet ass in those dark jeans. Then to the way he’d caught her when she’d jumped, and that sensual slide down that steely body. Her imagination went wild as she fantasized stripping off his wet shirt, exploring those defined biceps and hard abs she’d felt through his clothes. He’d be wild, demanding, incredible in bed. She knew this, felt it in every inch of her being.

  Yes, she missed wild, wonderful sex. But if she opened the door to a dangerous form of sensual pleasure, would she open the door to that person she’d once been? The one who’d put power and money, even pleasure, above all else? In her tormented moments, when the past had twisted her in knots, she had blamed her ex for influencing her behavior, which was a joke. Her choices were her own. No matter how much she had tried, she couldn’t deny she possessed a dark, wild persona that she had tried to smash into retreat. So surrounding herself with people like Constantine, who could free her of her inhibitions—that was a dangerous proposition. Dangerous. Yes. That was Constantine. Dangerously tempting. Dangerously hot.

  Vague noises indicating Constantine was moving around at the entrance drew Nicole’s attention. Her lashes lifted the instant he jumped down to the cavern floor again. He tossed the rope in a corner, leaving no evidence above of their presence. He stood at full height. This space really wasn’t so tiny, she thought, comforting herself with the fact.

  Constantine brushed his hands together. “All secure.”

  She wondered about that. “If you grew up on this land, don’t you think that made it easy for them to find you?”

  He walked to the fridge and knelt down, pulling open the door. “The title is buried too well for that.” He removed a bottle of water and offered it to her. “My grandmother registered the land in her maiden name, and since then it looks as if it’s passed through several owners’ hands. Now it’s registered under an alias. So, no. The land isn’t how they found us.”

  She accepted the water, surprised it was cold. “How did you manage electricity?”

  He patted the top of the fridge. “Special order. Industrial battery-powered. Cost a nice penny, but it’s worth it.”

nbsp; Nicole had to agree. She unscrewed the bottle and gulped half the contents while Constantine, squatting down near her, did the same with his own water.

  Discarding the bottle on the ground, she said, “I better stop. I’ll need to go to the bathroom.”

  He inclined his chin toward a blanket dangling in front of an opening in the left wall. “Camper toilet.”

  “You really thought of everything,” she said, grimacing at the humble facility. “Still. I think I’ll try to avoid using it.”

  Switching back to safety issues, Nicole considered what he’d said about the property, and vocalized what was running through her mind. “If the title wasn’t traceable, then someone on the inside gave away your location.”

  Constantine finished off his water and discarded the container. Still in a squatting position, he faced her. “Has to be.”

  “What about Agent Flores?”

  Something serious flashed across his face, subtle but distinct, wiped away with the speed and discipline of a man who knew how to live behind an emotional mask. But not fast enough to escape Nicole’s notice. She made her living reading people.

  “It’s not Flores,” he said dismissively. “It could have been any of the marshals involved in my protection.”

  His tone was short, clipped, insistent—even a bit defensive. Her brows dipped, her eyes narrowing on his face. Deep down, did he suspect Flores? Perhaps he didn’t want to admit it, or just didn’t want it to be true.

  “Does he know where we are now?” she asked, treading on the thin waters of a bad subject, but also concerned for their safety.

  “No one knows where we are but us,” he assured her, his voice holding a confidence that soothed her concerns a bit—but not much.

  She frowned. “I thought he was meeting us?”