Page 26 of Loving You Easy

  Ren groaned and his muscles flexed. His long fingers tangled in her hair as she made her way down his chest and abdomen. When she got to the jut of his hipbone, she bit again. He hissed out a breath. “Fuck.”

  “Muroya likes a little pain,” Hayes said, his voice heavy with arousal. “Look what you’re doing to him.”

  Cora let her gaze travel downward, where Ren’s erection was straining against his fly. On impulse, she lowered to her knees and ran her tongue along his cock through the material. Ren’s grip tightened in her hair. “She’s not the most obedient sub.”

  But there was no censure in the words, and he didn’t stop her.

  She unhooked the button, slowly took down the zipper, and then grabbed the band of his boxer briefs to draw them down. She exposed the head of his cock and trapped his shaft against his belly. The crown was glistening with fluid and her tongue pressed to the roof of her mouth. She wanted to lick along the head and capture every drop. The urge threw her off for a second—that utter need to taste him, not just to make him feel good, but for her own pleasure.

  Her gaze jumped up, catching his stare. She knew the question was all over her face. His jaw tightened like it was taking all of his restraint to stay still. “Ask me first.”

  Her throat felt like it’d shrunk three sizes. Ask him for the privilege of sucking his cock? The idea should’ve rankled. If Kevin had pulled that shit, she would’ve rolled her eyes. But that was because, in truth, she hadn’t ever been all that motivated to go down on any guy. She hadn’t craved that experience like she did right now. She’d done it to be nice. She wasn’t going to do this to be nice. “May I please taste you?”

  “Taste what?” Hayes said, stepping beside Ren. “Remember, I’ve met Lenore. I know you’re not shy. Not when it comes to this. So let’s not pretend.”

  Cora straightened her spine. He was right. Why the hell was she trying to act demure or shy with them? In her fantasies, she didn’t play that shrinking-violet game. “I want to taste his cock.”

  “Good.” Hayes reached out and swiped his thumb over the head of Ren’s erection, catching the fluid there. The move elicited a grunt from Ren and the rapt attention of Cora. Hayes lifted his glistening thumb and pressed it to Cora’s lips. “Taste him, then.”

  She closed her eyes, a ripple of heat going through her. Just seeing Hayes so casually touch Ren pushed buttons inside her. He was showing her rather than telling her. Nothing is off-limits. All of us can enjoy. All of us can touch. No one’s here to say no or put up walls.

  She opened her eyes, lifted her gaze, and sucked Hayes’s thumb into her mouth, the taste of Ren mixing with the salt of Hayes’s skin. Pleasure flared in his eyes as she ran her tongue along the underside of his thumb and then sucked. Ren’s fingers, still in her hair, pulled tight.

  Hayes cleared his throat and pulled his thumb free. “Ren, take your pants off and get on the table before I lose my patience.”

  Cora smiled inwardly. She’d tempted Hayes. She could see it all over his face. He had a plan, but right in this moment, he’d wanted to grab her and shove his cock in her mouth, take his own pleasure before seeing to either of theirs. He was reeling himself in. For some reason, it was comforting knowing they were all on edge already. They were all weak tonight.

  Hayes put out a hand and helped her to her feet. He ran a hand down her back. “Are you cold?”

  She couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out of her. “Are you kidding? I could heat a small village right now. Meat could be roasted over me.”

  He smiled and pulled her close, her naked body pressing against his clothed one. His palm cupped her ass and squeezed. “I’m into you, Cora Benning. Have I mentioned that yet?”

  “You tell that to all naked girls in your kitchen?”

  His expression turned wry. “Has nothing to do with the nudity, though that is greatly appreciated.”

  “Enormously appreciated,” Ren added.

  “No, you make me smile. Have been doing that for a long time.” His fingernails pressed into the flesh of her ass, making her toes curl, and then he gave her a swat. “Now I want to give you something to smile about.”

  Knowing it was probably out of the realm of the rules, but doing it anyway, she pushed up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his mouth. “You already have, Master Dmitry. I’ve been smiling over you for a long time.”

