Page 23 of Only With Me

  Focusing back on the group, I said, “Katerina, we’ve only been up here for a little bit. I think we’re good in the food department.”

  “Charity needs to eat! For the baby!”

  “Oh, dear God she’s screaming out my name for the whole world to know!”

  My breath caught in my throat when I saw Dimitris and Thad pull up. Jumping out of the car, Thad looked up and started laughing. I shot him a dirty look and walked back over to Charity.

  “The whole family is showing up.”

  Her eyes about popped out of her head. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean Thad just showed up with Dimitris. Nic and Cole have to know by now.”

  As if on cue, both of our phones rang.

  “I’m not answering it!” Charity cried out.

  “Oh, stop being a baby. Answer it because if you don’t, Cole will be here next.”

  We both answered at the same time and said the same exact thing.

  “Hey, babe. What’s up?”

  I covered my mouth to hide my laugh as Charity rolled her eyes but smiled.

  “I don’t know. You tell me what’s up?”

  Shrugging, as if he could see me, I replied, “Not much. I’m sitting here chatting with Charity.”

  “Uh-huh. That’s it?”

  Thad popped his head up over the ladder and grinned like a silly fool.

  “Hey, girls.”

  Lifting my hand, I answered, “Hey, Thad.”

  “I see my brother made it up to you guys.”

  With a sigh, I responded, “Is nothing kept a secret in this family?”

  Thad lost it laughing as did Nic.

  “Put Thad on, baby.”

  I handed Thad the phone. He winked and started talking to Nic.

  “Yeah. Right. I know. I will. Okay. Well, things were looking okay until the news showed up.”

  “The news!” I practically screamed.

  Thad chuckled. “I’m kidding. They’re not here. Yet.”

  Charity had a look of pure horror on her face.

  “Cole, I need to go. I love you.”

  She pushed her phone back into her pocket, marched over to the edge of the house, grabbed the ladder, and before I knew it, she was heading down.

  “How did she do that?” I asked.

  Thad handed me my phone back. I mindlessly put it in my back pocket. “Nic’s still on the line.”

  “Oh shit!”


  “Thad’s going to help you down.”

  Chewing on my lip, I shook my head. “I don’t think I can do it, Nic.”

  “Yes you can. He’s going to help you. I promise if you got up, you can get down.”

  I took in a shaky breath. “O-okay. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  It wasn’t lost on me I could hear the smile in his voice. He was laughing at me.

  “I’m going to go do this now.”

  “Okay. Be careful. See you soon.”

  Nodding, I said, “Kay. Bye.”

  “See ya later, agapiméni.”

  I hit End and looked at Thad. “I can’t do it.”

  “Yes you can.”

  Peeking over the edge, I asked, “Can I just like jump into the bushes. Or maybe you can hold my hands and help me get to them.”

  For as long as I live, I would never forget the look on Thad’s face as he stared at me with disbelief.

  “You want me to drop you into the bushes rather than help you down the ladder?”

  My arms wrapped around my body. “It’s the swinging my leg over. I can’t do it.”

  Thad took my hand in his and led me over to the ladder.

  “Look at me, Gabi.”

  I did as he asked. “I’m going to put your hands on the ladder, and you’re going to hold onto the ladder, but I’ve got a hold of you. Then you’re going to back yourself up and simply slide to the left and step on the ladder.”

  My entire body was shaking. I was positive my face was white as a ghost. I did what he said.

  “Now move your left foot out and put it on the ladder.”

  “You can do it, Gabi!” Charity called out from below.

  “Great . . . my own personal cheerleader.”

  Thad laughed. My foot felt for the ladder and I started to panic when I couldn’t find it. Once I did, I set it down slowly.

  “I can’t move,” I panted out.

  Thad looked down below then back up at me. “You’ve got one foot on the ladder and one on the roof. You’re halfway there.”

  My legs felt like lead. Pulling my right leg to me, I placed it on the ladder.

  “I’m on!” I cried out.

  “Now move on down.”

