Page 26 of Siren Enslaved

  Dani shrank back. He might need a hug, but every signal he gave off told her he didn’t want one from her.

  “Here, let me help you up, Sir.” Finn held out a hand.

  Julian stared at it. “I’ll manage on my own.”

  There was the sound of sirens and cars squealing up the road.

  Jimbo held Val in his arms as he looked out the window. “Looks like the cops finally figured it out. Damn, I think that’s Jack Barnes’s truck. That kid there should be glad Finn killed him. I don’t think he would have liked what Barnes would have done with him.”

  Finn knelt next to Julian, who struggled to get the Taser probes out of his chest. Finn reached down to help him, but Julian pushed his hands away.

  “I didn’t tell you to touch me, sub. Back off.” Now Julian’s eyes had some life in them. Unfortunately, it was rage that Dani could see. He was so angry. He pulled the probes out and tugged the collar off. He tossed it away as though it was diseased.

  “Come out with your hands up.” Someone was yelling through a bullhorn. Then Dani could hear someone shouting. “Damn it, Barnes. There’s a protocol involved in this.”

  All she could see at first was a massive gun and then a huge man who looked an awful lot like Ian Taggart was sweeping his way through the room, that big gun in his hand.

  “Clear,” the slightly smaller version of Taggart yelled.

  Jack Barnes’s enormous form suddenly filled the doorway. He held a shotgun in his hands. His green eyes quickly surveyed the space. He looked down at Jeremy and then around the room.

  The blond Viking of a man shouted out to the cops. “We’re going to need a bus! Two if you have them.”

  “Lexi?” Barnes shouted the question through the small cabin. When he finally saw Lexi’s form, his face fell, and the shotgun was on the ground at his side.

  Lucas Cameron shoved his way past his brother. He looked like a younger version of Jack, but his eyes were wild with worry. He was completely unkempt. He stopped when he saw Lexi’s still form.

  “Oh, god, no, no.” He looked like he might fall over.

  “She’s fine.” Dani prayed that she was telling them the truth. “She’s just unconscious.”

  Lucas had tears rolling down his face as he knelt down next to Lexi and pulled her into his lap. He moved her dark hair out of the way and stared down at her.

  “Is there anyone else, or was this bastard working alone?” There was an odd tremble to Jack’s voice, as though he was containing his emotion, afraid to let it out.

  “He was alone. You can bring Abigail in.” Julian’s voice was perfectly steady. It scared the hell out of Dani.

  Jack waved a hand and Abby rushed through the door, followed quickly by Leo and two police officers. Abby was at her daughter’s side in a heartbeat. Lucas had already gotten her bindings undone.

  “Thank god, she has a pulse,” Abby said. Her hands moved up and down her daughter’s body, checking her.

  Lucas wouldn’t let her go. He stood up. “We’re taking her to the hospital.”

  Jack nodded. “I think we should take Julian and Dani, too.”

  “Please, take Danielle. I need to stay and clear up all the legalities. Mr. Taggart, if you don’t mind.” Julian held a hand out to the other Mr. Taggart. With help from the new guy, Julian managed to get to his feet. Every movement was careful and seemed to take something out of him, but his face remained perfectly placid. “Sean, I would like a report, please. I take it you were with Jackson in Dallas when the call came in? Did you break land speed records?”

  Sean Taggart inclined his head. “We were already on our way back and I know a few shortcuts. My Scout moves faster than you think it would. When we realized Lexi was likely being held here in Willow Fork, we made excellent time. Ian is on his way.”

  “Excellent,” Julian said, completely ignoring everything around him, including her. “Go and make sure the ambulance is on the way and then call your brother and have him meet Jackson at the hospital. I want someone watching over them.”

  “No, I’m not going to the hospital until you do,” Dani said.

  Julian didn’t look at her, but his spine straightened. “You will do exactly what I tell you to. You will go with Jackson and get yourself checked out.” He looked to the man he’d called Sean Taggart. “Please inform the EMTs that she was hit several times, and he used a cattle prod on her, not to mention the fact that he drugged her. They need to check her for nerve damage. She was hung like a side of beef for far too long. She needs blood tests and a thorough physical.”

