Page 29 of Goddess of Love

Chapter Twenty-Eight

  W hen Venus rematerialized inside Pea's kitchen, her anger was already beginning to drain. Barking wildly, Chloe barreled into the room, but when she recognized Venus her snarls changed to welcome yips, and then worried whines when the goddess sat on the floor, scooped the Scottie up in her arms, and burst into tears.

  "Venus! Ohmygod! What's wrong?" Pea rushed into the room and crouched beside her.

  "He - hates - me!" she sobbed.

  "Oh, sweetheart! He couldn't hate you. No one could hate you. Come on. Sit up here at the table. I'll pour us some coffee and we'll figure this out. " She pulled Chloe gently from the goddess's lap, and then helped Venus to her feet and hugged her hard.

  "No - no. " Venus hiccupped, taking her usual place at Pea's table. "It's not going to be figured out. Pea, he doesn't want me now that he knows I'm a goddess. "

  Pea set mugs of steaming coffee before both of them. "Tell me everything. And here, use the linen napkin as a Kleenex. It's an emergency. "

  Pea listened while Venus replayed the scene with Griffin for her, only occasionally gasping and muttering under her breath about how stupid guys could be. When she was finished Venus blew her nose and wiped her eyes. Pea didn't say anything. Instead she got up and brought out of the freezer a long sleeve of something hard wrapped in aluminum paper.

  "It's my special stash of Belgian dark chocolate. Eat it. It'll help. "

  Venus nodded woodenly and broke off a piece of the chocolate and let the dark sweetness dissolve in her mouth as she sipped Pea's delicious coffee. "You're right. " The goddess sniffled.

  "It does help. "

  "Okay. First, I'm really mad at Griffin, too. He behaved like an asshole. "

  "I think Smart Bitches dot com would call him something worse. Something like. . . " She paused, thinking and sucking on the chocolate. "A goddamn stupid-ass cockhumping whoremonger or maybe an assburger. "

  "You're right. Their curses are excellent. Let's call him a cockhumping assburger. It's way worse than an asshole. "

  "I agree," Venus said.

  "So we're really mad at him, but I don't think you should give up on him. "

  "I have to, Pea. I can't change who I am, and even if I could, I wouldn't. "

  "I just think that he was shocked, and that's why he reacted so badly. After he has time to think about what a moron - " Venus raised a brow at Pea. "I mean what a cockhumping assburger he's been, he'll be all sorry and apologetic and will grovel properly to get you back. "

  "You didn't reject Vulcan when you found out he was a god. "

  "Well, that's not really a fair comparison. I'd already become friends with you, so I was kinda used to the idea of immortals hanging out in Tulsa. "

  Venus shook her head. "He asked if we were even the same species. I don't know if I can forgive him for that. "

  "Do you love him?"

  "Yes," Venus said softly.

  "Then I think you can learn to forgive him. "

  "I don't know. In a way he's right. There's always going to be this mortal/immortal issue between us. When he's old and stooped I'll still look like this. I will eternally look like this. "

  Pea's face had gone pale and Venus realized the significance of what she had said. The goddess took Pea's hand. "You should know that I would still love Griffin if he was old and stooped, and after he died I would eternally mourn his death and hold his memory as sacred. As will Vulcan with you. "

  "I know. At least I think I know. But it is daunting and more than a little scary to know that you're in love with a being who will never age - will never die. "

  "But you're courageous enough to continue loving Vulcan. "

  "I don't think I'd call it courageous, but yes. I am going to continue loving Vulcan. "

  "Griffin doesn't have your courage. Or perhaps it is closer to the truth for me to say that he doesn't have your love. " Venus blinked back the tears that threatened to well in her eyes again.

  "Don't give up on him yet. Men aren't as good at adapting as women. Plus" - Pea shrugged, smiled and popped a piece of chocolate into her mouth - "we have more sense. "

  "You're definitely right about that. " Then all kidding left the goddess's voice. "I don't know if I can do it, Pea. I don't know if I can open myself to him ever again. What if he rejects me again?"

