Page 7 of Aveoth

  Fear struck that he was about to wake. She turned and rushed as quietly as possible to the ledge. Heights had never been her thing but she feared them less than the man on the bed. She needed to get away from him. He was a Gargoyle or a GarLycan or whatever. He had wings and an association with her sperm donor’s fucked-up family. That was more than enough to tell her he was bad news. She couldn’t forget his clawed fingers either, or the sight of them buried in Boon’s head.

  It was a beautiful, sunny day. The breeze felt good on her skin as she eased onto the side of the ledge. She faced the rock wall and put the view at her back. It helped not looking down or seeing how far she’d fall to her death that way. She scanned the rock and found places to grip with her fingers and where she could put her feet.

  “Damn.” She turned her head, seeing the cuts in the rock to the ledge below. It seemed like a really long way to climb down, but she didn’t have a choice. It was possible there might be a way out if she entered through another ledge. Aveoth had mentioned caves the night before. If there were a lot of them, maybe he’d only used some of them as his living space.

  “I want the hell out of here,” she muttered and shoved back her fear. “I can do this, even if I have to climb all the way to the bottom of this damn cliff. I’m going home. Fuck this messed-up shit.”

  * * * * *

  Galihia gripped Aveoth’s arm, preventing him from stepping into the moonlit courtyard. He paused, turning his head to stare into her cobalt-blue eyes. They were the same ones he saw every time he looked at his reflection. Her silky black hair was piled in an elegant braided bun.

  She’d given birth to him but he never called her mother. It wasn’t allowed.

  “Do not show emotion regardless of what he says. He’ll test you. Don’t fail. I realize the sixteen years you’ve lived are too few to learn control, but your life is at stake.”

  The warning stiffened his spine. She took a risk even speaking those words. He resisted the urge to ask questions. They didn’t have time. Lord Abotorus waited.

  Galihia released him and stepped back, waiting for him to exit. He inhaled slowly and held the air in his lungs as he faced the event he dreaded.

  The full moon mocked him. Aveoth kept his attention on the silent forms waiting to witness the moment when two clans sealed an agreement for continued peace. He wasn’t happy with the way it had come about, but he hadn’t been asked. His father never took his wishes into consideration.

  Three tall figures stood unhooded near Abotorus, but it was the smallest one, still completely shrouded, who deflated his lungs. He didn’t know her name, nor anything about her personal life. To ask questions would have been an offense. It was his duty to heed his lord’s demands. Any show of hesitation would be viewed as defiance.

  He couldn’t even look directly at her, instead staring at the altar. He did use his peripheral vision to gather every detail he could about the young woman. The hood hid a lot but not all of her. She kept her chin down and her black hair hung to her waist down the front of her cloak. Delicate shoulders, and her slight height deeply disturbed him. She was either a very dainty teenager or hadn’t even hit puberty yet.

  His hatred for his father, Abotorus, grew stronger.

  “We gather here today to deepen the links to our clans.” Abotorus paused. “Let us hope we are more successful than the last time we attempted this.”

  Aveoth allowed the insult to roll off him. He knew he’d been a disappointment since birth. He’d never been allowed to forget it. Memories of being punished flashed through his mind but he kept his emotions masked. He could feel his father watching him for a reaction, so he gave none.

  “Let us begin, Lord Abotorus. This shall permanently cement our clan bonds.” The VampLycan allowed his impatience to sound in his voice.

  “Doubtful, Decker. I don’t see any of my kind living with your clan, yet I keep being expected to take yours into mine.”

  The VampLycan clan leader softly growled. “We’ve offered, but your clan members have refused to leave the cliffs.”

  “That’s because we’re not heathens.”

  Aveoth focused on his heartbeat, keeping it steady. Lord Abotorus seemed determined to insult their guests. It was one time he didn’t feel embarrassed by the rudeness. The VampLycans might take the girl away and cancel the agreement.

  His luck wasn’t that good, because no one moved.

  “Do you concede to our agreement, Decker? I grow bored. What is her name?”