  Something flickered over his expression at that, something tender and real and potent. Her chest squeezed tight, but the look disappeared as quickly as it was there. He cleared his throat, that stoic mask slipping back into place.

  It was time to play.


  Cora’s heart pounded hard against her ribs as Hayes led her over to the table. Ren was watching them, jeans open and hanging loose around his hips, the dark trail of hair tracking downward to the hard state of his cock. Hayes took Cora’s hand and placed it in Ren’s. A gift. Like she was something to be offered.

  The move had the desired effect and she felt herself slipping into the role. Theirs. When she’d played with Dmitry, she’d learned over time to let her mind relax, to turn off the inner chatter and just focus on being. It wasn’t unlike meditation in a lot of ways—a relief from her busy brain and nonstop analyzing. But this was that state notched up ten levels. And as Ren wrapped his fingers around hers, she could sense some new plane hovering right in her grasp. The nerves of this being in person and not virtual were trying to hold her back, but seeing the intent look on Ren’s face and feeling Hayes’s steady presence behind her helped.

  Ren reached out and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Don’t be scared, Cora. We’ll take good care of you.”

  “I know.” And she did. She didn’t know why she felt so sure of that, but she felt it down to her bones. “I just have trouble getting out of my head sometimes.”

  His lips curved as he sat on the edge of the table and pulled her to him, bracing her between his spread knees. “I know you don’t want to miss the view, but close your eyes for a minute. Just feel.”

  She did as she was told and then after a breath, hands and mouths were on her. Ren kissing her neck, Hayes’s big hands wrapping around her from behind and palming her breasts, Ren’s thighs locking her in place. Unh. She tipped her head back and it landed against Hayes’s chest. He pressed a hand over her forehead, holding her against him and notching his erection against her backside. Another hand—Ren’s—dipped between her legs, finding her slick and hot. He tucked two fingers inside her.

  She let out a soft gasp, the sensations overwhelming—hands everywhere, heat branding her each place they touched, and Ren’s slow, decadent invasion. She rocked against Ren’s fingers and Hayes’s erection, never opening her eyes.

  “That’s it, baby,” Ren said softly. “You don’t need to think about anything because there are no decisions left to make. You’re ours right now. This soft skin. This sweet body. This wet cunt that’s just begging to be filled up.”

  Hayes’s hand slipped between the cheeks of her ass and teased her opening, circling it with his fingertip and awakening nerves there. “Other places that need filling.”

  Her stomach tightened and she let out a sigh that didn’t sound anything like protest.

  “Think about all the ways we can use you,” Ren said. “All the ways we can make you feel good.”

  Her breath soughed out of her, her body rocking in an undulating rhythm she was barely conscious of. Yes. This. There were too many sensations, too much everything, to do much thinking. And she felt the welcome state of surrender pushing at the edges of her mind. Hadn’t this been what she’d always secretly craved? The thing that had driven her to Hayven in the first place? Being with guys had always felt like so much work. She worked too much already. She didn’t want to be in charge of sex, too. These men could give her that. All she had to do was let them.

  So she d

  The fingers and kissing and touching blurred together and the muscles in her body began to soften, melt, until she realized she was mostly being held up by the two of them. Hayes grasped her around the waist and locked her against him. Ren’s heat disappeared for a moment and there was the rustling of clothes.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she lost her breath all over again. Ren had shoved his pants the rest of the way off and had lain back on the table, knees spread, cock in hand. He was giving himself slow strokes, his eyes on her. Her gaze watched those long fingers handle his cock with wanton familiarity. This was what he looked like when he touched himself in private. It felt unbearably intimate and erotic to watch. A fresh rush of heat moved straight downward and she went from aroused to on fire.

  Hayes pressed something into her hand. “Get his condom on, L. I want to watch you fuck him.”

  She swallowed hard and tried to get her hands to work. She tore the condom wrapper open and stepped forward. Ren was still watching her, eyes hooded, hand slowly working the fluid beading at the tip over his shaft.

