She gasped, arching off the bed, and when her thighs parted slightly, he cupped her fully, grinding his palm over her hot core.

  “Let’s get these clothes off,” he rasped, already moving to his waistband.

  Sarah looked as anxious as he felt, and soon their clothes were being peeled off and thrown aside, until they were both naked and stumbling onto the bed. He covered her body with his, groaning at the feel of her soft curves beneath him, her peaked nipples rubbing against his chest.

  Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he kissed the soft flesh there, gliding his mouth down to her collarbone then resuming his ministrations on her breasts. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, her legs scissoring relentlessly as she moaned in pleasure.

  “I’ve missed this,” she whispered.

  “Me, too,” he said hoarsely.

  He sucked her nipple deep in his mouth, then blew a stream of air over it, enjoying the way it hardened, the way she sighed. Turning his attention to the other breast, he slid his hand between their bodies and teased her core, finding her damp and swollen and drenched with desire. He stroked, explored, then pushed his finger inside of her, nearly losing control when her inner muscles clamped around it.

  Lord, he could touch her for hours. Days. And never grow tired. He dipped his head and kissed her again, and when she swept her tongue over his bottom lip, he groaned. Knew without a doubt that this was where he belonged. This was who he belonged with. No, who he belonged to. He was Sarah’s, always had been, always would be.

  “You’re teasing me,” she choked out as he drew another finger into the fold.

  He shot her a heavy-lidded look. “Are you complaining?”

  “No, just contemplating payback.”


  Before he could finish, she had her palms on his chest and was pushing him off her. He rolled onto his back, his pulse kicking up a notch when Sarah straddled him. She leaned forward, her thick dark hair cascading over one shoulder and tickling the hair on his chest. When her warm mouth pressed a kiss on his scorching skin, he almost lost it again. Breathing through his nose, he clenched his fists at his sides, forcing himself not to move.

  Sarah’s eager hands and wicked tongue had him seeing through a red haze of arousal. She placed openmouthed kisses on his chest, her tongue darting out to taste one flat nipple. His world began to spin, potent desire sizzling his nerve endings. He forgot how to breathe as she moved down his body, getting perilously close to the erection threatening to turn this mind-blowing encounter into total embarrassment.

  Gritting his teeth, he allowed her mouth to close over his tip. Her tongue to trace a path along his shaft. One soft lick, two—and then he gently grabbed hold of her hair and yanked her up.

  “I’m too close,” he murmured.

  A playful smile lifted the corners of her lush mouth. “What happened to the famous Finnegan endurance?”

  He choked on a laugh. “It took one look at your sexy naked body and ran out the door.”

  Her responding laughter only made him harder. He loved the way she laughed, that melodic, throaty lilt. It had been far too long since he’d seen the amusement dancing in her eyes.

  Sarah climbed off him, eliciting a jolt of disappointment. But then he realized she was turning to her trusty nightstand, and anticipation kicked in. She found a condom and handed it to him, and his damn hands shook as he put the thing on. He felt like a teenager again, out of control, nervous that he might screw this up.

  But Sarah wasn’t complaining as he covered her body again and slid into her in one powerful thrust. Moaning, she hooked her legs around his waist, the heels of her feet digging into his buttocks as he moved inside of her. The feel of her tight heat surrounding him made him groan in sheer desperation. It wasn’t enough. He needed more. Needed to be deeper.

  Their mouths fused together, tongues swirling in a hot, reckless kiss as he quickened his pace. He thrust into her, over and over, harder, faster, until a wild cry escaped her lips and she shouted his name. When she moaned a fervent Yes and shuddered beneath him, he toppled right over the edge.

  Shards of pleasure assaulted his body, sizzling down his spine and filling his groin. With a hoarse groan, he let go, letting release take over, his body shaking and throbbing from the unbelievable sensations.

  When he finally crashed back to earth, he heard Sarah laughing again, the beautiful sound tickling his chest. Cranking open his eyes, he peered down at her and muttered, “Something funny?”

