Page 27 of Aveoth

  “I will never allow my clan to attack VampLycans. This is your home, as well as ours. We will live in peace for as long as I live and rule. That’s a promise.”

  Velder didn’t try to hide his surprised grin. “This is the best news I’ve heard since my mate informed she was pregnant with my sons. Perhaps we could hold a few social functions together? I could hug you right now!”

  He imagined Velder actually embracing him, and tensed slightly.

  Velder noticed. “I’d never dare insult you that way. It’s just a saying. VampLycans sometimes hug.”

  “You felt joy when your mate was pregnant with both of your sons?”

  “Of course. You’ll know that same exhilaration when your mate becomes pregnant, once you decide to have children. They are a blessing. I feel thankful every day for Drantos and Kraven.”

  Aveoth glanced around again, and felt certain they were out of hearing of anyone else. “I hope to become a father one day.”

  “You’ll be a great one. It’s terrifying. I won’t lie.” Velder chuckled. “Babies are so small. They get stronger and bigger too fast, but the bond grows as well. I’m very close to my sons.”

  “I killed Lord Abotorus.” He regretted mentioning that the second the words were out.

  Velder lifted his hand as if he planned to touch Aveoth, hesitated, then let it drop. “He was a harsh man, as you said. I’ll be honest. I was kind of glad when we got the news that you’d taken over your clan. Your father had threatened to make us leave with the full-blooded Lycans once they’d decided to start over somewhere else. We held no more use as far as he was concerned, since Gargoyles refuse to mate with anyone tainted with Vampire blood. That’s how he put it. I feared for a few years that you’d feel the same, but you let it be and you’ve kept the peace. Thank you. My sons believed you didn’t hold the same opinion of us. They grieved when you stopped meeting with them.”

  “You knew we spent time together?”

  “I encouraged it.”

  “To strengthen our clan bonds?”

  Velder shook his head. “There was no motive on my part. I was aware your father could never find out. He probably would have punished you. At least that’s what my sons believed. You were their friend, and that’s why I was happy to let them spend time with you.”

  Aveoth stared deeply into Velder’s eyes, seeing only sincerity. A sharp pain jabbed in the middle of his chest. The VampLycan was a good man. He’d always suspected it, but now he knew with certainty.

  “They would welcome your friendship again. We all would.”

  Aveoth wished he could spend time with Drantos and Kraven once more. Those days had been some of happiest in his youth. “I can’t allow myself to become too close to your family.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  A war waged inside Aveoth, a longing so deep that had always remained, no matter how hard he’d try to keep it buried. Jill had changed him. He took a deep breath and blew it out. “Would you do anything to protect the lives of your sons, Velder?”


  “That’s why.”

  “Your clan would want to kill Drantos and Kraven?”

  Now was the moment, if ever there was one. Aveoth stepped closer, invading the other man’s personal space. Velder held his ground and didn’t back off. His body even remained relaxed. It was a sign of trust between them.

  “The clan will see me dead if they ever discover Lord Abotorus wasn’t truly my father. He hosted my mother while she carried me inside her womb, unaware that she was already pregnant when they mated. It magnified her Gargoyle traits, so I was born with strong GarLycan blood. She never wished to mate with that cold bastard, but her family forced her to. However…she took a VampLycan lover just days before she was sent to Abotorus. And no one must ever know, or I die. They would never allow me to lead my clan.”

  Velder’s eyes widened, and he paled.

  “I stopped spending time with my half-brothers once I learned the truth, to keep us all safe. My clan will never attack yours…Father.”

  Tears welled in Velder’s blue eyes, and he clasped Aveoth’s arm. “I didn’t know.”

  “You were never meant to. This truth remains between us.”

  The tears spilled down Velder’s cheeks as he studied every inch of Aveoth’s face. “You’re my son? Your mother…she was the one who spent time with me in my hunting cabin, then disappeared.” Emotion choked his voice.

