Page 20 of Loving You Easy

  She braced her hands on the desk behind her as he went for the button on her jeans. The look he was giving her, the hungry way he was gazing at her body made this seductive impulse bubble to the surface, one she’d never had before. She wanted to tease him, to be playful. She wiggled her hips slowly, letting the denim work down her hips, revealing the top band of her underwear.

  Ren groaned and tugged her pants the rest of the way down. When she ventured a peek over his shoulder, she found Hayes watching, his hand still over that thick erection. She could see the intensity in his expression. He wanted to do more than watch, but she had a feeling there’d be no convincing him to join in. She had to trust them with her body. That was a lot. But the trust he’d have to put in her to take it further would be monumental. Too much. He didn’t know her. She could lie about him just as easily as the other woman had. And God only knew what he’d think if he found out who her mom was. But in that moment, seeing the want on his face, she wished she could take that burden off him. Convince him that it was okay. To let go for a minute.

  Ren had her step out of her boots and then stripped off her jeans and bra. He was crouched down in front of her and lined up with the perfect view of the damp state of her underwear. He slid his hands up the outside of her thighs and then leaned forward, pressing his mouth and nose to the cotton of her briefs and inhaling. The touch made her groan in both relief and frustration, his nose and lips nuzzling the spot desperate for attention.

  “Lie back on the desk, Cora. I need to taste you.”

  Some nonsense word slipped past her lips, but there was no stopping herself from obeying. If that meant Ren was going to put his mouth on her, she’d do a goddamned backbend if that was what he asked of her. She scooted fully onto the desk and braced herself on her elbows, unwilling to give up the view of Ren and Hayes.

  Ren shrugged off his jacket and tossed it to the side. Then he kneeled in front of her and dragged her underwear down her hips. In three hot seconds, she was bared and exposed to him in the most vulnerable of ways. Up close and personal, under full lights. She had a flash of self-consciousness, but it didn’t last long because Ren pressed his hands to the back of her thighs and opened her to him fully. The rapt look on his face was enough to chase away any doubts. That couldn’t be faked.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, Benning,” he groaned and ran a finger over her slit, the slick heat of her arousal beyond obvious. “Look how ready you are. I’m losing my mind thinking about you touching yourself that night, thinking about us. I wish I would’ve known how wound up you were. I would’ve never left you that way.”

  He kissed her inner thigh and ran his tongue along the crease where leg met hip, making her moan and arch. Her eyes fell shut but then the light shifted against her lids, making her open them again.

  Hayes had walked over and stood a few feet away, gazing down at her face. Not her body, not her spread thighs or Ren’s tongue along her skin but her face. “Tell him how you did it. How do you like getting yourself off?”

  She swallowed hard at the rumble of Hayes’s voice, a powerful command wrapped in his brand of quietness. Shyness tried to overtake her, but she couldn’t look away from him, couldn’t ignore the need in his eyes. This was costing him something, too. He was putting aside armor just like she was, trusting her to see that private side of him, the side that craved her submission.

  She found her voice. “I used my fingers, but it wasn’t enough so I grabbed a toy.”

  Hayes’s jaw flexed, the only indication the words had gotten to him. He reached out and palmed the back of Ren’s head. “Taste her, Ren. And use your fingers.”

  Ren grunted beneath the touch but his eyes flashed with heat. “Best directive I’ve gotten at work all day.”

  Ren caught her gaze, hot promise there, and then lowered himself between her thighs to take a long, languid lick.

  Her heels dug into his back as her body instinctively reacted, her head tipping back and sensation racing up her spine. “Fuck.”

  It’d been so long since she’d had anything but her own hand. And there was no toy that could mimic the hot, wet feel of a skilled tongue. Ren went to work before she could catch her breath, licking and sucking and kissing every tender part of her, his stubble scraping her inner thighs and making everything acutely aware and sensitive. She rocked into the touch and tried to hold back the moans that wanted to slip out. They were in a locked office, not a soundproof room. But it was a fight with every sweep of his tongue.

  And when he tucked two fingers inside her, curling them just right, she almost levitated off the desk. Her head tapped against the wood.

  But she didn’t want to miss a minute of the show, so she forced her head up, bracing herself on her elbows, and watched Ren’s dark head move between her thighs, Hayes’s hand still in Ren’s hair as if puppeteering the whole thing. The view was mesmerizing, like watching an erotic movie made just for her. And it was almost as if she was floating above it all, seeing herself spread along the desk and watching these men overtake her, but the pleasure rippling through her was far from distant.

  Her head lolled to the right, the sensation too overwhelming, and her attention landed on the erection in Hayes’s jeans. The zipper looked to be screaming for mercy. She wanted to touch, to reach out and drag him closer, to taste. But that was off-limits. “Can I . . . make a request?”

  The words came out choppy, her breaths too quick.

  “Of course,” Hayes said, a hint of a dimple showing. “Doesn’t mean you’ll get your way, but you can always ask.”

  She let her gaze dip then looked back to him. “You asked me how I get off. I want to see how you do.”

  His eyebrow arched and Ren lifted his head for a second, his mouth slick and his eyelids heavy. “I knew I liked you, Benning. She wants to watch you, Hayes. Give the lady a peek.”

