Page 13 of Aveoth

  “A perfect pairing,” Jill murmured.

  “It was at first, until a few Lycans and Vampires became lovers. I should say they were more than that. Lycans take mates, and Vampires have companions. It’s basically the same thing. They commit to each other for life and deep emotions are involved.” He shrugged. “It was considered a good thing to strengthen their alliance. The problem arose when the Lycan women mated to Vampires became pregnant. Vamps are sterile—but they’d finally found a loophole. The nest turned on the Lycans. The strongest Vamps tore into the minds of Lycan women and convinced them they were mated to get them to ovulate.”

  Jill had to close her mouth. It had fallen open. “They can hypnotize Lycans too?”

  Aveoth nodded. “It’s complicated. A master or someone equally strong can. The Lycans realized what was going on quickly, and they fought to be free. You see, mind control over Lycans doesn’t last long term the way it does with humans. Once the Vamp releases a Lycan mind, they’re immediately aware of what was done to them. They remember every single moment of when they were being controlled. It was paramount that the Lycans escaped before the Vamps could weaken them and imprison their entire pack. Then all the Vampires, regardless of their age or strength, could control their minds.”

  “How do you weaken a Lycan?” Jill had a feeling she wasn’t going to like the answer but she was curious.

  “Torture, beatings, blood loss, and starvation.”

  “Shit.” She felt sick.

  “The Lycans ran away. They came to Alaska, where there weren’t enough humans at the time to feed a Vampire nest. VampLycan children were born, and they police Vampires now. VampLycans never want the past to be repeated. They’ll send hunting parties after any nest that preys on Lycan women. It’s a death sentence to force the women to birth their children. Vampires like to think they’re at the top of the food chain, but they created something far stronger than they are. It’s caused a lot of resentment and rage on their part.”

  “Is anything stronger than a VampLycan in this food chain?”

  Aveoth nodded. “We are—but I will never go to war with VampLycans. We’re allies. They have honor and don’t abuse their powers. We share values and want to keep the peace between all races. Bad guys need killing and good guys should win.”

  She peered at him with interest. “Decker is a VampLycan. You don’t seem to like him. I know I sure don’t.”

  “He and his enforcers are a rarity. They need to die because they have no honor and don’t value any life. Decker wanted to enslave his own people and others. There’s evil in every race.”

  “True enough.”

  “You aren’t safe around Vampires or Lycans, Jill. Both live in your human cities.” He stared at her with sincerity. “A cut of your finger near one, and they’d know you’re not fully human. Lycans live in packs. Ones that don’t are considered a threat to their existence because it’s unnatural to them to be solitary. Most rogues are rule breakers, killers, and packs actively hunt them. They could see you as one.”

  “Nobody ever bothered me.”

  “You’ve been lucky. They try to blend with humans. It helps them fit in and gain a footing in your world. You could get into a car accident and the police officer or the paramedic might be non-human.” He paused. “They take jobs that give them access to blood, to cover up incidents that might reveal what they are, and some even work with the government.”

  She let that sink in.

  “You’re safe here, Jill.”

  She frowned. “It doesn’t seem that way. You’re worried about your own people turning on you. I was paying attention this morning.”

  “True, but I’d fly you to safety if that ever happens. I’d take you to the VampLycans. They’d protect you while I dealt with the mess here.”

  “They might turn me over to Decker or Decon.”

  “Never. I’d leave you with Velder’s clan. They have honor, and you have family there.”

  “I think I’d like to avoid any Filmores.”

  “You have two cousins who are half human. Both women mated to VampLycans in that clan.”

  That news surprised Jill. “I do?”

  “Decker’s daughter fled to live with humans, and mated to one. She had two daughters. Decker tricked them into coming to Alaska and their mates saved them from ending up being used by him.”

  She opened her mouth, a hundred questions filling her head.

  A loud pounding sounded before she could voice any of them.

  Aveoth stood fast. “Go to your room. Wait for me there and don’t come out.” He strode away, down a hallway that led to the stairs.