  She wrapped her arms around his damp back and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “Nope. Not funny, just amazing.”

  Unable to let her go, he rolled them over so that he was on his back, Sarah’s head resting against his chest. His heart continued to pound, every muscle in his body contracting and throbbing with lingering pleasure.

  As he lay there holding Sarah, sated beyond belief, warmed by love and emotion, he couldn’t stop his next words from slipping out of his mouth.

  “Will you give me another chance?”

  Chapter 14

  Leave it to Finn to take the most incredible sexual afterglow and turn it into thick, throat-clogging tension. Sarah slid up and leaned against the headboard, the pleasure coursing through her body transforming into a dull ache of pain. Why did he have to push this? She’d thought that sex would be enough for him, but Finn was never satisfied with halfway. He always wanted it all.

  Not that she’d slept with him to make him forget his desire to get back together. She’d wanted him. Craved him, and she couldn’t deny that this man still had incredible power over her. He made her body sing, he made her feel alive.

  But he also had the power to destroy her.

  “Did you hear me?” he asked in a rough voice.

  She sighed. “Yeah, I did. I just don’t know what to say to that, Finn.”

  Fully naked, he got up and picked his boxers off the floor, quickly slipping them up to his trim waist. She couldn’t wrench her gaze away from his spectacular body, his muscular thighs, washboard stomach, the dusting of dark hair on his sleek chest. With his black hair messed up from their lovemaking and the stubble dotting his strong jaw, he looked rugged and sexy and unbelievably appealing. She’d always been a sucker for his scruffy look.

  The expression in his eyes made him appear more dangerous than usual, a glimmer of anger and disbelief, directed at her. “You could say yes,” he finally replied. “You could agree to give us a second chance.”

  Frustration crept up her throat. “I already told you before, this isn’t just about us anymore. I have Lucy to think about now.”

  He looked wounded. “Do you think I would ever hurt her?”

  “Not intentionally,” she murmured. “But…I just don’t want her depending on you, or falling in love with you, only to have you walk out if things don’t work out between us.”

  He moved to the foot of the bed, curling his fingers over the wooden bed frame. “Who says it won’t work out?” His features creased. “I don’t remember you being a pessimist.”

  “I’m realistic,” she snapped, suddenly growing annoyed with all of this. She hopped off the bed and searched for her underwear, finding her panties under the bed and her sweater hanging over an open dresser drawer. In their passion, they’d thrown items of clothing all over the place, and it only irritated her more as she gathered up the garments and got dressed. She always seemed to lose control when Finn was around.

  “You’re scared,” he corrected, bending down to pick up his jeans.

  The anger in the air hissed and crackled as they each dressed in a rush, as if the cotton and denim and other materials could protect them from the tension brewing between them.

  “I understand why,” he went on, looking shamefaced. “I broke your trust when I walked out on you, but the only way I can prove to you that I’ve changed is if you give me another chance. If you take a leap of faith and open your heart to me again.”

  She swallowed. “I don’t know if I ca

  “Then why am I even here?” he shot back.

  She stared into his eyes and saw the dissatisfaction boiling there. He was right. Why was he here? Why had she allowed him to make love to her, why was she willing to give him her body, but not her heart?

  Because he already broke it once.

  “I love you, Sarah.”

  His quiet voice pierced right into her heart and made it ache.

  “I want to be with you,” he went on, his voice hoarse. “But not as an occasional lover, someone you sleep with whenever it tickles your fancy. I want a relationship with you.”

  Tears stung her eyes. A part of her wanted to throw herself into his arms and tell him that she loved him too, but those three frightening words got stuck in her throat like a wad of gum. She couldn’t stop thinking about the last time she’d said those words, when she’d been curled up on their kitchen floor, pleading with him to stay.

  “I don’t know if I can give you what you want,” she whispered. “I can’t make a decision like this on the spot. I need…time.”

