Page 24 of Aveoth

  He jabbed the needle into her arm. She tried to jerk away but the bastard holding her shoulders wouldn’t permit her to move much. A coldness spread up her arm and into her chest.

  “I’m taking you to Decker,” the shark hissed. “Those were my orders.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Spots danced before her eyes and her knees collapsed under her. Everything went dark.

  * * * * *

  Aveoth grinned and showed Fray what he’d just purchased. “What do you think?”

  “Your mate will love it.”

  “She was raised human so I wanted to buy her a ring. My mother told me what size to get. I hope she’s right.”

  “Resizing a ring would be a bitch once we get home. You ready to return to the airport?”


  Aveoth’s phone rang and he withdrew it, seeing Chaz’s number. “They must have beat us to the jet.” He answered. “We’re on our way now.”

  “They took her,” the GarLycan rasped.

  “What?” Instant fear and rage poured through him. “Who took her?”

  “VampLycans. They shot me. I didn’t have time to shell first.” Chaz coughed, and it sounded wet. “Get to her place. I haven’t recovered enough to stand yet. They might still be near.”

  “We’re on our way.” He hung up.

  Fray was already at the curb, and he opened the back door of the cab they’d had waiting for them in front of the jewelry store. The GarLycan appeared furious. “I heard. Let’s go.”

  Aveoth nearly dove into the backseat and seethed as Fray climbed in the other side, giving the driver the address. His mate had been taken. The idea seemed surreal but he knew it was a fact. Chaz would never play such a twisted prank on him.

  Fray withdrew a wad of cash. “Break every speed limit to get us there and this is yours.”

  The driver glanced back, and then the vehicle lurched forward, tires squealing as he punched his foot down on the gas.

  “Remain calm, my lord. We’ll track them and get her back.”

  “Who would dare do this?” He immediately answered his own question. “Decker.”

  “You don’t know that for sure. There’s no way he’d know we’d brought her here.”

  “Unless Garson betrayed us. I’ll tear him apart a piece at a time.”

  Fray grasped his arm tight. “Breathe in and out. I have spent time with Garson. He wouldn’t do this. I don’t know how they tracked our movements, but watch your skin,” he murmured.

  Aveoth glanced down and saw the warning signs of partial shelling. It took every ounce of control to force his body into submission. Fray whipped out a spare pair of sunglasses from his jacket and held them out.

  Aveoth took them and covered his eyes. “I’m going to—”

  “Not here. Not now. Just breathe, my lord. In. Out. We’ll get her back.”

  Every minute seemed like an eternity until the cab screeched to a halt in front of an old gray building. Aveoth almost ripped the door open to get out, breathing in every scent around him. He picked up VampLycans right away. One glance back showed Fray giving the driver money. Aveoth rushed to the front door of the building, only to find it locked. He viciously twisted the handle and threw his shoulder into it. The lock broke and he shoved inside.

  Aveoth stared at the shop, his nose burning from the strong stench of chemicals. Metals and paint fumes. He stormed across the room to another door and threw it open. Chaz lay on the floor in a pool of blood but the enforcer’s eyes were open. His sunglasses were lying feet away.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Aveoth assessed Chaz’s severe injuries at a glance. He’d suffered two blasts to the chest, and additional shots to his shoulder, stomach, and hip. Blood coated his lips and ran down his chin to his throat. Aveoth stepped over the male, staring at the open back door and up the stairs where blood was smeared on the steps.

  “Outside,” Chaz got out, coughing up more blood. “She escaped from upstairs and they rushed out the door after her.”

  Aveoth ran and picked up more scents once he’d left the stench of the building’s interior. Fray was right on his heels and they separated.

  His enforcer crouched near a Dumpster and touched the ground. “She was here.” He looked up. “The window is open. She must have jumped out that way and fallen to the ground.”

  Aveoth tracked the scents he recognized. They were from the two VampLycans he’d beaten for Jill after meeting her for the first time. There was an unfamiliar scent, too, by an abandoned backpack. He followed his nose out an open gate, where all the scents disappeared at the street. Fray grabbed his arm again.

