Page 11 of Below Deck

  Tightening her thighs around me, she pulls me closer until just the tip of my cock starts to slip inside, and I have to grit my teeth to stop myself from slamming the rest of the way into her pussy.

  Moving her hands from my shoulders, she clutches her fingers in my hair, forcing my head up to look her in the eyes. Then, she tilts her head to the side of my face and whispers in my ear.

  “Fuck me, Declan.”

  She barely finishes the sentence before I’m pulling my hips back and then thrusting into her, hard and deep. Her hands smack against my back and her fingernails dig into my skin when I don’t waste any time, pulling my cock right back out before slamming inside of her again. She’s so unbelievably tight and hot that I have no idea how I’m going to last longer than five seconds. I’ve never felt anything this amazing in my life. Her pussy grips my cock like a fucking vise; it’s so damn good I think I might die from pleasure. My arm tightens around her waist and I brace my other hand on the counter next to her.

  “Jesus, Mackenzie, your pussy feels so good,” I mumble against her mouth, burying myself to the hilt inside her and then holding still, trying to calm myself down before I come too soon. “You’re so fucking tight wrapped around my cock. Touch your pussy for me, baby.”

  She immediately complies, bringing one of her hands between us and sliding it down between her legs where we’re joined. Her arm tightens around my shoulders and I glance down, groaning when I see her circle her clit with two of her fingers.

  “Goddamn, that’s so fucking hot,” I whisper, keeping my eyes down and locked on her fingers as I pull my cock out of her and slowly push it back in.

  She moans loudly as I get a leisurely rhythm going, fucking her slowly and watching my cock, glistening with her wetness, pump in and out of her.

  Her hips start moving, joining up to meet mine with each push and pull in and out of her body, and her fingers start circling her clit faster. I’m mesmerized by the sight of her pleasuring herself while I fuck her. I can’t take my eyes off of her hand between us and her own wetness that’s now coating her fingers. I start thrusting my hips faster, fucking her harder, unable to take this slowly anymore.

  Each slam of my cock inside her pushes her circling fingers harder against her clit. Her thighs get tighter around my waist and her moans get louder, making my balls tighten, knowing she’s close, and thanking God for it. I need to come inside her right now like I need air to breathe, but I need her to come first.

  “That’s it. Make yourself come on my cock. Let me feel it,” I tell her, finally looking up from where she’s touching her pussy to see her face.

  Her eyes stare right into mine and I feel her fingers graze my cock as she moves them faster and faster over her clit. We’re both panting and grunting and moaning and our skin is slick with sweat, neither one of us paying any attention to the buzzing of one of the machines as it goes off from somewhere behind me.

  “Oh, God…Oh, God…” Mackenzie suddenly chants, and I pick up the pace, thrusting my hips faster, her ass bucking up and down on the counter with how hard I’m fucking her.

  I grit my teeth and almost bite my tongue clean off when I feel her tighten around me and shout my name. It’s impossible for me to hold back as her orgasm makes the walls of her pussy clench and pulse around my cock, and I follow quickly behind her, groaning her name and coming inside her harder and faster than I ever have.

  My head drops to her shoulder and I stay locked inside her, trying not to feel embarrassed that I couldn’t make this last longer. I stop feeling sorry for myself a few minutes later when Mackenzie finally catches her breath and is able to speak, confirming what I thought I’d heard her say earlier.

  “That is definitely one magic dick you’ve got there, sir,” she sighs. “Well done.”

  She pats me on the back and I pull my head up from her shoulder, unable to contain my laughter even as my dick starts to soften inside her.

  Yep. Fucking adorable. I’m definitely in trouble.



  Even though Captain Michael kept us anchored for an extra day to avoid bad weather, it was impossible to escape the tropical storm that surrounded us. Since it was a light, easy rain, he pulled anchor in the middle of the night last night and got us to St. Croix by morning.

