Page 13 of Song of the West

  Busy time of year for a cattleman.”

  “Honeymoon?” Her skin was trembling where his lips continued to taste.

  “I’ve got a good foreman,” he continued, as if thinking aloud. “I reckon he can manage things for a while. I could use another day or two. I had a nice long honeymoon in mind, someplace quiet.” He brought his attention back to her stunned face. “You’ve never been to Bora Bora, have you?”

  “Are you talking about getting your ranch in order so you can take time off to marry me?” She attempted to speak slowly and clearly while her emotions whirled like a summer tornado.

  “Just being practical,” he explained with a bland smile.

  “Why you conceited, overbearing . . . Just what makes you think I’ll marry you? You sit back and make all these plans and expect me to run off to Bora Bora with you like a passive little puppy. Of all the chauvinist—”

  “How about Antarctica?” he suggested, willing to be reasonable. “Not too many people there, either.”

  “You’re crazy. I never said I’d marry you. What makes you think . . .” Her tirade was cut off effectively as his mouth coaxed her silence. When he let her breathe, her voice had lost its strength. “That’s not going to help you. I’m not in love with you.”

  “Seems to me I recall someone telling me she was a totally honest person.” His gaze was disconcertingly direct. He held her chin, preventing her face from turning away. “You want to look at me and tell me that again? You’ve been fighting me all along, and I think I’ve just about used up my patience.” His lips were teasing hers again, and his hands moved over her with more urgency. “Mmm, but you have a nice body. I can’t take much more of this waiting around. Six months is a long time, Sam. I’ve wanted you from the minute you stood there ordering Dan to have his man tend to the horses.”

  “Yes, you let me know very early what you wanted.” She no longer struggled, but lay passive in his arms.

  “Gave you something to think about. Of course, you didn’t know I wanted you to be my wife, too. It was easy to tell you I wanted you, but a bit difficult to tell you I loved you. Sam, look at me.” She shook her head, but the fingers on her chin tightened in authority. “Look at me.” She obeyed, her lids opening to reveal eyes veiled with tears. “You stubborn little idiot. Listen carefully, I’ve never said this to another woman, and I’ve had to wait too long to say it to you. If you don’t marry me soon, I’m going to lose my mind.” His mouth took hers, spinning the world into nothing. Her arms flew around him as pain evaporated into unspeakable joy. “Samantha.” He buried his face in the lushness of her hair. “It’s been quite a race.”

  “I don’t understand.” She brought his face back to hers, needing to see the truth in his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “I didn’t think you’d believe that a man had nearly been knocked off his feet by a picture of a girl less than half his age, then had completely lost his balance when he saw the woman she’d become. If you hadn’t been so wrapped up in Sabrina those first few minutes, you’d have seen how a man looks when he gets hit by lightning.”

  “Just like that?” Stunned, she traced the angles of his face to assure herself she was not dreaming.

  “Just like that,” he agreed, bringing her palm to his lips. “Then, after I’d recovered a bit, I knew I had to work around your dedication to Sabrina until you’d figured out there was room in your life for someone else. Then you stood there telling me you were going back home as soon as the baby was born. I nearly strangled you.” His fingers tightened on her hand as he brought his eyes back to hers. “How was I supposed to tell you that I loved you, that I wanted to marry you, wanted you to stay in Wyoming? The night of the party, in the kitchen, I made up my mind I wasn’t letting you go, no matter what I had to do to keep you.”

  “But I never wanted to leave.” She shook her head in brisk denial, as if he should have realized it all along. “It was just that I couldn’t bear to see you married to Lesley.”

  “You know, things might have gotten even more complicated if Sabrina hadn’t come by and laid things out for me. She’s got a bit more of you in her than I had thought.” Laughing, he lifted his face from hers. “She told me to sit down and listen. She’d never seen two people run around in circles so long and get nowhere.”

  “It’s not like Bree to interfere.”

  “She interfered beautifully. First thing she did was ask me what business I had getting engaged to Lesley. I must have stared at her like she’d lost her mind. After I managed to tell her I was definitely not engaged to Lesley, she let me have it with both barrels. Mixed with the buckshot was the information that you were miserable about going home, and that I was a fool for not seeing it myself. Then she folded her arms, stuck out her chin exactly like someone else has a habit of doing and asked me what the devil I intended to do about it.”

  Samantha stared up at him and shook her head in astonishment. “I wish I could have seen that.”

  He smiled and lowered his mouth. “Just look in the mirror sometime.” Flesh met flesh with no barriers, and with a small sound of desperation he savaged her mouth. The hard lines of his chest pressed into her breasts. “Let me hear you say it, Samantha,” he murmured, unable to resist the curve of her neck. “I need to hear you say it.”

  “I love you.” Her mouth searched for his, her arms urging him closer. “I love you. I love you.” Her lips found their objective, and her silence told him again.

  “I need you, Samantha.” His mouth and hands continued to seek, growing wilder, possessive, demanding. “I never knew I could need anyone the way I need you. I want you for myself for a while, no distractions, no complications, just you. We’ve got six months of loving to make up for. I’m going to keep you fully occupied for a very long time.” Lifting his face, he smiled down at her, running his hand through the hair spread over the grass. “A very long time.”

