They sat at the table in silence, looking at each other, no one moving very much. Zayn looked at Nasir from across the table. Both were pale in complexion; both looked like they were about to snap. “No one has brought back any intel on her? Nothing at all?”

  Nasir shook his head slowly. “It’s like she vanished out of the facility. We didn’t see any blood trails, nothing. If she walked out of there then there should have been some tracks leaving the facility.”

  Adara slowly ate her peas, trying to decide if she should speak. “Have you thought of maybe a tracker? Maybe someone who’s had her blood recently can locate her?” Both men looked at her in shock.

  “Why didn’t we think of that before?” Zayn said as he put his fork down and looked at Adara. “Do you know who has fed from her?”

  Adara slowly nodded at the two men. “Her and Kevin, they kind of have been, well… known. If anyone has, it’s him.”

  “The bar owner? Seriously, my okht has been with him?!?”

  “Yeah, I know. He’s her usual when she isn’t in the mood to hunt. Want me to go ask him?” Adara offered.

  “No, I will be going there myself. You can come if you would like, but I want to see his face when I ask him and inform him she is missing. We are going right now.” Zayn pushed away from the table, grabbing Adara’s hand and pulling her with him. “Nasir, we will be back. Standby for further instructions.”

  Zayn and Adara made their way to his car. Quickly, they pulled out of the driveway and drove to Kevin’s club, Impact. “How long have they been, well, using each other?”

  “I’m not sure; I know it has been for a while. I was the one who told her she needed someone steady so she didn’t always have to hunt. I know the other night when she met Derrik she was in a hunting mood. Had she just listened to me, none of this would have happened. I should have pushed her harder. I was a fool for thinking she would be okay hunting every time she got angry. I just hate myself for not forcing her.”

  “You know this is not because of you, right? None of this is your fault. It’s mine. I yelled at her the night she went to the club. Did she tell you about that?” Zayn asked.

  “She said you two had something, but she didn’t get into detail. She just wanted to drink and hunt.” Adara looked out of the window while speaking, not wanting him to see the shame she felt. They exited the highway and pulled into the club. The parking attendants scrambled to attention when they saw their King. A trusted few at the club knew their identity, mainly for Nikole’s safety. Zayn stormed through the front doors and headed upstairs, Adara chasing behind him.

  “Everyone downstairs,” Zeus bellowed when he saw the King approaching. The patrons scattered as Zayn and Adara walk to the bar.

  Kevin came up, a bit intimidated, and looking rather confused. “Sire,” he said, bowing his head in reverence. “How may I assist you tonight?”

  Zayn looked around to make sure everyone had vacated the area. “Have you and my okht exchanged blood in the past?”

  Kevin looked from the King to Adara, confused as to why they would both be there, or that they were here together, and why they would care about this. “Yes your highness, we have in the past. Have I offended you?”

  Zayn let out a low growl. “Have you and my okht exchanged blood in the last week?” Kevin started to shake his head slowly. “It’s been about two weeks, Sire, since Nikole and I…” the King put his hand up, stopping Kevin’s sentence.

  Zayn turned to Adara. “I don’t think it will work; it’s been too long. Are you sure there is no one else?” Adara looked up and started thinking of all the men the two women had associated with in the last year.

  “Excuse me, Sire, what is this about? What isn’t going to work?” Kevin asked starting to worry. “Is Nikole alright?”

  They both ignored Kevin and continued talking among themselves. Kevin was furious; he slammed his hand down causing a few glasses to fall off the ledge and break. “Excuse me, what the fuck is going on with Nikole?”

  Silenced, they both turned and looked at Kevin, Zayn clearing his throat. “The night she was in here last, you remember she met someone, Derrik. He kidnapped her.”

  Kevin looked at them in shock. Adara spoke next. “They tortured her, and now we can’t find her. She is missing. We need someone to track her.” Adara noticed Zayn’s eyes, the yellow flakes starting to appear. This conversation wasn’t helping his mood. She placed her hands on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

  “Let me try and track her. I know it’s been two weeks and that’s a long time, but I have to try and help. We are friends,” Kevin begged.

  “Your help will be useless. It’s been over a week. You know we cannot track anything beyond that time. If my soldiers couldn’t find her than there is no point of you trying,” Zayn said as he turned to leave while Kevin came from behind the bar and jumped in front of Zayn putting his hands out onto the King’s chest.

  “Stop, I can help. You have to let me try. You have to!” Kevin pleaded. Zayn looked at him with a cautious glare. “She means something to you?” he asked. Kevin nodded, his pain evident. Zayn acknowledged his feelings. “Come at the break of dawn to our house. We will all leave together. Let’s hope for her sake you can sense her.” Zayn took Adara’s hand and pulled her out. “Don’t be late.”

