Zayn leaned in and kissed Adara’s cheek while watching the sunlight slowly fill his room. He could feel her stirring in his arms, the night playing over and over in his mind. He was unsure of what to do to fix the fight with his okht. He loved her but he couldn’t let Adara go. Adara felt responsible for the fight. Was this what life was going to be like, the two women in his life always at odds with each other? Surely not, they were best friends. Nikole would come to reason and understand that she couldn’t be mad at them. It just wasn’t logical; they needed each other. She had to get over it. Zayn watched Adara roll over, smiling at him. This was a sight he wanted to see every time he woke up. 

   “Good Morning, Beautiful,” he said as he leaned in, kissing her soft lips.

  She moaned into the kiss, forgetting the rest of the world as he melted her body with his roaming tongue. “Mhmm. Yes, it is a good morning. Did you sleep well, my King?”

  Zayn laughed at her comment then rolled on his back, bringing her body along with his. Her hair fell down around his face as he took his hand and brushed it out of the way. “Yes, I did. What about you? I didn’t wake you up or anything when I had to get up in the middle of the night did I? I hope not.”

  She shook her head no, looking down at him grinning like a teenage school girl. “No, you wore me out. I slept like a rock.”

  Zayn ran his hand down her side to her ass and cupped it. “One sexy rock, if I do say so.” He gave her a small spank, making her jump and laugh at the same time. 

  “What made you get up in the middle of the night? I didn’t snore did I?” Leaning up Adara shook her hair back and looked around for her clothes.

  “No,” Zayn said as his hands started to explore his woman’s body as he stared up at her. “Alec showed up last night, looking for Nikole. He was worried she was hurt. Apparently he gave her some blood and could feel our fight. He ended up staying over, but he is going home today. I don’t want a stranger in my home.”

  Adara looked at him with a confused expression. “What if Nikole wants him around? Are you still going to make him leave? Maybe he would be good for her. I’m sure she is going to need to feed again, and well, it’s not like you can feed her.”

  He ignored her, pulling her down to him and placing kisses across her collar bone. “Mhmm, I think you need to feed.” He scraped his teeth across her skin watching as goose bumps popped up. Licking her skin and teasing her playfully, he heard her let out a soft moan as her hands ran through his hair.

  “I think we should go check on your okht. She was very upset last night. I could hear you two fighting. Come on.” Adara tried to wiggle out of his hold, making him hold her tighter.

  “Just give me ten minutes. I promise you won’t regret them. Please.” He kissed down her chest while she kept wiggling.

  “No, Zayn, come on.” Breaking his embrace, she saw disappointment on his face and laughed. “I promise later, baby, you and I will finish this.” Leaning over, she kissed him quickly before jumping out of the bed and collecting her clothes, slipping them on as he watched her with a hunger he didn’t understand. Zayn sighed. How could he want her so badly? It was like he hadn’t lived before she entered his world. She leaned over and slipped her jeans on and he damn near died, her firm body, the muscles and curves. Completely engulfed in her beauty, he didn’t notice her laughing at him. She grabbed a pillow off the floor and tossed it at him. 

  “Hey, focus. My eyes are up here!” Laughing at him, she crawled back in bed and let him wrap her in his arms, kissing her with a new passion he’d never felt. 

  “I can’t help it, Adara. You captivate my every sense.” Adara moved out of the bed and pulled on his hand for him to join her. She tossed him his pants and headed to the bathroom to fix her hair. Zayn dressed then, quickly looked for his cell phone, and noticed he had missed a call from Nasir. Maybe he had more information on the person who was killed at Adara’s home. Adara rejoined him and they walked out of his room together. Zayn led her down to the living room where he last saw Nikole. 

  “Looks like she is awake,” Adara said when she noticed the blanket still laid out on the couch. 

  “Yeah, it does. Wonder where she is.” Zayn brought Adara’s hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it when he heard something outside. It sounded like people yelling. “Excuse me; I’m going to see what’s got everyone yelling. I’ll be right back.” He left her exploring the book shelves and headed outside. 

   “How would he have known we lived here? This is too much; I am not safe anywhere! I want to go back with you. Right now let’s just leave; I don’t have anything keeping me here.” Nikole told Alec as they were making their way back to the front of the mansion.

  “What is this about you leaving?” Zayn said as he heard them come around the corner. “You’re not going anywhere, Nikole. I won’t let you.”

  Nikole and Alec stopped at the sound of Zayn’s voice. “Oh, like you have a say in this. You abandoned me three days ago while I was being tortured! I am going home with Alec. At least no one can find me there, and I can heal.”

  Zayn was confused at where this paranoia was coming from. “Nikole, no one is going to get you here. What are you so worried about? I refuse to let you go somewhere we don’t have complete access to with a total stranger.”

  Alec followed behind Nikole as she marched up to her akh. “Oh, you will protect me you say. Where were you were when someone broke onto our property? Tell me that, mister King. Where were you? Oh yes, let me think, in bed with my best friend!” Nikole yelled out to her akh.

   Zayn placed his arms on Nikole’s shoulders just to have her push him off of her. “Nikole, what are you talking about? No one broke in! It must have been a nightmare, you’re safe, I promise!”

  She pushed against him. “No, I’m not. Go look at the fence line and see what the dogs found, and they killed him, one of the men who tortured me. He was here, Zayn, on our land, next to our home! I can’t stay; I am leaving and going with Alec while I’m still alive.”

  Alec came up behind Nikole and placed his arms around her waist protectively, “Zayn, they did attack someone. I will have to check the news feed back home to verify that it is the same person, but he was definitely on your grounds. Nikole will be safe with me. No one knows where I live but you and Nasir.” Alec pushed at the small of Nikole’s back and they moved past Zayn and into the house. 

   Zayn reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, calling Nasir while following after his okht. “Nasir, there was a break in. Go check it out. How the fuck does someone get on my property?! The dogs killed him, but you find out who was on duty, and I want him brought to me NOW!” Hanging up the phone, he walked into the house, calling out to his okht. “Nikole, stop! You can’t leave; you just can’t. Please, I can’t risk losing you again.” 

  Adara stepped out of the living room and Nikole turned to her. “You were with my akh when I was taken. My best friend and you were WITH MY AKH! Did you two even miss me; did you notice I was gone?” Turning to Zayn, Nikole fought back tears. “I’m leaving. It is decided. You cannot control me and it is clear you cannot protect me. Goodbye.” Nikole felt Alec’s hands wrap around her waist and then one hand slip under her legs as he lifted her into his arms and started the climb up the stairwell. She turned her head into his chest as the tears streamed down her face. Adara felt Zayn’s pain and he could feel hers. Zayn moved to her and pulled her close as they both stood in silence as the most important person to them moved out of sight.