  "But, Venus, isn't that just part of love?" Pea asked gently. "You have to be vulnerable to truly be loved. "

  "Yes. If you're not vulnerable to love, you'll never really be open to experiencing it. I just don't know if I can be vulnerable again. Rejection hurts. "

  "Who rejected what?" Vulcan's deep voice rumbled from between them as he materialized in the kitchen.

  Pea squealed and clutched her heart. "Okay, y'all have got to stop with the sudden materializations. Use. The. Door. Or you're going to give me a heart attack. "

  "Sorry, little one. " Vulcan bent to kiss Pea. He smiled at Venus. "Hello, Goddess. "

  "Vulcan. " She nodded absently at him.

  Then he sniffed in the direction of Pea's mug. "Coffee. . . "

  Pea laughed and swatted at him when he tried to take her cup from her. "Who knew immortals would be so crazy about something as simple as coffee. " She pointed to the pot. "Help yourself. "

  Vulcan poured himself a cup and scooted his chair over so that he could sit with one arm around Pea. He glanced at Venus and then took a second look. "You've been crying," he said.

  "Griffin didn't respond well to finding out Venus is Venus," Pea said.

  "He rejected you?"

  Venus let out a long sigh. "Please don't rub it in. "

  "My friend, you know I would never do that. "

  Venus smiled sadly. "Yes, I know. "

  "He hurt you," Vulcan said.

  "He did. "

  "Shall I punish him for you? I could cause his blood to turn to lava and his brains to boil,"

  Vulcan said cheerfully.

  Pea frowned at him and elbowed the God of Fire. "I don't think that would be very nice. "

  "It is a considerate offer, and I thank you. But I'm afraid I'll have to decline. It seems when you love someone the thought of them being tortured doesn't bring you the pleasure it should. Even though he definitely deserves to be tortured. "

  "I could thrash him. " Vulcan glanced at Pea, who was still frowning at him, and added, "But not severely enough to cause him permanent damage. "

  Venus shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm just going to return to Olympus and try to forget about Griffin DeAngelo. I hate to think about all the catching up I'll have to do. I really have been here ignoring my divine duties too long. " She stood up.

  "Wait! You're going to leave? Just like that?" Pea said.

  "Darling, you knew I couldn't stay with you forever. "

  "But I didn't think you'd leave so soon. You'll come back, won't you? I mean, no matter what happens with Griffin, you'll come back and visit. "

  Venus touched the little mortal's cheek. "Yes, darling. I'll come back. How could I stay away?

  We'll go to Lola's for pomegranate martinis and dancing and then come back here for hot chocolate and girl talk. And I do believe you'll be visiting Olympus from time to time yourself. "

  Venus turned her attention to Vulcan. "Which reminds me. My friend, it is past time you and I corrected a mistake we made eons ago. We meant well, you and I, but to marry for less than what you and Pea have is a sham and a lie. "

  "I will always wish you well, Goddess of Love. You have been a friend to me when the other immortals shunned me. I won't ever forget that," Vulcan said.

  "I'll ask Zeus and Hera to hear our petition tomorrow evening. Join me in the Great Hall and together we will dissolve our union officially. "

  "Thank you, Venus," Pea said, blinking back tears.

  Venus smiled. "Just promise me one thing. "

  "Anything," Vulcan and Pea said together.

  "Promise me that
you will love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live. "

  "I promise," Pea said.

  "You have my eternal oath," Vulcan said.

  "Good. I'll be watching. Don't make me have to come down here and smite either of you. "

  Venus tugged on one of Pea's curls, purposely lightening the mood before one of them started to cry. "Now, Pea, you'll need to close your eyes so that my zapping doesn't scare you. "

  "This one time I think I'll keep my eyes open. I love you, Venus," Pea said.

  "And I love you, too, darling. " The Goddess of Love lifted her arms and disappeared. Vulcan put down his coffee mug and turned to Pea. With his arms open he said, "Are you going to cry now, little one?"

  "Yes!" she said on a sob, and burying her face in her true love's shoulder, Pea had a good cry.