Page 19 of Aveoth

  He could have hurt her. It dampened his lust and his throbbing dick calmed, eventually softening. “I’m so sorry, baby. I promised not to bite.”

  She slept peacefully, breathing slow and steady.

  He kissed the top of her head. She felt small and fragile curled into his arms. He probably should clean her while she slept so she’d be more comfortable, but he just needed to hold his mate. It bothered him that material was between them so he carefully pulled it out, plastering his skin against hers. He wanted to keep her warm and safe. He also hoped the hormone stopped being produced every time he kissed her.

  The phone on the nightstand vibrated a while later and he rolled, reaching for it. A quick glance at the caller ID revealed it was Kelzeb. “What?”

  “I just beat the shit out of Elco. I thought you’d want to know.”

  Aveoth sighed. “What did he do to piss you off?”

  “He came to me about you denying his sister over a human, since I’m your advisor. I kept calm until he started throwing out threats and mentioned the Gargoyle Council is on his side. The prick has been talking to them.”

  Aveoth wasn’t surprised. “How angry were you?”

  “He’ll live, but he won’t be leaving his quarters for a few days. Your little chat with the council didn’t do much good.” Kelzeb sighed. “They are plotting trouble, Aveoth. They might be close-lipped, but Elco is a loudmouthed idiot. He implied they’re going to force you to step down in public. And Tork’s newly birthed son is being introduced to the clan tomorrow…”

  Aveoth ground his teeth together. “I forgot about that with everything that’s been going on.”

  “I figured. I’ve handled all the last-minute details. It’s at three o’clock. I hope you don’t mind, but I stopped by Renna’s home earlier and gave her a general description of your Jill. A gown will be ready for the event, but she’d like to actually measure her. Can you take her there now?”

  He turned his head, staring at Jill slumbering. “No. I will first thing in the morning.”

  “Now would be better.”

  “She’s sleeping beside me. I’m still giving off the hormones when I kiss her. I’m hoping it stops, now that my body believes I’ve mated her.”

  Kelzeb hesitated. “What does that mean?”

  “Use your imagination. I was wearing a condom, though, so the bond didn’t take.”

  “Shit. That good, huh?” Amusement laced his voice. “I’ll assume you got carried away, since I doubt you wanted to go mostly Gargoyle during sex with her. Did it frighten her?”

  “No. The hormone helped. She was focused on other things.”

  His friend chuckled. “Bond with her. Shit is already hitting the fan. Make it official tomorrow after the ceremony for the baby. We’ll have two new clan instead of one. That way, no one can whine about her anymore. It will be a done deal.”

  “They’ll still whine.”

  Kelzeb laughed outright. “True, my friend. But I won’t have to hear anyone asking me to make you rethink having Jill in your home. I’ve warned our trusted to expect some trouble. We stand with you if the council decides to challenge you.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Nobody wants Kado and his group in charge. One more thing.”

  “What?” Aveoth rolled, watching Jill sleep. She looked peaceful.

  “Hawk stopped me in the hallway on my way home from beating Elco’s ass. It seems Gorzak was approached by the council to challenge you for leadership.”

  Aveoth felt sadness. The Gargoyle had lost his Lycan mate some years ago, and had become remote. They’d taken him off work rotation. “That was low of them to go to a man who feels he has nothing to lose.”

  “Hawk was pissed. They are good friends, and he felt they were trying to take advantage of his grief. Gorzak ordered them to leave his home.”

  “He doesn’t care enough to fight for anything. Did they approach Hawk too?”

  “He thinks they knew better. He says he would have challenged whoever approached him…and would have handed you their head as a gift. I see where Chaz and Fray get their twisted sense of humor. He appeared disappointed that they didn’t pull him into their plotting so he could kill someone.”

  “He’s still dealing with his own grief of a lost mate.”

  “True. I’ll let you go. We’ll speak in the morning.”

  “Thanks.” Aveoth hung up. He went to put the phone on the night table but then made another call. His mother answered on the fifth ring.

