The behind the scenes team for the Sharp show did their magic, spending four hours working nonstop to get everything ready for show time. Camera's were set up in every room in Sharp manor, and connected though the manor's security system. The lights and cameras were set up though out the grounds of Sharp Monster Manor in case and of the action happens outside. The security office has been transformed into a camera monitoring station for the show. There are people watching the cameras at all time and they are ready to contact Sharp's main team at a moment's notice.
All video footage for this show is being handled by the Sharp Monster Network, a twenty four hour TV channel on satellite TV. It is owned by and is completely devoted to the Sharp Monster Experience. The Sharp Monster Network airs special features, interviews with Sharp team members and past show stars as well as reruns of older Sharp Monster experience shows. The channel rarely handles the new shows themselves. Those are normally covered by regular cable channels and national news channels. Given the nature of this show and the complete block of outside media SMN gets the exclusive. Because not everyone has the Sharp Monster Network, Fox who Sharp Monster Media has a deal with has the right to air a majority of the show's footage on their channel in prime time.
The security is just as tightly set up as the cameras. Motion sensors are set up all over the grounds, connected to motion activated lights. If an unidentified human is caught in the sensors outside the manor or inside the lights will turn on and the cameras will point toward them. If they do not input a password in fifteen seconds an alarm will set and security guards will be set in their location.
Valmont is in his office with the door locked, he does not want anyone to bother him not even Alfred Labrone, Nashton, or Jocasta. He always takes an hour or so to rehearse the opening speech for the opening night. It's the only real acting left in the show. It took him a while to get use to not using a script and he still needs this one scripted part of his show.
But that is not all he is thinking about here. He is muttering to himself while writing in his memoirs which he still plans to turn into a book when he retires. If he can retire. “Can I keep doing this? I did not sign up for this.” He has been saying this a lot lately.
He starts writing, 'the first show I have done since my son moved in with me is not one I had hoped for. I was hoping for a more toned down show, one say without a serial killing werewolf. Maybe a show about the ghost of a scorned lover or say a chupacabra, or bigfoot. Something that wouldn't be so deadly. I wanted to gradually nudge my son into the show not throw everything at him at once. Is even the museum sub area safe enough for a threat like Thanatos?
Also I have a feeling Thanatos is not the real threat. I have this sinking feeling he is nothing more then a distraction. I am reminded of what Jocasta told me, of how some people can gain a sixth sense toward the supernatural after they have dealt with it for so long. Now mine is no where near as good as Jocasta's but I do believe I have a little something now. I don't think my son is safe. He's safe from Thanatos somehow I know that. Yet I still don't believe he is safe. What is it? What is wrong? What am I missing?'
Valmont stops writing for a minute, “I really should ask Jocasta about this. He might be able to confirm my fears.”
Valmont returns to writing, 'I have added extra security to the museum’s first floor even though the museum for the most part is off limits for the show. There are no extra camera's there and the place is a blind spot. I do not expect Thanatos to reach that location. Given it's placement in the Sharp compound it's very unlikely Thanatos will reach it before the manor. The Albern police do not know I have any security in that area outside the normal rotating staff. Wayte has sent his best men to watch that area.. They know to avoid contact with Randal and the Albern police.
I hate the idea of working with Chief Victor Randal, the man hates me and he has his reasons for that. I understand that he believes my being in Albern has changed the town and added a bad element, a level of crime that was not there before. I think the man is paranoid but he might just be right. It is thanks to me that Thanatos came to his town and killed one of his officers. Still I hope I never have to work with him again and I really hope he keeps what he learns a secret. I don't know if a none disclosure agreement will be enough for that stubborn mule.'
Valmont stops writing and lets his thoughts catch up with him, he looks at the clock and sees he still has time, 'The show that starts tonight, on December Eighth 2005 will be unlike any other show I have done and I am scared. Why? Because even though I knew I made enemies that want me dead I never had to face them head on.
I have already written many times that I sometimes regret accepting Luminare's offer and that maybe just maybe it would have been for the best if I was still in the dark. I have been a broken record about the subject. To be honest if I was given a second chance only this time I knew what I know now I would still accept Luminare's offer. I have plenty of regret but I still feel that I am doing a lot of good for the world. I have came a long way from being a soap opera star that's for sure.
Speaking of Luminare we have decided that today is the day. My silent partner will no longer be so silent. We both know the type of back lash we will get from his peers. Of course I think some legitimate monster hunters already know, they just don't want to admit it.'