  Ever so slowly, I moved each foot down until I was on the ground and in Charity’s arms.

  “We almost died! We need to go shopping!”

  I laughed at her then realized there was a plethora of people staring at me.

  “When did all these people get here?” I asked as I looked around to see the Marias’, cousin Angelo and his wife Christine. Their daughter Marianna was holding out her little camera and taking pictures.

  Great. The family documenter.

  Aunt Agnes was ushering everyone over to the back of her SUV where she had some food out if anyone was hungry.

  Cousin Sophia stood next to Katerina who was informing Mrs. Hawk I had officially moved in with Nic, but there had been no formal engagement.

  Pressing my fingers to my temple, I groaned. Thad bumped my shoulder. “It’s not that bad.”

  My hands fell to my sides. “Not that bad? Thad, the entire neighborhood is out and your Aunt Agnes is feeding everyone out of her SUV. Where in the hell did she even get all that food?”

  He chuckled and Phoebe walked up carrying little Michael. “Man, Kilyn will be so tickled to hear this one.”

  I shot her a dirty look. “I’m not babysitting for y’all this weekend.”

  Thad jumped into the conversation. “She takes it back! Take it back, Phoebe! Take it back!”

  My brows lifted. “I guess someone needs a night out.”

  With a sigh, he nodded. “You have no idea.”

  The pain of jealousy ripped through my chest. “No, I don’t.”

  Phoebe tilted her head and looked at me. When I smiled, she returned one, but I knew she saw the hint of my jealousy.

  The next three hours were spent with the entire Drivas clan entertaining my neighbors. At one point, I looked over and saw Charity sitting on a chair chatting to Phoebe as if they were at a damn family reunion.

  Finally people started leaving, and the questions about why I was on the roof finally stopped. The only two people left were Katerina and Dimitris.

  I stumbled into the house, exhausted from the day’s events. Katerina immediately headed to the kitchen.

  “I’ll whip up a dinner for Nicholaus to have when he gets home.” I didn’t have the energy to stop her. I had made fresh pasta this morning for linguini with my lemon pesto sauce, but I could make it tomorrow.

  By the time Katerina and Dimitris were ready to leave, I had four different meals put in my freezer, Dimitris had fixed the door that creaked and had installed the new light I bought for over the kitchen island. Katerina had made arrangements for her and I, and I’m sure at least three Maria’s, to go get our nails done the following afternoon, even though I told her I was working at the bakery. Her response was, “You’re the boss! Take time off!”

  As I walked them to the front door, Katerina turned back to me. “You had some pasta that looked a bit old, so I tossed it out for you.”

  I balled my fists and took in a deep breath. “I made that this morning.”

  “Really?” she asked pinching her brows together. “Huh.”

  And like it wasn’t a big deal, she breezed through the door and was gone.

  After I shut the door, I leaned against it and whispered, “Bath. Hot. Bath.”

  Making my way to the bathroom, all I cou
ld think about was how I needed this day to end.

  THE SOUND OF running water caught my ear as I made my way into the bedroom looking for Gabi. From what Thad had said, there had been a lot of action here today, and with the evidence of my mother in the refrigerator, I was sure Gabi was spent.

  Peeking in the bathroom door, I smiled at the sight before me. Gabi was sitting in a tub filled with bubbles, a glass of wine in her hand, and her eyes closed.

  My dick instantly grew hard while my eyes roamed over the barely exposed skin. The bubbles hid those perfect breasts of hers as did her long blonde hair that fell over her shoulders. My mouth watered. I wanted a taste of what was mine.

  “You’re home,” she softly said without opening her eyes.

  Smiling, I quickly stripped out of my clothes. “I am. How did you know?”

  A gorgeous grin graced her face. “I felt you.”

  Slipping into the hot water, I pulled her legs to me as she wrapped them around my body.

  “You’re really going to feel me now.”

  Her stunning blue eyes opened and I swear they caught every beam of light in them.

  “Rough day?” I asked with a wink.