  “I don’t need anything but you.” Dani felt herself choking up. Julian’s coldness felt worse somehow than the damn cattle prod. He’d come for her. He’d put himself in danger for her. Why wasn’t he holding her?

  Finn’s arms came around her. “The ambulance isn’t going to be able to get through. It’ll be faster to drive out.”

  “Sean, if you don’t mind,” Julian said.

  “I can get them out of here quickly. I’ll make sure they’re safe,” Sean promised.

  They were leaving Julian?

  Finn nodded Sean’s way. “Come on, Dani. We’ll get in the truck. You and Lexi need to get checked out. Jim, can you bring Val?”

  “Yes,” Jimbo said, nodding. “I think the drive will do her some good. I have a few things to say to her.”

  Val’s eyes got wide. “I don’t know what it could be.”

  “Nothing you’re going to like hearing, babe. And I think I’m going to start taking after this crowd. You give me trouble, and I’m going to spank that ass of yours.”

  “You jerk. You touch me and I’ll call the cops.”

  Jimbo shrugged. “The cops? You mean my uncle and my best friend? Good luck with that, babe.”

  Jimbo strode out of the cabin, Val bitching in his arms.

  “Come on, Dani.” Finn hauled her up as Lucas walked out of the cabin with Lexi. He turned back to Julian. “You feel free to take care of the legalities, Julian. I’ll take care of my girl.” He looked at the cops in the room who were staring down at the dead body. It was probably the first gunshot homicide they had ever seen. “If you want a statement, I’ll give you one. I killed that fucker because he messed with my girl. That’s my statement, and I’m sticking to it. If you need more, I’ll be at the hospital.”

  Dani watched Julian’s face as Finn carried her out. He stood there, stoic and proud, though Dani knew he’d been utterly broken.

  She might never be able to put him back together.

  * * * *

  “This is how you deal with tragedy?”

  Julian gritted his teeth. Of all the people he didn’t want to deal with at this moment, Leo was the third. Danielle and Finn would be worse, but Leo was definitely not someone he wanted to talk to. He’d hoped Leo would stay in the main house. It was just his luck Leo had followed him to the guesthouse where Julian had spent twenty minutes packing his clothes and trying not to look at the bed where he’d taken Danielle and Finn.

  Julian closed his suitcase and glanced at the clock. It had been hours, and there was still no word on when Danielle would be released. He’d spoken to the Taggarts earlier. After he’d finished with the police, he’d sent the entire security team to the hospital. Lexi was still unconscious and, though the doctors believed she would be fine, being kept overnight. Sam had already gone to the hospital by the time Julian had finished with the cops. Danielle was fine, Ian had informed him. They were waiting for her blood work and she would be released.

  Julian intended to be gone long before then.

  He turned to his troublesome employee. “I don’t consider Jeremy’s death a tragedy. I wish we’d killed him when we caught him trying to dose Lucas. As for my exit, I believe it will be easier for everyone to get on with their lives if I head home.”

  Where he would never again try this whole huggy, love crap. The next time Jackson called, he would be busy. Jackson didn’t need him. Samuel didn’t need him. He would treat Leo
as the employee he was from now on, and he would never again take a slave. He would fuck the subs in his club, but they wouldn’t belong to him.

  He’d begged. He’d pleaded. God, he’d known that if Jeremy hurt Danielle the way he’d threatened to, he would have rather died than live knowing what he’d cost her. He couldn’t handle it. He couldn’t be in that position again. It wasn’t worth it.

  “You’re running. Can’t you see that?” Leo asked the question on an exasperated sigh.

  Of course he was running. He was running as fast as his not fully functional legs would take him. If he didn’t, Danielle would be here and he would have to deal with her. Finn would be here, with his hard eyes. He’d felt every inch of Finn’s wrath when he’d carried Danielle out of the cabin that had served as their torture chamber. He certainly hadn’t missed Finn’s pointed use of the word “my” when he talked about Danielle being his girl. Not “our” girl.

  It was far better that way.

  “I prefer to think of it as knowing when I’ve overstayed my welcome.” The next time he needed a vacation, he’d rent an island and go alone.