  “I hate this invention. Couldn’t my son speak to me face to face?”

  He smiled but his humor faded fast. “You came to see my Jill. Why?”

  “You hadn’t brought her to me. I approve of her. Not that it would matter, but I do. She’s sweet and brave.”

  “She is so much more than that. The time wasn’t right for you to meet her though.”

  “You’re wrong. My timing was perfect. She needed a woman to speak to.”

  He would concede to her wisdom. “Thank you. She’s giving me a chance to show her we’re right for each other.”

  “I’m glad, my son. Renna and I are sewing a dress for her right now for tomorrow’s welcoming event. We’re making it extra special, in case you announce her as your mate.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. I need to go. I love you.”

  “I love you too, but we need to discuss one more thing before you end this call.”


  “Tell her the truth about you, my son. All of it. I know her secret. She should know yours as well.”

  His heart sped up and he gently eased out of bed, striding to the bathroom. He closed the door. “She told you who her father is?”

  “Yes. It came out in conversation. She promised me that she wouldn’t tell anyone else. I explained Gargoyles hate anything with even a drop of Vampire blood. Did you choose her because you feel real emotions for her, or are you using her?” Her voice grew cold. “Tell me you’re not like Abotorus.”

  “I’m nothing like him.” Rage tightened his chest enough to make it difficult to breathe. “How could you ask that? Even think it?”

  “It’s something he would have done. He would have used her to hide his own secrets.” Her voice softened. “I apologize but I had to speak my concern. She’s a tender woman who has seen a lot of pain. Protect her heart. It’s delicate.”

  “I would never hurt her. I treasure Jill.”

  “I’m glad. Some will challenge you. Kill them all, and be brutal enough to spread fear throughout the clan to anyone who even thinks of using your mate against you. They respect savagery. In that regard, I encourage you to be similar to my mate where the clan is concerned. You must survive and thrive. You’re my heart, Aveoth.”

  He closed his eyes and his anger dissipated. “I know. You’ve done everything to protect me and sacrificed so much.”

  “I wanted us both to live. You need to mate her and tell her everything, Aveoth. All of it. Make it a true mating of the heart. She’ll protect your secret. In order for her to love all of the man, she needs to know who you truly are.”

  “I know.”

  “Go be with her. Show her how amazing my son is.”

  The line clicked and the call ended.

  Aveoth returned to the bedroom, placed the phone on the night table, and got back into bed to hold Jill. Tomorrow they’d talk. His mother was right. He needed to tell Jill everything.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jill woke warm and happy. Aveoth’s big body radiated heat along her back and the weight of his arm anchored around her waist made her smile. Memories of the night before left no morning-after regrets. They had sexual chemistry by the truckload.

  She wiggled a little to get onto her back to be able to see him, staring at his handsome face on the pillow they shared. He looked younger while he slept and his short hair was messy. The bedding was lowered to their waists so she got to take in his chest and shoulders. He had the best body. Overall
, she decided she was one lucky woman. Everything about Aveoth was sexy.

  He’d bitten her, but she wasn’t mad. The sex had been off-the-charts hot and amazing. Capital A. Maybe O, since he’d made her have a lot of orgasms. She grinned thinking about that. There was a lot to be said for a supernatural being. He was fantastic at a lot of things, sex included. Part of her wanted to watch him sleep but her bladder urged her to get out of bed.

  He stirred and a low growl came from his throat when she carefully extricated herself from him and climbed out of bed. “Where are you going?”

  “Bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  She streaked naked across his room and closed the door, grinning. She hurried but took a minute to brush her teeth. A check of her throat amazed her. The skin was tender to the touch where he’d bitten her but there wasn’t even a bruise remaining. It seemed he had magical healing abilities when he licked her.

  It was tempting to wrap a towel around her body but then she decided against it. They had passed the modesty phase after he’d spent a lot of time with his face between her legs two nights in a row. She just opened the door.

