Page 2 of Enchant

  “This is me.” Luca said gruffly, letting go of my hand.

  I started walking towards the door but he pulled me back.

  “Joyce,” I would never tire of the way his voice rasped my name as if it was both his blessing and his curse tied into one. “You don’t understand.”

  I turned and pulled my arms into my body to keep myself from shivering more. “What don’t I understand Luca?”

  “This,” he pointed to the apartment with a disgusted look marring his perfect face. He ran a hand through his fashionably long dark hair. “This is all I have to give to you. This. Is. Me.”

  I shrugged. “It’s bright.”

  He rolled his eyes. “It’s a shit hole.”

  “Anytime you can have Chinese at your beck and call…” I winked. “Not shit.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets, his lips forming a grim line. “I’ve never done anything because I don’t deserve to, when I can’t even keep you in the furs you’re used to wearing, the jewels that dangle across your neck.”

  I felt myself blush, more with shame than embarrassment. I’d like to think I’d fooled them all into thinking I still had money, when really? I was just as broke as Luca, perhaps more so. I had no insurance and hospital bills weren’t cheap.

  I was a secretary. I made next to nothing and the minute my parents discovered I was sick, they left. I’d like to think it was just too painful for them to witness.

  But really... I knew the truth, the sickness reminded them I wasn’t perfect, it reminded them that life was a rare gift, it reminded them they were selfish. And they hated being reminded of their shortcomings.

  Last night I’d sold my diamond earrings, an heirloom passed down from my grandmother, in order to pay for my fourth treatment as well as buy food for the week.

  It was the last of what I possessed.

  “Luca,” I reached for his hand. “You say this is you?”

  His nodded slowly his eyes already revealing the rejection he most likely assumed would come.

  “Then,” I wrapped my arms around his muscled torso. “I say this is me too.”


  “Chinese takeout, walk up apartment… this is me. If this is who you are, then let me be this with you.”

  His lips parted.

  With a groan he pressed his lips against mine, then lifted my body into his arms.

  His kiss electrified me.

  It possessed me.

  It owned me.

  No take backs. There would be no going back, no reversing what was about to happen and I knew, even if it meant I would die in a few months because I couldn’t afford the hospital anymore… I’d die a happy woman.

  Because I’d be in Luca’s arms.

  In his bed.

  Above the neon lights of that damn Chinese restaurant.

  And I’d be happy.


  Some call it the little death… well then give me more… I always begged Luca for more, because in his arms I wasn’t sick, I wasn’t frail, I was perfect. Time stood still, which was a necessity considering it was both of our enemies. Though, I’d only thought time worked against me — never in my wildest dreams did I imagine he had his own bomb just waiting to go off, waiting to separate us forever, never go be together again. – Joyce Alfero


  My second woman.

  But she was the first to grace my bed.

  The first to step into my apartment.

  The first to steal my heart and refuse to give it back.

  I loved her with every inch of my soul, with every fiber of my being, and the only way I could show her was to make sure she was always taken care of in my arms, I may not have jewels or diamonds, but I had my heart. Damn but I still had my heart, even my soul, regardless of who I killed or what I did, I could offer her the one unstained thing in my existence knowing full well it was meant for her and only her.

  Had she rejected me, I would have continued on with life.


  Because when you can’t have the one you want, what point is there in trying to fill that hole? It’s unfair to you and it sure as hell isn’t fair to the woman you’re trying to force into that person’s mold.

  I shut the door behind us.

  The only light flooding the small apartment was that of the neon sign from the restaurant. Blues and reds danced across the window sill and may as well have put a damn spotlight across my small double bed.

  Joyce shrugged out of her fur and turned, her fingers dancing across her collarbone as she fingered the pearls one by one as if she was testing their smoothness.

  “Off.” I barked, not recognizing my own voice.

  Her eyes widened, cheeks flushed, damn that look was beautiful on her, I’d remember it always---forever.

  Slowly, she reached for the tie on her dress and loosened it. The black material slunk to the floor. Her hips moved seductively left then right as she walked to the bed and reached down to unclip her garters loosening her stockings until they were at her ankles.

  She kicked off her heels. The stockings followed.

  My breath hitched as she leaned back on her elbows, she was all creamy white skin and black lace. I wanted to touch her but I also wanted to drink my fill, she was like a bottle of fine whiskey I wanted to savor forever, slowly sipping until I was drunk with her.

  The pearls remained, falling between her breasts, dancing along her navel.

  With a slight tilt of her head she sighed then crooked her finger at me.

  It was all the invitation I needed.

  I tugged my shirt free of my pants with too much force, then ripped it open, not wasting time with buttons, they clattered to the floor.

  And Joyce watched.

  Hell but did the woman watch.

  Her eyes went all but black as she licked her lower lip.

  I kicked off my shoes.

  My pants fell into a heap in the corner.

  And I stood before her.