  “One second,” Hayes said.

  She paused and Hayes moved from behind her to the side of the table. He lowered his head and licked the head of Ren’s cock, his lips meeting Ren’s fingers as Ren continued to stroke himself.

  Fuck. Cora stood there mesmerized as Ren groaned and Hayes got Ren’s erection glossy and flushed. Hayes lifted his head and met Cora’s gaze. A question there. Maybe a test. Was she really aware of what these two guys being together meant?

  She was. And she was so down for it. They were gorgeous together. Sexy and confident and . . . Yes, please.

  “Now put it on,” Hayes said with a smug little smile.

  Ren hadn’t stopped stroking himself and he reached out with his other hand to grab hers. He placed her hand over the one sliding over his cock, their fingers interweaving. For a moment, they jerked him together. Then Hayes’s hand joined in and Ren’s head fell back to the table. “Y’all keep that up, you’re going to get a special surprise quicker than you expected.”

  Hayes gave one of those rumbly, under-the-breath laughs and moved his hand away. “Condom, Cora. The man’s got no self-control.”

  “Oh, yes, right.” Cora fumbled a bit but managed to roll on the condom, earning another grunt from Ren as her fingertips grazed his scrotum.

  Ren reached for her again. “Come here, gorgeous.”

  She took the offered hand and climbed onto the table with him, thankful when it didn’t break beneath their shared weight. He kissed the top of her hand and she started to position herself over him but he shook his head. “Turn around, baby.”

  She lifted her brows but soon Hayes’s hand was on her, guiding her to face away from Ren. “I want to do more than watch.”

  He got her to straddle Ren’s hips. Ren’s legs were hanging off the edge of the table, bent at the knees, but she had enough room to get in position. Hayes held her hands, helping her keep balanced. “You guys are lucky I do yoga.”

  Hayes stepped closer to the edge of the table and reached out to stroke her clit. “We’re lucky in more ways than I can list right now.”

  She bit her lip to keep in the moan. Everything inside her felt ready to detonate.

  “You should see how hot the two of you look right now,” he said, voice low and dark. “You so slick and hot. Him hard enough to pound nails. Can you hear how wet she is for you, Ren? Imagine how warm and tight she’s going to be around your cock.”

  Ren shifted restlessly beneath her. “Stop teasing, Fox.”

  “Oh, but it’s so much fun.” Hayes took his fingers away from Cora and swiped the remnants of her arousal over Ren’s sac.

  “Fuck,” Ren said. “Why did I agree to let you take lead again?”

  Hayes massaged Ren’s balls in his palm. “Because you love it. Because you know it’s better when you work for it a little.” His gaze met Cora’s. “Lower yourself down on him. But only take the crown in.”

  Cora wanted to groan this time. “Just the tip?”

  “Trust me,” he said softly.

  She trusted him, but Lord, she might die if they dragged this out too long. She could remember exactly how good Ren’s cock had felt filling her. She wanted that feeling right this second. But she’d agreed to play this game, agreed to surrender. She wasn’t going to back out on the deal.

  She reached out to brace her hands on Hayes’s shoulders and then she eased herself down. The moment Ren breached her, the breath she’d been holding whooshed out. The thick tip stretched her, making her aware of every detail of his flared head. Oh, God.

  Hayes’s eyes focused on the place where she and Ren joined, his breath quickening and a hungry expression crossing his face. He pressed a hand against her, his thumb stroking her clit and making her eyes want to roll back in her head. When he spoke again, his voice sounded more strained. “Move just a little, Cora. Just enough to feel him going in and out.”

  Her jaw tightened as she tried to channel every bit of her control. Hayes’s thumb stroking her clit and the feel of Ren’s cock at her entrance was like the sweetest, most brutal torture. She wanted to grab Hayes’s hand and make him go faster and to plunge herself onto Ren with abandon, claim the orgasm that was right there out of her grasp. But she forced herself to follow the instruction.