  She smiled back, running her hands up his chest to circle his neck. “I intend to keep you occupied, as well. Your cows are going to get very lonely.” Removing his hat, she tossed it carelessly aside, then turned back to him with raised brows. “Okay, cowboy.” Her arms lifted to lock around his neck, fingers tangling possessively in his hair. “Start occupying.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” With a polite nod, he lowered his mouth and followed orders.

  Keep reading for a special excerpt from the newest novel by Nora Roberts


  Available April 2013 in hardcover from G.P. Putnam’s Sons

  Through the chilly curtain of sleet, in the intermittent wash of the great light on the jutting cliff to the south, the massive silhouette of Bluff House loomed over Whiskey Beach. It faced the cold, turbulent Atlantic like a challenge.

  I will last as long as you.

  Standing three sturdy and indulgent stories above the rough and rugged coast, it watched the roll and slap of waves through the dark eyes of windows as it had—in one incarnation or another—for more than three centuries.

  The little stone cottage now housing tools and garden supplies spoke to its humble beginnings, to those who’d braved the fierce and fickle Atlantic to forge a life on the stony ground of a new world. Dwarfing those beginnings, the spread and rise of golden sand walls and curving gables, the generous terraces of weathered local stone sang to its heyday.

  It survived storm, neglect, careless indulgence, dubious taste, the booms and the busts, scandal and righteousness.

  Within its walls, generations of Landons had lived and died, celebrated and mourned, schemed, thrived, triumphed and languished.

  It had shone as bright as the great light that swept the water off Massachusetts’ rocky and glorious north shore. And it had huddled, shuttered in the dark.

  It had stood long, so long, now it simply was Bluff House, reigning above the sea, the sand, the village of Whiskey Beach.

  For Eli Landon it was the only place left to go. Not a refuge as much as an escape from everything his lif
e had become over the past eleven horrible months.

  He barely recognized himself.

  The two-and-a-half-hour drive up from Boston over slick roads left him exhausted. But then, he admitted, fatigue cozied up to him like a lover most days. So he sat outside the house, in the dark, sleet splatting off his windshield, his roof, while he debated the choices of gathering enough energy to go inside or just staying put, maybe sliding into sleep in the car.

  Stupid, he thought. Of course he wouldn’t just sit there and sleep in the car when the house, with perfectly good beds to choose from, stood only a few feet away.

  But neither could he drum up the enthusiasm for hauling his suitcases out of the trunk. Instead he grabbed the two small bags on the seat beside him, ones holding his laptop and a few essentials.

  Sleet slapped at him when he climbed out of the car, but the cold, that whistling Atlantic wind, cut through the outer layers of lethargy. Waves boomed against the rock, slapped against the sand, combining into a constant hissing roar. Eli dragged the house keys out of his jacket pocket and stepped onto the shelter of the wide stone portico to the massive double entrance doors hewn more than a century before from teak imported from Burma.

  Two years, he thought—closer to three—since he’d been here. Too busy with his life, with work, with the disaster of his marriage, to drive up for a weekend, a short vacation, a holiday visit with his grandmother.

  He’d spent time with her, of course, the indomitable Hester Hawkin Landon, whenever she’d come to Boston. He’d called her regularly, e-mailed, Facebooked, and Skyped. Hester might have been cruising toward eighty but she’d always embraced technology and innovation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

  He’d taken her to dinner, to drinks, remembered flowers and cards, gifts, gathered with her and his family for Christmas, important birthdays.

  And that, he thought as he unlocked the door, was all just rationalization for not taking the time, making the time, to come to Whiskey Beach, to the place she loved most, and giving her real time, real attention.

  He found the right key, unlocked the door. Stepping inside, he flicked on the lights.

  She’d changed some things, he noted, but Gran embraced change even as she managed to embrace traditions—that suited her.

  Some new art—seascapes, gardenscapes—splashing soft color against rich brown walls. He dumped his bags just inside the door, took a moment to just look around the glossy spill of the entrance hall.

  He scanned the stairs—the grinning gargoyle newel posts some whimsical Landon had commissioned—and up where they curved gracefully right and left for the north and south wings.

  Plenty of bedrooms, he thought. He just had to climb the stairs and pick one.

  But not yet.

  Instead he walked through to what they called the main parlor with its high, arching windows facing the front garden—or what would be once winter opened its claws.

  His grandmother hadn’t been home for over two months, but he didn’t see a speck of dust. Logs lay in the hearth framed by the gleam of lapis and ready to light. Fresh flowers stood on the Hepplewhite table she prized. Pillows sat fluffed and welcoming on the three sofas ranged around the room, and the wide planked chestnut floor gleamed like a mirror.

  She’d had someone come in, he decided, then rubbed his forehead where a headache threatened to bloom.

  She’d told him, hadn’t she? Told him she had someone looking out for the place. A neighbor, someone who did the heavy cleaning for her. He hadn’t forgotten she’d told him, he’d just lost the information for a moment in the fog that too often crawled in to blur his mind.

