Page 17 of Aveoth

  Chaz nodded. “Lady Galihia visited.”

  Aveoth stiffened. “I’ll call her and see what she wanted.”

  “She asked to talk to your woman inside.” Fray took a step back. “We couldn’t tell her no, so we let her pass.”

  “Fuck.” Anger gripped Aveoth.

  “Sorry.” Fray didn’t look it. “She gave her word she wouldn’t frighten, harm, or upset your guest. You know your mother. Could you turn her away?”

  “She was here for about twenty minutes and left smiling.” Chaz shrugged. “She claimed she adores your Jill and told us to let you know she expects you both for dinner soon.”

  “You have her approval,” Fray added.

  “You two may go. I appreciate you ensuring Jill’s safety.”

  He opened the door, locked it behind him, and ran up the stairs. Jill’s bedroom door was closed. He hesitated there, heart pounding. Had his mother upset Jill? He didn’t believe she would, but after Winalin, Jill might be leery of all women at the cliffs. He raised his fist and tapped. “It’s Aveoth.”

  “Come in.”

  He didn’t hesitate. Jill sat up on the bed. The visit couldn’t have been too bad. She didn’t appear frightened or angry. “The guards I assigned outside said my mother came to see you.”

  “She’s really nice, but it was a shock when she told me who she was.”

  He relaxed and leaned against the wall just inside the door. “I wasn’t hatched from an egg. I mentioned having a mother.”

  Jill smiled. “It was the fact that she looks so young. She’s really beautiful, Aveoth. I like her.”

  “I’m grateful.” He wanted to go to her but stayed back. “May I ask what you two discussed?”

  “A lot of things.”

  He cringed. “I hope it wasn’t something embarrassing.”

  “Ah. Like that you drooled constantly as a baby and crossed your eyes a lot?”

  Heat flushed his cheeks. “I did?”

  Jill laughed. “I have no clue. You should see your face.”

  He pushed off the wall and slowly approached her. “I like it when you tease me.”

  She stood. “Your eyes are swirling silver and the blue is sparking up big time. They’re beautiful. What are you thinking about?”

  He halted. “You’re the one who is beautiful, Jill.”

  “That’s what happens to your eyes when you’re turned on, isn’t it? Your voice just deepened too.”

  “I could mask my emotions if you wish. I don’t want to frighten you.”

  “Nice avoidance on answering my question there, Wings. Your eyes are mesmerizing when the colors are changing. I like them. I just wanted to know what you were thinking about to cause that reaction. How was your meeting?”

  “As expected. I went flying with Kelzeb and Duster afterward to cool down. Gargoyles on the council tend to piss me off.”

  “Is Duster a man?”

  “Yes. He’s a GarLycan scout and a friend.”

  “How did the Gargoyles piss you off?”

  “Political bullshit. They love to pretend they wield more power than they actually do. I had to remind them I’m in charge.”

  “Did you have to kill anyone?” She glanced down his body.


  “That’s a relief. Your clothes are black, but now I can stop imagining blood on them.”

  She amused him, and he grinned. “Not this evening.” He noticed the book on her bed. “You were reading. I’m glad you found a way to spend your time.”

  “You really need a television and cable, Aveoth.”

  “I’ll arrange it for you.”

  “Thank you. I like books but your collection is mostly classics or manly stuff I’m not really interested in. You have a ton of westerns and murder mysteries.”

  “I can order you books. The scouts go pick up the mail once a week, weather permitting.”

  “Winters are harsh here, aren’t they?”

  “Outside, yes. Inside, we’re protected.”

  She got a strange look on her face.

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t you go stir crazy?”

  He shook his head. “We’re a city built inside this mountain. You’ve been outside and seen how high we are. There are stairwells and levels from here all the way to the base. A lot of my clan consider the winter months a vacation.”

  “How is that possible? They’re stuck indoors, right?”

  “They are during bad storms, but that also means it’s impossible for others to attack us. The scouts don’t have to patrol as often, and I don’t send anyone back and forth on missions.”