  Hayes’s lips pressed together and his Adam’s apple bobbed, like he was having a vicious debate behind the cool mask, but he gave a little shake of his head. “Not today. I’m getting enough pleasure just watching the two of you.”

  Cora frowned, could feel the restraint in his words, but she wasn’t going to push. This was about stretching her boundaries but not crossing his. “Something to look forward to another day, then.”

  He gave her a humorless half smile at that, but didn’t confirm or deny. Instead, he reached out and pushed hair away from her forehead, a gentle brush of a touch that sent a shimmer of heat over her. “Make her come, Ren. Give her what she needs. I want to see her let go.”

  Ren didn’t say another word, and the heat of his tongue landed on her like a shock after its absence. Hot against cool. But it didn’t take long for her race to orgasm to kick back in. He pumped his fingers inside her and didn’t hold back with his mouth, feasting on her like she was the finest meal he’d ever had. Her arousal and his tongue making everything slippery and noisy and lewd and hot as fuck.

  And before long, her toes were curling against him and her breaths were coming hard and fast. She forgot to be quiet. “Oh, God.”

  “Let us have it,” Hayes said. “Let it all go and take what you need.”

  Ren’s tongue lashed at her and then he sucked her clit between his lips. The pressure and sensation exploded all into one and her head tipped back, a loud cry bursting from her. It was too noisy, too much for discretion. She rocked against him, and grabbed for him. Her hands landed over Hayes’s on Ren’s head. Their fingers linked and together they guided him against her, letting her wring every ounce of pleasure from his mouth.

  When she couldn’t bear anymore and felt turned inside out, she collapsed onto the desk and let her hand fall away. All that was left were the sounds of her breaths sawing out of her.

  Ren gently guided her legs back down and pressed a kiss to her hip. “Beautiful. Thank you.”

  It was a period at the end of a sentence. Not acceptable.
r />   She reached for him. He was going to go the route of this was just for you, but screw that. She didn’t know what would happen when they walked out of this room. She didn’t know how reality would filter this scene once the erotic fog cleared, and she didn’t want to walk away without having this man, without seeing what he was like when all the self-control went away.

  She grabbed hold of his T-shirt, dragged him down, and kissed him. Her taste was still on his lips and that had her libido kicking into second gear. Ren resisted for a second but when she hooked her leg around his hips and pressed against him, he groaned and melted into the connection.

  They kissed full and deep, desperate, and her own need ramped up again.

  He broke away, breathless. “Benning, I’m trying to be good. But you’re not helping.”

  “Good.” She shifted up and reached for his belt. “You have a condom?”

  He made a pained sound. “Hayes, get my wallet out of the drawer in my desk, outside pocket.”

  Hayes moved swiftly into action and handed Ren the foil packet. Ren’s stare burned into her. “Tell me you want this, Cora. Tell me this isn’t too far.”

  She unzipped his fly and slipped her hand over his erection, the soft silk of his boxers hot against her palm. “I want you, Ren. Have since the party. And I want Hayes to watch.”

  “Fuck. Yeah, I’m not that noble.” He yanked his pants down and rolled on the condom.

  Cora watched the latex roll over that beautiful curved erection, her tongue pressing to the roof of her mouth, and then she turned to see Hayes. The man was focused on the same thing—Ren’s adept fingers sheathing himself. So fucking hot.

  Before she could process it all—the sight of Ren between her thighs, her spread naked across a desk, and Hayes watching—Ren gripped her under the knees and the head of his cock pushed into her. They both moaned and her short nails dug into his shoulders at the full feeling of having him inside her. God, yes. She’d definitely forgotten how good this could feel. The heat of a man, the need rolling off him.

  Unlike the kiss they’d first shared, Ren didn’t ease into things. She’d pushed him past the point of patience. This was his control fraying at the edges. She loved it. He pumped into her with long, deep strokes, the angle just right and his tattooed arms flexing beside her.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, voice full of grit and his eyes full of challenge. “Hard and fast?”

  “God, yes.”

  His pants weren’t even off, just hanging loose on his hips, and his T-shirt was still on. It was dirty, urgent fucking, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever felt anything better. There was nothing nice or relaxed or friendly about it. He grabbed her knee and hooked a leg around his hip, angling deeper, the head of his cock teasing at her entrance in a way that felt altogether new. Vaginal sex had always been pleasant but not intense. But right now, she could feel the shape of his cock, the head, the smoothness right at her entrance every time he fucked into her, lighting up nerves she didn’t know she had. And before long, she felt another orgasm knocking at the door.

  Sweat beaded his brow and that messy hair was falling in his face. Ren Muroya, undone. She wished she had a photo of him just like this. She’d never need porn again. But when he tucked his hand between them and found her clit, there were no more thoughts of photos or anything else. Light exploded behind her eyes and she cried out, the climax rolling over her.

  Ren wasn’t far behind and his thrusts became harder, more urgent until he was gasping and cursing, pushing her across the desk with the force of it all. Her head slipped off the edge, but before it tilted all the way back, two big palms clasped it, cradled it. Hayes.

