Page 1 of Only With Me

  Only With Me

  Copyright © 2017 Kelly Elliott

  Published by K. Elliott Enterprises, INC

  View my website at

  Cover photo and designer:

  Sara Eirew Photographer


  Nichole Strauss with Insight Editing Services

  Interior design and formatting:

  Christine Borgford with Type A Formatting

  ISBN: 978–1-943633–26–5

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Only With Me

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five



  About the Author

  Other Books by Kelly Elliott

  Playlist (SPOILERS)

  “SO, WHAT DO you do when you’re not . . . SWAT teaming?”

  I glanced up at the young woman standing at our table. Her bright-red lips puckered out in an attempt to look sexy while she leaned over and put her tits on display. All I really wanted to do was tell her she had lipstick on her front tooth. Focusing back on my sandwich, I ignored her. It was a dick-move, but damn it all to hell, I just wanted to eat.

  Phil, another SWAT team member, answered her. “We train, ma’am.”

  The waitress laughed. “Ma’am? Holy shit, how old do I look?”

  None of us answered. Hell, we knew better than to touch that shit with a ten-foot pole. If I was to guess though, I’d say she couldn’t have been more than twenty.

  “What kind of training?” she asked.

  Cole kicked me under the table. She wasn’t going to go away until I talked to her. With a sigh, I put my sliced brisket sandwich down and wiped my hands on my napkin.

  I cleared my throat, flashed her my signature smile, and replied, “Ma’am, if we told you, we’d have to kill you.”

  Her smile faltered a little before it grew wider. She got what she wanted, me talking to her. “How about drinks later, handsome?”

  Damn. That was fast.

  Usually it took the new waitresses at least a week before they were throwing themselves at one of us.

  With a fake chuckle, I replied, “I don’t think my wife would like that very much.”

  With a pout, she shrugged. “Well, you can’t blame a girl for trying.”

  Spinning on her heels, she headed to another table.

  “I hate new waitresses,” Phil mumbled.

  “I hate that they always want Nic. What the fuck is wrong with the rest of us?” Cole asked. “I’d have taken her up on the drinks.”

  “Yeah, if you want your ass thrown in jail. She looks sixteen,” Phil stated with a deep rumbled laugh.

  “It’s the Greek in him. It’s like a magnet for women. I have yet to see one it hasn’t worked on,” our sergeant, Oliver, said.

  “I almost laugh every time you say my wife,” Cole said.

  Rolling my eyes, I went back to eating. Was it too much to ask for us to eat in peace? We’d been coming to this restaurant for over six years now. Once the newness of seeing all of us walk in wore off, the waitresses usually treated us like every other customer. But when there was a new one and she saw us walk through that door in tight T-shirts, muscles on display, and the word SWAT splayed across said shirt, something happened. It was like their hormones were turned up into overdrive.

  “Yeah well, it keeps the ones I’m not interested in at bay.”

  Phil laughed. “And you’re not worried the ones you’ve fucked aren’t going to say you’re a lying bastard?”

  It was true. At times I did worry about my little lie. Over the years I had screwed one or two . . . or maybe six . . . of the waitress at Roy’s Place. None of them bothered to even ask if I was married. Each was a fast fuck. In the alley behind the restaurant, in my truck, outside the bar before we even made it in, the backseat of their car, Roy’s office, and my favorite, fucking Scarlett in the bathroom while the rest of the guys sat out there and ate. Bastards still had no clue about that one.

  I smiled. Something to be said about public sex.

  With a shrug, I responded. “They got what they wanted. Besides, they never stay long enough to care.”

  Cole looked over to the long counter. “Scarlett’s still here.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as Scarlett, Roy’s daughter, poured a cup of coffee for a customer. Her dark hair pulled up in a ponytail and one of her signature Dierks Bently T-shirts on. She winked and said something to the old man before turning around and grabbing a few plates.

  I turned back to Cole. “Scarlett’s different. She’s part owner, you asshole.”

  “And the occasional hook-up.”

  Shrugging, I replied, “What’s wrong with that?”

  Holding up his hands he laughed. “Nothing at all, my friend. Nothing at all. We’ve all had the go-to fuck buddy at one point.”

  I wasn’t sure why, but Cole’s comment bothered me more than it should have. Was that all I was ever going to have in my life? A fuck buddy?

  My phone buzzed on my side. Pulling it out, I frowned as I read the text.

  Mom: Don’t forget dinner tonight.

  I quickly typed out my response.

  Me: Can’t make it tonight. Training session.

  Mom: Don’t lie to me Nicholaus. I will find out.