  “What kinds of missions?”

  “I mentioned there are some Lycan packs I’ve assigned guardians to. They live there year-round to keep them protected from Vampire nests, human poachers, and to keep other packs from starting territory wars. Occasionally they request additional, help, so I send reinforcements. I also assign some of my clan to assist the VampLycans. For instance, recently a nest of Vampires came into this area. We helped deal with them.”

  “You didn’t want them to be your neighbors?”

  He decided to be completely truthful. “They broke laws, Jill. Kidnapped a VampLycan, and many human lives were lost. They wanted a war, and got one. My men also assist in rescues when we hear about lost humans in surrounding areas.”

  “Aren’t you afraid they’ll realize something is different about your people?”

  “No. I have scouts fly over the area when it’s dark, after the human rescue teams have had to call their search to a halt until daylight. We’re able to locate the lost and then one of my men will land, pretend to be human, and lead them to the nearest group.”

  “I like that you care about humans.” She took a step closer, stopped, then took another. “I think that’s enough small talk.” Jill crossed her arms over her chest and stared up at him.

  “You appear nervous. What do you really want to talk about?”

  “Your mom said some things that made a lot of sense.”

  “Like what?” He was more than curious. “Did she try to help you plot a way to talk me into returning you to your old life? It’s too dangerous, Jill.” His emotions ranged from anger at his mother to dread. He’d been certain his mother would like Jill, but knew she’d still be afraid of how the clan would react to her being human. His mother knew him too well, and knew that he’d absolutely refuse to have Jill sterilized to prevent an accidental pregnancy. “Please don’t ask me again. I believe I could make you happy here if you stayed. Give me time and get to know me.”

  “That’s kind of what your mother said.”

  He was surprised. “She did?”

  “My life is never going to be the same, now that I am aware of people with extras and super powers.”

  He tried not to laugh. “Superpowers?”

  “You fly and turn to stone, Wings. I’d consider those superpowers.”

  “Fair enough. Are you willing to give us time? Is that what you’re trying to say?”

  “I have questions, and I need you to straight-up answer them. No avoidance. Can you do that?”

  “Yes.” He motioned to the bed. “May we sit? Or would you prefer we go into the living area?”

  “I’m good here.” She sat on the bed, scooted over, and pointed for him to take a seat a few feet down the mattress.

  He sat. “Ask.”

  “I thought you just wanted to hook up for a while. I even considered that maybe you wanted me just to have your baby, after you mentioned we could breed. What Winalin said implied you just planned to keep me long enough to give birth, then dump me, but your mom is convinced you want to make me your forever mate. Is that true?”

  He groaned. His mother had ruined his plan of slowly gaining Jill’s trust, making her care for him, and then breaking it to her. Jill wanted the truth but he worried she’d hate him if he gave it to her. They’d made progress. All that might be wiped away.

  Her eyebrows arched. “
Your face right now. I can’t tell if you’re pissed or panicking. Was she wrong?”

  He refused to look away from her. “No, Jill. She wasn’t. I wanted us to have more time before I brought up being mates.”

  “Wow. Okay.” She glanced away then back at him. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “You’re wrong. You’re intelligent, strong-willed, have a quick wit, and you’re compassionate. You’re also beautiful, courageous, and I’ve never been so drawn to another woman in my life. I’ve wanted to protect and keep you since the moment you stepped off that jet and negotiated with me to beat on Decker’s men.” He grinned, still fond of that memory. “Most women would have cried after what they’d endured but you wanted to see both of them bleed. What’s more, you meant it. Not once did you flinch away or beg me to halt hurting them. You’re magnificent, Jill. I immediately began to fall in love.”

  She said nothing for long moments. “You know that’s a little bit disturbing, right? I have anger issues. Most people don’t think that’s a good trait to have.”

  He chuckled. “Whatever you want to call it, it’s extremely sexy to me.”