  The thought was enough to send her into hyperspace. She let her thoughts go and just enjoyed the ride, fell into the bliss. Ren deep inside her, her head in Hayes’s hands, and both men watching her fall apart beneath them.

  She would be ruined. How would she ever top this?

  But she wouldn’t worry about it now.

  This was living in the moment. She’d hold on to it as long as she could.

  And not until Ren was sliding out and covering her with his jacket did she open her eyes. Hayes was gazing down at her, still cradling her head, some unreadable expression on his face. She figured she should say something, but before she could, he bent down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. Inhaling deeply, like he was trying to breathe her in.

  For some reason, it made her want to cry. But she held the urge and let the guys silently help her off the desk. Every part of her felt oversensitive, electric, and exposed. She didn’t know what to say. Or if there was anything to say.

  She tucked her arms into Ren’s jacket, accepted her discarded clothes from Hayes, and slipped into the small bathroom attached to Ren’s office to put herself back together. She braced her hands on the sink and stared at her reflection as she regained her breath. She didn’t recognize the flush-cheeked woman in the oval mirror. Who was that girl with the wild hair and slick lips and dazed look? Who was that woman who’d just jumped off a cliff without thinking of the consequences?

  This had been insane. And kind of amazing. The girl in the mirror smiled. She reached out and touched the reflection, spreading her hand like she was touching the person staring back at her. She didn’t know this girl yet.

  Or maybe she’d known her all along but had been too scared to look.

  What would that girl do? She wouldn’t think about what this meant or what happened next or wonder if anything would happen again. She would hold this moment and enjoy it for what it was. Own it.

  With that decided, Cora quickly cleaned up and got dressed. She stepped back into the office and found only Ren waiting for her.

  Ren walked over to her, took her hands in his, and gave her a soft kiss. “How goes it, Benning?”

  “It goes.”

  His lips curved. “Freaking out?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Good. No need to. That was . . . a great way to spend a lunch hour.”

  She laughed and glanced at the closed office door. “Where’s Hayes?”

  Ren’s smile dipped. “He said he needed some air. More likely, he needed to walk off a raging case of blue balls.”

  “Is he okay? I feel bad that—”

  Ren laced his fingers with hers. “Hayes has to approach this in his own way. I know he loved every minute of what just happened, but it’s got to be torture not to participate.”

  “I would’ve let him. I asked him to.”

  Ren sighed. “I know. But you have to understand how badly he was burned. That mistrust is his only defense. I think he’ll get past it. But it’s going to take time.”

  “I don’t blame him. But it’s unfair that he has to be so careful. He didn’t do anything.”

  “I know. But if you decide you want to do this with us, take things further, he’s going to have to be able to trust you without question before he fully lets go.”

  She slipped her arms around Ren’s waist and pressed the top of her head to his chest. “Until then, you’ll take good care of him?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “In all ways. That’s what I do. That’s what he’s done for me.”

  She looked up at him, the words telling her everything. “You love him.”

  A statement, not a question.

  Ren smiled, resigned. “Impossible not to.”

  The words should’ve worried her. She was potentially entering into a tryst with two men who were in love. The risk of her getting hurt was high. But it was also a comfort knowing that these guys were so deeply bonded. It didn’t leave any gray area. She knew where she stood. She didn’t have to fall into her old trap of pinning false hope on relationships. In the end, it would be those two. Not her and Ren. If she was going to do this, she needed to be okay with that. Accept the ending before the start.

“I better get back to work. I’ve still got a hacker to catch.”

  Ren rubbed her arms. “Tell me you enjoyed this and want to do it again. Preferably soon. Preferably with me.”

  She smiled. “Is that a command or a request?”

  He tilted his head, mischief in his gaze. “A desperate plea?”

  “Who am I to deny a desperate plea?”

  His grin went wide and he kissed her again. “Back to work, Benning. I’ve got meetings this afternoon. But we’ll talk soon.”


  When Cora got back to her office, she collapsed into her chair, trying to regain the focus that Ren and Hayes had blown to bits. How was she supposed to work while her body was still humming in the afterglow and her brain was short-circuiting? What was she supposed to be doing again? Oh, right. Find a hacker. Yes. That was it. She rolled her shoulders and woke her screen. Back to work.

  It took her a few more minutes to cool down fully and get back into the mind-set of the hunt. But the amount of work in front of her helped her not overanalyze what had just happened with the guys. That was a problem for future Cora to pick apart. This was what present Cora needed to be focused on.

  She scanned the screen. All the profiles that were accessed by the perp were there on her list. She tapped a few keys and then leaned over to snag pages from the printer. She’d compiled a separate document to see who had history with whom, who had chatted, and who had privately played. It had taken all week to gather everything. She’d pretty much holed herself up in the office and hadn’t interacted with anyone during work hours. She worked best when she put blinders on and shut everything out except the mission. But even before the detour to Ren’s office, the information was getting tangled up in her head, too many scattered pieces.

  She set her chin in her hand and let her attention run over the documents, wishing it was like a movie and all these lines and connections would just appear in front of her in midair and make some kind of sense. But all she could see was lists and more lists and spreadsheets.