  Back in the car, Adara looked over to Zayn. “What do we do if he can’t find her?”

  Zayn placed his right hand on her left hand, squeezing it in comfort. “We have to pray that he can.” They sat in silence for the remainder of the trip, their hands still grasped together. Pulling into the driveway Zayn softly spoke. “Thank you for accompanying me, this would be that much harder if I were doing this alone.”

  “It was my pleasure. Um, Zayn, it’s getting late. I should probably head home. Will you keep me informed of what happens?”

  Zayn thought for a moment. He didn’t really want her to leave. “You can stay in a guest room here if you like. That way you don’t have to come back in the morning. It’ll make things easier on you.”

  Adara hesitated at the offer, unsure of how to react and what to say. “Oh, yeah, sure, that would be great. Thank you.”

  “Come inside. I’ll show you the spare room. It’s right across the hall from mine.” They got out of the car, both nervous about the conversation that had just happened. Walking up the staircase in silence, Zayn brought her to the room directly in front of his bedchamber. Looking at her, he said, “Anything, anything you need, dial *3 and they will help you. I’m at *1 if you need something from me.” He took her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. “Good night, Adara, and thank you again.”

  Adara shut the door to the room she was staying in; she wasn’t quite sure what to make of anything. Her best friend was missing, maybe dead, and she was staying in her house and getting friendly with her akh, the King. Something didn’t feel right about this. She stripped her clothes off, folding them neatly, and put them on the dresser. Climbing into bed, she noticed the sheets. They were so soft, like Egyptian cotton. Laying her head against the pillow, her mind wandered as she drifted off to sleep. The last image she remembered was Zayn’s face.

  The sun crept up slowly over the horizon. Zayn and Adara paced back and forth in the foyer, waiting for Kevin to arrive. Minutes ticked by in what seemed to take forever. “Where is he?” Zayn questioned.

  “I am sure he will be here shortly, Zayn.”

  “If he doesn’t get here…” the doorbell rang, cutting Zayn off. They raced to open it. Kevin stood there, ready and willing to go hunt for Nikole.

  “Nasir, it’s time. Let’s roll out,” Zayn said, turning to Adara. “I want you to stay; I don’t want you getting hurt. I will keep you updated on anything that happens.”

  Adara thought to protest then bit her tongue; she was a guest and had no choice. Nodding, she said, “Be safe, you all. I’ll be waiting.” She turned and walked off, passing Nasir on his way in.

  Nasir watched her walk out of the room and looked to Zayn. Ignoring what he was seeing play out, he spoke up. “Okay, let’s go; we don’t have much time if this is going to work.” Loading in the cars, they headed back to the mountains.

  The trip to the facility was traveled in silence. Kevin couldn’t stop his mind from racing, all the different things he might see, or that might happen to Nikole. They had been friends going on almost 60 years and occasionally lovers. Kevin felt in his gut that something bad was going to happen. Lying back in the seat, he closed his eyes. He could see Nikole’s beautiful hair flowing over her shoulders, her smooth skin with the golden tan.

  “Hey there, what can I get you tonight?” Kevin asked the woman who just sat at the bar.

  “I will take a Martini, dry.”

  “Coming right up.” Kevin mixed her drink not taking his eyes off of her. “Are you new in town?” he asked, pushing the martini across the slick counter to her.

  “No, but this is the first time I’ve been here. I’m Nikole, what’s your name Mr.


  He smiled at her, liking the sound of her voice, its soothing nature. “It’s Kevin, and I’m more than a bartender; I own this place.”

  Blinking back the memories, Kevin turned and watched the mountains. So much time had passed since that night. He should have told her how he felt long ago. Now she might be gone forever and he may never have the chance to tell her the truth about his feelings. “We’re here,” he heard Zayn say. He thought to himself, it’s show time.

  Getting out of the car, they hiked up to the facility as Kevin focused on feeling for Nikole. He closed his eyes, breathing in the air, let his mind clear, and tried to follow his instinct. He could smell something, taste it in his mouth. With his eyes shut, he started walking, following a trail. He led Zayn and Nasir through the building, stopping in the room where Nasir found her strand of hair. “I can’t sense her past this point.” He let out a sigh. Zayn and Nasir looked to each other, frowning.

  “You sure you can’t feel her past this spot?” Nasir asked.

  “No, it is as if everything has been washed away, no trail or anything.” Zayn cursed and walked off punching a wall. “SHIT, Nasir!”

  Kevin felt like he had missed something but sat back quietly.

  “Okay Kevin, thank you for trying. The King and I appreciate your help. Let’s get you home.”

  As they headed back to the house, Zayn realized the chances of seeing his okht again were getting slimmer.