


  'A gripping tale of survival' The Times

  'On February 22 we were told that we would be returning to Colombia ...'

  In 1955, eight crew members of Caldas, a Colombian destroyer, were swept overboard. Velasco alone survived, drifting on a raft for ten days without food or water. Marquez retells the survivor's amazing tale of endurance, from his loneliness and thirst to his determination to survive.

  The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor was Marquez's first major, and controversial, work, published in a Colombian newspaper, El Espectador, in 1955 and then in book form in 1970.

  'The story of Velasco on his raft, his battle with sharks over a succulent fish, his hallucinations, his capture of a seagull which he was unable to eat, his subsequent droll rescue, has all the grip of archetypal myth. Reads like an epic' Independent



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  Originally published in Spain as Memoria de mis putas tristes by Mondadori (Grijalbo Mondadori, S. A.), Barcelona, and in hardcover in Spanish in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., New York 2005

  First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape 2005

  Published in Penguin Books 2006

  This edition published 2014

  Copyright (c) 2005 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

  Copyright (c) 2005 by Mondadori (Grijalbo Mondadori, S. A.) Cover (c) Trunk Archive The moral right of the author has been asserted ISBN: 978-0-241-96855-0



  Gabriel García Márquez, Memories of My Melancholy Whores

  (Series: # )




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