  His abrupt and curt tone implied danger. She got up, but instead of doing as she’d been ordered, quietly followed him. If they were going to be attacked by his people, she wanted a heads up. She crept down the stairs and tiptoed toward where the beds had been put on the floor.

  “I asked you want you wanted. Get to the point.” Aveoth’s tone wasn’t friendly.

  “You had a human brought to you?” The voice was female, and ice cold.

  “What I do is none of your concern, Winalin. Leave.”

  “Would you like to have this discussion here in the hall where anyone could happen upon us or would you prefer to let me pass to allow for privacy?”

  “I have nothing to say to you. I made that clear.” Aveoth’s voice deepened.

  “I have things to say to you.” Winalin’s tone rose. “Let me pass, or gossip-spreaders will be busy today.”

  “Fuck,” Aveoth rumbled. A door slammed.

  Jill hesitated, not sure if she should keep eavesdropping or rush upstairs. He must have slammed the door in that woman’s face. The real question that bothered her was, who was Winalin to him?

  “Say what you have to and then get out,” Aveoth snapped.

  Jill tensed, realizing he must have let the woman inside.

  Silence stretched and no one spoke. It made Jill want to sneak closer to the opening and peer into the other room to see what was going on.

  “Goddamn it,” Aveoth thundered, making Jill jump. “You wanted to talk, so do it. Stop staring at me. I’m in no mood to waste a day waiting for you to form words. Spit it out, Winalin.”

  “What have you done to the hosting area?”

  “It’s none of your business, but I’m using the mattresses for training. Just say what you must and then get out.”

  “There was no need for you to send for a human breeder, my Lord. I am right here. My brother and I have discussed this many times. Your younglings should be born of strong bloodlines for the sake of the clan’s future.”

  “I see you’re still eager to become a whore for Elco. Get out, Winalin. I’ve told you, I’ll never visit your bed, nor you mine. I’d rather fly through a wildfire than touch you. It would be a more pleasurable experience for me.”

  “You insult me?” The woman’s voice remained calm and cool.

  “As if I could. You do that to yourself every time you come to offer your body for my use.”

  “I’m a pure-blood Gargoyle willing to mate or breed with you. That’s a high honor.”

  “One I have no interest in. Have I not made myself clear?”

  “You would choose a human breeding vessel to birth your youngling over a pure-blood?”

  Aveoth snarled. “Why do you and your brother assume the human is here for me to breed?”

  “There’s no other reason, my lord. You’d have chosen another VampLycan if you sought a lover. I offer to become your mate. It would settle you as our lord.”

  “Settle me?” Aveoth laughed. It sounded harsh. “I am your lord. Elco may challenge me if he believes otherwise. I’d happily take his head in a fight.”

  “You’re twisting the meaning of my words! A mated lord with strong sons is best for the clan’s future.”

  “Did Elco tell you this? I would never have been born if bloodlines weren’t mixed. One of my first executive orders was changing the title of our clan
to GarLycans after I challenged my father. I beat him, and he was a full-blood. Do you know why? That Lycan blood of mine gives me some advantages. Do yourself a favor and find a GarLycan who makes you feel something, anything, Winalin. Step out of your brother’s shadow and take control of your future. Elco is archaic in his ways and thinking. It’s not a crime to seek happiness in your life. You don’t want to be with me any more than I wish to be with you.”

  “You need to choose me. I’m better than a human. “

  “No.” Aveoth paused. “You’re not. I’ve made my choice. Get out.”

  Jill strained to hear the door open and close but only silence could be heard.

  “Goddamn it!” Aveoth yelled. “Don’t undress! I don’t want you, Winalin.”

  “I’m offering you my body, my life, and all that I am. You can take me as your mate or as your breeding vessel. I will not return to Elco without your child inside my womb.”

  “I’ll toss your ass out into the hallway naked if you keep removing that dress. Do you understand me?” Aveoth sounded pissed. “I feel nothing for you.”

  “Your Lycan side will rise. Bare skin will incite your lust.”

  “Another bit of bad advice you got from your brother?” Aveoth’s tone sounded bored now. “Your breasts are doing nothing for me.”