  “We’ll get her back. Don’t lose your shit, my lord. It’s broad daylight. You can’t fly in the city to search for her.”

  “Decker has her again!”

  “He’ll want something then. He always does. It means he won’t dare hurt her. Think. I know it’s rough right now because she’s your mate, but you must.”

  He closed his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts. “I can track her.”

  “Shit. I forgot. What direction?”

  Aveoth mentally reached out to Jill but couldn’t get a sense of where she was. “I’m getting nothing.”

  “You bonded to her, you can, you’re just upset. Concentrate, my lord.”

  Aveoth tried again, then felt more rage and frustration. “I sense nothing. They’ve killed her!” He crashed to his knees, his heart feeling as if someone had ripped it out.

  Fray bent and hooked his arms around him, lifted, and nearly dragged him back into the yard they’d just left before putting him down. He kicked the gate closed and began prowling the yard. Aveoth stayed down and grew cold inside, dead. His skin throbbed and he knew he had begun to shell. It didn’t matter anymore. Nothing did.

  Fray came back to him and knelt. “I found a topper thing to a needle. Don’t shut down, Aveoth.” Fray gripped the back of his neck and squeezed hard. “Do you hear me, damn it? Decker wants something. He needs your mate alive. You’re not sensing her because she must be drugged. You know it can block your ability to get her location if her mind is shut down.”

  He latched onto the words and fought to breathe again. To soften his skin.

  “That’s it,” Fray encouraged. “Come on, Aveoth. If nothing else, get mad at me for being informal with you.”

  Aveoth opened his eyes and saw the red syringe cap Fray held in his palm. He took it and sniffed. It did smell of some form of drug, even if it was slight.

  “She’s carrying your scent.” Fray released his neck. “Decker wants his clan back. He’ll use Jill to force you to help him do that. Are you thinking clearer now? I’d like to check on my twin. He looked like shit when I glanced at him.”

  “Go to Chaz.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Aveoth slowly stood—and silently promised to reign hell down on Decker and any of his loyal to get Jill back. He checked his phone but he hadn’t missed any calls. Decker would be contacting him, though. The bastard had taken his mate.

  He entered the building, watching as Fray helped his brother stand.

  Chaz refused to meet his eyes. “I’m so sorry, my lord.”

  “Stop.” Aveoth came forward and put his hands on the GarLycan’s chest, examining the wounds. They were bad but the holes were very slowly closing and the bleeding had slowed. “Punctured lung?”

  “Yes. It doesn’t matter. I failed you.” Chaz leaned heavily on Fray. “I failed your mate.”

  Aveoth glanced at Fray, seeing the twin’s fear flash across his features. He could guess why.

  “Not another word, Chaz. I know what you’re going to say. I refuse to take your life as punishment. The bastards used the stench in here to hide their scents and they attacked you with human weapons before you could react.” He’d noticed the three shotguns, discarded on the floor by an open door that revealed an office with a desk inside. “It was a trap. Anyone could have walked into it. None of us suspected Decker
would come after my mate here.”

  Aveoth took off the sunglasses to get them out of the way and withdrew a dagger from the hidden thigh pocket of his leather pants. “You want to make it up to me?”

  Chaz lifted his head. “My life is yours, my lord. I’ll do anything for you.”

  Aveoth stared hard at each twin. “I need you both to swear secrecy and loyalty to me forever—right now.”

  Both appeared confused but it was Fray who spoke. “You’ve always had that, and forever will.”

  “Good. Then do exactly what I say.” He sliced his skin on the meaty part of his inner forearm and lifted it to Chaz’s face. “Drink my blood now. That’s an order.”

  Chaz’s eyes widened, uncertainty showing in them.

  “My father was a VampLycan. My blood will heal you. Drink it.”

  Chaz only hesitated for an instant, then sealed his mouth over the cut. Aveoth focused on Fray. The VampLycan removed his sunglasses, their gazes locking over Chaz’s head, and Fray gave a sharp nod, silently telling him he meant the vow.