  His jaw stiffened. “So you can think in circles and come up with reasons why we shouldn’t be together? I can’t sit around while you decide if I’m worth loving again. Either you love me, or you don’t. Either you want to try again, or you don’t.”

  “You’re not being fair,” she protested. “Why does everything have to be so black and white with you?”

  “Because in this case, there’s no gray. I’m in love with you, sweetheart. I want to be with you and show you I’ve changed. So either you’re willing to take the chance, or you’re not.”

  Silence stretched between them, an impassable chasm Sarah couldn’t bridge. Everything he said made sense. If things were to work out between them, she had to take that chance. But fear was holding her back. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t swallow down the terror coating her throat.

  “Move back in with me,” Finn said suddenly.

  Her eyes went wide. “What?”

  “Let’s start over, Sarah. Live together again. There’s even a nursery for Lucy.”

  Panic shuddered through her. “I…I can’t. This is too fast for me, Finn. I can’t make any of these decisions right now.”

  His expression clouded. “No, you’re just too scared to make them.”

  She clenched her teeth, so hard her jaw started to hurt. “And you think dropping ultimatums is going to make me less afraid? God, Finn, I’m only asking for time. Why does everything have to be done your way, when you want it?”

  “Because we’ve wasted enough time already,” he said hoarsely. “Because I love you and want to be with you.” He met her eyes. “The question is—do you want to be with me?”

  That same rope of fear wrapped around her throat. “I…”

  Her voice trailed, and Finn sucked in a harsh breath. “I’ll take that as a no then.”

  She made one final attempt to make him see reason. “Finn, come on, don’t be like this.”

  His shoulders were stiff as he headed for the door. “I’m sorry, Sarah, but I won’t wait around for you to decide if you love me or not.”

  She gaped at him. Why was he being so damn difficult? This had nothing to do with love, and he knew it. It was about trust. Faith. And yes, fear. But how could he blame her for being afraid after what happened the last time?

  Her body tightened with irritation. Fine, if he was going to be a total jerk about this, she wasn’t about to indulge him.

  “Then go,” she said coolly. “Because there’s no point in you sticking around, right?”

  His blue eyes flickered with hesitation, then hardened in resolve. “No, I guess there isn’t.”

  And then he walked out the door.

  It wasn’t until eleven o’clock the next morning that Finn managed to get Valerie Matthews alone. She’d been with her lawyer for the past two hours, a man from the firm where Valerie worked as the office manager. Finn had loitered in the hall the entire time, waiting for his chance, which finally came when Valerie’s attorney left to get himself and his client some lunch. Finn ducked into the neighboring interrogation room, waited until the man’s footsteps retreated, then slid out and entered Valerie’s room.

  She scowled when he came in. “I have nothing to say to you, Finnegan.”

  “I don’t suppose you do,” he said pleasantly. “But I’ve got a lot to say to you.”

  He sat across from her, and for a moment, he didn’t see Valerie, but Sarah. He remembered how distraught Sarah had been when he’d questioned her, how hurt. It almost thawed the icy band around his heart, the pain that had plagued him since he’d left Sarah’s house last night.

  He probably shouldn’t have given her an ultimatum. He regretted it now, but at the time, he’d been too annoyed to think straight. Not even the incredible sex they’d shared had managed to convince her to let him back in. He’d already saved her child, and now he was racing to find the killer in order to clear her name. He wasn’t sure what else he could do to prove to her that he truly loved her, that he’d genuinely changed.

  Shoving away the bitterness, he focused on Valerie, deciding to go for the blunt approach. “You’re going to jail, Val. Whatever your lawyer has been telling you, there’s no way you’re walking away from this without jail time.”

  Her gray eyes flashed. “You’re a small-town sheriff. What do you know?”

  “I know that no jury is going to buy a temporary insanity plea, or whatever your lawyer will have you say.” He clasped his hands together. “You planned the kidnapping. You had a cabin ready—my deputies have been going through the place and informed me that you stocked up on supplies. This has premeditation written all over it. You’re going to jail.”

