Page 16 of With a Twist

  We emerge out into an even larger area than where we entered with a bar that's easily twice as big as the one out front. It too, is done in dark stained wood with the brass foot railing. Mirrored glass with accent lighting reflects the various bottles of liquor and glasses on the shelving, and five keg taps are mounted at the very center of the bar. Three bartenders move efficiently, fulfilling orders to customers that are standing two deep. I can hear muffled music coming from the back of the room where there is a door, which I can tell must lead to the rear deck.

  "There's a live band tonight on the back deck... actually every Saturday night during the summer months," Wyatt says and starts leading that way.

  I look around as I follow along behind him. The place is packed, but I don't fail to notice numerous women checking Wyatt out as he walks by.

  Yeah, girls... I get it. He's pretty damn hot.

  I squeeze his hand, and he reflexively squeezes me back.

  When he reaches the back of the bar, he pushes open the glass door and we step out onto the deck. Even though the temperature is hovering around the low eighties, the breeze off the Atlantic immediately feels refreshing. It's a cloudy night but the cover isn't complete, and I can see part of the silver moon peeking out. It makes the edges of the clouds glow, and the water sparkles from the cast off.

  Wyatt winds us through several tables until we reach the back of the decking where a group of people stands, holding drinks. I immediately recognize Gabby as she stands next to a tall, gorgeous man with golden-blond hair just a little longer than Wyatt's. A quick slide of my gaze over a few feet and I immediately see another man that is his identical twin talking to a dark-haired man, so I know deductively this must be Hunter and Brody Markham. I'm going to guess that Hunter is the one talking to Gabby since he seems to be eating her up with his eyes while they converse. Three other women stand talking together... completing the group. The first one I notice is a leggy blonde who could be a model for Victoria's Secret. Based on her coloring and height, I'm going to guess that's Brody and Hunter's sister, Casey. One woman is classically beautiful in the face and has a short, pixie haircut, while the last woman has long, dark hair past her shoulders. I don't know enough about who these are, so I'll have to wait for Wyatt to make the introductions.

  When we reach the group, Brody is the first to see us, and he approaches Wyatt with his arms open wide. Hand falling away from mine, Wyatt steps into Brody's embrace... endures some manly backslapping, and I hear, "Welcome back, dude. We missed you."

  I watch as Wyatt shakes the dark-haired man's hand, and then alternately gives hugs to the other women. He fist bumps Hunter and leans down to kiss Gabby's cheek.

  Then, as if planned in unison, the entire group turns to look at me, and I feel the spotlight burning down on me brightly. Wyatt holds his hand out to me, and I reach out for it. He pulls me into his side, turning me toward his friends.

  He has to talk a little loud to be heard over the band, but it's not too bad since we're outdoors and much of the music filters away from us on the breeze. "Everyone... this is Andrea Somerville."

  Everyone beams at me.

  Wyatt then starts pointing out introductions, left to right. "You know Gabby... that's her fiance, Hunter. Next to him is Gavin, then Brody, Alyssa, Casey, and Savannah."

  I smile and nod at each person. I know now the woman with the short pixie cut is Alyssa, the dark-haired beauty is Savannah, and the very dark and sexy-looking man is the Brit, Gavin.

  It's a gorgeous group of people, and my hand comes up to self-consciously fluff my hair out at the side.

  Leaning down, Wyatt asks, "What do you want to drink?"

  "I'll take a draft... something seasonal if they have it," I respond.

  He kisses me on the temple and then says to the group before he leaves, "Don't scare her away."

  Gabby grins large and as Wyatt walks away, the group sort of collapses inward and forms a circle so we can talk. For a split second, I feel like I'm under the microscope, and a moment of panic courses through me. What if they all hate me? What if they don't see something redeeming within me and don't think I'm good enough for their guy?

  And then I have to wonder... does it really matter? Is this going to go any further than the next several days I have with him?