  She giggled. “You have no idea.”

  Drawing her closer to me, I leaned back while she crawled on top of me. Her fingers traced my jaw.

  “You haven’t shaved.”

  I’d been gone for three straight days. We had a standoff that lasted nearly twelve hours and two felony warrants we had to serve. To say I needed this as much as she did was an understatement.

  “Been a crazy few days.”

  Smiling, she brushed her lips over mine. “I’ve been lonely without you.”

  My hands grabbed her ass while she pressed that sweet pussy against my cock. I moaned and said, “Sounded like you had a house full.”

  She looked into my eyes and shot me a look.

  Laughing, I pulled her sweetness closer to me.

  “I haven’t touched myself since you left. I’m aching for you, Nic.”

  Fucking hell. I wanted to fuck her senseless, but I needed to take my time and enjoy her. We both needed an escape and being with each other slowly was the ultimate escape.

  Her breasts pressed against my chest and I could feel her hardened nipples. It drove me bat-ass crazy. I wanted her mouth on mine.

  “I want to be buried deep inside you, but first, I want your lips pressed to mine, Gabi.”

  Without hesitation, our lips collided in a beautiful dance. Her tongue keeping pace with mine. Slow at first, then hungry for more.

  Gabi lifted her hips. Guiding my cock to her entrance, she slowly sank down on me. Both of us letting out a moan until she had taken all of me.

  Her head dropped back and I gave each nipple the attention they deserved. Sucking and biting on one while I twisted and pulled the other with my fingers.

  “Oh, Nic, yes don’t stop.”

  Her body slowly rocked against mine. The feel of the hot water moving over us as we slowly made love was fucking heaven.

  “Goddamn, Gabi. I need to be deeper.”

  Her hands gripped my shoulders as she lifted slightly and ever so slowly sank back down over my cock.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Gabi leaned forward, her lips inches from mine. Those blue eyes sparkling as they looked deep into mine. Her body rocking so slowly I thought for sure I would come from the pure ecstasy I felt from being inside her.

  My chest squeezed as our gaze locked. I loved this woman more than anything. She was the reason I breathed in and out. My heart was full of nothing but love for her.

  I needed her.

  Desired her.

  Craved her.

  She was mine and I needed her to know.

  Lifting my hands, I cupped her face. Our eyes so drawn to each other that nothing else in the world mattered but this moment.

  “Marry me, Gabi.” Her body stilled. Tears filled her eyes and she slowly smiled.

  With a nod of her head, she whispered, “Yes.”

  I lifted my hand up and pushed her wet blonde hair away from her gorgeous face.


  Giggling, she replied, “I’d marry you this very moment if we could.”

  My brows lifted. “A wedding?” I asked, hoping like hell she would say no. The last thing I wanted was a dog and pony show for a wedding.

  “No. I love your family, Nic, honest to God I do. But if we get married, I want it to only be the two of us.”

  Relief swept across my body as my heart raced in my chest. If someone had told me six months ago I’d be whisking a woman off to marry her, I’d have laughed in their face. But for the last few weeks it was all I could think about. Watching Charity and Cole, and Thad and Phoebe, as well as Thano and Kilyn, I knew I wanted that life with Gabi. There was no doubt about it. I wanted to watch the sunrise as the moon set for the rest of my life with this woman.

  “I agree. I took vacation this week so we could paint the house. We could blow that off.”

  Excitement danced across her face. “What are you saying, Nic?”

  “I’m saying, after we get done fucking in the tub, I’m taking you to Lake Tahoe, making you my wife, and spending the next four days buried inside of you.”

  With a concerned expression, she asked, “What about the bakery?”

  “For once I don’t want to care about anything. The only thing I want to think about is the fact that I want to marry you. I want to take you away and spend every minute of the day with you.” My fingertips traced her jawline. “I want to make love until we can hardly move.”

  Her mouth rose in a sinfully sexy grin, causing me to smile.

  “Gabi, I want to make a baby.”

