Page 30 of The Tycoon's Baby

I knocked on Liz’s door for the second time that day. When she pulled open the door and saw my face she hugged me and then she invited me in. “Is it okay if I sleep on your couch tonight? I have to figure some things out tomorrow about money but then I’ll rent a hotel room.”

“No, you will not. You’ll stay here like I told you earlier. I’ll clean that room out tomorrow and we’ll set up the day bed. You can sleep on the couch tonight.”

“But what about Gloria?”

“She’s not going to mind,” she said, “And as much as I like her if she did, I’d still pick you. You’re my best friend.”

I had tears in my eyes as I said, “I’m not sure how long it will take me to get back on my feet.”

“But you will. You’re going to have your baby and finish school and become a P.A. who makes a lot of money and makes everyone feel better. Until then, if a best friend can’t help you, who can?”

“I’m not sure what I did to deserve you in my life. Thank you so much. I will pay you back for all of this.”

“Friendship is not about keeping score or keeping a tally sheet.”

I knew she meant that. I might be striking out big time in the boyfriend department, but I did hit the lottery when it came to friends. I hugged her tight and said, “If I didn’t have you, I don’t think I’d have gotten through any of this.”

“You won’t ever have to worry about it,” she said. “I’ll make some decaf tea and you can tell me what’s going on.”

She made the tea and we took it out on the terrace. The rain had stopped and the sky was clearer now and the stars were able to take their stage. Once we sat down she said, “What did Jason do?”

I laughed. Taking a breath in and letting it out slowly I said, “It’s a little more than that, I guess. For one thing, I’m dropping the lawsuit. I talked to Alex today.”

“You did?” she said, excitedly. It was what she’d been telling me to do from day one. She didn’t know Alex and she was angry at what he was doing, but she could see that I genuinely cared for him.

“Yeah. I ran into him on the pier.” I told her about our conversation.

“You know you have feelings for him, right?”

With a smile I said, “Yes, I figured that out. But thanks.”

“Well,” she said. “Sometimes you’re a little hard headed. He must be a good guy if you feel so strongly about him.”

“Maybe,” I said. “But look at Jason. My track record is not so good.”

“You never really thought you loved that guy, did you?”

I shrugged. “I suppose not love… but feelings nonetheless.”

“Oh well, we’re all entitled a mistake or three,” she grinned. “We live and learn, honey. All of us. I personally think that you’re doing the right thing. Even if nothing ever happens with Alex, I believe what I said earlier, you’re strong enough to do this on your own and I’ll help you in any way I can. Jason is an opportunistic creep and you’ll be much better off without him.”

I nodded. She was right about Jason. I didn’t doubt that. I did hope that she was right about me being strong. Sometimes I felt it and sometimes I felt like I was just faking my way through it.