  Thankfully, Declan and I had just finished our romp in the laundry room when the captain called for him on the radio to help with the anchor, and I didn’t have to worry about that whole distracting him from his work thing.

  I haven’t been able to stop smiling since he snuck me out of the laundry room, giving me a hard, fast kiss before heading up to the deck to do his job. Not even Allyson and Arianna’s shitty moods about being stuck inside the ship could wipe the giddiness off my face.

  “What do you mean you’re going over to St. Croix? It’s, like, raining,” Arianna says in disgust, standing in the doorway of my cabin with her hands on her hips, watching me fill up my small, waterproof backpack with a towel and an extra change of clothes.

  “It’s just rain, Arianna. I’m not going to melt,” I tell her with a sigh, zipping the pack closed and sliding one strap over my shoulder.

  When I woke up this morning and looked out my cabin window at the overcast sky, knowing Allyson and Arianna wouldn’t be caught dead going out in the rain, I quickly came up with a plan to spend the day alone with Declan, not really sure if it would work, but praying it did. I told Brooke my plan, and she passed the idea on to Ben while he worked as bartender in the formal dining room making mimosas for my stepmonsters while we waited for breakfast to be served, who in turn relayed it to Declan who was busy up in the wheelhouse meeting with the captain.

  By the time the breakfast dishes were being cleared away, the plan was set.

  “I can’t believe you’re going horseback riding. They’re so gross and dirty,” Arianna complains with a curl of her lip.

  I brush past her and out into the hallway, making sure to smack my shoulder into hers a little more roughly than necessary, smiling to myself when she huffs and calls me a bitch.

  Just in case hell froze over and Allyson and Arianna decided to go over to St. Croix, anyway, to get their shopping fix, I added an extra security measure to make sure I would be alone with Declan by booking a horseback riding excursion on the island. Getting wet AND taking a ride on a “gross and dirty” animal were things those two would never do, even if their life depended on it. And even though my dad has started being a little firmer with them in the last few days, there’s still no way he’d leave the boat without them.

  Now, there was only one last hurdle to overcome, and I kept my fingers crossed as I made my way up to the sundeck where I found Captain Michael, Ben, and Declan waiting for me.

  I made sure to smile and greet them all equally, even though I wanted to take a few minutes to stare at Declan. I had to do everything in my power not to blush when I got my first look at him since last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did, and each step I took towards the three men brought the delicious soreness between my legs right to the front of my mind as I remembered every second of him fucking me on that counter.

  “Good morning, Miss Armstrong, are you sure you still want to go out in the rain today? It’s not going to get any worse and it’s still pretty warm out, but the rain doesn’t look like it will be letting up any time soon,” Captain Michael greets me with a nod and a smile.

  “I’m sure, Captain, thank you for asking. I’m looking forward to spending a quiet day in the rain on a beautiful island,” I reassure him.

  “Excellent. Ben will be accompanying you over to the island and make sure you have everything you need, take you wherever you want to go, and keep you safe. St. Croix is a great place with very friendly people, but we always like to make sure our guests don’t have any troubles when they leave the ship,” he informs me, telling me what Ben already explained would happen when the captain found out I’d want to leave the ship.

Deckhands always escort guests around an island the ship visits, keeping their distance if they want to be alone, but still close by in case anything is needed, and always at the ready to take them back to the ship whenever they want. Since Declan is the Bosun and in charge of the deckhands, he always has to remain back at the ship in case anything happens or the captain needs him, which is the last hurdle we need to overcome.

  “Actually, Captain, I forgot to tell you this, but I’m allergic to horses. I’m so sorry I didn’t mention this earlier. I know Miss Armstrong had her sights set on going horseback riding today. Maybe she’d like to pick another activity?” he asks, while I try not to smile at how sincere and apologetic he sounds.

  “No, no, whatever Miss Armstrong wants is what she gets,” Captain Michael tells me with a smile. “Declan, would you mind taking Ben’s place today? I’m sure Ben can handle your duties in your absence.”