  Aveoth gripped him back. “It would have been a death sentence for my mother and I, had she told Abotorus I wasn’t his after she realized the truth shortly after my birth. It will forever be, since the clan would see us dead for the lie we’ve lived all this time. No one must ever know. Do you understand? I can’t promise a new lord would wish to protect our alliance. The older generations look down on VampLycans.”

  “You have to tell Drantos and Kraven.”

  “I can’t. You can’t. Don’t make me regret this day, Father. It’s too dangerous a secret. It was selfish of me to share it but I’ve held it deep inside since I learned the truth. Abotorus never learned that I wasn’t his, but he planned to kill everyone with Lycan blood in the clan. That included all mates and younglings. Even his own. We were all flawed to him because we had emotions.”

  “You’re perfect,” Velder rasped. “You’re my son.”

  Aveoth had to look away, and he backed up, releasing Velder and making sure he let go too. He cleared his throat, and then held his gaze again. “Is this secret safe?”

  “Yes. I wouldn’t do anything to put you in jeopardy.” Velder blinked back more tears and smiled. “I have another son.” That happiness quickly faded. “I wish I’d known. I would have…” His voice trailed off.

  “Don’t go there. You found your true mate and had two sons you love. Lord Abotorus would have had my mother and you hunted down and executed if she’d fled from the promise her parents made for her betrothal. It kept both of you alive. And now I have two brothers. They are good men who I like, and as lord of my clan, I can keep them safe. This worked out the way it was meant to, and I’m grateful for it.”

  “That’s why you let them have Dusti and Bat without a fight.”

  “Yes. I’d never kill my brothers.”

  “Now you found your own mate. Is she a Gargoyle? I have a hundred questions. I want to know everything about you.”

  “She’s the daughter of one of Decker’s sons. It’s a long story, but I’ll talk to you again soon. We’ll meet in secret, if you wish. I’d like to get to know you better as well.”

  “I would love that. Anytime. Anywhere.” Velder suddenly paled. “Shit! She’s a VampLycan?”

  “Half. Her mother was human.”

  Velder’s mouth firmed into a tight line. “Your clan refuses to mate our women. Will they challenge you for leadership?”

  “It’s already been dealt with, and my clan is aware of what she is. It will be fine. I need to go now. My mate has been traumatized.” He jerked his thumb at Decker’s head. “The bastard kidnapped her when she went to pick up her things from her apartment, and I haven’t checked her over yet to see if he harmed her in any way. She seemed okay, but I need to get to her.”

  “Of course.”

  “We should hold a gathering so our clans can mingle. My Jill might like to meet her cousins your sons mated.”

  “I’d like that. If you ever have any problems with your clan accepting your mate, or anything else, you have my full support, and that of every other VampLycan clan. Your disposal of Decker would be reason enough for them to stand at your side. We’re here for you, whatever you need.”

  “I appreciate that offer, though I have trusted friends and enforcers in my clan. We can hold my reign. I chose them well.”

  “Do they know the truth about you?”

  “That you are my father? Only one. Kelzeb. We’ve been friends since the beginning of our lives. I must go. Jill is waiting for me at the cliffs. I’ll arrange for us to meet soon.”

  “I look forward to it.” Velder stepped forward and clasped his hand with both of his. “I’m glad you’re my son, even if I can’t tell anyone.”

  A lump formed in Aveoth’s throat, and he had to swallow hard. “I’m glad to be your son.”

  Velder let him go. “Come back soon. I want to get to know you better.”

  “I will. Please share the news of Decker’s death with the other clans. Let them know he won’t ever bother them again.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Aveoth expanded his wings, getting ready to take flight. Then he paused. “Do you happen to have a box inside your home that I may have? I need it for my mate. She likes to tease me, and it’s time I returned her humor.”

  The request seemed to surprise Velder. “Um, I’m sure there’s something. Come inside.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jill paced in the living room. She was aware that Fray watched her with amusement.

  “Lord Aveoth is safe. You’re fretting for no reason.”