  “I don’t think Dani and Finn are going to feel the same way.” Leo’s muscular arms were crossed over his chest. “I think they’re going to feel used, Julian.”

  Acid burned in his gut. He knew how Danielle would feel. She would feel small. She would feel confused since he’d given every indication that he wanted her to come with him when he left. If he were in Danielle’s position, he would be very angry. But he wasn’t Danielle. Danielle wouldn’t be angry. Her heart would break.

  “That isn’t my problem. I didn’t sign a contract. I owe them nothing.” The words tasted bitter on his tongue, but it was best to break the tie now. If he didn’t, he worried he would never break the tie. He would never be able to give them up. They would be the ones to leave. He couldn’t handle that.

  “You and your contracts.” Leo’s eyes were rolling in a fashion that got Julian’s back up. “You think those contracts will protect you, but they can’t. If you had Dani and Finn sign a contract, they could still leave you. They could still die or fall in love with someone else or just decide they made a mistake. Believe me, I know. I signed a pretty fucking permanent contract, and years later I was signing divorce papers. Nothing is for certain.”

  And that was precisely why Julian wouldn’t do anything like this again. “Thank you for making my point. As it happens, I’ve changed my mind about contracts. I don’t think I’ll sign another. I think I’ll keep everything casual from now on. Better for everyone.”

  “It sure isn’t better for you. You’re not going to understand a word I say, but I’m going to say it anyway. Nothing is certain, but you got to try, man. You think I’m going to let the fact that my ex cheated deter me from finding someone else, someone to spend my life with? I’m looking. When I find her, I’m sure not going to let past heartaches keep me from future happiness.”

  Julian felt his fists clench. Sanctimonious prick. Leo had no idea what he was talking about. Julian hadn’t had his wife walk out on him. He’d had his world destroyed. First by an accident, and then by his uncle’s neglect.

  Jeremy had merely pointed out to him that it could all happen again. He’d almost taken Danielle from him. The hole in his life would have been huge, and he’d only spent a few days with her. What if he brought Danielle and Finn to live with him? How much would he ache when they left? The only way to protect himself was to not give a shit. Apathy protected him. It protected Danielle and Finn, too. He’d been the one to put them in danger. With the enemies he had, it could happen again. “Stay out of this, Leo.”

  “I’ve stayed out of it for years. What are you so fucking afraid of?”

  A low anger churned in his gut. Leo thought he could psychoanalyze him? Well, he knew a thing or two about his Dom in residence. Leo wasn’t as brave as he made himself out to be. “That is none of your business. And you’re quite the hypocrite to call me out. You have a doctorate, and yet you spend your time in a BDSM club spanking submissives. What a crock. Why don’t we talk about what happened in Afghanistan, Leo? You talk about that, and maybe I’ll think about listening to you. You’ve used my club to hide for years.”

  Leo’s jaw firmed and a low snarl came from the back of his throat. “I might be hiding, but I’m not hurting anyone. I’m not letting people fall in love with me and then dumping them the minute the going gets tough. You know what? You’re a coward.”

  Julian practically teared up in joy. This was what he needed. He reared back and let his fist fly, connecting firmly with Leo’s jaw. The younger man’s head snapped back, but Julian wasn’t through with him. Not by a long shot. He struck again, sending him stumbling back out of the doorway and into the playroom.

  “Stop it, Julian!” Leo growled, holding his bleeding nose. “You hit me one more time, and I’ll hit back.”

  There was nothing he wanted more. He punched Leo straight in his gut and was satisfied when he fell back over the spanking bench.

  “Feel free,” Julian said.

  Leo was on his feet in a second. “Maybe I’ll see if Dani wants to come to Dallas with me. You don’t give a fuck, right? I’d love to get into her panties. So soft. She looks so fucking sweet. Tell me something, Julian. How’s she in the sack?”

  That hurt far worse than a fist to the gut. Julian was determined not to let the asshole see how much that hurt. The thought of his Danielle in Leo’s arms knocked the breath out of him, yet he was a consummate actor. “She’ll be quite suitable after she’s properly trained.”