  And there stood Aveoth, in all his naked glory, inches from the door.

  She allowed her gaze to wander down him.

  “Go get in bed. I’ll join you in a minute. Don’t get dressed. I’m not done with you yet.” His voice came out a little raspy and a whole lot seductive.

  She looked up and found him smiling. She couldn’t help but return it with one of her own. “I think I’m really going to become a morning person, living with you, if you keep ordering me to get back into bed.”

  “Good. I will have to reschedule my life to start meetings later in the day. I look forward to it. Now let me pass and I’ll be right back.”

  She stepped around him and heard the bathroom door close behind her as she got back into bed. This time she didn’t cover up. He was in there for a few minutes and when he came out, he joined her by spreading out on the bed next to her. Then he rolled, startling her and taking her flat to her back. He adjusted his body, pinning her under him. She laughed, opening her thighs to fit his hips between them.

  “You feel happy to see me,” she teased. “Do you always wake up hard?”

  He chuckled. “I do when I’m with you.”

  She reached up and slid her fingers into his hair, lifting her head to go for his mouth. He pulled back a little to avoid kissing her.

  “What’s wrong? I brushed my teeth.”

  “So did I. It’s just that I don’t want you taken over by my hormones.”

  She understood. “I can still kiss you though. Let me have your neck.”

  He hesitated, and the color changes in his irises flashed a lot of silver. “I’m not sorry I bit you, but I will apologize for losing control.”

  “It made me come really hard. I was afraid your fangs would hurt but it turns out the biting does it for me.”

  Brighter silver burst in his eyes like mini fireworks, overshadowing the blue. “I treasure you, Jill.”

  “I think I feel the same way about you. I remember the wings you sprouted, too. They’re so soft to the touch.”

  “Again, I lost control. I apologize.”

  “Don’t.” She meant it. “They’re a part of you. Of course, I probably should ask if that’s going to be a problem if I’m ever on top while we’re having sex. Does it hurt you if you’re on your back with your wings out?”

  He grinned. “If you’re on top, I won’t care if I feel a little discomfort at my wing joints. Last night was special. I don’t usually lose control of my body that way.”

  She stared into his eyes. “You’re confusing me again. Total honesty, remember?”

  “I got the urge to mate you, and it was so strong I lost control. The condom protected us from bonding though.”

  “How do GarLycans mate?”

  He hesitated.

  “Is it terrifying? Horrible? Painful? Traumatic?”


  “Then spit it out.”

  He chuckled. “We should discuss this later.” He caressed her with his hand.

  “Avoidance. You chose not to kiss me so I can still think. Answer.”

  His expression grew serious. “We softly shell our skin, our wings come out, and we bite during sex. The taste of your blood, along with my partially shifted state, will trigger my body to producing mating hormones. The condom prevented them from reaching you. Otherwise your body would be changing right now.”


  “It’s difficult to explain, but those hormones alter a woman on a DNA level. You’ll carry my scent. Gargoyle sperm is also strongest when we’re partially shifted, so it increases the chances of pregnancy.”

  She carefully considered his words, trying to remain calm. “DNA level? You mean my body physically changes? Do I eventually turn into what you are?”

  “No. You’ll never have wings or the ability to shell. Mating sperm will mark you as mine.” He hesitated, seeming to think. “Your scent will change, so you smell like me. It won’t be temporary or something you can wash away. Your cells will modify enough to carry parts of my DNA so the scent stays.”

  “Like a disease?”

  He frowned. “No. Diseases make you ill. A mate makes you stronger. When we do mate, I’ll feed you my blood from time to time. We slice our skin and have our mates drink it, usually from a cup. My blood will give you a better immune system and your ability to heal will increase. Your lifespan will vastly lengthen, too. Drinking from me will repair you on a cellular level, to prevent aging the way you are now.”

  Shock coursed through her. “Wow. That doesn’t sound bad.”

  He smiled. “I’m glad.”