  I would hope it would, because while the sex has been phenomenal, it certainly isn't all there is to us. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I'm not sure the sex would be as phenomenal if we didn't have an intense bond formed first through dire circumstances.

  One could even say that maybe what we have is stronger than most people just starting out, because we survived a dangerous situation together... helped each other along the way. We had to count on each other... we had to trust. All important foundations for any relationship.

  I look around... they all stare at me with open faces, warm smiles. They're nice people... that's what Wyatt said. They'll like me because Wyatt likes me. I have nothing to prove.

  Taking a deep breath, I let it out and say, "So... it's really great to meet Wyatt's friends. He's told me a lot about you."

  The band is playing Van Morrison's Brown-Eyed Girl and while I don't really know all the lyrics, I follow along as best as I can.

  With my new buds... Alyssa, Gabby, Savannah, and Casey.

  It's getting late, I'm pretty buzzed, and all the tables on the deck have been pushed back to make an area for people to dance. My new buds and me stand in a circle with our arms all thrown around each other's shoulders, bouncing in place to the music and singing at the top of our lungs. Well, I'm singing about every fourth word that I might know, but the other girls have mastered this song. It must be a popular one around here.

  Casey's arm around my neck tightens and she pulls me in closer, giving me a resounding kiss on my cheek. I think she's a little bit more than buzzed.

  "I'm so glad you're here," she shouts above the music. "Wyatt looks so happy."

  My chest constricts, and I shoot a glance over at him. He's sitting on the deck railing... Brody perched beside him. Hunter and Gavin are standing, and they are all deep in discussion. But maybe he feels the weight of my stare because his eyes slide over to mine and his lips curve up in a smile.

  I smile back because yeah... he does look happy. Turning back to Casey, I yell, "He makes me happy too."

  "Are you drunk enough yet to tell us the details of how you two hooked up?" Alyssa yells, just before releasing her grip around Gabby's shoulders and doing a nice spin move.

  I smile, lower my gaze, and shake my head. When I look back up, the girls have all stopped bopping to the music and look at me expectantly.

  "Come on," Savannah implores. "We're all in committed relationships... we've forgotten what it's like to be in the game."

  "Speak for yourself," Casey scoffs.

  "Except for Casey," Savannah acknowledges. "She swears she's never falling in love. But come on... tell us something."

  "Yeah... just one tiny hint," Gabby begs with hopeful eyes.

  I look around at their expectant faces... silly, buzzed grins shining at me. I've known them for going on about three hours, and yet... they all seem trustworthy... nonjudgmental.

  Sneaking a glance back at Wyatt, I see he's not watching me and seems immersed in something that Gavin's saying. But still... I can't be shouting this stuff over the music.

  I lean in to the girls conspiratorially. They lean in toward me eagerly. "Let's all go to the bathroom. This requires a quieter atmosphere."

  They all grin and nod, then we are pushing our way through the crowd to head back into the bar.

  When we get to the ladies' restroom, there is only one woman in there washing her hands. Everyone waits patiently for her to finish and once she's gone, Gabby locks the door behind her.

  Turning toward me, she says, "Okay... dish."

  "Well, you already know I met him on our undercover operation," I say with a silly grin. "What you don't know is that I was posing as a stripper in the
club where Wyatt was working as the General Manager."

  Four sets of jaws drop open... four sets of eyes blink at me in astonishment.

  For a brief moment, I think maybe I made a mistake in revealing that. Maybe this wasn't something I should have shared. Maybe they are all four looking down at me right now, silently digesting that Wyatt's new flame knows how to work a stripper pole.

  My mind whirls, trying to figure a way to sugarcoat this, when Alyssa slaps her hand on her thigh and says, "That is so freaking cool."

  Casey gives a dreamy sigh. "I'd love to know how to strip... you know, do it right for a man. Get him all hot and bothered."

  "Best story ever," Savannah exclaims.

  I look over at Gabby, and she has a knowing smile on her face.

  She knew already!