  “Margola. She is the younger sister of my own mate.” The leader of the VampLycan clan reached out an arm and steered her closer to the altar.

  “Wait.” Abotorus grumbled. “Didn’t your mate come from another clan? Does this girl belong to your clan or another?”

  “Mine,” Decker stated clearly. “She wanted to live with her sister and I accepted her. Let’s get on with this.” Decker motioned to the girl. “Give your agreement to accept Lord Abotorus’s son as your lover to unite our clans.”

  Aveoth silently urged her to decline. It would be best for both of them if she did. She raised her chin, not that it helped make out her features without looking directly at her. He didn’t dare.

  “I do,” she whispered.

  “Aveoth agrees as well,” Abotorus muttered.

  “That’s not how it should be,” Decker protested. “He must speak the words.”

  “I accept her as my lover,” Aveoth stated loud and clear.

  The small female shivered. He didn’t blame her if she felt fear. It was an indication of intelligence. He also pondered why she’d agreed to allow him to house her inside his new home. It had been his gift months before on his sixteenth year. He’d been kicked out of father’s dwelling. He figured his father didn’t want him underfoot any longer. That had been fine with him.

  Aveoth had been assured the VampLycan he was to take as a lover was mostly Lycan, but even a drop of Vampire blood made it impossible for him to ever accept her as a mate or allow her to birth his children. Did the VampLycan clans fear a war between their people so deeply that they’d encourage one of their women to agree to this madness?

  His hatred for his father notched a little higher. The bastard had probably enjoyed concocting the hellish deal. Lord Abotorus felt the VampLycans were beneath them, and asking for one of their women to offer her body for sex with his son until Aveoth found a mate was insulting to all concerned. He didn’t have fond thoughts toward the VampLycan Decker, either, for basically whoring out one of the women under his protection.

  Pity surfaced next. He might have no choice but to agree to take her as a lover. But he silently swore to never visit her bed. What happened behind the closed doors of his home would be no one’s concern. He only wished he could tell her of his decision. She wouldn’t be afraid of the future.

  Aveoth steeled himself for what would come next. He couldn’t show any compassion. That would come much later, when they weren’t under the steady watch of his father.

  “I hereby decree that the alliance has been reset, and grant the date five years from this night when Aveoth fully claims her,” Abotorus announced.

  Decker hissed his displeasure. “I believed you’d take her now and our alliance would be immediate.”

  “She’ll be of legal age at that time. My son doesn’t want a child in his bed.”

  Aveoth did the math and hid a cringe. The girl was only thirteen. He was surprised his father had enough compassion to not force her to his home at her current age. His fingers stiffened but he forced them to relax. He wanted to hit Abotorus for forcing a mere child into that kind of promise in the first place. He wasn’t much older than her, but he’d had a harsh life. He’d aged beyond his years.

  “I’ll give you an older woman,” Decker offered. “You’re the one who chose this one.”

  “I did it for a reason. You’re too eager, and I don’t trust you. This will give me time to watch you.”

  Aveoth glanced up at the VampLycan leader to see the
effect of his father’s words, not liking him much, either. What kind of man would offer up a young girl from his own clan and try to trade away her childhood innocence for an alliance? Not much of one. Decker Filmore had made himself an enemy today.

  “It’s time to seal this bargain with a blood oath.” Abotorus motioned with his finger for Aveoth to approach the altar. “Take her wrist and bleed her. The heathens insisted.”

  Aveoth’s stomach heaved but he moved into place and finally lifted his gaze to stare into her delicate features. Pure fear showed in her pale blue eyes. It proved she knew of the danger he represented. Her pending beauty couldn’t be denied, even at that tender age. He felt monstrous as he held out a steady hand with his palm open. It would infuriate his father, but he refused to brutalize her further by making her put her skin against cold stone.