  With as much restraint as she could, she dipped her hips a bit, taking in Ren just enough to make it past the thickness of the head but then up again. She didn’t see the point of the teasing but when she repeated the motion, things changed. Oh. Oh. The shallow thrusts alighted nerve endings she hadn’t been aware of. She’d long accepted that sex meant a full feeling but not necessarily sensation inside. But this, this was different. The feeling of the crown of his cock teasing and stretching her entrance was foreign and new and oh my God.

  Then when she thought things couldn’t get more intense, Hayes shifted. She could tell what was coming the minute Hayes moved, but she didn’t let herself believe it. Not until Hayes got to his knees and put his mouth right where they joined.

  The feel of the heat of his tongue nearly sent her into orbit, and behind her, Ren let out a colorful monologue of cursing. Hayes acted like he didn’t hear a word of it. He licked and sucked at Cora and bathed Ren’s cock with his tongue, still not giving her leave to sink down and take Ren fully inside her.

  All she could do was keep up the shallow thrusts and feel the blinding, amazing sensation of Hayes going down on her while another man fucked her. She tried to savor, to take in every blissful nuance moving through her, but it was like trying to contain an angry tiger with just her hands. Release banged at the doors of her self-control. “Shit. I can’t—”

  “Motherfucker.” Ren was tapping his head against the table. At least that’s what it sounded like. “Please, Hayes. Let us . . .”

  Hayes hummed his opinion against her skin, making her nails dig into his shoulders.

  She tried to count. She tried to write code in her head, anything to not go over yet. Her eyes fell shut as she breathed through her world trying to shatter behind her eyelids.

  “No coming yet,” Hayes said, lifting his head for a moment. “And, Cora?”

  She tried to find her voice. “Yes?”

  “You said you wanted to watch. So watch,” he said, challenge in his tone.

  She opened her eyes at that and looked down, her breaths coming in short bursts. Hayes spread her with his thumbs, giving her a view of everything he was seeing up close and then he held her eye contact as he dragged his tongue over her.

  The sound that came out of her mouth was one she didn’t recognize. The feel of it was enough, but seeing his head between her thighs, licking her as Ren fucked her was going to kill her. But then he ran two fingers along her folds, getting both good and wet, and slid them down, down, down. They disappeared between Ren’s cheeks.

/>   Hayes gave her a dark smile, his hand seeking, and then he ran his tongue along the place where Ren and Cora were joined as he pushed his fingers into Ren. It was the hottest, sexiest thing Cora had ever seen. And the second Hayes’s fingers breached Ren, she could feel the answering jolt in Ren’s body. Her sex clenched hard around him.

  “Holy fucking shit. I’m never going to last like this, Fox. You’re, she’s—”

  “Then fuck her,” Hayes said finally. “Fuck her hard and make her come.”

  That was all it took. Ren grasped her hips from behind, dragged her down onto his cock, and buried deep. “Fuck, God, yes.”

  She let out a bone-deep groan that matched his. Everything felt alive, full, on fire in the best way. She might die. But she’d do it with a smile on her face.

  Hayes went back to work, his mouth on her clit and his fingers working Ren, and everything went hazy behind her eyes. She couldn’t watch anymore. She couldn’t think. She was only a passenger now.

  She grabbed Hayes’s hair to find something to hold on to and let it all take her, Ren fucking into her with deep, desperate strokes, and Hayes using all he had to bring them both to oblivion. Before long, she was tipping her head back and crying out like a wild thing—gasping, lung-emptying noises—and light burst behind her eyelids. Everything that had once been neatly put together fell apart. Shattered. Done. Never to be put back together the same way again.

  She was all sensation and body parts and feeling. And she loved every fucking second of it.

  Ren followed her over the edge a moment later, pumping hard and making sexy gasping grunts as he came.

  For a few long shining seconds, there was just the sound of their mingled breaths and her heart beating in her ears. Her thighs were quivering beneath her and her muscles were jumping with aftershocks. She was never going to be able to move again.