  There was a soft cry behind him, and Julian caught Leo’s grimace before he turned and saw Danielle, Finn, Jackson, and Taggart standing on the stairs. Danielle’s face was stark white and already tears were leaking. Finn’s hand curled into hers. Finn would always be there, his hand open to her, offering comfort and support.

  Julian’s hands felt so cold.

  “I didn’t think I was that bad.” Danielle’s eyes bore through him.

  “He’s being an ass. He’s scared shitless, and he’s running,” Leo said. “It’s not a reflection on you.” Leo pushed past him. “And yeah, I know, I’m fired. Hell, I quit. If this job is years more of watching you shut everyone out, then I don’t want it. It’s gone past pathetic.”

  Leo strode out of the room.

  Jackson moved to allow the former SEAL to leave, then turned back to Julian. “I take it you’re leaving? Would you even have said good-bye? Forget about the fact that you’re walking out on the people you’ve been sleeping with. You were going to walk out without even finding out whether or not my stepdaughter is alive.”

  “I talked to Taggart earlier.” It sounded like a pitiful excuse even to his ears.

  Jackson was having none of it. “You know, I have always given you the benefit of the doubt. I know a bit about your past, so I let you act like a cold, unfeeling bastard because I knew it was only armor to protect yourself. I know, man. I’ve been there. But there comes a time to take off the armor and take a fucking risk. You can’t live like this the rest of your life.”

  He could. He was going to. He stared at Danielle and Finn. Danielle, for all her curves, looked delicate and fragile. Finn’s eyes had changed during the course of Jackson’s speech. They had gone from angry to something softer, something that looked much more like pity. Julian hated that look. He would have greatly preferred Finn smacked him. He would have taken it.

  “Leo was right, baby,” Finn said quietly. “Don’t take it wrong. He’s in love, and he’s scared out of his mind. He’s not being a Dom right now. He’s just a man in the end.”

  “No one asked your opinion, Finn.” Why wasn’t he walking away? He should simply walk out. His feet wouldn’t move. He felt planted to the floor.

  Finn stepped away from Danielle. “I know, Sir. Look, I’m going to lay it on the line. I think I’m falling in love with you. I know Dani is. I think we could be something amazing. I think we could make it. I wa
nt you, and I want Dani. I want to live together, and if it works, I want to have a family. I think this is forever, but if it’s not for you, then we’ll move on. We’ll be like a person who loses a limb. We’ll always miss you, but we’ll learn to walk again. It won’t be the same, but we won’t let losing you ruin us. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  He forced himself not to reach out and pull Finn in. The impulse was almost overwhelming, which was exactly the reason he should ignore it. He understood exactly what Finn was saying. Finn was saying that he, Julian, would be the only one to lose if he walked out. “It doesn’t matter. Believe what you want. This was a vacation fling for me. Nothing more.”

  “You came for me. You put your life on the line to save me.” Danielle stepped up. Her blonde hair had escaped the ponytail she wore, and it wisped around her face. She looked tired. She needed to be in bed, being coddled and loved back to life.

  He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t love her. “I would have come for anyone. I’m quite the humanitarian.”

  She shook her head. “No, you aren’t. You’re a bastard, but I love you anyway. Does that count for anything?”

  He couldn’t let it count. “No, Danielle. I’m going to leave, and I won’t see you again.”

  Now she would plead. She would cry, and it would hurt his heart, but he had to let her go.

  “All right, then.” There were tears in her eyes and a sadness that kicked him in the balls. “It wouldn’t have worked out anyway. I really, really hope you find someone. You just know that I’m out here, and I love you. If you need me, I’ll come.”

  She backed away, though he felt her need. She wanted to put her arms around him. God, what was she thinking? She should be raging at him. She should shout and scream the place down. He’d used her, and now he was throwing her away. How could she say that she loved him?


  She turned, startled by the question. “Why what?”

  Julian knew he was being cruel, but he had to try to understand. “You keep offering. Everyone has refused, Danielle. You’ve told me your story. I’ve heard it from Finn and Jackson, too. Everyone in this town has rejected you in one way or another, yet you offer yourself again. Are you stupid? Is there something wrong with that brain of yours that you love the ache that comes with rejection?”