Page 7 of Grind

  When she reached me, she took the contraption from my hands and started to put it on me. Silky, elastic straps over my hips with a silicone cock ring that she lubed up first. She slipped that puppy over my straining erection, which made it miraculously bigger and harder, and I let out an almost pained groan.

  Macy pulled more silky straps down between my legs, making sure to delicately string them alongside my balls, up through the crack of my ass, and then deftly attached them to clips in the back.

  When she walked back in front of me, she took the lube and poured some over the thin, pink, jellied dildo that sat right above the cock ring. It was about five inches long and no larger than the width of my thumb, and clearly designed for me to fuck her in the ass with it while I fucked her pussy with my ringed cock.

  Christ... I felt like I was going to blow right then and there thinking about it.

  Macy did nothing more than step into me and lay a gentle, sweet kiss on my lips. Then she turned toward the window, positioned herself against it, and tipped that ass toward me.

  And I was done for.

  So I fucked her with the double-penetration strap-on, even though it almost painfully strangled my dick, and I was rewarded with her coming super hard within the first ten thrusts I gave her.

  So when I asked her if she liked to be fucked this way, it was a stupid question because her body was still shaking from her orgasm. And while I normally can last quite a long time with a cock ring, the mere fact that said ringed cock is tunneling in and out of her sweet pussy while I watch a hot pink dildo tapping her ass, it's all too much sensory overload for me to handle.

  I shove my hips forward one last time, pushing Macy's entire body into the glass and hoping for her little kinky benefit that someone is watching her from the building across the street, and I start to viciously unload. Grinding my hips against her, I lodge the dildo in deep and release jets of thick semen inside of her pussy.

  "Fuck," I grit through my teeth while Macy moans and thrashes in front of me.

  Because fuck... I'm coming so hard with this woman that I almost lose sense of time and space. In these blissful moments when I'm filling her up, it's like everything ceases to exist except the perfectness of what I'm feeling, and I also know in these moments that she's the only one that has ever given that to me.

  "Oh, Cal," she murmurs as she lays her cheek against the cool glass. "The things you do to me."

  I wrap my hands around her stomach and pull her away from the window, right back into my body so we are pressed tight against each other. My cock is still hard within her and the dildo is lodged in deep, yet right now, I'm mostly enjoying the sensation of her warm, damp skin against mine and the sweet smell of her shampoo in my nose.

  She sighs with contentment, a sound I've never heard from Macy before.

  And oddly... that feels better than anything to me.

  "Let's take a shower," she whispers. "Then go again."

  Chuckling, I lean to the side and kiss her temple before carefully pulling away and out of her. She turns immediately and uses soft hands to help disentangle me from the contraption around my waist and between my legs.

  "Shower, then let's order some room service," I say as I take her by the hand and lead her toward the bathroom. "I need fuel if you want more of this bod tonight."

  "Sounds like a marvelous plan," she says with a smile. "Then I need to get going. I've got an early meeting tomorrow over at The Faith Mission."

  I halt just before reaching the bathroom and turn to face Macy. With my hands at her hips, I lean in closer to her and rake my lips against hers. "We could just stay the night here," I suggest, because I want to see if our intimacy has broken any of her barriers.

  She shakes her head and pulls away. Stepping around me, she heads into the bathroom where she kicks off her shoes and starts peeling the stockings off her legs. "Don't do that, Cal," she says with censure.

  I rake my hands through my hair in frustration, tilt my face upward to the ceiling, and pull in a deep breath. When I let it out, I follow her retreating form. "What are you so afraid of?" I ask her with annoyance as she slips the lacy panties down her legs. "That I might fall deeply in love with you if we happen to share the same bed at night?"

  She shoots me a sharp look and turns the shower on. While the water warms, she takes the bustier off and tosses it carelessly to the floor. "Of course not. There's nothing remotely lovable about me, so I'm not worried."

  And whoa, fuck! That causes a sharp pain to pierce my chest. Because while Macy used to irritate the ever-loving shit out of me at one point, I have since found many wonderful and lovable things about her. It's tragic that she doesn't even see that about herself.

