
  “What’s his name?” I asked still glaring at my mom, lying in the hospital bed. I felt like punching her I was so mad.

  Mom thought for a moment. “His name is going to be S-” She stopped talking abruptly. My mother tilted her head, as if she was listening for something.

  “J-Jason.” She said nervously.

  I held her gaze. “Are you sure? You don’t sound sure.”

  “I’m sure darling.” Mother lay her head down on the pillow. Later I learned that Hera had been talking to my mom, telling her that if she wanted Jason to live or something, she would give her his life and name him Jason, after her favorite hero.

  “Run along alright? There’s money in my purse for a snack at the vending machine.”

  I didn’t want her poisoned money, but I was hungry. Grudgingly I took two dollar bills out of her wallet. The least amount of money I could take from her, and still get a good snack.

  I settled for Doritos, which were cheaper then I imagined they would be. As they slid out of the machine with a THUNK! And I bent down to grab them, I had the chilly feeling something was happening. Something…not right. I stood straight up, as if I’d just gotten zapped with Zeus’ Master Bolt.

  Then I heard a loud anguished cry- my mom- from all the way up on the fourth floor. I was only on the first floor- how could I hear her from all the way down here? It had to be Zeus/Jupiter opening up my ears to hear her. I really wish he hadn’t.

  I covered my ears and dropped the Doritos to the floor. I had to help her! I left my snack lying on the floor and dashed for the elevator. No, that would take too long.

  I heard a little boy ask him mom, as they sat in the lobby, “Mommy, what’s wrong with her?” They must have thought I was a deranged hospital patient. Great.

  I veered sharply to the left and took the stairs, two at a time. I burst into my mother’s room to find her holding a little baby too her chest. She was trembling but she seemed okay.

  “Mom?” I asked worriedly. She smiled at me, her pearly whites comforting me. “It’s alright Thalia. Come see your baby brother- Jason.”

  He was the cutest thing ever. His tiny hands reached toward me, and I knew he was destined for great things. “Hello Jason.” I took the baby from my mom and held him in my arms.

  Mom sighed contentedly and sank into sleep. She needed it. Jason scrunched himself into a little ball, like he was trying to turn invisible and then popped out and I laughed. I laughed for the first time in a long time.