I stood there forever without sleep as the stars slowly whirled in a silent circle above me revealing secrets beyond thought that had no end or beginning.

  It began to grow light in the East. The sky smoldered, the color intensifying with every heartbeat until finally for the first time in my life, I saw the sun burning on the horizon, sparing nothing in the full generosity of its light. The leaves of the tree overhead rustled softly as a breeze rippled the water of the pool into wavelets. Every atom in my body began to vibrate as I slipped free of the last bond that separated me from what I now at last remembered.



  About the author

  I grew up in New England, lived in the UK for about a year, then back to New England a while, then back to the UK for four years, then lived in West Virginia and Virginia for more years (with some of them as part of an intentional community) followed by a move to Berlin with my wife, where we also lived on and off in an old farmhouse in the former DDR, there to help run courses in Guitar Craft. Four years later, we moved to Seattle where we reside still. In between and all around, much happened, and this story comes out of that.

  My novel: Far From The Sea We Know:


  My site:



  My spouse, Ingrid, my daughter, Katie. Your patience, understanding, and generosity is much appreciated.


  I wrote most of this in 2013, then put it aside as I was not completely satisfied with how it ended. In 2014, I wrote seven different endings and again put it aside as I was not completely satisfied with any of them. Today, I looked at it again, changed one line and realized it was as ready as ready can be.

  I've dedicated this to my oldest friend, Alan Crane, who passed out of this world not long ago. Since nursery school, many adventures we had together, never a mean word from him about anyone.

  Frank Sheldon, Seattle on the 25th of May, 2015

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