  Her lips curved upward a little and her eyes showed a spark of humor. “You said fall in love. I heard that.”

  He shrugged. “I’m part Lycan. We go with our instincts. Mine want to make our relationship a permanent one. My heart immediately opened to you.” He reached up and placed his hand over his chest. “You’re already in here, Jill.”

  Her gaze lingered on his hand before she peered into his eyes again. She sucked in a sharp breath. “Here’s the deal. You’re incredibly hot. And sweet. I’ve tried really hard to hate you but I’m failing to make it stick. I believe that what happened last night with that kiss wasn’t something you did on purpose. You could have taken full advantage of me, but you didn’t. I can’t think of any other guy who wouldn’t have gone all the way, considering the state I was in. It makes me like you even more. It’s a big deal that you’re not human…but I’m getting over that fairly quickly the more time I spend around you.”

  Finished, she sealed her lips.

  “Are you going to give us a chance, Jill? Is that what you’re saying?” He lowered his hand to his thigh, gripping it. He had hope.

  She nodded. “I’m not ready to do this mate thing yet or have a bat baby, but the overriding desire to leave you isn’t there anymore. Your mother said a lot of stuff that made me really rethink things.”

  “What did she say?” He silently promised to thank his mother at the first opportunity.

  Jill took another deep breath and blew it out. She moved closer. “There’s no way I’m ever going to forget you. I thought about the life I had, and what it would be like if you actually let me go. I’m pretty sure I’d regret not taking a chance to see what’s between us.” She scooted a little closer still.

  He wanted to reach out, grab her, and put her on his lap, but refrained. She was coming to him. He just needed patience. He would find it for his Jill. She’d stopped with merely inches between them. She lowered her head, seeming to be staring at her lap.

  “May I hold you?” He really wanted to.

  She lifted her head, and he couldn’t look away from her pale blue eyes. “My life wasn’t easy because of Decon Filmore. My mom and I would move every time he found us. She was always afraid those thugs would kill me. End of problem. You see it on the news. Some men murder their own kids to avoid paying child support or because they get married. Having a bastard kid causes issues in their new marriage. It’s cold-blooded, but we’re talking about a jerk who swore he loved my mom then dropped her like a bag of trash at the curb when she got pregnant. He wasn’t a good guy.

  “It was tough on us both, living that way. I’d make friends but then didn’t dare contact them again once we’d fled. What if those thugs talked to them, lied to get them to give up our new address? They always found us eventually, but we could usually relax for a while in a new place. You know? After a while, making good friends just wasn’t worth the pain it caused, knowing I’d lose them. I had people I worked with, neighbors, but I kept them emotionally distanced since caring meant pain.”

  He couldn’t imagine the utter loneliness she spoke of. He’d always had Kelzeb. His childhood had been harsh but his best friend had always been at his side. There were others as well, who he’d trusted and grown bonds with. Duster. Fray. Chaz.

  He reached out and put his arm around her. She didn’t resist as he drew her closer until she leaned against him, her cheek pressed to his chest. He lowered his chin to the top of her head and placed a kiss there.

  “I thought life couldn’t get any worse…until my mom died. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I had no one. I had her cremated since it was all I could afford. I brought her ashes home to our shitty apartment and thought, one day I’m going to die too. No one is going to pay for me to be cremated. Her ashes would probably be thrown in the garbage, since I couldn’t afford to encase them in some mausoleum. You can never get ahead and save money when you’re on the run. Every dime might mean life or death if you have to move suddenly, so you don’t waste it. Not to mention, if I put her somewhere permanent, who knew if I’d ever get to visit her since I had to keep moving. I had no clue if Decon would kill me once he’d found out she’d died. Like maybe he would feel he’d lost control, now that I had nothing to lose by legally going after him for money.”

  He hated the way her voice choked up, and he could smell her tears. He wrapped both of his arms around her, holding her tight. “Do you still have her ashes?”