Valmont puts stops writing again and hits save on the word file, “I think that is a good place to stop.” He turns off his computer and stands. Looking at his watch he smiles, “It's almost time.” He grabs his hat and throws on his coat and digs though his collection of canes and walking sticks. He pulls out one with silver overlay, the design of a wolf's head etched in the silver, and red jewel encased in the eye sockets. This his wolves slayers cane and hidden in it is a sharp knife made of pure silver. He had it made for him after his first encounter with Thanatos.
Valmont walks out of his office and locks it behind him. He then walks down the hall of the second floor of his house looking around as he walks. His personal security staff, Wayte's private team and the Albern police are all over his house. The house has not been this busy since his last party. He nods and smiles at the men and women with varies results. It's clear that the Albern police officers were hand picked by Randal and they tend to ignore him while everyone else waves back. 'This is my world.' Valmont thinks to himself as he heads down the stairs.
As Valmont reaches the bottom steps he is momentarily blinded as he forgot that the front hall was being set up with lots of lighting for the opening act. As his eyes adjust he sees that everyone is already in place, “Okay how long before start time?”
The Camera man for the Sharp Monster Network looks away from the Camera. He is a young man that Valmont remembers from a couple of the more recent shows. “Ten minutes before we go live.”
“Alright then, Al are you ready.”
“It's been a while since I narrated a show so I might be a bit rusty. Though yes I'm ready.”
“Ah.” Valmont then looks over at one of the assistants, “Lenix right? Is Francois ready.”
“Mr. Luminare is ready for his cue. I have not seen him this active in all my time working for you sir.”
'And you probably never will.' Valmont thinks to himself. The level of stimulants and hypnosis used to make Francois this active is not an easy thing to do. Also they have learned that the curse bites back hard when science is used to counter act it. Still this is very important and not just for a show standpoint. “Alright then it sounds like everything is ready. No objections?”
Randal shakes his head, the Chief of police does not care right now, he has a job to do, to protect this jack ass for the sake of his town.
“Alright then, Five, four,” Valmont then holds up three fingers, then two and one, “Go.”
“We are live.” The Camera man says and motions for Valmont.
Valmont stands just out of the Camera's view as Alfred Labrone starts his narration, “Welcome to the Sharp Monster experience show number seven of two
thousand and five. This show is an exclusive for the Sharp Monster Network with segments airing on Fox affiliates.”
The Camera's are focused at the back wall of the front hall, where a large screen TV is playing clips from “The werewolf of Glacier Pass. “In October of two thousand and three in the town of Glacier Pass Alaska a serial killer named Vargas Thanatos was in the middle of a rampage. The man had killed fourteen people over the course of three years and was discovered to be a werewolf. Because the local authorities were unable to deal with a killer of supernatural origin Valmont Sharp Monster Hunter was sent to put a stop to him.
“Over the course of twelve days Valmont and his team searched for Vargas and learned his pattern. Eventually they found him hiding in a cave. Vargas Thanatos escaped from that encounter and went on a rampage in Glacier Pass. He was eventually stopped, incapacitated and reverted back into his human form. As he was dragged off by the anchorites he vowed revenge against Valmont Sharp and said that one day he would find the monster hunter and gut him.
“And now in two thousand and five, outside of the town of Albern New Mexico Vargas Thanatos has crawled halfway across America and though Canada to get his revenge on Valmont Sharp. This is Revenge of the Werewolf. Lets hope you enjoy the experience, and Valmont survives it.” That last line is the common catchphrase for the start of each show. “And now here is Valmont Sharp.”
Valmont walks into the center of the main hall as a spot light follows him, the camera's focus in on him, “Welcome one and all to the greatest show on Earth. A show so unpredictable no one knows how it will unfold not even me Valmont Sharp. Now I know your here to see me stop a werewolf, to battle Thanatos to the death and be victorious which I will be.” Some fans love the boasting and others hate the boasting, it's part of the character Valmont built.
“I should introduce my team for the Revenge of the Werewolf show. Everyone in the audience should know Yosif Jocasta my master of occult knowledge.” The Camera pins to Jocasta who bows, “I have gotten word that this is Jocasta's final show is that right?”
The old man nods slightly, “Indeed it is. I'm getting too old for this and I want to spend a few years in peace before I pass on to the next world.”
“Thank you and preforming a double duty in this show is Alfred Labrone.”