  “So I won’t turn into an old lady if I stay with you?”

  “No. I should tell you that Gargoyles live for millennia.”

  She was glad to be pinned under him at the moment. “Thousands of years? Is that right?”

  He nodded. “The clan some of the Gargoyles here left to form ours had a lord who was nine millennia old.”

  That shocked her again. “Nine thousand years old? Shit! Can you live that long?”

  He shrugged. “I’m a GarLycan. Our race has only been in existence for two centuries. My mother was one of the first babies born from the union of a Gargoyle and a Lycan. I swore to never reveal her age. You’ve seen how young she looks. We age almost like humans until we hit adulthood, when it slows. Of course, we’re larger than typical human children are.”

  A thought hit her. “How much did you weigh at birth?”

  “I think nine pounds, my mother said.”

  “That’s pretty big but not terrifying.”

  He smiled. “Your being so human might help with a smaller birth weight. The child will be half yours. I bet you were petite at birth.”

  “Five pounds, six ounces.”

  He raised his hand, looking at it.

  She laughed. “You’re imagining how tiny that is, aren’t you?”

  He nodded, staring into her eyes.

  “You have big hands…along with big everything else. Let’s stop talking about babies. I’m not ready for that. What’s the lifespan on a Lycan?”

  “We’ll go over all this later. I promise not to die on you within the next thousand years at least. I want to spend a lot of intimate time with you.”

  She smiled. A thousand years should have scared her but it didn’t. Her entire life had been all about temporary homes, friends, and jobs. He was offering her what seemed like forever. “Kiss me.”

  He avoided her lips. “I don’t want you drugged. Today we have an event to go to.”

  Wariness and dread filled her in equal measure. “What kind of an event? More judging?”

  “A celebration. A GarLycan named Tork mated to a Lycan while he served as a guardian over her pack. He brought her here during her pregnancy and their son was born last week. I will formally introduce and welcome him as a member of my clan. There will be foo
d served and social niceties.”

  She laughed.

  “What’s amusing?”

  “Social niceties? That’s an odd way to put it. Kind of funny. As opposed to what? Violence and death?”

  He grinned. “Not during a welcoming ceremony. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior since mates and children will be present.”

  Her humor died. “Shit. I’m going to have to put on one of those old-fashioned dresses, aren’t I?”

  “I apologize now, but yes.”

  “We need to talk about that.”

  “Later.” He nuzzled her face, going for her throat.

  She moaned as his lips lightly teased the sensitive skin under her ear. “Yes.”

  His hand stroked her thigh and lifted it. She curled it around his waist, feeling the hard length of his cock nudge her pussy. It didn’t take much for Aveoth to get her hot. The feel of him over her, his teeth raking her skin, had her hurting for him to be inside her.

  “Lose the old-fashioned dresses for something more modern for women and I’ll be your mate,” she teased.

  A rumble came from his throat, his chest vibrating against hers. His scent filled her nose and the ache between her thighs increased. Not only could the guy make some magical aphrodisiac drug with his mouth, but he smelled like sex and sin. His lips left her throat.

  “I’d make that deal if you were serious.”

  She stroked his warm skin, loving touching him. “I’m all about negotiations in bed.”

  “You’re going to drive me insane, Jill.” He nipped her throat with his fangs.

  It didn’t hurt. Instead, a jolt of pleasure radiated straight to her clit. “Bite,” she encouraged.

  “You’re going to make me lose control again.” He lifted his head, staring into her eyes. His were molten silver, their light and dark shades moving fluidly. “Don’t say things like that right now, with you naked under me. You’re being playful. My mind knows that, but my instincts don’t. You tempt me too much, Jill. Don’t fool around with my heart.”

  It hit her then like a ton of bricks. She was falling in love with him.

  He was a bit scary, there were a lot of unknowns about how life would be with him…but she already knew she never wanted to let him go. Her instincts were riding her to make their union a permanent one. He could belong to her forever.