  She trembled when she placed her wrist over his hand. He reminded himself that Abotorus would be studying him carefully, and parted his lips, forcing his fangs to slide down. He bent without pause, sealing his lips to her skin. He didn’t sink his fangs into her, but instead licked over a vein with his tongue to give her warning. Her gasp of surprise could be taken for pain. He hoped that’s what his father believed. He waited a second to allow her to prepare before he pierced her flesh. He did so gently.

  Warm blood flowed and he drank slowly. He didn’t want to take too much and leave her weakened. She wasn’t fully grown. He took his time to give the impression he held no regard to her health by being greedy. When he finally pulled away, he released her and spun around, holding Abotorus’s cold gaze.

  “It’s done.” He made sure not to lick his lips to clean them. That way there could be no doubt he’d actually taken some of her blood.

  A muscle in his father’s jaw twitched and his mouth compressed into a tight line. “You didn’t make her thank you.”

  Aveoth didn’t want to do that to her. It would humiliate her in front of everyone present in the courtyard. He spared her that by uttering harsh words instead. “I will when she’s of age and I get to fuck her. That’s when she’ll kneel before me.”

  The girl whimpered behind him. Aveoth knew she’d fear their future, but it was best to save her from being forced to her knees to grovel in public.

  Approval curved Abotorus’s lips into a hideous smile. “We are of the same bloodline.”

  Aveoth inclined his head, saying nothing. He really hated the man who’d fathered him.

  “You’re dismissed.” Lord Abotorus directed his attention to the VampLycan clan leader. “In five years, the girl will belong to my son.”

  “You can have her now,” Decker offered again.

  “No. My men will fly you home. Leave my cliffs,” his father thundered.

  Aveoth never glanced back but he could hear their words. He entered the doorway and met Galihia’s tearful eyes. He hated to see the moisture there. He kept walking until he reached the lower corridors, her soft footsteps behind him. He paused, allowing her to stop at his side. She glanced around before stepping closer to him, making sure they were out of hearing of anyone else.

  “Please tell me you didn’t mean that.”

  “She’s a child. Would you have preferred I say obscene words or actually hurt her? My lord would have expected me to grab her by the neck, lower her to her knees, and make her praise me for being a bastard. He made his wishes clear before the allegiance ceremony. He wanted it blatantly shown that they are not our equals.”

  Galihia paled and raised her hand, gently resting it on his forearm. “Don’t become anything like him.”

  “Did he humiliate you when you mated to him? Did he make it clear he thought your Lycan blood made you lesser than him?”

  Her gaze lowered. “Never ask. You’d kill him.”

  His gums throbbed, his fangs trying to extend. It happened when he was really angry. He placed his hand over hers. They didn’t show affection often anymore but there were stolen moments when they did. Abotorus would punish them both if he ever found out.

  “I’m nothing like my father. The day will come when I challenge him. I already plan to take him out.”

  “Good,” she encouraged. “Practice your sword skills often and grow stronger. He’s an excellent fighter. But you will be able to beat him within a few years.”

  Footsteps sounded and she sprang away, taking off quickly in the opposite direction. He turned, waiting. Abotorus appeared. He came to a halt.

  “What are you doing standing there?”

  “Waiting for you,” Aveoth lied. He wanted to stall him to make certain Galihia got away without being caught. “Couldn’t you have given me a woman I could take to my bed now?”

  Abotorus smirked. “You’re not of age yet.”

  “Years mean nothing.”

  “You are of my bloodline. I felt the same urge to have a woman trapped under me. I know why you refused to make her grovel. It’s already sickening enough to have to deal with those lower breeds, but they do serve their purpose. Decker is too eager to form an alliance. I don’t trust the bastard. It’s why I chose the girl.”

  Aveoth really detested his father but he masked his features, hiding his feelings.

  “The biggest flaw with them is they’re emotional.” His father appeared disgusted. “That’s why they insist you drink her blood every month. They think it will help you develop some kind of attachment to her.”

  It was the first Aveoth had heard of it. “What do you mean?”