The Camera switches to Alfred who just walked out of the sound booth and into the main hall, “Hi. Yes I will be replacing Jocasta as the master of occult knowledge. Though I will never know as much as Yosif here. Also I am narrating this show as my son Cole has other duties to attend.” Alfred nods and joins with Valmont.
“Heading the security of this show is a Sharp Monster Experience fan favorite Nashton Wayte.” Valmont can picture in his mind that if there was a large audience hearing Wayte's name would get a huge positive reaction. “And working along side Wayte will be Victor Randal of the Albern New Mexico. The two together are in charge of my safety and the safety of the Sharp infrastructure.”
The camera moves to Wayte and Randal, Wayte is smiling and waving while Randal is just scalding into the camera. Valmont did this intentionally, focus attention on the chief of police maybe play his character as an secondary antagonist for the show. The audience will eat it up. It's Valmont's next move will make this one of the best Sharp shows ever.
Valmont lowers his voice and is more serous and reserved for this next part, “I am only one monster hunter. As great as I am I know when things are too difficult for one hunter. I know when I need to call for extra help. However who would dare work with me? It's well known that every other monster hunter hates me. They are jealous of my fame and greatness. Most monster hunters would not stop to piss in my direction if I way laying on the floor and covered in flames.” The audience eats up Valmont's huge ego. That's what his audience loves to hate about Valmont Sharp he's a smug sob.
“I cannot beat Vargas Thanatos by myself, and if there is anyone who knows more about werewolves then I do it would be Francois Luminare.” Valmont can just hear the responses he must be getting from fans. This must be a shock to most of them.
The lights go dark and the camera pans to the front door which opens slowly. Smoke pours out of the door as a figure slowly walks toward the main hall his figure obscured by the smoke. As the smoke clears a middle aged man in a white suit walks up. Francois looks much better then he did earlier in the day, his bags under his eyes are almost gone and he is clearly awake and active. He has around his shoulder a bag full of tools and weapons made just for killing werewolves. Walking over to Valmont, Francois slams his fists into Valmont's face. “You are one really annoying smug bastard.”
Randal laughs as Valmont hits the ground and pulls himself up, “And your just jealous of my success.” This is pretty much a reenactment of when Francois first came to him for help.
Francois was surprised at the force he had behind his fist, it felt good. Given his cursed state he can't normally apply that much of his strength into a punch anymore. “Shut up for a second Sharp. Shut your smug trap and listen to someone for a minute.”
Valmont gets back on his feet and folds his hands, “Yeah speak.”
“You foolishly deal with forces you don't completely understand and treat them like a game. I have spent my life making a serous career over what you have turned into a mockery and you will be killed for it. Really is that worth it?”
“I am just better then other monster hunters and I thought of a way to get rich off this. I'm sure if you came up with this idea first you would be my shoes.” Valmont loves playing the villain in this situation. The show Valmont is an anti hero at best a jerk with a heart of gold that part of the audience loves and part loves to hate. Plus Valmont wanted to play Francois up as a good guy. “Anyway yeah it's worth it. Look at my results. I do a damned good job protecting innocents and stopping monsters.”
“Only to elevate your already over inflated ego. You only care about yourself. You don't even care that your wife was killed due to your foolishness.” There Francois said what all the haters on the Valmont Sharp message boards have been saying.
Valmont smiles slightly and winks. In an instant he looks at Francois with a very angry glare, “That is a low blow Frenchy.” Valmont takes a swing at Francois who grabs his arm and flips him over. Francois has him pinned to the ground with his strong arms, “Let go of me.”
Francois lets go of Valmont, “You are good I give you that but you could be great.” This is the same line Francois tole him before, “Let me help and you will be the greatest Monster Hunter of all time.”
“I already am.” Valmont says as he stands back up, “You might have wounded my body but not my pride.”
“Your pride will break and you will be humbled. You are about to dive in head first into something your not completely ready for. You have not seen anything yet.”
Valmont has been trying to work this into the show for a while because he has been looking for a way to humble the show's Valmont. This story development allows him to do just that. Also adding Francois to the show makes Yosif's retirement easier to handle. “I don't know. I don't think I need your help after all. I'm sure I can handle anything that is thrown at me.” Valmont then shakes his head and swallows his pride, “What the hell.” He offers Francois his hand, “I might as well especially if your despite enough to ask me for help.”
The Camera's shut off as the feed for the night ends. There is no reason to have the show go for twenty four hours when they don't even know when Thanatos will strike next. For now short scenes and interviews, tactics and drama. Enough material to keep the hungry masses satisfied until the real show happens.
Chapter Twenty Four