  Now looking out for Bluff House was his job. To tend to it, to, as his grandmother had asked, keep life in it. And maybe, she’d said, it would pump some life back into him.

  He picked up his bags, looked at the stairs. Then just stood.

  She’d been found there, there at the base of the steps. By a neighbor—the same neighbor? Wasn’t it the same neighbor who cleaned for her? Someone, thank God, had come by to check on her and found her lying there unconscious, bruised, bleeding, with a shattered elbow, a broken hip, cracked ribs, a concussion.

  She might’ve died, he thought. The doctors expressed amazement that she’d stubbornly refused to. None of the family routinely checked on her daily, no one thought to call, and no one, including himself, would have worried if she hadn’t answered for a day or two.

  Hester Landon, independent, invincible, indestructible.

  Who might have died after a terrible fall, if not for a neighbor—and her own indefatigable will.

  Now she reigned in a suite of rooms in his parents’ home while she recovered from her injuries. There she’d stay until deemed strong enough to come back to Bluff House—or if his parents had their way, there she would stay, period.

  He wanted to think of her back here, in the house she loved, sitting out on the terrace with her evening martini, looking out at the ocean. Or puttering in her garden, maybe setting up her easel to paint.

  He wanted to think of her vital and tough, not helpless and broken on the floor while he’d been pouring a second cup of morning coffee.

  So he’d do his best until she came home. He’d keep life in her house, such as his was.

  Eli picked up his bags, started upstairs. He’d take the room he’d always used on visits—or had before those visits stretched out fewer and further between. Lindsay had hated Whiskey Beach, Bluff House, and had made trips there into a cold war with his grandmother rigidly polite on one side, his wife deliberately snide on the other. And he’d been squeezed in the middle.

  So he’d taken the easy way, he thought now. He could be sorry about that, sorry he’d stopped coming, sorry he’d made excuses and had limited his time with his grandmother to her trips to Boston. But he couldn’t turn back the clock.

  He stepped into the bedroom. Flowers here, too, he noted, and the same soft green walls, two of his grandmother’s watercolors he’d always particularly liked.

  He put his bags on the bench at the foot of the sleigh bed, stripped off his coat.

  Here, things had stayed the same. The little desk under the window, the wide atrium doors leading to the terrace, the wingback chair and the little footstool with the cover his grandmother’s mother had needlepointed long ago.

  It occurred to him that for the first time in a very long time he felt—almost—at home. Opening his bag, he dug out his toiletry kit, then found fresh towels, fancy seashell soaps. The scent of lemons in the bath.

  He stripped down without glancing at the mirror. He’d lost weight, too much weight, over the last year. He didn’t need to remind himself of it. He turned on the shower, stepped in, hoping to burn some of the fatigue away. He knew from experience if he went to bed exhausted and stressed, he’d sleep fitfully, wake with that dragging hangover.

  When he stepped out he grabbed one of the towels from the stack, again caught the whiff of lemon as he scrubbed it over his hair. Damp, it curled past the nape of his neck, a mop of dark blond longer than it had been since his early twenties. But then he hadn’t seen his usual barber, Enrique, for nearly a year. He hardly had the need for a hundred-fifty-dollar haircut or the collection of Italian suits and shoes packed in storage.

  He was no longer a sharply dressed criminal attorney with a corner office and the fast track to full partner. That man had died along with Lindsay. He just hadn’t known it.

  He tossed back the duvet, as fluffy and white as the towel, slid in, switched off the light.

  In the dark he could hear the sea, a steady growl, and the sizzle of sleet against the windows. He closed his eyes, wished as he did every night for a few hours of oblivion.

  A few was all he got.


  God damn, he was pissed. Nobody, absolutely nobody, he thought as he drove through the hard, freezing rain, could trip his switch like Lindsay.

  The bitch.

  Her mind, and apparently her morals, worked like
no one else’s he knew. She’d managed to convince herself, and he was sure any number of her friends, her mother, her sister, and Christ knew, that it was his fault their marriage had deteriorated, his they’d gone from couples counseling to a trial separation to a legal battle in preparation for divorce.

  And his fucking fault she’d been cheating on him for well over eight months—five more than the “trial” separation she’d campaigned for. And somehow it was on him that he’d found out about her lying, cheating, conniving ass before signing on the dotted line so she could walk away with a fat settlement.

  So they were both pissed, he decided—he that he’d been an idiot, and she that he’d finally clued in.

  No doubt it would be his fault they’d had a bitter, vicious, and public fight about her adultery that afternoon in the art gallery where she worked part-time. Bad timing, bad form on his part, he admitted, but right now? He didn’t give a shit.

  She wanted to blame him because she’d gotten sloppy, so sloppy his own sister had seen his estranged wife and another man all over each other in a hotel lobby in Cambridge—before they’d gotten on the elevator together.

  Maybe Tricia had waited a couple days to tell him, but he couldn’t blame her. It was a lot to tell. And he’d taken another couple to absorb it before he’d manned up, hired an investigator.

  Eight months, he thought again. She’d been sleeping with