  Laughing, I turned to Oliver. “If my mother sends you a text, we’re training tonight.”

  He nodded, like what I had said was nothing new. It wasn’t. Ever since Thad and Thano had settled down, my mother was even more eager to set me up with a good Greek girl. I was almost positive the last girl she tried to set me up with was a distant cousin.

  “Hiding again, huh?” Oliver asked.

  “Yep,” I replied as I typed another text.

  Me: I’ve gotta run, Mama. Love you.

om: Love you. If you finish up, stop by. Maria’s daughter is in town.

  I lifted my brows. Hmm. That might be fun. Cassie was beautiful with her long, dark hair and brown eyes that begged for more. The last time she was in town we had one night of hot sex. The girl knew how to work her tongue, that’s for sure.

  Oliver’s pager went off. Without a word, everyone jumped up and headed out as he called and got the information.

  “We’ve got a high-risk narcotics warrant. Let’s head back.”

  My heart pumped harder. I fucking loved my job. It was dangerous and required fast thinking, planning, and balls of steel to be on SWAT. My career choice had also kept me single. I’d yet to meet a woman who could handle the fact that I was a cop. Let alone, a SWAT member. Not that I was looking. Far from it. I liked my single lifestyle. No one to answer to and plenty of women to go around. At least that was the mantra I repeated to myself all the time.

  Once we made it back to the station, we went over the plans down to every last detail. Every single thing was planned. Where our entry points were, where the pull teams would go, and what the backup plan would be.

  Five hours later we were ripping the iron gate off and breaking the door in on a house that was suspected of selling heroine out of it.

  “Police! On the floor!” I shouted as we rushed in. Three guys immediately dropped to the floor and one dumb fuck took off running for the back of the house to try to get out.


  I’d have him in less than thirty seconds.


  “Don’t even think about it. Give me your hands.”

  Fighting me every step of the way, the suspect shouted out, “I didn’t do nothing!”

  I restrained his hands and pulled him off the ground. Heading into the main living room with the dirtbag I had caught, Liam walked around the corner. “The rest of the house is clear.”

  I called in, “Three in custody. All clear for narcotics to come in.”

  My heart was still racing as we headed back to our vehicle. Another successful bust. This would never get old. The thrill of my job was all I needed.

  The drive back to the station was filled with Oliver going over the operation. What went right, what could have gone wrong, and what we could have done better.

  “Beer?” Cole asked as we stripped out of our gear and threw it into the back of our police cars.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Drivas!” Oliver called out. “Your mother texted. Told her you were on a warrant issue.”

  With a roll of my eyes, I sighed and slammed my trunk. Turning to Cole, I said, “I’m going to need something stronger than a beer.”

  His face lit up. That meant we were heading out on the town and would most likely both end up getting lucky tonight.

  “Hell yes! I was hoping you’d say that.”

  With a smile, I shouted, “Later guys!”

  Oliver, Phil, and Liam each lifted a hand. They were all heading home to their wives or girlfriends. Not me though. The last thing I needed was a woman tying me down. I was perfectly happy being alone.

  At least that was what I kept telling myself.

  I STARED OUT the window as I wound the yarn in a ball.

  “It’s a new pattern I’m trying for my granddaughter.”

  “Oh, I love it, Beth!”

  Glancing to my right, I watched as Lou and Beth oohed and aahed over a new blanket pattern Beth had bought.

  Beth looked up and showed me the pattern. Smiling, I nodded. “It’s precious! She’s going to love it.” The look of pure happiness on Beth’s face made my heart fill with happiness as I let out a soft sigh and went back to my busywork. I loved coming to knitting club. It always relaxed me and made me think of my grandmother. She was the one who had taught me to knit, and being with these women reminded me of a happier time.

  My eyes scanned the mountains out the window. One of these days I’d build up the courage to hike up one of them. My somewhat fear of heights kept me from venturing out to them. Until then, I would sit in a room with four other women who were significantly older than me, and knit.

  Lou gasped as Beth showed her the yarn she was using for her future grandbaby. She insisted it was a girl, even though her daughter and son-in-law decided not to find out what the gender was.

  “That pink is perfect!” Lou gushed.

  Beth held it up for the rest of us to see.

  “Beautiful!” Karen said.

  “Love that pink!” Nancy added.

  With a smile, I said, “Lovely.”

  Everyone turned to Charity. My best friend, roommate, and business partner. She was sulking in the corner like she did every week when we came to knitting club.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Char?”

  She snapped her head and lifted her thumb up. “Great.”

  Beth seemed disappointed by Charity’s response. I wasn’t sure why, it was pretty darn clear Charity was not here of her own free will. She lost a bet. I won. That meant knitting club for both of us.