  “I’ll explain later. Decker will want to return to Alaska. Let’s get there first. That means we need to get the fuck out of here and back on the jet. We can’t do that with Chaz bleeding out and looking the way he currently does. Humans would stop us and call their law enforcement.”

  “VampLycan. I’m blown away.” Fray whistled. “I never would have guessed that about you in a million years.”

  “We’d all better hope no one else ever does in our clan.”

  “No shit. We won’t tell anyone. Does Kelzeb know?”

  Aveoth peered into Chaz’s eyes, which were still locked onto him. “Yes.”

  Chaz surprised him by winking. Then the GarLycan stopped drinking his blood and took a step back before reaching down and tearing open his destroyed shirt. The holes in his chest were rapidly sealing before their eyes.

  “Fuck!” Chaz touched one of the wounds, already closed. “Amazing.”

  “I’ll find you something else to wear. You’re covered in blood.” Fray strode into the office.

  “I hope the jet can be flown with one pilot instead of two.”

  “Why is that, my lord?” Chaz removed the rest of his shirt and began to undress.

  “I need to drink blood now. That’s the down side to being part VampLycan.”

  Fray returned carrying a T-shirt and shorts. “It’s the best I could find in there.” He held them out to his brother. “It was that, or I could go upstairs to Jill’s apartment to get you a dress or something.”

  “Hurry up and get dressed, Chaz. We need to go.” Aveoth was desperate to get back to Alaska.

  Fray stepped forward. “I heard what you said.” He offered his arm. “You need blood.”

  Aveoth was touched. The brothers truly accepted what he was. “I appreciate that but two of us are weaker than normal right now. Let’s not make it three. I’ll take blood once we reach the jet.”

  Chaz had put on the human’s clothing. They were too small and he looked ridiculous in shorts with boots. It didn’t matter. “That’s your mate’s duffle bag there and she had a backpack with her mother’ ashes. Did they get that too?”

  “It’s outside. I’ll grab it.” Fray exited the building, putting his sunglasses back on.

  Aveoth tried hard to hang on to his sanity. His mate had been taken—and VampLycans would die.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jill woke up in the same jet she’d been in before when she’d been kidnapped, only now it wasn’t just Shark and Fido she had to deal with. The quiet man who’d clawed her shoulders was also present, still at her back in one of the seats behind her.

  She glared at the remaining jerk in a chair across from her, who she suspected was half the reason her sperm donor even existed. He confirmed her suspicions when he introduced himself as Decker Filmore.

  “You’re going to get my clan back for me, and help me accomplish a lifetime goal.”

  They had her tied like a mummy, with ropes encircling both her and the chair she sat in, winding from chest to ankles. “You know, for a jacked-up family who never wanted anything to do with me my entire life, this is all kinds of fucked. You understand that, right?”

  Decker just placidly smiled. “I didn’t know about you, or I would have killed your mother right after your birth and brought you home. You wouldn’t be the foul-mouthed woman you are today. I’d have taught you to respect me.”

  “He’d have beaten you into submission,” Fido growled.

  She didn’t spare him a glance since he sat somewhere behind her. “Did you hear that? I think a dog is talking. Someone grab a camera, hit record, and we’ll be trending on Twitter if you post it. It’s a miracle.”

  “Goddamn bitch!” Fido snarled.

  “Sit down,” Decker commanded. “She knows what buttons to push. What is Twitter?” He looked to the shark for clarification.

  “Ignore her remarks. Jillian is rude, and she tends to say things that don’t make sense in her sad attempts to make one feel stupid.”

  “I don’t have to attempt anything. Stupidity is a done deal in your case.” She flashed him a smile, since he sat in front of her.

  Decker glanced at his watch. “How long until we land? I want to call Aveoth and get this over with. I almost wish I could watch him kill my enemies.”

  “We’ll finally make those traitors pay…and do it from the comfort of the jet.” Shark also glanced at his watch. “Soon. We’ve already crossed the border into Alaska.”

  “Aveoth won’t do what you want.” Jill wiggled, trying to loosen the ropes, but they had no give in them.