  “Where did he go?”

  “He didn’t exactly tell me. He just grabbed the head and flew off, but he said he’d return soon. Lord Aveoth won’t be gone from you long.”

  “He should have come right back.”

  “My guess? He needed to fly the head to all four VampLycan clans to show them proof of death. It would be best to do that before decomposition sets in.”

  She stopped moving, gawking at him. “Ewww.”

  “To view a fresh head is much better than one days old. It otherwise might have started to fall apart while it was being flown around.”

  “Okay, I don’t want to hear any more. That’s gross. I’m so glad you talked me into eating a sandwich when we first got here or I’d have just lost my appetite.”

  Fray winked. “I don’t want you mad at Lord Aveoth.”

  “You’re a weird man.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, my lady.”

  She liked Fray. “Are you hungry? I could fix you something while we wait, since you’re stuck with me.”

  “I’m fine but thank you. May I speak freely?”

  “Of course.”

  “You shouldn’t offer to fix your guards meals. It’s not done.”

  “I’m already screwing up, huh?”

  He shrugged. “It’s okay with Aveoth’s trusted circle. You do need to learn more about what will be expected of you as Lord Aveoth’s lady.”

  “I’m going to be so bad at this.”

  “I disagree. May I sit?”

  “Take a load off.”

  “I really do like you.” He laughed as he sat on the couch. “Everyone here is pretty formal and stuffy.”

  Jill dropped into a seat across from him. “I noticed. The bad news is that I break into a sweat when I go to semi-nice restaurants. See my problem?”


  “I grew up poor. I feel so out of place. I remember going on a date with this guy a few years ago, who took me to one of those really fancy restaurants. They asked what kind of water I wanted. I panicked.”

  “Water is water.”

  “I know!” She nodded. “But I guess you can get it carbonated or whatnot. I’m still confused about that. I just remember feeling like I wanted to run out the door. My date laughed when I got that deer-in-the-headlights look and ordered for me. I don’t do well in situations like that. Now, here I am.”

  “You’ll have to learn for Lord Aveoth’s sake. His mother will help you, and so will we.”

  “Great. I hated school.”

  He chuckled. “So did I.” Fray stood suddenly and his gaze went to the open balcony doors. “Here he comes.”

  Jill stood as well, and clasped her hands in front of her. “Don’t bring me a head,” she chanted. “Please have dropped it.”

  Fray softly snorted. “He’s got something in his hands. I have excellent vision.”

  “Shit!” She bit her lip. “Okay. Don’t puke. That’s so not sexy.”

  Fray glanced back at her and arched one eyebrow.

  “Pep talk to myself.”

  A grin flashed before he faced forward. Aveoth landed on the balcony, and Jill couldn’t help but notice the blue box he held. It looked like something that should store a hat, but she knew it was something much worse. He’d brought the head home to her after all. Maybe she wouldn’t have to open it.

  He tore his gaze off her to nod at Fray. “Thank you.”

  “I’m leaving,” Fray announced without hesitation. Then he quickly walked out onto the balcony, extended his wings, and leapt into the air.

  Jill darted nervous glances between the box and Aveoth.

  “Are you hurt at all?” He put the box down on a nearby table and closed the distance between them, reaching her face.

  She jerked back. “Head-hands!”

  He smiled. “I washed up at Velder’s home while I was there to inform him of Decker’s death.” He cupped her cheeks and leaned down so their faces were almost level. “Are you hurt at all? Tell me the truth.”

  “I’ve got some bruises, my shoulder is tweaked, and I have a slight headache from being hit in the face. I’m probably not looking my best. Fray suggested I go take a bath but I wanted to wait for you.”

  He released her and slid his hand down his thigh, withdrawing a dagger. “My blood will heal you. Just a few swallows should do it.”

  “I don’t want you to have to do that for me.”

  “You’re my mate, and there’s no way I’ll allow you to be in pain.” He offered her the dagger. “Hold this.”

