Page 13 of With a Twist

  Long, hard thrusts as Wyatt hovers over me while he supports himself with his other arm. He stares down at me, and I stare back at him as I keep my bottom lip clenched between my teeth so as not to scream out.

  I can feel him deep... everywhere, while he tunnels into me.

  Through the pores of my skin, into the marrow of my bones.

  Our eyes stay locked, yet pure ecstasy is etched all over Wyatt's face. I know this feels as wonderful to him as it does to me, because for the first time since I've known him, he's letting go completely on his emotions.

  We race... climb higher and higher. Wyatt slams into me; I arch my hips in counter-force. Grunts, moans, whispered curses... I'm not sure if they are coming from him or me, but it just adds to the overall urgency to our fucking.

  Racing, racing... can't get enough yet wanting that ultimate crash of pleasure to overtake us.

  It starts with me first... after one particularly hard thrust and follow-up grind of his pelvis against mine. Tightening in my lower back, heat spreading between my legs, and then a ripple of the purest bliss rushing up my spine before exploding outward.

  "Wyatt," I cry out as I arch my back and dig my nails into his skin.

  I can feel my walls rippling all around him. He feels it too because he leans his head down, clamps his teeth into my shoulder, and slams hard into me one more time. His body stills, and then he lets out a singular groan of release as he empties inside of me.

  My fingers release their tight purchase into his back, and instead start a soothing motion over his sweaty skin. His chest heaves from the exertion and he lets my leg down, settling on top of me while we both come down.

  His cock still buried deep, I feel it twitch a few times, and I clamp down my muscles on him. This causes him to flex his hips again with another moan while the last spasms of pleasure drain away from our bodies.

  I'm not sure how long we lay there, but long enough that my breathing evens back out again. Wyatt lifts his head from my shoulder and looks down at me. His eyes flicker back and forth between my own, as if he's trying to figure out what's going through my head right now.

  If he asks, I'll tell him the truth.

  That was the most insane, intense sexual encounter of my entire life... topping what he did to me in the locker room by just a hair.

  He doesn't say anything though, instead pushing his upper body up off me while he dips his shoulder to get the holster completely off him. He pushes it across the carpet and then pulls his hips back so he slides out of my body. With one hand, he pulls my underwear gently back into place and then rolls off me so that we are now lying side by side on his carpet.

  I'm boneless... have no desire to move. Maybe I'll get up next year.

  "How long can you stay?" Wyatt asks quietly, and I turn my head to look at him. His head is turned toward me and his eyes are warm... satiated.

  "You want me to stay?" I ask with surprise.

  Wyatt rolls onto his side and pushes up on one elbow so he can look down at me, one eyebrow cocked high. "You fly here to see me, we just fucked like rabid animals, I had an orgasm that almost made me pass out, and you wonder if I want you to stay?"

  "It was a legitimate question," I gripe at him.

  Leaning over, he kisses me softly on my jaw. When he pulls away, he's smiling at me. "Yes, I want you to stay."

  Pushing up on both of my elbows, I angle my head toward him. "I actually have ten days of vacation. Well, a workweek plus this weekend and next. I need to go find a hotel, but yes... I can stay ten days."

  "Fuck the hotel. You're staying here with me," he grumbles, and then jumps up agilely to his feet. He pulls his pants up a bit, tucks himself in, and then lowers his hand to me. I grab ahold and he pulls me to my feet, and even once I'm standing, continues to pull until I'm wrapped up in his arms.

  "I'm really glad you're here," he murmurs with his lips against my hair.

  "Me too," I say with a smile, and then feel a gush of wetness seeping into my underwear, which causes me to jerk. "Oh, shit... we just had sex without protection."

  Raising my face, I see Wyatt has a sheepish look on his face, and he scrapes his fingers back and forth across his scalp. "Yeah, well... got a little carried away. You on the Pill?"

  "Yeah, but--"

  "But nothing... I know you're clean just as you know I am," he says matter-of-factly, and I realize... I do know he's clean. Wyatt isn't the type of person that would put me in jeopardy... of that I'm absolutely sure of. He trusts the same about me.