  "Then what is it?" I press her on the subject.

  She ignores me and steps into the shower, so I follow right behind her. Macy steps under the spray, tilts that regal face to the water, and lets it pour over her. Pressing my body up to her, I bring my hands around and cup her breasts. "Tell me," I murmur as I step back a fraction to pull her out from under the water so it's no longer hitting her in the face.

  Tilting her head back until it rests on my shoulder, she gives a worn sigh and says, "I'm just not good at that stuff. Never had it and wouldn't know what to do with it. It's just weird to me."

  "How do you know if you don't try?" I ask her simply.

  "I don't want to know," she answers me quickly. "What we have now? What we're doing? That's safe to me."

  "I wouldn't hurt you, Macy. I think you know that about me."

  She turns in my arms, places her hands on my hips, and looks up at me. Water clings to her eyelashes in silvery drops. Her smile is sad. "But I would most definitely hurt you, and while you still annoy me greatly sometimes, I don't want to do that. You've given me too much. Something I never..."

  Her voice falters... trails off. I wait to see if she'll pluck up the courage to continue, but her gaze lowers from mine.

  I'm at a crossroads. We're standing in a warm shower, having just fucked each other raw, and walls are a bit lowered. If I push... I think I could get her to tell me what's at the core of her hesitation. I could probably force it out of her by continuing to poke and pick.

  But I sense this isn't the right way to handle Macy. While she has undoubtedly opened up to me, I still equate her to a spooked animal that would just as easily retreat to a dark recess if threatened. So I let my brilliant mind tumble for a bit, and decide to come at her a different way.

  "Let's do this," I say carefully. "Let's make an exchange of services. I'll give you something you really want, and you give me something I really want."

  I can see this interests her as her lips curve upward and her eyes shine with excitement. "Anything I want?"

  "Within reason," I clarify. "It can't land me in jail."

  "And what is the one thing you want?" she asks cautiously.

  "One entire night with you. Dinner, drinks, conversation... lots of fucking... then we sleep together all night in the same bed."

  Because yeah... that's the one thing that Macy isn't willing to give that I really want.

  She draws that plump lower lip in between her teeth and cuts her gaze to the wall, considering my proposition. Perhaps considering what it is she truly wants from me that I might not be willing to give her otherwise. Because fuck... after that session with me pounding a dildo into her ass, she has to know there isn't much I wouldn't give her.

  "Okay," she says suddenly, turning a brilliant smile back to me. "I've got it."

  I raise my eyebrows up, a silent request that she let me in on it.

  "I want you to go to a fantasy sex club with me," she says emphatically. "Then I want you to fuck me in front of everyone."

  "Are you serious?" I blurt out.

  She casually shrugs. "It's a fantasy of mine. If you aren't comfortable when we get there, you can leave."

  Now, I'll admit... I'm intrigued. Frankly, I'm also a bit scared, because while going to a club like that isn't ex
actly the worst of taboo sex, it's not something I would like to be known about me. My career could be seriously marred if I were ever seen somewhere like that. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with that," I tell her truthfully, even though the thought of fucking her in front of strangers is thrilling. I imagine faceless people watching us... turning them on... causing them to want to fuck because of what we're doing to each other.

  "What's your hesitation?" she asks bluntly.

  "Not interested in getting outed at one of these things."

  "It's all anonymous. Masks and all that," she assures me.

  "Have you ever been before?"

  She shakes her head. "No, but I've always wanted to. Just never had someone I trusted to go with before. And if you get there and are uncomfortable, you can leave. I obviously would never force you to do something that weirded you out."

  "And would you be leaving with me?" I ask dubiously, because the thought of me leaving her behind to get fucked by someone else isn't setting well.

  "I told you I'd be monogamous while we were together," she snaps at me, as if my question was ludicrous.

  But it's not. Not really.

  While Macy did indeed offer monogamy, I'm not sure she will actually hold to it. And that has everything to do with the fact that she's still such an enigma to me, I can't put one hundred percent trust in her at this point.