  Beeping from across the room caused Charity to jump out of her seat and cry out, “Times up!”

  Lou and Nancy let out a yelp and covered their hearts.

  “You scared the fright out of me, Charity,” Nancy said.

  Charity grinned. “I scared the piss out of you, Nancy. Just say it.”

  With red cheeks, Nancy waved her hand to dismiss Charity as she giggled and said, “You’re such a bad girl. It’s a good thing I’m not your mother, young lady.”

  Charity glared at me then fake laughed while turning back to Nancy. “Oh, you know I’m kidding. Enjoy your day, ladies.”

  She was out the door and to her red BMW faster than I could say knit one, purl two.

  Slipping into the front seat, I waited for her to start her weekly bitch session.

  Right on cue she went for it. Dropping her head back against the seat, she closed her eyes and groaned. With a quick snap of her head up, she turned and glared at me. “I cannot believe I let you drag me to this thing called hell.”

  My lips pressed together tightly to keep from laughing.

  “Honestly, Gabi. The damn club is called Knitters are Purls. That should have been your first clue!”

  This time I did laugh. “Oh, come on it’s not that bad. You’re not even trying.”

  Her mouth dropped. “You want me to socialize with women who are old enough to be my mother. Did you know Karen tried to set me up with her son! She told him I was a virgin! Why in the hell would she think I was a virgin?”

  I covered my mouth in an attempt not to laugh harder. Shrugging, I said, “Maybe cause you’re in a knitting club?”

  “Exactly my point! Ugh! I hate you so hard right now.”

  My phone buzzed in my purse. Reaching in, I read the text from Max.

  “Dang it, Max has an issue.”

  Charity pulled out onto the main road and punched the gas. “Max always has an issue. What’s it this time?”

  “He said Ms. Loft is in and wants to know why I didn’t make zeppoles.”

  “Fuck Ms. Loft.”

  Gasping, I cried out, “Charity!”

  “What? The lady is crazy. She comes in everyday and buys your desserts and then pawns them off as her own for her rich boyfriend. I hope she gets caught one of these days.”

  “That still wasn’t nice.”

  Charity came to a stop and turned to me. “Just say it. You know you want to say it.”

  I looked into her feisty hazel eyes. “I don’t want to say it.”

  “You do. I know you don’t like her.”

  It was true. I loathed the woman, but I’d never call her names. Only under my breath.

  “She’s a customer. I love all of my customers.”

  Charity hit the gas, causing my head to hit the headrest.

  “Bullshit. One of these days you’ll say it. The woman will push you too far and you’ll crack.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. I’ve worked too hard to be where
I am. I will not call our customers names. I leave that to you.”

  “And like I said, she is a fucking bitch.”

  I rolled my eyes and groaned. This was my payback for dragging her to knitting club.

  Ten minutes later, we were parking in the garage of the building we lived in. My bakery was located on the first floor. Four years ago when I came through Colorado Springs, I never thought I would fall in love with it. But one drive through Old Colorado City and I was hooked. As I walked around the shops, I came to the bakery that was for sale. I instantly knew it was a sign this was where I belonged. After spending two years jumping from town to town, I finally felt safe enough to settle in one place.

  At least until my past caught up with me, if it ever did. As long as I stuck to the original plan my brother and father set up, I’d be safe.

  “You okay? You seem like you’re in another world?” Charity asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Yep. I’m heading to the bakery to see what’s going on.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Right. Max and his emergency. I’m going to pour myself a hard drink to forget the last two hours of my life that I’ll never get back.”

  With a chuckle, I shook my head and bounced down the stairwell. Charity swore Max had a thing for me. I disagreed. Besides, I was almost positive he had a girlfriend.

  Unlocking the back door, I stepped into the hallway. One side housed the restrooms, storage room, and cleaning closet. The other side was my office. I’d converted the two existing offices into one when I bought the bakery. It was where I lived for the first six months after I bought the place. It was convenient when I had to get up at three in the morning to start baking.

  Stepping into my office, I grabbed my apron, tied it on and took in a deep breath. Glancing around the space, I grinned. I love this place. I still couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to get the second and third floors when they became available.

  The top floor was my apartment. Two bedrooms and two and a half baths. The remodel took forever, but it was worth it. That’s when I met Charity. We instantly hit it off and when I learned she loved to bake, we became business partners.

  “Hey, what are you doing here on your day off?”

  I jumped when Liza spoke. “Shit! You scared me,” I said as Liza stood there staring at me with a smile on her face. Liza worked at the bakery part-time while she went to culinary school.