  “We should drug her again.” Shark flashed his white teeth in his own evil version of a smile.

  “I agree. Anything to avoid staring at you two.” She tensed her legs, pushing on the ropes. “I noticed you’re not doing a chimney impression this time. I take it the jerk you serve doesn’t like smoking?”

  “Do not call Decker a jerk!” Shark snapped.

  Decker leaned forward in his chair, his gaze fixed on her. “Aveoth might want me to prove she’s still alive. No more drugs. You remind me of your grandmother. My mate had no respect for me either—and I killed her. I’d keep that in mind.”

  “I’d say I’m shocked but…so not. All you Filmores are losers. Too bad you didn’t extend that murder streak to the rest of your family so none of you are left.”

  Deep growling sounded from behind her.

  She put her head against the seat and sighed. “Your doggy sounds like it might piss all over or chew up your expensive plane. I vote that we open a door and toss Fido out.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill her,” Fido snarled.

  “Sit down and shut up, Boon!” Decker ordered him. “I won’t allow you to fuck up my plans because you have no control over your temper. This bastard child is going to be the downfall of our VampLycan enemies. All four clans will bow to me or they will die. Aveoth will do whatever I say because he wants her blood.”

  She swallowed hard, not liking the pure bliss that crossed Decker’s face with that little rant. He really wanted to kill a bunch of people. It sickened her that they were related by blood. “You’re wrong. Dimwitted and delusional, too.”

  Decker cocked his head, studying her too close for her comfort. “I don’t believe what you told Cole. I do, however, think that you probably did seduce one of his GarLycans into running away with you. That will make Aveoth want you even more. He and I are a lot alike in regards to seeking vengeance against those who’ve done us wrong. He’ll make your life a living hell, Jillian, and enjoy every moment he pays you back for betraying him with one of his own enforcers.”

  There was no way she could allow Decker to use her against Aveoth. He had a lot of pride and honor. To do the bidding of a heartless prick would kill him inside. Aveoth had offered her everything he had by mating her. She needed to do everything in her power to outthink these bastards.

  They were in the air, and VampL
ycans didn’t have wings. One glance assured her the cockpit door was closed. It meant the pilots would be safe if she could somehow get the cabin to decompress and force them to make an emergency landing. That couldn’t happen unless she got out of the ropes.

  A plan formed, and Jill tried to look terrified over Decker’s words, even purposely making her hands shake.

  Decker noticed, and smirked. “I almost pity you. I hear GarLycans love to chain women and keep them locked up in dark caves.”

  Fido barked out a laugh.

  She turned her head and arched her back enough to spot him over the headrest. “What do you think is funny, dog breath? I’d prefer being kept in chains inside a dungeon any day over being near you. At least a real man would be fucking me. You’re never going to be able to touch me. What a poor, sad puppy you are.”

  He lunged out of his seat, right at her. She automatically flinched but expected the attack. Fido really did have anger issues and no control. He’d want to make her pay for that taunt…which hopefully meant getting her out of the chair first.

  “Goddamn it, Boon!”

  The infuriated VampLycan ignored Decker, his claws slashing at the ropes. His other hand dug into her arm, trying to drag her out of the seat at the same time. It happened to be the arm attached to her injured shoulder.

  Agony ripped through her and she fought not to pass out. That wasn’t part of her plan.

  * * * * *

  Aveoth paced in his office, ignoring the steady gazes of Kelzeb, Fray, and Chaz. They’d arrived back at the cliffs an hour before but Decker hadn’t called. He should have.

  “What if they’ve killed my Jill? She’s so human. What do they know of drugs? They could have overdosed her. I smelled the VampLycan who had threatened to rape her. What if Decker couldn’t keep him leashed? She’d have fought him, and she’s so fragile!”

  “Don’t torment yourself, Aveoth.” Kelzeb stepped in his path. “Decker is too much of a greedy fuck to harm her. He needs your mate to get what he wants.”

  “He’s insane and has no honor,” Aveoth shot back.