  "And if I go with you, and then decide not to go through with it, I don't get my night alone with you?" I ask cautiously, because I feel the need to make sure everything is ironed out in exacting detail with her.

  "If you go with me... give it an honest appraisal, and then decide to back out, I'll consider your end of the bargain fulfilled. You still get your night with me."

  Well, that's a fucking no-lose situation for me.

  "Done," I say quickly as I pull her in closer and before she can realize that she just made a deal that is totally to my benefit and not hers.

  Leaning down, I capture her lips to seal the bargain. Her tongue slips inside my mouth, and the kiss is erotically sweet. Tempting without inflaming me. It's the type of kiss that could go on forever and you'd never get tired of it or want to come up for air, but would rather be content to let it ride for hours.

  I half expect Macy to break away, because the kiss is warmly intimate, an emotion she seems to shy away from. It's definitely why she has to be bribed just to stay an evening in my bed.

  But she doesn't.

  She continues to kiss me as we stand under the hot water spray, and it feels fucking fantastic.

  Chapter 12

  I stare at my computer screen, the lines and lines of research seeming to blur together. I've been trying to read this Court of Appeals case for the last half hour, but none of it's sinking in.

  Because, as usual, I have Macy on the brain.

  I ended up fucking her slowly up against the shower wall after we sealed our exchange-of-fantasies deal, then we ordered some appetizers from room service, after which we fucked again. And then, because Macy has intimacy issues, we both left and went our separate ways.

  And I have to wonder... if she thinks about me throughout the day, the way I am so obviously obsessing about her.

  My cell phone ringing startles me, and I pick it up from the charger on my desk. I can't help the little trip of excitement when I see Macy's name on the Caller ID.


  She is clearly thinking about me at this moment, maybe not in the frustratingly intrigued way that I am thinking about her, but still... she's the one calling me.

  "Hey," I say as I answer the phone.

  "Hey stud," she purrs, and my pulse starts slamming inside my constricted veins. "What are you doing?"

  "Legal research," I say, the lie tripping out of my mouth.

  Because telling her I was thinking about what makes a woman like her tick would surely send her running fast.

  "Well, I was thinking dirty things about you," she says, and that perks up my dick's interest.

  "Like what?" I glance toward my open office door, wishing it were closed. The thought of her talking dirty to me while I jacked off has a certain appeal.

  "I made reservations for us for Saturday night at Voyeur," she murmurs.

  And I don't even have to ask what that is. It has to be the sex club she wants to take me to. I can figure this out not only from the name, but also from the annoying fact that Macy doesn't seem to want to go anywhere else with me in public, so I know it can't be a trendy New York eatery.

  "What time should I pick you up?" I ask, my chest squeezing with nerves and excitement at the same time. I'm still not sure this is a great idea, but I promised her I'd try. And as I mentioned before, there isn't anything I wouldn't try for her if it gives her pleasure.

  Because I get off on giving her pleasure.

  "I'll text you the address," she says. "Meet me there at nine."

  I don't bother to argue. It would be futile. So instead, I ask, "Are we going to see each other before then?"

  She's silent for just a moment, but I'm rewarded with clear regret in her voice. "I can't. I have to have dinner with my parents tonight, and then tomorrow, Mac and I have plans."

  Yup... that's clear disappointment I'm feeling at having to wait another two days until I can see Macy, and it's not just disappointment at having to wait to fuck her again. I'd really just like to... well, talk to her, I guess.

  "Care to get together for lunch?" I throw out.

  "I'm sorry," she says, and fuck... she actually sounds sorry. Maybe even a little sad. "It wouldn't be a good idea."

  A knock on my door jerks my attention from Macy and I'm startled to see Matt standing there, just inside the threshold. I hold my finger up at him to indicate I need just a moment, and then I spin my chair to give him my back. "Alright... I'll see you on Saturday then."

  "I can't wait," she breathes into the phone, and then she's gone.