  Her eyebrows arched as she looked her fill, her mouth twitched, I’d already decided hundreds of different places I wanted that wicked mouth and now that I’d seen her lips move across her teeth I’d decided I wanted that too, her teeth, her bites, her mark.

  Walking toward her, meeting her skin, touching her for the first time was like coming home from War… everything about her was searing, hot, welcoming.

  I pushed her back onto the bed then wrapped the pearls around my arm tugging her head toward mine as my mouth plundered hers. She tasted like whiskey and coke.

  Which is how I’d come to say in later years, that whiskey and coke changed my life, because in that moment it did.

  Her unique flavor danced across my tongue as our tongues tangled, making introductions and promises.

  I had no experience to guide me—only a raw hunger I knew she alone could satisfy. I tugged the clasp of her bra and threw it against the wall, my hands reaching to cup her breasts to kiss every inch of space the pearls had dared touch before me.

  “Luca,” She arched as I took her in my mouth, ecstasy exploding around my line of vision, how could a woman be so soft? So perfect.

  Her nails dug into my back as I explored.

  No space on her delicate body was safe from my tongue. I could have spent hours at her breasts, days between her legs, years licking her thighs—the more I tasted the more the hunger grew.

  “I don’t want to live without you.” She whispered tugging me forcefully against her. Our bodies slid against one another.

  I was close, so close.

  “Need to be inside you…” I panted.

  “Promise me, first.” Our foreheads touched. This was more than sex. More than a stolen moment, a night of promises. “Promise me, I won’t live without you.”

  I pulled back, recognizing the moment for what it was… something I’d remember my entire existence. Not merely words, but a vow, a
blood vow. “Joyce, I swear it. You’ll never be without me.”

  Her body relaxed.

  I thrust into her and knew… even if she hadn’t asked for forever… I would have given it.

  More give.

  More take.

  More, more, more, so much more.

  She was my soul mate.

  And she was mine.

  In a haze of wonder—she found her release just as I found mine, only, I wasn’t so much focused on the physical feeling of what had just taken place… but the earth shattering promise I’d just given.

  And how, in the back of my mind, I wondered, if I would be able to keep it.


  The plan was set into place, the players marked, before any of us even knew there was a game to be played. The chess pieces were so carefully placed that the most brilliant of minds wouldn’t have been able to see the storm brewing… the hell that was about to be unleashed. – Joyce Alfero

  I SLEPT LIKE HELL the entire night, knowing full well what was most likely happening over and over and over again. Damn my brother.

  As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t hate him, not for loving her, not for wanting her. Had I been in his position I would have done the same thing. But I wasn’t, in his position, I was on the outside looking in, making sure he stayed alive, making sure he got exactly what he’d craved since he’d been broken.

  Money, success, respect.

  With a quick check of my watch, I made my way toward the hospital, choosing to walk rather than take one of the cars. Walking eased my mind and in a way being outside eased my soul from the darkness that was already starting to take over.

  I had to feel nothing.

  It was more than necessary. Feeling meant death.

  And death was what I was trying to prevent.

  For both of them.

  But they’d never thank me, not right away. Years, I was looking at years of absolute horror before they’d see what I did was for the best.

  For Family.

  Everything was for Blood.

  With a sigh, I shoved my hands into the pockets of my slacks. The hospital doors slid open. I continued walking.

  I knew where to find her.

  I knew where to find everyone.

  My gut sank as I rounded the corner and knocked on the door. The nurse knew I was coming, I’d paid her for her silence and given her a nice bonus to leave me and Joyce alone for a few moments.

  When she saw it was me, recognition flared briefly in her eyes as she ducked her head and walked out of the room. That was the agreement; she doesn’t get to know my name or my reasons. I was a dangerous man. I made sure she knew it.

  The room smelled like antiseptic.

  Joyce was pale, sitting in a chair with an IV hooked up to her arm. She was reading a magazine, she looked happy.

  I could make her happy.

  But only as much as she let me.


  I pulled up a chair.

  She yelped and then narrowed her eyes. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Had to get blood drawn.”


  I smirked, “You wanna watch? That type of thing get you going woman?”

  With an eye roll she pushed at my arm, not hard, damn the girl had the strength of an ant.

  “Why are you here Frank? I won the wager, remember?”

  “Ah yes…” I leaned back, “The Wager, tell me, how was my brother in bed? Did he cry afterwards?”

  “You’re an ass!” She hissed.

  “I’m the ass?” I leaned forward, “I’m the ass? I didn’t lure a man to my bed under false pretenses.”

  “They weren’t false.”

  “I also didn’t seduce a twenty-one year old kid for money.”

  “Leave me.” Her color was high. “Now.”

  “Is that how it’s gonna be Joyce? You’re going to play with your new toy until you get bored?”

  I was goading her.

  She was playing directly into my hands.

  “Maybe I will!” She threw the magazine at me as I stood. “Luca is twice the man you are.”

  “Perhaps.” I inclined my head, “But you’re less of a woman for lying to him.” I pointed at the machines. “How long Joyce? How long do you have if this all goes away?”