  I try not to jump up and down and squeal when Declan gives me a slow smile before turning to nod at the captain.

  “It’s no trouble at all. And I’m sure Ben will have no problem staying behind today. I’ll have my cell phone on me in case anything comes up,” Declan tells him.

  And just like that, our plan falls perfectly into place.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never ridden a horse before. Your dad doesn’t have a hundred purebred, champion horses locked up in a sprawling stable somewhere?” Declan asks, grabbing my hips and helping me up and onto the beautiful black Arabian I was given.

  Once I’m in the saddle, I look down at him in annoyance.

  “You’re doing it again. Making snap judgments when you don’t know anything about me.”

  He winces, closing his eyes and sighing before opening them back up and looking at me apologetically.

  “I’m sorry. I promised I’d stop being an asshole, and you’re right. It was wrong of me to assume.”

  “Can we get that printed on a t-shirt? I’ve never heard a man say that to me once, let alone twice,” I joke as I watch him mount the white horse next to me. “And you’re forgiven.”

  He grabs the reigns, holding them up and showing me how to do it. I copy his motions, gently tapping my heels against my horse’s flanks to get him to start walking, just like Declan does.

  “I can’t believe the owners let us take out horses alone without one of their guides,” I muse as we walk our horses slowly, side-by-side, out of the fence and onto the trail that will take us around the island.

  “That’s one of the many perks of working on a yacht. You get to know the owners of all the excursion companies over the years, and they’re willing to do favors for you. Jill and Eric, the owners of the horse farm, retired to St. Croix the year I started working on the Helios. They’re good people,” he explains.

  The rain has given us a reprieve for a little while. The air is still hot and the sky is still overcast, but nothing can take away from the beauty of the lush, tropical island as we make our way down the beach, right next to the water.

  “I’m really sorry about the comment I made. It’s a habit. And one I need to fix,” Declan apologizes again as we guide our horses up to a trail that will take us to the rain forest.

  “Why do you hate people who have money so much?” I ask, ducking my head when we move under a few low-hanging branches.

  “Have you met your stepmother and stepsister?” he jokes.

  “Point taken,” I reply with a laugh. “If it makes you feel any better, I hate them with the burning fire of a thousand suns, and hope they choke on their hair extensions. When you walked in on Marcel and me in the galley the other night and he laughed, I just got finished telling him I couldn’t stand those bitches I’m related to.”

  He throws his head back and laughs, blinding me with his dimples and making me suddenly aware of the rocking motion my hips make in the saddle as the horse eases his way through the forest surrounding us.

  “Honestly, a lot of the guests we get aren’t that bad. They’re laid back and nice. But the rest are like Allyson and Arianna. One, or several dozen, bad apples spoil the bunch and all that bullshit,” he tells me with a shrug.

  I understand his quick judgment of me a little better now. It doesn’t completely erase the hurt his words caused at the time, but at least I don’t feel like such a weak woman for accepting his apologies so quickly. I know what it’s like to be around Allyson and Arianna all the time, but I can leave whenever I want if I’ve had enough of their entitled, rude behavior. Declan’s job is catering to people like them twenty-four-seven. If he wants a paycheck, he has to suck it up and deal with it. He can’t just walk away and pretend like they don’t exist.

  We ride our horses together in comfortable silence for the next few miles, Declan breaking the quiet peacefulness of the beautiful landscape every so often to point out a landmark or tell me about the history of a specific spot. When we get so deep in the woods that the air becomes heavy and thick and the plants and trees suddenly go from regular green to a color so lush and bright it looks like we’re staring at a painting instead of real life, I know immediately that we’ve made it into the deepest part of the woods and found the rain forest.

  Declan pulls back on the reigns to stop his horse and I do the same. We both dismount and he ties his horse to the closest tree before doing the same with mine. Grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers, he pulls me along the trail, deeper into the trees, until a light, warm mist starts falling around us.

