Instead, they saw Zeus who looked like he had just stayed on the beach too long. In the most ungruesome way to describe it: Very bad sunburns. His face was steaming and his clothes were blackened. “Stop that!” He roared at the sky. He summoned lightning again and this time they could see it go into the chains. “No- stop!” Demeter wailed. She strained against her chains in vain.

  The magic waited for a few seconds, and then shot the energy back down at Zeus. Ares looked totally fascinated with the torture devices.

  Zeus screamed and the energy engulfed him, covering him in light. When it stopped Zeus looked like he’d been thrown into Hephaestus’ sacred fire. Hestia blinked, like she was thinking.

  “I might not try that again.” The god admitted.

  Dionysus stirred. “What? Where? Logan Catso. I should have known.” He grumbled.

  Athena was the only one who caught what he said. “Who’s Logan Catso?” She demanded.

  Dionysus yawned lazily. “Oh a boy from the stupid camp father makes me run…His name could be Lance Cooper…or Little Callester….I have no idea.”

  Hermes looked up from staring at the floor. “What about…Luke Castellan?” He asked. Ares nodded his agreement, “I know that boy.”

  Dionysus nodded. “Oh- I remember now. It was Luke Castellan. He’s here. I can sense his presence. I wonder why in the world he’d be listening to us.”

  Athena turned pale, and Artemis moved arms a little, reaching for an arrow that wasn’t there. Apollo didn’t look like he was enjoying whatever he was thinking about.. None of the Olympians were except for Hades who was grinning like it was Summer Vacation for the middle schoolers.

  “If you’re all wondering, no I can’t control this gold. It has a sense of power- that even I can not tap into, or control.” The Lord of the Dead said helpfully.

  Hermes cried out unexpectedly. “No! It should have been later! It should have happened later!” Poseidon was the only one that spoke.

  “What should have happened? Do you know something we don’t Hermes?”

  Apollo laughed weakly. “Oh I know all about it too.”

  Hermes threw daggers at him- with his words. “You knew? How could you? Why?”

  Apollo closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. Green light absorbed his eyeballs and mist spilled from his mouth.

  A half-blood of the eldest gods

  Shall reach sixteen against all odds

  And see the world in endless sleep

  The hero’s soul cursed blade shall reap

  A simple choice shall end his days

  Olympus to preserve or raze

  Apollo closed his eyes again and then he was back to normal. “Sorry about that.” He grinned.

  “What was that?” Aphrodite asked aghast. Her makeup was smeared.

  Hades face grew dark. “That was his brilliant oracle speaking through him. Seeing as we don’t have Rachel Elizabeth Dare with us, when we need a good prophecy, here he comes.” He obviously still had a grudge against the Oracles of Apollo.

  Hermes was still looking pretty pale. “Guys…that is defiantly Luke Castellan…my son…” His voice broke.

  “Oh, Hermes. It will be okay.” Demeter promised. Hera nodded as well.

  Athena’s face twisted until it looked like she was going to burst. “If this is what I think it means…” She shook her head.

  Artemis looked annoyed. “Can someone tell me what’s going on without breaking into hysterics?” Hestia remained quiet but she shook her head.

  “I could do that.” A new voice moved into the chambers. The figure of Luke Castellan moved to the center of the room.

  Hermes gasped. “Luke! Your okay!” Luke glared at him. “I’m not Luke!” He didn’t sound too sure of himself.

  Aphrodite sighed. “Oh, you’ve gotten better looking since last time at least. I mean, you managed to comb your hair and gel it before you came here.”

  Hephaestus gripped at the chains, looking as if he might snap them. He hated it when his wife commented on how good other men looked.

  Luke looked embarrassed for a moment. Then he moved to were Aphrodite was hanging and touched her arm. She literally froze in time.

  Poseidon held back a gasp of shock. Zeus quivered with rage. “It can’t be!” He muttered under his breath. Hestia who had been so quiet all this time shook her head. She didn’t say anything but all the Olympians could read her thoughts.

  Dionysus heaved his chest impatiently. “Really? Must I say it out loud, while none of you will?” His tone made it clear that he was bored.

  Luke smiled unpleasantly, a smile that definitely was not his. “No, I can say it. Would the audience like that?”

  Athena growled. “I know what you are. You’re a monster!” Demeter voiced Athena’s words. “Athena is right. We already overtook you- you had you’re chance! Let us go! Athena- he’s totally a monster.”

  Luke tilted his head. “Nice try, but no. I’m your grandpa.” He turned waiting to see the reactions on the younger gods.

  Apollo frowned. “Who are you exactly? I’m still not putting this together. If you’re just a kid how did you defeat us so easily?” Artemis tilted her head at her brother. She already knew.

  Luke’s left hand twitched like it wanted to tell them something, but it was too late. For a moment, his voice changed- to something that actually sounded like it belonged in his body.

  “No, listen- he’s K-”

  Then his other voice came back. Poseidon realized it was not Luke’s voice talking. He’d never heard the boy before, but it sounded too ancient, too raspy to be this young man’s vocal talents.


  Luke rolled his eyes. “Well, alright I’ll say it. I’m Kronos you insolent fool! Bow before my greatness, or I will simply freeze you in time forever! The gods will crumble and Mount Olympus will fall. Serve me or be destroyed!”

  Poseidon blinked. He was back in the ocean with Oceanus standing over him. Which option will it be? A voice whispered in his mind.

  Oceanus was smiling like he’d already won. Poseidon looked up, his eyes filled with rage. You could see hurricanes smashing into islands reflecting in his iris. His worst storms brewing all at once.

  Oceanus didn’t seem to notice. He was busy talking to one of his kraken. “I’ve weakened the silly Sea god. He is failing. Go, and alert your soldiers to attack on the west side.”

  Poseidon slammed the butt of his trident into Oceanus’ knee. He doubled over in pain, and Poseidon put all he had into his trident. A blast swept threw out the sea and later it was reported of several unexplained hurricanes sweeping across lands, causing mass destruction and chaos.

  Oceanus fell and Poseidon used his trident as a choking rod. “Get back to where you came from. Tell Kronos I’ll be expecting him.” Poseidon raised his trident once more, green and blue energy rippling around it. Oceanus looked weary but his eyes held vengeance.

  “This is not the last of me. I will find more monsters to throw at you, I will-” The Sea god slammed his trident down and Oceanus disappeared as a monster would. He wasn’t defeated, but he was delayed.

  Poseidon sat down on the steps of his temple exhausted. The kraken that had been there earlier lay on the ground, dead. He looked up and saw Tyson standing over its body, munching a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  “Daddy, it coming for you when you were fighting the bad guy.” Tyson sat down, making cracks appear in the stair ways. Poseidon waved his hand and they mended.

  He smiled at his Cyclops son. “Thank you Tyson. You were brave- but if something had happened to you, I don’t know what I would do.”

  Tyson took another bite out of his sandwich. “Nothing happen bad daddy. Don’t worry about Percy. He will be fine. Percy is brave. And he is also smart!”

  For now, the ocean was safe. Mount Olympus was safe. Poseidon clapped his son on the back, trying to forget his vision. “You did a good job son. Now, let’s go get something to eat? I expect you’re
still hungry.”

  Lee’s First Quest

  Warning: Longer Story! Not as short as the normal ones. From page 45 (on Microsoft Word anyways, no idea how it shows up on Smash words) to page 65. Skip to 65 and see if that’s in the next story if you really don’t want to read a longer story. (I hope you want to read it though.) Okay, continue reading! 