  She took it carefully. “I’m not cutting you, Aveoth.”

  He tore off his shirt, baring his chest. “You’re too tenderhearted.” He took the dagger from her.

  “I wouldn’t go that far, but you haven’t pissed me off lately.” She felt tears prick her eyes. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  “You’re stuck with me forever. Of course, I won’t ever allow you to leave the cliffs again.”

  “I should argue with you about that but after what I’ve been through, I don’t really want to leave.”

  He lifted the dagger and pointed it at his chest near his nipple. “No goblet this time. I want to feel your lips on me. Are you ready to be healed, Jill?”

  His eyes were changing colors, flashing a lot of silver and bright blue. “Yes. And I’m turned on too. We are so going to have sex.”

  He grinned. “We are.” He sliced into his skin, making a small cut, and tossed the dagger toward the couch.

  She stepped toward him, putting her hands on his warm chest, and went up on her tiptoes. He was really tall. She glanced at the blood, licked her lips, and opened her mouth. The taste of his blood probably wouldn’t ever be something she craved, but she found she didn’t mind it. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as she drank from him. The wound sealed pretty fast, and she pressed a kiss to his skin where it had been.

  He lifted her off her feet, walking and carrying her toward the bedroom. Her gaze went to the opening in the living room they’d used to leave the previous night. “You aren’t going to close that?”


  “Good plan.” She wanted him so much. “Are you mad at me for the bullshit I said when those goons had me?”

  He growled low and took her into the bathroom, then gently put her on her feet. “Strip.” He backed away and released her.

  “Are you?” she pressed.

  “I was too worried they’d set that bomb off. Killing that bastard felt good.”

  “Fray said they’re all dead. He was telling the truth, right? Nobody got away?”

  “All dead.” He bent and tore off his boots. “Get naked or I’ll rip those clothes off.”

  She took off her shirt and shoved her pants down her legs. “The sad part is that we went to all that trouble and I still don’t have my things.”

  “We have the stuff you wanted.”

  She stilled. “My backpack?”

  “Your mothe
r’s ashes are intact. The urn wasn’t even chipped. I checked.”

  She fought tears again. “Thank you.”

  “You never have to thank me for anything.”

  He turned on the water, and she couldn’t help but stare at every bare inch of him. “You are my superhero, Wings. Do you know that?”

  The corners of his mouth curved upward. “You are my super-sexy mate.” His gaze ran down her, then he growled, hooked her waist, and spun her, bending to inspect her skin. “You said you weren’t really hurt. Your entire hip is red.”

  “It was probably black and blue before the blood you gave me. I’m feeling fine. It doesn’t even ache anymore.”

  He straightened. “You’re never leaving my side again.”

  “That could get awkward.”

  He frowned.

  “I mean, what about when you need to take a book and sit on your bathroom throne? I so don’t want to be near you then, or have you with me when it’s my sitting time. There’s love and then there’s T.M.I in a relationship. We do have to have some boundaries, Wings. I do drink blood for you, after all. Compromise is important.”

  He chuckled. “Are you always going to tease me and give me hell?”

  “Probably. I bet your life was boring before I came into it. I’ve been told on good authority that everyone at the cliffs is a bit stuffy and formal. You’re being saved from that—and you’re welcome.” She beamed.

  He wrapped his arms around her, scooped her off her feet, and stepped into the warm spray of water. His mouth took possession of hers, and Jill moaned, opening up to him as she wrapped around his big body. Wings was super strong, and she had a feeling she was about to have sex up against the tiled wall at her back. She would have told him how she’d always wanted to do that, but heat flooded her body and her clit began to throb. Every inch of skin tingled.

  Oh boy. Here we go again. The mating drug is back. I’m so lucky! This is one thing I will never complain about.

  Aveoth realized what was happening when Jill clawed at his back and bucked her hips against him. The scent of her arousal almost brought him to his knees. For whatever reason, his body seemed to keep releasing ravage hormones. He broke the kiss.