  I wore a bathing suit under my sheer cover-up for this trip, so I don’t really care if I get wet, and I have a dry change of clothes in my backpack we left back at the horse farm. I close my eyes and tip my head up to the sky, letting Declan lead us wherever he wants to go as I enjoy the feel of the warm, tropical spray on my face.

  My eyes fly open when my body is suddenly yanked forward and I slam into Declan, who’s staring down at me with a hungry look in his eyes. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I press my hands against the damp material of his t-shirt clinging to his chest.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he says softly, shuffling his feet and moving me backwards until my back bumps into a large tree.

  One of his hands comes up between us and he uses the tips of his fingers to brush a few wet strands of hair out of my eyes and off my forehead, before trailing them down my cheek.

  My eyelashes are dotted with drops of rain and I blink them away as I stare up at him, the messy spikes of his hair glistening with the mist that is falling down around us. I feel the steady beat of his heart begin thumping faster under my palm, which is still pressed to his chest.

  “Are we all alone out here?” I whisper, feeling the heat of his skin under his wet shirt as I slide my hand up his chest and lift it off of him to run it through the thick strands of his wet hair.

  “Another perk of my job. This rain forest is on private property. I called the owners while you were meeting your horse and found out there weren’t any tours scheduled today. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves.”

  I only heard half of what he said since in the middle of his explanation, his hand moved down off my face, over my breast, down my side, and his palm was now running up the inside of my thigh, pushing up the wet material of my cover-up as he goes.

  “Whatever will we do with ourselves all alone out here? I’m not sure—”

  I let out a small gasp, my head thumping back against the tree behind me and my eyes closing, when he cut off my words by pushing my bikini bottoms to the side and, without any hesitation, plunged two of his fingers inside me.

  “Jesus, how are you this wet already?” Declan groans, pumping his fingers in and out of me slowly, adding his thumb to circle around my clit.

  “Because of you,” I tell him, groaning when he slams his fingers in hard and deep, all the way to his knuckles.

  “You’re so good for my ego,” he says with a smile in his voice as he works me over, fucking me with those expert fingers and kissing the drops of rain off my cheek and moving
down to my neck.

  “Declan, please,” I beg with a whisper, rocking my hips against his hand and wrapping my arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. “I can’t…I need…”

  I trail off, unable to form words as my legs start to shake as his fingers thrust deeper. I can’t hold off the release that is taking over my body, but I want him with me when it happens.

  “Let go, Mackenzie. Let me feel you come on my fingers.”

  I finally open my eyes and shake my head at him, grabbing his cheeks with my hands and bringing his lips to mine.

  “J’ai besoin de toi en moi. I need you inside me. Now. Please,” I beg again, speaking in French just for him, whispering what it means against his mouth.

  “Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters, quickly pulling his fingers out of me, grabbing a condom out of his back pocket, and shoving his shorts down his hips just enough to free his cock.

  Pushing my bikini bottoms down my hips quickly, I let them fall to my feet and kick them away. My heart beats wildly in my chest, and my pussy aches and pulses with the need to come as I stare down between our bodies and watch him put the condom on his thick, hard cock so quickly that his hands are a blur.

  He moves with the speed of light, clearly needing me as much as I need him. One of his arms wraps around me and tugs me roughly to him as his eyes stay locked on mine. His free hand grabs my thigh and brings it up around his hip while at the same time he bends his knees and slams his cock up and into me, burying himself deep in one hard thrust.

  We both groan in pleasure at the same time. With the warm mist of rain falling down around us and soaking our bodies and the gentle sounds of tropical wildlife echoing through the rain forest, Declan fucks me up against a tree.

  It’s brutal and it’s hard. I know I’ll have bruises up and down my spine, and I don’t care. I’ve never been taken like this, out in the open and with such raw abandon. He fucks me like he can’t get enough of me, can’t get close enough, can’t get deep enough. He growls against my lips as he drives his cock in and out of me and it takes my breath away.