  "Well, okay then," I say breathlessly with a smile of my own. "It's settled then."

  "Good," he says as his hands come up under my ass and he lifts me up into his arms. My legs go around his hips, locking my feet behind his back, and then he's carrying me through his house. "Because I plan on coming inside of you a lot over the next ten days."

  God, I hope that's true, is all I can think.

  Chapter 15


  I unlock my front door, about to jump out of my own skin over the excitement I have over seeing Andrea. I left her this morning curled up on her side... in my bed... naked and exhausted. I was exhausted too after the night we had, but in a damn good way.

  This day at work dragged on. It was mostly paperwork followed by one call out to a domestic dispute, but the entire time, I kept thinking of Andrea naked in my bed. To say I was surprised is an understatement when I pulled into my driveway yesterday and saw her standing on my porch. With that blue sundress showcasing her beautiful legs, her golden hair spilling all around her shoulders, I thought I was having a hallucination for a moment.

  Lust bolted through me followed by an insane desire to instantly possess her. She came... to see me... and it was almost beyond my comprehension. She clearly had the same feelings I was having, yet this woman was far braver than I ever was. She got her ass on a plane to come see me, while I was still negotiating with myself about how to handle it all. This thought causes me some shame, but there's no use in crying over spilled milk. She's here now, and I am going to use every bit of my free time to make something of this.

  My free time just got a little bit freer, because even though I was just on vacation last week, my captain didn't have a problem with me asking for Monday and Tuesday off next week. That meant I had the next four days with Andrea, and I wasn't going to waste a moment.

  Do I still have uncertainty as to what this is?

  Fuck yeah.

  But one thing is certain... last night was not a closure fuck for either one of us. There's some type of tether between us that isn't built on just insane chemical attraction and mind-blowing orgasms. We have a connection that was forged through a stressful undercover operation and mutual respect of each other's abilities. We went through something that was dangerous together, and I recognize now that this overwhelming need to protect Andrea during our time undercover was born not of a law enforcement partner's duty, but by that personal connection that was developing throughout it all.

  So hell yes... I'm going to pull and poke at that tether, see how strong it is... if it's worth keeping tied to.

  I suspect it is.

  Opening the door, I step in and set my keys on the little table just inside the small foyer. I pull my wallet and cell phone out, dropping them there as well. My house is quiet... settled... and I know instantly that Andrea must be outside.

  Stepping through the living room, I make my way to the sliding glass door. I immediately see her laying on one of my deck chairs. She's on her back with large, white-framed sunglasses on her face and the tiniest white bikini imaginable. One leg is straightened but the other is cocked up, foot firmly planted on the chair. It's swaying gently back and forth and by the serene smile on her lips, I can tell she's in full relaxation mode.

  I quickly head to my bedroom, undress, and put on a pair of shorts and an old Ron Jon t-shirt. The sun is full and hanging low over the sound side of the island to the west, but it's still quite hot outside. I grab two beers from t
he fridge and walk out onto my back deck.

  At the sound of the sliding door swishing in its tracks, Andrea angles her head back and to the side to look at me. Those full lips purse briefly, and then break out into a grin as she props herself up by the elbows on her chair.

  This, of course, pushes her breasts out, which, of course, causes my eyes to go to said breasts. I spent a lot of time on them last night, and my mouth was watering to get another taste.

  "Eyes up," Andrea teases, and I don't bother doing anything but a lazy slide of my gaze upward.

  "Can't help it. They're spectacular," I say with a grin and then hand her a beer.

  She sits all the way up in the lounge chair, spreading her legs wide and planting a foot down on either side. And, of course, my eyes flick briefly down but then back up again. She doesn't notice as she's taking a long pull on the beer.

  "Damn, that's good," she says. "It's so hot out here."

  "Been out here all day?" I ask as I take a seat on the padded bench opposite her chair.

  "On and off. Spent quite a bit of time down on the beach... in the water. I don't know the last time I had a vacation where I just relaxed and did nothing."