  “She is to be returned here the night after the first full moon every month, weather permitting, until the five years pass. Those imbeciles think it will make you learn to care for her and form an attachment. I only agreed because she was the best of what they offered in that age range. She has very minimal Vampire blood, but those idiots actually think you might mate her one day.” Lord Abotorus snorted. “As if I would allow that kind of abomination at the cliffs. We’ll have her sterilized once she’s brought to us for good. It’s best not to take any risks, and you shouldn’t be limited as to what you can do to her once she belongs to you.”

  Aveoth hid his horror. The girl would never be able to give birth to a child, even after she was freed from living in his home and able to search for her true mate.

  It was too cruel. He wouldn’t allow it to happen.

  “I hope for your sake that she’s not a whiner.” His father sneered. “I made that mistake with Galihia. Tears are a disgusting thing to see.”

  Rage boiled deep inside Aveoth. He hid it from the man regarding him coldly. He’d never treat any woman with the cruelty that his father did his mother.

  Abotorus dismissed him, walking away.

  Aveoth watched him go and allowed his fists to curl. One day he’d kill him. Rage built just thinking about how much he wished to spill his father’s blood.

  * * * * *

  Aveoth jerked awake and opened his eyes, relieved the memory from his past had ended. He was out of bed in a heartbeat, striding to the wardrobe and donning a shirt. It was tempting to go check on Jill. He’d slept longer than he thought but he wasn’t ready to face her yet after dreaming of the past. He moved to the ledge instead, staring out over his territory. He breathed in the fresh scent of the woods from far below.

  Memories rarely haunted his sleep, but Jill linked him to that moment in time. Her relative had escaped her fate by dying before reaching the age when she’d have been sent to live with him. Aveoth had taken control of the clan by then, but he would have been forced to honor the deal his father had made by accepting Margola into his home. He just wouldn’t have sterilized her or forced her to suffer his touch. After a short amount of time, he’d planned to announce they weren’t a good match and have her returned to her clan.

  Margola’s face had faded from his mind but he could remember how timid she’d been when she was brought to him every month. Not once had she held his gaze or stood before him without trembling.

  Jill was drastically different. Amusement struck him. He liked her sp
irit. She didn’t back down from him or cower. The feisty woman had even pitched a glass at his chest.

  That amusement quickly faded when a slight, odd noise sounded from below. He stepped to the edge of the ledge, peering down. “Son of a bitch.”

  The object of his thoughts stood on a thin line of rock twenty-some feet below. She faced the cliffs as she inched sideways, clinging to the uneven rock.

  He judged the distance between them. Rocks crumbled under her right foot as he watched, and she froze.

  He reached up and ripped off his shirt. The material tore easily in his hands.

  Is Jill trying to get herself killed? It pissed him off. The fall to the ravine below would definitely kill her. She’d hit trees before a mass of jagged boulders at the base of the cliffs. There would be no soft cushion. Her bones would shatter on impact.

  He studied the face of the cliff. He could climb down to her but debris might strike her off her precarious perch. He couldn’t risk it.

  More tiny rocks tumbled away below, bouncing off the cliff. She would fall if he didn’t do something fast. Pain ripped through his back from the force of the quick change. He dove forward into the air and let himself fall a good hundred feet below her.

  A rush of adrenaline always hit when he spread his wings. He didn’t want to startle her, but she must have heard his wings flap even from that distance when he turned, circling back, and began to gain height to reach her. He was usually silent for a predator but speed had become his priority.

  Jill turned her head, and he saw her features pale. Her eyes widened and she wavered, about to fall back. One of her feet slipped and she gasped. He flapped his wings hard, closing the distance.

  Aveoth wasn’t gentle when he grabbed her around the waist. He was too angry over her recklessness. He got a good hold on her and glanced up. He hadn’t sealed the wall to his lower living space, since he’d blocked the door to it. He adjusted her in his arms and backed away from the cliff sharply, turning toward the ledge to his right. His legs absorbed the impact to prevent her from being hurt when he landed on the ledge.

  His anger exploded once he had her safe. “What the hell did you think you were going to do?”