  Which means Wyatt must have told Hunter, and as I've figured out... he shares everything with Gabby. But apparently, that little gem didn't go any further as the other girls were clearly not privy to this.

  Placing her hands on my shoulders, Gabby says, "Whether you stripped or not... I don't think Wyatt ever stood a chance with you."

  Tilting my head to the side, I give a slight nod of appreciation over her words before Casey is pulling me away from Gabby. "Okay... I want more details. Like specifics... did you just strip on stage, or was there a pole? Because there's this place over on the mainland that offers stripping lessons, but maybe you could teach me instead."

  Before I can respond, someone starts banging on the door.

  "Come on," Savannah says as she heads toward the door to unlock it. "People need to get in here. We'll get details later."

  Casey gives a long-suffering look but heads out with Alyssa and Gabby trailing.

  I, on the other hand, actually have to pee so I call out, "I'll catch up with you."

  I hurriedly take an open stall as women pour into the restroom once Savannah opens the door. I do my business, wash my hands, and take stock of myself in the mirror. My face is flushed but even though I'm a bit buzzed, my eyes are still clear. I want to make sure I don't get too drunk tonight, because I really, really can't wait to get back to Wyatt's place.

  Moving away from the sink, I finish drying my hands and head out of the bathroom. As soon as I open the door, I see him standing there.

  Six plus feet of male glory.

  Wyatt leans back against the wall of the short hallway that houses the bathrooms. His arms are folded across his chest, and it's clear he was waiting for me.

  I walk right up to him. His arms unfold, his legs part, and I press in close. He pulls me tight and nuzzles my neck. "Everything okay?"

  I nod against him, my fingers digging into the muscles at his back. Pulling back slightly, I look up at him. "Your friends are a blast. And so nice."

  He smiles down at me. "They're pretty cool, I guess. So I take it you're having fun?"

  Winding my arms up around his neck, I lean in and kiss him briefly. It feels so natural... these little signs of affection... attraction. There's no hesitation in giving on my part, and Wyatt likes to receive judging by the look on his face. "I'm having a great time."

  "Good," he says, gently pushing me back. Grabbing my hand, he pulls me back toward the bar. "Let's have one more drink and then we'll head out. I'm dying to get you alone."

  Hmmmm... I sigh internally. Me too.

  Chapter 19


  The girls are all back on the makeshift dance floor again, making the most out of their limited time left with Andrea, as I advised the group we were leaving soon. I bought Andrea another beer, although it's sitting here beside me on the deck railing as she was pulled out by the girls to dance in front of the band as soon as we got back.

  I sip at my bottled water, which I had started drinking about an hour ago, and just watch Andrea. She said she's have a great time, but I didn't need those words. I can see it... she's bonding fast with my group of peeps, which is a little surprising. Andrea had told me last night that she really didn't have any friends, which I found to be sad. She didn't think so, though. She was pretty matter of fact... she didn't have much of a life outside of her job and the rest of the time was spent with her ex-fiance.

  But as I watch her now, happily dancing with the rest of the girl-crew... her head thrown back, laughing and bouncing around... I know her lack of friends wasn't from a desire to avoid friendships. I think it was a lack of options for her at that point in her life.

  "Your girl has some moves," Hunter says as he nudges my shoulder and cocks his heard toward the dance floor.

  Oh, if only he really knew the extent of her moves.

  "She's having a great time," I agree.

  "Things going well with her?" Hunter asks, and this catches Brody and Gavin's attention for some reason, and they step in closer to hear my answer.

  Looking at my buds, I can't help but give them a little sneer. "What is this... a girlie-gossip session?"

  "Hey man," Brody says with a punch to my shoulder... that sort of hurts, "we've all fallen hard. We're just waiting for you to do the same."

  "So... what's the deal with her?" Gavin asks as he twirls the Scotch in his tumbler. The entire gang drinks beer except for Gavin.

