Through plagues of insomnia, civil war, hauntings and vendettas, the many tribulations of the Buendia household push memories of the manuscript aside. Few remember its existence and only one will discover the hidden message that it holds...

  'Should be required reading for the entire human race' New York Times

  'No lover of fiction can fail to respond to the grace of Marquez's writing' Sunday Telegraph

  'It's the most magical book I have ever read. I think Marquez has influenced the world' Carolina Herrera



  'Filled with greedy joys, with small pleasures, polished like apples against a sleeve' Observer

  'The first thing Senora Prudencia Linero noticed when she reached the port of Naples was that it had the same smell as the port of Riohacha ...'

  Their distant, nostalgic memories of home, their sense of anonymity in a foreign land, the terrifying pang of vulnerability they feel as they step over the threshold into an alien world ...

  Marquez's strange pilgrims - the ageing prostitute preparing for death by teaching her dog to weep at her grave, the panicked husband scared for the life of his injured wife, the old man who allows his mind to wander on a long-haul flight from Paris - experience with all his humour, warmth and colour, what it is to be a Latin American adrift in Europe or, indeed, any outsider living far from home.

  'Celebratory and full of strange relish at life's oddness. The stories draw their strength from Marquez's generous feel for character, good and bad, boorish and innocent' William Boyd 'The most important writer of fiction in any language' Bill Clinton 'Often touching, often funny, always unexpected, the experience is as enriching as travel itself' New Statesman



  'The vigour and coherence of Marquez's vision, the brilliance and beauty of his imagery, the narrative tension ... coursing through his pages ... makes it difficult to put down' Daily Telegraph

  At the age of forty-six General Simon Bolivar, who drove the Spanish from his lands and became the Liberator of South America, takes himself into exile. He makes a final journey down the Magdalene River, revisiting the cities along its shores, reliving the triumphs, passions and betrayals of his youth. Consumed by the memories of what he has done and what he failed to do, Bolivar hopes to see a way out of the labyrinth in which he has lived all his life ...



  'A gripping tale of survival' The Times

  'On February 22 we were told that we would be returning to Colombia ...'

  In 1955, eight crew members of Caldas, a Colombian destroyer, were swept overboard. Velasco alone survived, drifting on a raft for ten days without food or water. Marquez retells the survivor's amazing tale of endurance, from his loneliness and thirst to his determination to survive.

  The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor was Marquez's first major, and controversial, work, published in a Colombian newspaper, El Espectador, in 1955 and then in book form in 1970.

  'The story of Velasco on his raft, his battle with sharks over a succulent fish, his hallucinations, his capture of a seagull which he was unable to eat, his subsequent droll rescue, has all the grip of archetypal myth. Reads like an epic' Independent


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  First published in Spanish as El Otono del Patriarca 1975

  This English translation first published in the United States of America by Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. 1976

  First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape 1977

  Published in Penguin Books 1996

  This edition published 2014

  Copyright (c) Gabriel Garcia Marquez, 1975

  English translation copyright (c) Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1976

  Cover (c) Stuart Franklin/Magnum Photos

  All rights reserved

  Portions of this work originally appeared in the New Yorker

  The moral right of the author and translator has been asserted

  ISBN: 978-0-141-91725-2



  Gabriel García Márquez, The Autumn of the Patriarch

  (Series: # )




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