  Jill’s mouth dropped open. It sounded as if the woman was really stripping in the other room.

  Emotions hit—and none of them were good. Jealousy took the lead. She didn’t like it one bit that someone was trying to seduce Aveoth. Part of her wanted to storm out there and tell the bitch to stop acting like a ho. He’d made it abundantly clear the woman’s advances weren’t welcome.

  The silence bothered her more, making her wonder what in the hell was going on.

  “I still don’t want you.” Aveoth actually yawned. “Get out, Winalin.”

  “I’ll touch you if you won’t touch me.”

  “Don’t do it. I’d hate to hit a woman, but I will if you get any closer.”

  Jill had had enough. Aveoth had spent the morning flirting with her. She’d be damned if he had sex with some Gargoyle bitch, since he wouldn’t let her go home. It wasn’t going to happen.

  She pushed off the wall and stormed the few steps to the opening, stepping into the room.

  The sight that greeted her was Aveoth’s back as he stood with his legs braced apart and his arms crossed over his chest. Winalin was stark naked and crossing the room slowly toward him. She had a tall, pale body that was on the thin side, but otherwise she had a killer figure, with small, firm breasts that jiggled with every step and a patch of black pubic hair.

  She halted when her unusual gaze landed on Jill.

  The fact that the Gargoyle was drop-dead gorgeous and looked like something out of a high-end porn movie pissed Jill off more. “Am I interrupting something, my lord?” She managed to not grit the words out.

  Aveoth didn’t turn his head to glance at her, or even tense. “Not at all. This is one of those unpleasant things I have to deal with. I’m glad you’re here, Jill. Our guest needs to redress and leave.”

  Jill glanced up and down Winalin. That was the last thing she’d have said if she were a man. Most of them would have loved to let someone who looked like the Gargoyle get naked for them. They’d be all over her. The woman made Jill feel a little self-conscious, too. She sure didn’t have that kind of body or those model-worthy looks. It made her wonder why in the hell Aveoth wasn’t tossing her out instead and keeping the naked woman. Winalin wanted to have his bat babies pretty badly, and made no bones about it.

  “That’s her?” Winalin curled her lip. “She’s puny.” Her glacial gaze raked up and down Jill. “She’s also not very attractive.”

  “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” Aveoth replied. “Jill is stunning to me. You’re blind to the important things in life, Winalin. Get out of my private chambers. I strongly suggest you put something on before you do or I doubt you’d make it home without inciting someone’s lust. It just won’t be mine.”

  The Gargoyle dismissed Jill with a wave of her hand. “She’s nothing, my lord. I stand before you offering you the best. Don’t settle to breed with that pathetic creature.”

  Pathetic creature? Jill wanted to punch the bitch but she wasn’t that stupid. She had seen what these people were capable of, between Aveoth’s ability to fly and Kelzeb shelling his body. She’d get her ass handed to her in a fight. Instead, she walked up to Aveoth, keeping slightly behind him instead of at his side, in case the Gargoyle attacked. She had faith he’d protect her, since he’d made it clear she was safe with him.

  Jill hesitated for a heartbeat—and then pressed up against his body. There were other ways to win a fight.

  She smiled at the bitch and raised her hand, running her fingers lightly down Aveoth’s arm in a caress, and then placing her hand on his hip. “Will she do that soon? We had plans to go to your bedroom.”

  That got a reaction from Winalin. She hissed, and her unique-colored eyes brightened, turning into moving orbs of violet. Her white skin began to darken a bit, becoming gray. It shocked Jill a little, and she realized she clutched Aveoth tight with her hand. That was one scary bitch.

  He reacted by chuckling and uncrossing his arms. He turned, putting them around Jill and jerking her against his tall frame.

  “Don’t even think about it, Winalin. Jill is under my protection. You strike out at her and I’ll not only knock you out, but you’ll wake imprisoned for the next four months. I’ll put your brother with you so you’re not alone.”