  "She's amazing," I say as I cut my eyes between them and the girls dancing on the floor. The last strains of Animal by Maroon 5 fades, and then the band launches into a classic, Warrant's Cherry Pie. "Sucks she lives so far away."

  My words are simple and short, but they pretty much sum up the situation, and all three of the guys sort of nod their head in agreement.

  We all fall silent, because when men do decide to gossip, we are emphatically short about it. Sipping at our drinks and watching the women dance, I realize that I am really, really happy to be back home. I knew that being immersed undercover is always a drain on one's psyche, but I didn't realize how much of my personal happiness comes from the mere fact that I live in a beautiful place where I grew up, work at a fulfilling career, and I'm surrounded by friends and a loving family. I didn't realize how much I actually need that in my life... not until I came out tonight and truly reconnected with my friends.

  "Damn, your girl can seriously dance," Brody says, clasping onto my shoulder and ogling Andrea on the dance floor.

  Yup... Andrea's putting a bit of sexy into her dancing. Grasping the material of her long dress, she pulls it up a bit higher. Nothing indecent but enough to see just above her knees. Her hips gyrate fluidly, her hands release her dress to come up into her hair, and she looks like a goddess out there.

  And what the fuck... Casey and Gabby are now lined up beside her, watching Andrea's movements. They're talking... asking for pointers, and Andrea is now apparently giving them dance lessons.

  I wonder if I let Brody and Gavin in on the secret that Andrea knows how to strip if they'd want her to give the girls lessons. I'm betting the answer would be a resounding YES!

  While it doesn't bother me that my friends are ogling how sexy Andrea is, because I know they would never make a move on her, I don't particularly like how she's gotten the attention of many of the other male patrons. A few men make their way onto the dance floor and start dancing closer to the girls. They hang back a bit, content for the moment to keep their eyes pinned on Andrea's ass and the way her hips are moving.

  She's oblivious to it all, rather concentrating on showing Alyssa, Gabby, Casey, and Savannah some dance moves.

  Two men, who I can tell are quite drunk, move in a bit closer. They keep looking at each other with leering grins before staring back at Andrea's body.

  "Dude... you going to do something about that?" Hunter says as he nods out toward the guys inching in.

  "They make one step closer to Andrea and I am," I growl.

  I'm not sure Andrea would like me stepping in to defend her honor. I know if one of those guys touches her inappropriately, she'll lay them out flat. I've come to quickly know that she's tough as nails and actually takes pride in the fact she could handle this type of

  "Maybe I should just go have a word with them... in a gentlemanly way," Gavin suggests with a grin, just to goad me.

  "I'd totally go pound those guys into the ground," Brody says wistfully. "But that would break my probation."

  One of the guys now moves in directly behind Andrea and is grinding air just inches away from her. Reaching out, I slap my water bottle into Hunter's chest and he takes it from me. In three strides, I've reached my destination and with perfect timing as the dude's hands reach out to grab Andrea by the hips.

  Striking fast, I grab him by one wrist, bringing my other hand up and capturing his fingers, and then I bend them back toward his forearm.

  I know, from training, that this causes immense pain and is an easy way to subdue someone.

  The guy drops like a sack of bricks to his knees and shrieks. From the corner of my eye, I see Andrea whirl around to us, but I don't take my attention off this guy. The band keeps playing, but the dancing all around us has stopped while everyone watches in interest.

  Hunter's bouncers on duty don't make a move toward us. They know who I am and they won't interfere.

  Leaning down so I don't have to shout above the music, I tell the guy who now has tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes, "You're fucking lucky you didn't touch her or I'd be breaking this wrist right now."

  "Fuck," the guy wails. "You are breaking it."

  "Nah man," I say as I get right in his face, pulling his fingers back just a hair more. "You're just a pussy. Now I suggest you get up and move far away from these ladies. Understood?"

  "Yes," he practically sobs, and I immediately release him. The guy rolls and stands up, cradling his wrist against his chest. He refuses to meet my eye and scurries off the dance floor with his friend.