Page 19 of Vowed

  “I’m afraid we have lost him,” Aiden finally said. “Not to death. But to the dark side.” Caitlin was bewildered.

  “Our men are not the only ones who have died on this day. Kyle, too, is dead. So is Rynd. And Sera. But there was a high price to pay for this. Sam has crossed to the dark side in rage and vengeance. It is a path from which he can never return. He is lost to us. The brother you once knew is no more.”

  Caitlin felt herself sinking, spiraling down, her whole world becoming black. She felt as if she were about to collapse. She didn’t know if any worse news could come on this day. She suddenly had the desire to fly off into the horizon, to go back to Skye, to do whatever she could.

  Aiden read her mind, and shook his head.

  “There’s nothing you can do. It is too late. You see, this was all destined. Pre-ordained. Your purpose is to finish the mission. We all count on you.”

  “But there is no one left,” Caitlin said, weakly.

  “You’re wrong. Many are left. And when you find the shield, it just might be our only hope to bring the others back.”

  Caitlin hesitated, unsure if she could go on anymore.

  Aiden stepped forward and stared at her intently, looking deep into her eyes.

  “You vowed,” he said. “You vowed that no matter what, you would go on. I told you it would not be easy. I told you something would be taken away from you. But you made a promise. And now it is time for you to fulfill your promise.”

  Aiden took two steps forward, reached up on the iron knocker, and slammed it twice. Then he stood to the side, as the sound echoed throughout the empty courtyard.

  Finally, the ancient door slowly opened.

  Standing there, staring back, were a dozen vampires, all old men, with long white beards, and all dressed in white. They nodded at Aiden, who nodded back. Then they parted ways, and gestured for Caitlin and Caleb to follow.

  It took all of Caitlin’s will to force herself to take the first step.


  As they all walked into the castle, following the vampires, Caitlin knew that they were in the right place. She could feel her father so close, as if he were just beyond the next door.

  They followed silently down an ancient stone corridor, twisting and turning, single file. They came to a large doorway, and the door opened, revealing a large, interior courtyard.

  Caitlin took in her surroundings in awe: the soft grass of the inner courtyard was lit up in the sunset, and a beautiful rose light descended over the ancient stone walls. Even more startling, in the courtyard were hundreds of vampires, all along its walls, dressed in all white, standing at attention, waiting silently.

  Caitlin felt a hundred eyes on her as they walked to the center of the large, triangular courtyard.

  They approached three vampires who stood apart from the others, in the center, staring at them.

  The one in the middle held a small, golden chest. The vampires on either side of him each held a golden goblet, filled, Caitlin could see, with a white liquid.

  She looked everywhere for a sign of her father. She wondered if any of these men could be him.

  But she didn’t see him. Caitlin stopped right before the center vampire, and as they waited, she could hear a pin drop. The only sound was the whipping of the wind in this remote place, whistling over the grass, over the ancient walls.

  “Caitlin of the Pollepel Coven,” pronounced the vampire in the middle, staring down at her.

  “You have done well. We are proud of you. And so is your father.”

  “Is he here?” Caitlin asked.

  Slowly, the man shook his head.

  “Your father lives in another time and place,” he answered. “Before you can see him, you first need all four keys. We are the guardians of the fourth and final key. The key that you will need to see him, and to save us all.”

  The man lifted up the golden box and held it before Caitlin.

  “Your key,” he said.

  Caitlin looked at him, and noticed that he was looking to the base of her throat.

  She reached up, and felt the small antique cross around her neck. She marveled at how many times she had taken this with her, how many places, at how many keys it had unlocked. She held it out one last time, hoping it would fit, and inserted it into the small, golden chest.

  To her surprise, the key fit. The chest opened with a soft click.

  Sitting there, inside the red velvet, was a large, silver key. It was identical to the other three keys in her pocket.

  She could hardly believe it. The fourth and final key.

  She reached in and slowly extracted it, feeling it in her palm.

  “One final time,” the man said. “You will be sent back one final time. And in the next time and place, you will use your four keys. And you will meet your father.” The man nodded, and the other two vampires stepped forward, each holding out a goblet.

  Caitlin looked at the white liquid.

  “The Holy Grail?” Caitlin asked, nervous.

  The vampire shook his head.

  “Your father holds the Holy Grail. He and no one else.”

  Caitlin reached up and held the goblet, and looked over and saw Caleb did the same. They exchanged a look, and at the same time, they lifted the liquid to their lips.

  The hundreds of vampires crowded in close, all around them, forming a small, tight circle, all holding hands. They began to chant, at first a soft noise, then their words rose, soon becoming louder than the waves.

  “We hereby lay thee down to rest, Caitlin, Caleb, and Scarlet, to resurrect another day, in God’s ultimate grace.”

  Caitlin reached out and took Caleb’s had in one hand, and Scarlet’s in the other. She thought of all the darkness and destruction that had overcome all those close to her—Sam, Polly, Blake, and all the others—and she struggled to push away her overwhelming sadness. As she tried to put it out of her mind, her world became lighter from the liquid, and soon, she felt herself growing so light. She knew that in moments, when she opened her eyes, she would be in another time and place. The final time and place.

  She only hoped that her father would be there, waiting.


  Book #8 in the Vampire Journals

  Please visit Morgan’s site, where you can join the mailing list, hear the latest news, see additional images, and find links to stay in touch with Morgan on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads and elsewhere:

  Also by Morgan Rice

  TURNED (Book #1 in the Vampire Journals)

  LOVED (Book #2 in the Vampire Journals)

  BETRAYED (Book #3 in the Vampire Journals)

  DESTINED (Book #4 in the Vampire Journals)

  DESIRED (Book #5 in the Vampire Journals)

  BETROTHED (Book #6 in the Vampire Journals)



  Morgan Rice, Vowed

  (Series: The Vampire Journals # 7)




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