  Fear radiated from her entire body. “Not long.”

  “I can fix that.”

  “What? You’re suddenly God?”

  “Everything…has a cost, Joyce. Everything.”

  Her steely eyes narrowed.

  “And it’s time you pay up.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Not now.” I opened the door, “But soon, very soon, you will. Have a nice evening and be sure to say hi to Luca for me.”

  I left the room and was intercepted by Jim in the hall.

  “Did you get it?” I whispered under my breath as we walked briskly towards the exit.

  “Recorded every damn word…you sure this is what’s best for Luca?”

  “He needs to be hard. This world…it isn’t meant for us.” I swallowed the dryness in my throat. “Better he learn his lesson now, better he take what’s his for the taking before it’s too late.”

  “Right…” Jim whistled. “I guess I’ll set everything up for this evening.”

  “No…” I grabbed his shoulder. “Give the kid another day with her before it all goes down…he deserves at least that.”

  “You think it a kindness to give him heaven only to send him to hell?”

  “I think it a kindness that he experiences heaven at all while on this earth, obey me in this or I’ll be carving out your heart before dinner, capiche?”

  “Yeah,” Jim croaked, “Yeah Frank, I get it, no need to put me on ice.


  We made love under the stars… our love affair lasted two days. Two days of knowing that you were one with your soul mate. Forty-eight hours of awe inspiring seconds that turn into minutes, that pour into hours where you lie to yourself and tell yourself it will last forever. Forever, my dear, is a very long time. I should know… because I’ve been missing your Uncle Luca exactly that long. – Joyce Alfero

  HIS LIPS WERE MADNESS, coaxing me toward the ledge, begging me to jump with him. He teased as much as he fulfilled my every desire.

  “I love you.” I whispered against his mouth. We were back at his apartment, wrapped in blankets, having just finished Chinese. It wasn’t the most romantic scene a person could witness, but as he’d said before. It was us.

  “Joyce, I’ve loved you since I was a boy.”

  “And you’re a man now?” I teased. I was older than him by five years, not that it mattered, the heart wants…. well mine wanted him.

  He nipped my neck, then ground his naked body against mine sending shivers of pleasure all the way down to my toes. “I don’t know, Joyce, you tell me?”

  I reached for his length, “All man.”

  “Damn right.” He moaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he turned me onto my stomach and pinned my arms above my head. I felt vulnerable but with him always safe.

  “Forever.” His gruff whisper was wet against my ear as his lips moved in a sensual rhythm matching that of his hips. He drove into me over and over again, promising forever, promising things no man has the power to promise.

  And the worst part?

  I believed him.

  Just as much as I believed in us.

  We made love for hours.

  And then, something peculiar happened. Around two am, the neon sign flickered.

  Signs flicker all the time.

  It shouldn’t surprise me.

  But this flicker hit me like a warning.

  Time’s up… it said.

  I burrowed my head against his chest and ignored the warning bells ringing through my body.

  I was being paranoid.

  Four hours later.

  I awoke to a pounding on the door.

  With a
curse, Luca jumped from the bed, put on a pair of slacks and grabbed his gun. “Who is it?”

  He must have recognized the people on the other side, because he swung the door wide open.

  And was shot directly in the chest.

  The scream that erupted from my lungs was silent, as if the sound had been stolen directly from my throat.

  Luca crumpled to the floor.

  Men I didn’t recognize grabbed me and threw a dark sack over my head. The last thing I remembered was pain slicing through my skull.

  And severe loss.


  It could have been hours or merely minutes. I woke up chained to a chair. Things didn’t look good. The men circled me like prey each of them grinning at my state of undress. Whoever had captured me had at least thrown a dress over my body though it hung across my shoulders, almost revealing my breasts.

  “We do this easy or hard.” A man with a thick accent said from the shadows.


  “Easy or hard. Ladies choice.”

  “I don’t understand.” I gulped, “Please, just let me go.”

  Laughter erupted around the room. “Let you go?” The thick accent grew louder. “Just let you go? You are our bargaining chip, sweet.”

  A loud knock sounded at the door and then. “He’s arrived.”

  Frank entered. I breathed a sigh of relief. “What’s the meaning of this Nicholas?”

  Ah so the man had a name.

  I waited while Frank crossed his arms as if bored of the entire scene.

  “She belongs to your family?” Nicholas pointed, “Belongs to your dead brother?”

  My body convulsed.

  “Bull shit.” Frank rolled his eyes, “She belongs to me.”

  The hell I did.

  “She was in your brother’s bed, no?”

  “Yes.” Frank hissed as if the idea was so abhorrent he couldn’t even mutter an affirmative answer. “And she’ll be punished. But she is my wife.”

  I felt my body tighten. Wife?

  “And your own brother…” He laughed, “Decided to try a piece?”

  Franks swore and hit the man across the face. “A life for a life, Nicholas.”