  "Nice, right?"

  "So very nice," she agrees. "How was work today?"

  "Same old, same old," I tell her with a shrug. "Honestly... it's been a bit hard to get back into the routine."

  "I know what you mean," she says and then pulls her legs up to sit Indian-style. "It's hard to go from working the pole, flashing my goods to strangers, to sitting back at a desk in a polyester suit."

  I snicker at her imagery. "You don't wear polyester."

  "Close enough. The FBI-standard attire isn't all that flattering."

  "You'd be beautiful in a burlap sack," I tell her truthfully as I lean forward with my elbows on my knees, and looking deeply into her eyes.

  I'm surprised when Andrea's cheeks pinken, and she lowers her face shyly. Her fingers play at the bottle, and she has a tiny smile on her face.

  "What's this?" I ask as I reach out with a hand and lift her chin up so she looks at me.

  Andrea gives me an embarrassed smile. "It's just... I didn't know you thought of me as beautiful. All those weeks we worked together... me dancing around naked, you being so impassive about it... I just didn't know you thought that about me."

  Leaning over, I set my bottle of beer on the deck--which while smoothly sanded has remained unstained--and then reach over to take her beer away from her, where it finds rest next to mine. I snag her hand, pulling her up from the chair. Her long legs uncurl, and then I'm tugging her forward as I lean back on the bench.

  Hands to her waist, I encourage her onto my lap and she straddles me beautifully, her arms naturally coming up to rest on my shoulders.

  Leaning forward, I place a soft kiss over the sun-warmed skin of her chest.

  "You are immensely beautiful, but I couldn't show that to you while we were undercover," I tell her softly, moving my lips upward to her collarbone. Her head falls back, and I can feel her long hair floating around my arms that are wrapped tight around her waist. "You have the body of a centerfold, the face of an angel, and the heart of a lion. Add in the fact that you are, without a doubt, the sexiest woman I've ever known--and I swear this has absolutely nothing to do with the way you can dance--and you can rest assured that your beauty is absolutely dazzling."

  Andrea's eyes go soft, even as she blushes again. One of her hands slides over, fingers inching into my hair and then gliding over my scalp. She leans in and brushes her lips against mine. "That may be the nicest thing a man has ever said to me before."

  I kiss her back, softly and sweetly. When our lips part, I say with a grin, "You must not have known many nice men."

  Immediately, I know it's the wrong thing to have said because it's like a shutter comes down over her eyes, and she pulls back from me slightly. I don't let her withdraw though, tightening my hold around her waist.

  "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "Why did that bother you?"

  She shakes her head, gives me a tremulous smile, and warmth is back in her eyes again. "It's nothing. Just a bad experience with a man. Silly, really."

  Andrea leans back in to kiss me again, but I pull my head back to avoid her lips. Bringing up one hand, I encircle it around her throat and stroke her skin with my thumb. "Not silly. What happened?"

  She doesn't respond, choosing instead to dip her ear toward her shoulder before leaning in to kiss me on my neck. Her tongue flicks out, then her teeth scrape along my skin, which causes my dick to start getting hard. I try to mentally demand my erection to stand down, but then Andrea dips her pelvis and grinds herself against me.

  Full. Fucking. Hard-on.

  Just like that.

  "Christ, woman," I growl and move the hand around her throat to the back of her head so I can grab a fistful of hair. Tugging, her head falls back and her breasts push outward. It's all I the invitation I need before I'm leaning down and closing my mouth over one bikini-clad globe. Her nipple pebbles hard and I latch my teeth on it, giving a slight tug.

  Andrea's arms clamp tight around my head, pinning me to her breast as she moans, "Oh."

  I surge to my feet, bringing her with me. Her legs lock around me tight and my hands come up to squeeze and hold onto her ass. Spinning toward the sliding glass door, I'm there in two strides.

  My hand falters at the handle to the sliding glass door when Andrea leans in and bites my earlobe, then sucks on it. I make another grab and pull it open hard, surging through. In three more strides, I'm in my bedroom where I toss her down onto the bed.