  I watched as her eyes went from happy, to shocked, to pure bliss. A sob slipped from her mouth as she started to laugh while tears slid down her face.

  “I . . . I want . . . I want that too, Nic. So badly!”

  Slipping my hand around her neck, I drew her mouth to mine. “Then we better get to starting.”

  Our mouths crushed together as Gabi picked up the pace. The sound of the water sloshing was hot as damn hell. Neither one of us gave two shits it was getting everywhere. Our sweet passion turned into a lust I couldn’t describe. If I thought I could crawl into her body I would, and I knew she felt the same.

  “That’s it, fuck me faster.”

  She did what I asked. Her tits bouncing as the water went everywhere.

  “Nic. I’m going to come,” she cried out. Her hands splayed across my chest when her orgasm hit her, causing her entire body to tremble and her pussy to squeeze around my cock.

  “Jesus,” I cried out as we came together. My warm cum pouring into her body. Heaven on earth.

  When she collapsed onto me, I wrapped her up in my arms. The once-hot water now seeming cold as Gabi shivered.

  I reached for the drain and sat there holding her while the water level slowly fell. Reaching for the towel that was on the stool, I wrapped it around her.

  She sat up, my cock still inside of her, jerking and trying to make another go at it.

  When she smiled, my heart filled with love and contentment. For a quick moment, it was hard to fill my lungs with air as she gazed at me.

  We both stood. I stepped out of the tub first, then reached for her hand and helped her out. Reaching for another towel, I put it around my waist then bent down to start drying off Gabi. She never took her eyes off of me while I dried off every single inch of her body.

  With a grin, she said, “I love you.”

  Standing, I cupped her face within in my hands. “And I love you. More than anything.”

  Gabi covered her mouth and giggled. Her towel dropped to her feet and my eyes swept over that perfect body.

  “Are we really going to elope, Nic?”

  “Fuck yes we are, if you’re down for it.”

  She nodded. “We have to tell someone though.”

  “Cole and Charity. I don’t trust a
nyone in my family.”

  “Absolutely. Even Thano and Kilyn can’t be trusted. She’s been binging on your mother’s desserts. Who knows what she would say to get more kataifi.”

  My hand was itching to touch her body. Pushing my towel down, I watched her eyes turn dark while taking in my naked body.

  “When . . . when are we going to go?”

  With a smug grin, I drew her body to mine, sliding my hand between her legs. I slipped my fingers inside her, moaning at how ready she was for me again.

  “After I fuck you here in the bathroom. Then we’ll figure it out.”

  “Yes,” she responded breathlessly.

  Lifting her, I pushed inside her and did exactly what I said I was going to do.

  “YOU’RE DOING WHAT?” Cole asked.

  I watched as Gabi packed up a small suitcase, a huge smile playing across her gorgeous face.

  “We’re heading to Reno then up to Lake Tahoe.”

  “You’re eloping? Are you fucking insane! Not only will you have to deal with your mother, but we’re all going to have to deal with Charity!”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Gabi will call her here in a bit, unless you want to tell her.”

  Cole huffed. “I’ll pass on that invite. Are you sure this is what you guys want to do?”

  “Positive. My family is in our business so much, and Gabi would really like for this to be something we do together. Alone.”

  “Is it something you want to do?”

  “Yeah. It really is.”

  “Then all right. I’m happy for you, Nic.”

  With a chuckle, I pushed the back door open and stood on the porch. “A year ago, would you have imagined our lives to be like this? You have a baby on the way, me getting married. Crazy what happens when you meet the right person.”

  “Yeah, I was thinking about that earlier when I was watching Charity baking in the kitchen. She was humming and looked so damn happy. I was pissed at the little stunt she pulled earlier by getting on the roof, but when I realized why I was so mad, it didn’t freak me out. A weird warmth spread through my chest.”

  Nodding, I replied, “I get that feeling a lot when I’m with Gabi.”

  “We’re lucky bastards, I can tell ya that.”

  “So what about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “You ever think of asking Charity to marry you?”