  “We’ll retrieve them and bring them here, Jill. We entomb our dead. She’ll have an honored place in our mausoleum that will be safe for you to visit whenever you wish.” They didn’t call it that, but he knew humans did. It was a resting place for the dead.

  She sniffed. “Thank you. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve always wanted to find someone to love, and hoped they’d love me too. But a life partner was just a hopeless fantasy since I knew any sane person would dump me as soon as they found out about the sperm donor and his thugs. Instead, you beat their asses and sent them running away. So…I’ll be damned if I’m going to blow any chance I finally have of being happy just because I’m afraid. I’ve faced every other challenge in life head on, so I can do it again. So what if you aren’t human? I don’t care about that anymore. Just don’t break my heart, Wings. I’m willing to stick around and discover what we can be together.”

  “You won’t regret it.” He smiled. “I give you my word of honor.”

  She turned into him and slid her arms around his waist, holding on tight. He closed his eyes and felt his own tears flood behind his eyelids. They were rare. But Jill was going to stay with him.

  “I’ll make you happy, Jill.”

  She sniffed. “We need to have sex.”

  His eyes popped open and his body instantly responded. “I’m very willing to agree to that.”

  She laughed, keeping her head tucked. “I bet you are. We should figure out if we’re compatible. Sex is important in a relationship if it’s going to work.”

  “We’re compatible.” He had no doubt.

  She finally lifted her head and peeked up at him. Her cheeks were a little pink. She was adorable. Discussing sex made her blush. He liked that a hell of a lot.

  “You’re big, Aveoth. I’m never going to forget you flashing me your goods to make your point. I definitely would have felt that.”

  He loved hearing his name on her lips. “I’ll be gentle.”

  “A gentle giant, big guy?”

  “I’ll be whatever you need, Jill.”

  She licked her lips. “Will I be drugged again if you kiss me?”

  “I don’t know. I can avoid kissing you.”

  “I’d welcome a repeat of what happened when you kissed me; at least this time I know what I’m getting into. Besides, sex is always awkward the first time. At least in my experience. I’m not a virgin, b
ut I admit I haven’t had any long-term relationships. My record was dating the same guy for a month before Mom and I were found, and I had to move. That drug will help break the ice. This time we’ll go all the way.”

  He searched her eyes. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. Just don’t forget I don’t want to get pregnant, and um, I don’t know how you mate but I’ve read shifter books. Is it sex and biting at the same time?”

  “A bit.”

  She nodded. “No biting then.”

  “I can do that. Are you on any human contraceptives?”

  “No. I haven’t been able to afford health care in over a year, and I didn’t exactly have the time to spend a day at a free clinic. Do you have condoms? Do those work with GarLycans?”

  “I don’t have any but I’m sure Kelzeb can find some for me.”

  She blushed again. “You have to tell him?”

  He thought about it. “I know someone discreet. I’ll call and ask him.”

  “Thank you.”

  He carefully released her and stood, hating to let her go. “Condoms. I’ll be right back. Please don’t change your mind.”

  “I won’t. I’ll shower real fast, though, and be waiting for you in my bed. How’s that?”

  “My bed. I want you there.”

  She smiled. “Your bed then.”

  “I’ll hurry. This shouldn’t take long.”

  He strode toward her door, yanking out his cell phone. He heard her laugh but just smiled. He was a man with a mission and Jill wanted him. His day had just vastly improved.

  He went to the living area and contacted the one GarLycan he figured would have condoms.

  “My lord, do you need Chaz and I to guard your quarters again?”

  He cleared his throat. “Do you have condoms?”

  Fray didn’t hesitate. “I do.”

  “I need them.”

  “I’ll grab a box and be right there.”

  “Don’t tell anyone. I need your silence.”

  “No problem, my lord. I’ll be at your lower door in five.”

  Aveoth ended the call and grinned. Jill would be his. He’d seduce her, convince her he was the right man for her and, when she was ready, he’d make her his mate. He’d deal with the clan later. It wouldn’t matter who he had to kill to keep her.