  Following her down, I cover her body with my own and love how her arms automatically wrap around me, and she lifts her mouth... ready for mine.

  Our kiss is deep and languid. I swallow the soft moan she places on my tongue, but I need to hear more of that.

  It's an absolute need.

  I pull my mouth away from her lips, moving across her jaw, down the slope of her throat. I kiss and softly bite my way to her collarbone, her fingers loosely sift through my hair then hold on to my head. Over the curve of her breast, over to the side and down her ribcage. While I lick at her hipbones, I untie the strings of her bikini bottoms and pull them free.

  With just a soft push of my hands, she spreads her legs for me and I put my mouth to work on her. I don't devour her like I did in the FBI locker room but rather gently feast. Soft licks, tiny flutters of my tongue, gentle strokes of my fingers. Her moans are breathy, sometimes purring low in her throat. It's fucking sexy as hell to build her up slowly.

  When her breathing becomes more shallow... when I know she's close and just needs a tiny push over the edge, I suck at her hard and feel immensely triumphant when her body spasms as she comes for me.

  Then I feel immensely fulfilled when she calls my name softly while her fingers tighten on my head and tremors continue to ripple through her.

  Christ... she's fucking beautiful.

  Planting a soft kiss just above her pubic bone, I kiss my way back up her body. Her eyes are closed but when she feels me settle over her, they slowly open and she gives me a satisfied, lazy smile.

  "Damn," she says as she scrapes the nails of one hand down the side of my neck, bringing it down to rest over my thumping heart.

  "Like?" I ask with a grin.

  She nods coyly at me, and then her hand slides down lower. "Time for me to return the favor."

  I reach down, loosely grab her around the wrist, and tug her hand away. "Not yet. I want to hear more about this man that wasn't nice to you."

  She blinks at me in surprise, and then her eyes shutter down again. "Not an interesting story."

  "And yet, I'm interested," I tell her firmly as I prop myself above her on my elbows.

  "Seriously, Wyatt," she says in exasperation and pushes at my chest. I don't budge an inch. "It's stupid really. Nothing to even waste my breath over."

  Leaning down, I push back against her and drag my lips ove
r hers. She opens her mouth, and I stroke my tongue against hers before pulling back. "Andrea... you taste yourself on my tongue just now? I had my mouth on your pussy and you came hard for me. Nothing you could say to me would ever be stupid or a waste of breath."

  I wish I had a camera to take a picture of her face at this moment because her eyes flare wide... disbelieving, and then they immediately melt into warmth as she realizes what I just said to her.

  Her hand comes up. Touching her palm to my face, she whispers, "You seriously want to hear my sad tale?"

  I nod with a smile. "Yes. And why wouldn't you want me to hear it?"

  "Because I don't want you to think I'm weak... or stupid... or pathetic."

  I grin at her big, lean down again, give her a swift kiss, and then roll to my back pulling her with me. When she settles on top, her arms crossed over my chest, I tell her, "You're fucking adorable when you get all soft and vulnerable. But I could never think you're weak, stupid, or pathetic. So lay it on me."

  Blowing out a breath and raking her hand through her long hair, she huffs, "Fine."

  Pushing against my chest for leverage, Andrea sits across my lower stomach and places her palms on her thighs. She looks down at me with clear eyes and determination. I lace my fingers with her and give her a squeeze.

  "I'll give you the short version. I was engaged to a guy... in Pittsburgh. I thought he was it. The one. He broke off the engagement about three weeks prior to me going undercover with you."

  I tense slightly that just a few months ago, she belonged to another man, but I give her hands another encouraging squeeze because I want to hear all of it.

  "Why did he break it off?" I ask.

  She looks at me directly... her chin tilted up and defiance in her eyes. "Because I had applied to the Behavioral Research and Instruction Unit of the FBI. They're based in Quantico and he didn't want to leave Pittsburgh. He asked me to pull the application and when I refused, he called off the engagement. Left me. I haven't heard from him since."