  Some of her confidence chipped away. “I won’t.”

  “Sure you will.” He leaned back in his chair, as if he had all the time in the world, when in reality, a ticking clock was going off in his head. Four days. Gregory was taking Sarah’s case to the grand jury in four days, unless Finn found a way to stop him.

  “But your sentence might be reduced—if you’re willing to cooperate.”

  She raised a brow. “Cooperate how? What information could I possibly have that will help you?”

  “You can tell me who killed your sister, for starters.”

  Pain exploded in her eyes. “Why on earth would I know who killed Teresa?”

  Damn. Finn hid his disappointment as he stared into her shocked face. Just as he’d suspected, Valerie obviously had no idea who killed Teresa. But maybe she could still offer something of use to him.

  “You two were close,” he pressed. “She must have told you she was sleeping around on Cole. So tell me, who else was she involved with? We know about Ian Macintosh and Parker Smith, but there were more men.”

  Valerie’s expression went shuttered and a spark of triumph lit Finn’s body. Bingo. She definitely knew something about that particular subject.

  “My sister was misunderstood,” Valerie finally replied, her voice cool. “She only cheated on Cole because he neglected her. He was never here.”

  Finn waved a dismissive hand. “I’m not interested in her motives. Just names.” When Valerie didn’t answer, he hardened his tone. “Give me a name.”

  Her throat dipped as she swallowed. “I don’t know who she was involved with.”

  “That’s bull. Teresa told you everything.”

  “Not everything,” Valerie muttered.

  Sensing he’d hit a nerve, he instantly pounced on the opening she’d given him. “You must have been furious when you found out she had a kid and gave it up for adoption. When did she tell you about it?”

  “She didn’t,” Valerie corrected, then snapped her mouth shut as she realized what she’d said.

  Finn raised his eyebrows. “If she didn’t tell you, how did you learn about Lucy?”

  The resolve in Valerie’s eyes crumbled. “A medical bill came in the mail,” she admitted. “It was under my name, charging
me for a few tests that weren’t covered by my insurance. Only problem was, I never underwent any tests, especially from a hospital in Raleigh. So I called them, and was informed that I gave birth to a baby girl.” She shook her head, incredulous. “I immediately put two and two together and realized what she’d done.”

  “So you seduced some poor guy at the adoption clinic to see who adopted your sister’s baby,” Finn finished. He cocked his head. “What else did you figure out?”

  “What do you mean?” she mumbled.

  “Do you know who the father is?” Valerie went quiet, triggering Finn’s inner alarm system. “You do, don’t you? Who is it, Val? Who did Teresa conceive that baby with?”

  Her lips were set in a tight line. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Anger simmered in his stomach. “Don’t play games, Valerie. I promise you, if you give me the information I’m asking for, I will personally go to the judge and plead for a lighter sentence on your behalf.”

  Valerie’s reluctance was palpable, but he also witnessed a glimmer of optimism. She knew he was a man of his word. He’d proven that to her by working furiously to solve her sister’s murder, no matter how much he’d despised Teresa. He followed every lead, every shred of evidence, even when it led to people he cared about, people he longed to protect.

  “I’ll discuss it with my lawyer,” Valerie finally said.

  He ignored the crushing disappointment. “Get back to me after you’ve done that, then. But time is of the essence, Val. I can’t solve your sister’s murder unless I have every detail available to me.”

  “You already solved it,” she shot back. “Sarah Connelly did it, and I hope she rots in hell.”

  “Sarah didn’t kill anyone,” he said coldly. “Which means there’s still a killer on the loose. If you want vengeance for Teresa, I suggest you help this investigation rather than hinder it.”

  He decided to leave that as his parting words. Scraping back his chair, he got to his feet, just as a knock rapped against the door and Max poked his head into the room. Shifting awkwardly, the deputy lifted the bright yellow mug in his hand and said, “I brought Ms. Matthews the coffee she asked for.”