  "Am I interrupting?" I hear Matt say, and I startle again, completely forgetting he was there.

  I turn my chair back around and wave him in my office.

  For the life of me, I can't imagine why he's here.

  Yes, Mac and I rent office space from him, and so we work not less than a hundred feet from each other. But in the two years that I've had this office, Matt hasn't once ever stepped foot in here. And why would he? We're not friends. We're not business colleagues. The only thing we have in common is a mutual love and respect for Mac, and it's not something that we need to discuss. It's just understood.

  "What's up?" I ask as he walks in and shuts the door.

  This surprises me, because that means whatever he wants to say to me is private. My insides clench, because while Matt and I have been able to maintain a sort of casual acquaintance recently, I can't imagine anything that would require him to have a serious conversation with me.

  He walks to one of the chairs sitting opposite of my desk and sits down, casually crossing one leg over the other. He's the epitome of cool collection--a man that has everything going right in his life--and he wears that self-esteem like a coat of armor. It's actually a little intimidating, especially when I will never be able to look at him without remembering the way Marissa climbed on my cock when I was drunk.

  Or the way I almost puked in my mouth when I confessed all to Matt.

  Or the way my eyes bore burst blood vessels in them for two weeks after Matt beat the shit out of me.

  "I saw you and Macy together at The Heritage last night," he says coolly. "Mac and I were in the bar having a drink after dinner with some friends."

  My stomach flips over, gets queasy, and I break out into a clammy sweat. He must have seen us as we walked through the lobby together, my hand resting intimately on her lower back because I was fucking compelled to touch her in some way. "Did Mac see us?"

  Matt blinks at me in surprise. "No. She had her back to you."

  I let out a sigh of relief and scrape my fingers through my hair. Why the fuck is Macy insisting this st
ay a secret? I'm not good at secrets, as evidence by the way that I eagerly confessed my sin of fucking Marissa to Matt, even though he would have probably never found out.

  "What's going on with you two?" Matt asks suspiciously, no doubt on edge by the fact I'm relieved to have kept this a secret from Mac.

  "What the fuck do you think is going on?" I ask him in annoyance. "You saw us leaving a hotel together."

  "You two are seeing each other?" he asks in surprise, and while I think he probably got the gist of it, I can still tell the concept is foreign to him.

  "No," I tell him in resignation. "We are not seeing each other."

  "Oh," he says in equal relief, but I'm not about to lead him on. Like I said, I don't lie well... especially to Matt.

  "We're fucking each other," I tell him with a direct look. "Isn't that what you suggested we do?"

  Matt's mouth drops open in astonishment. "Well... yeah, but I didn't think you'd take me seriously, though."

  "It's just sex," I grit out. "Nothing more."

  "But Macy doesn't do repeats," Matt says in confusion. "I'm not understanding here."

  "What's to understand?" I practically sneer in frustration. "The woman likes me fucking her. She won't let me take her out to dinner, and she won't sleep with me at night, but she likes my cock well enough to keep coming back for more."

  "Whoa," Matt says with his lips curved upward slightly. "Someone's a little angsty over this. Care to enlighten me?"

  "Just fucking forget it," I spit out at him. "We're not friends, so don't pretend to really care about this."

  "But Mac and Macy are friends," he retorts almost menacingly as he leans forward in his chair. "And clearly, you think this whole thing is wrong or otherwise, you wouldn't be keeping it a secret from her."

  I stand up from my desk abruptly, my chair rolling back and slamming into the credenza behind me. Leaning forward, I slap my hands on my desk and snarl, "I'm not the one that wants to keep it secret from your wife. That's all Macy's doing."

  "But Macy tells Mac everything," he says thoughtfully, rubbing his finger on his chin.

  "Look... just forget you saw us," I say as I pull my chair back and sink down into it. I don't look back at Matt again; I just pull my chair forward and start flipping through a file on my desk, trying my best to ignore him.

  "Yeah, not going to happen," he says, and I don't even have to look up to see the slight grin on his face. That annoys the fuck out of me.