  “She’s human. It’s an insult!” Real anger showed on Winalin’s face but with her graying, shelled skin, cracks appeared on her otherwise flawless features. “You dare choose that over me?”

  Aveoth glanced down at Jill. “This is an example of how to never behave. Conceit is an ugly trait, isn’t it?”

  Jill almost smiled. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Perhaps Winalin needs a lesson on why I prefer you in my bed over her.”

  Amusement sparked in his eyes, and she narrowed hers. She realized he planned to take advantage of the situation. She glanced at the Gargoyle, the sight of her naked and glaring at Jill enough to make her play along.

  “What do you have in mind, my lord?” She shot him a warning look. It better not be something humiliating. She had her limits on what she’d do or say to get even with someone who’d insulted her. There was no way she’d go to her knees to fondle him or act like some slutty sex slave.

  He slid one hand up her back and cupped her head. He lowered his face toward her and she closed her eyes, guessing he planned to kiss her. Her heart hammered and she tensed a little, but tried not to outwardly show it since they were being watched.

  He brushed his mouth very softly over hers and licked the seam of her lips. She opened up to him to deepen the kiss. Aveoth didn’t hesitate.

  Jill was glad his arm was hooked around her waist and he was strong enough to hold her against him when a wave of sexual need exploded inside her.

  Her body heated from the inside, as if she were being lit aflame under her skin. His taste, scent, and the aggressive way he kissed had her body responding with a near terrifying intensity. Her breasts ached and her clit throbbed. She clutched at him, the desire to tear at his clothes overwhelming.

  He broke the kiss and she stared up at him in shock, panting. His eyes were silver and blue liquid orbs of moving, flashing colors. A deep growl rumbled from his chest, and then he broke contact with her gaze. His features hardened, his eyes turning bright blue as he glared to her right.

  “Get the fuck out, Winalin. Never come to my home again. You’re not welcome.” He eased his hold on Jill, then bent and grabbed her around her hips. His shoulder hit her lower stomach gently before he rose up, with her body draped over his shoulder. He hooked her behind her knees with one arm, his other hand resting on the curve of her ass. “I have much more pleasurable things to do with my time than spend it with you.”

  Jill hung upside down reeling from the way she’d reacted to Aveoth. That wasn’t normal. She wasn’t some blushing virgin. Admittedly, she hadn’t had all that many sexual partners but none of them had turned her on that fast or hard by just kissing her.

  He’s not human, she remembered. Not only did Aveoth have wings, the ability to shell and fly, but he must have some freaky hormone thing going on that accounted for the way she’d gone from zero interest on a sex scale to fuck-me-now.

  Oh shit. I’m in trouble.

  “Get out,” Aveoth thundered.

  Jill winced at the loudness of his voice but she didn’t struggle to break free. Confusion and jumbled emotions kept her still. She focused on his ass. He had a beefy one, and she longed to grope it to see if it was as firm as it looked. She fisted her hands instead of touching him. That empty feeling inside was making itself known, and she knew exactly what would cure it.

  She mentally went there, imagining the big, muscled guy naked, nailing her. Panic came next over how much she wanted Aveoth. One kiss had turned her into a raging sex fiend.

  Aveoth moved and the door opened, then it slammed. She heard metal scraping, probably as he locked the door. “She’s gone.” He turned, walking toward the mattresses that lay on the floor. He bent.

  Jill’s feet touched the soft thickness of the mattress and his hold on her loosened. She straightened and he totally let her go, standing before her. She jerked back suddenly, trying to put more space between them, and fell over, landing on her ass.

  Aveoth frowned and crouched down, staring into her eyes with a frown. “Are you okay?”

  Her mouth opened. “What the hell was that?”

  “Winalin is a pain in my ass. I’m sorry about that.” He reached out a hand, probably to help her back up.

  She rolled, scrambling to get away. She was afraid if he touched her, she’d lunge at him. The need to touch him and get naked was nearly overbearing. It wasn’t the most graceful of moves, but she got to her feet to bolt away. Jill ran as if the hounds of hell were on her ass to put space between them, and didn’t stop until she reached the bedroom he’d given her.