14 Letter to Ruby Cohn, 19 November 1968, Beckett International Foundation, University of Reading.

  15 The text here follows the versions printed in Grove 1995 and Calder 1984, both of which correct the errors of the first US and UK editions. However, this edition corrects the former publication’s misspelling of the word ‘unfortunate’ and the US spelling of ‘metres’, and the latter’s omission of the word ‘the’ in ‘cut off from the ladders’.

  16 The penultimate paragraph was published as ‘Dans le cylindre’ in Livres de France (January 1967), ‘L’Issue’ with the third and fourth paragraphs appeared in May 1968 (Paris: Georges Visat), ‘La Notion’ (second paragraph) in L’Ephémère (Spring 1970) and ‘Le Séjour’, with the first paragraph, appeared in 1970 (Paris: Georges Richar).

  17 Letter to Jocelyn Herbert, 18 August 1966; quoted in James Knowlson, Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel Beckett (London: Bloomsbury, 1996), p. 481.

  18 Beckett prepared a ‘key’ of Lessness for Calder, which is now kept at Yale University. The six thematic groupings are defined in this key as collapse of refuge, outer world, body exposed, refuge forgotten, past and future denied, past and future affirmed.

  19 Letter to Kay Boyle, 6 September 1970, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin.

  20 Beckett–Calder Correspondence, Beckett International Foundation, University of Reading, UoR MS2073/1.

  21 ‘Il est tête nue/He is barehead’ was most certainly the first to be written, and can be dated to early 1954 by its position in a manuscript notebook held at Ohio State University, before the one-act version of Fin de partie. Indeed, John Pilling surmises that this particular text, and possibly all five of these Fizzles, pre-date From an Abandoned Work (personal communication).

  22 Although Calder’s 1976 For to End Yet Again and Other Fizzles gives the title as ‘Closed place’ in the contents list, the title ‘Closed space’ is given in the text. Beckett’s various manuscripts of this text give both titles.

  23 The notebook in question is held by the Beckett International Foundation at the University of Reading as UoR MS2928. Beckett began ‘Se voir’ in March 1968, but then abandoned it again in September 1968.

  24 Letter to Barbara Bray, 8 November 1969, Trinity College Dublin; letter to Ruby Cohn, 23 October 1973, Beckett International Foundation, University of Reading.

  25 The text presented here follows Grove 1995 rather than Calder 1984 in the spelling of ‘coxswain’ (instead of ‘coxwain’).

  26 I am grateful to John Pilling for alerting me to the necessity of making this change. The word in question is difficult to read in the original manuscript, held at the Beckett International Foundation in Reading (UoR MS 1396/4/51), but considering the emphasis on notions of perception and sight in this text, it follows that Beckett wrote ‘lids’ rather than ‘lips’.

  27 Letter to John Kobler, March 1973, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin. Beckett explained the English title of the ‘Fizzles’ in a letter to Ruby Cohn dated 20 April 1974 as being ‘an old noun very close in sense, literal & figurative, to French. All damp, no squib’.

  28 In terms of establishing the text, only ‘Afar a bird’ necessitates a change from Grove 1995, in that the comma in ‘last phantoms, to flee and to pursue’ has been reinstated according to both typescript and the Calder editions. However, Calder 1984 erroneously introduces a full stop at the end of the text; as in Grove 1995 (and Beckett’s original typescript), it is omitted here.

  29 The volume in question is Günter Eich zum Gedächtnis, ed. Siegfried Unseld (Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp, 1975), 10–[13].

  30 I am very grateful to John Pilling for allowing me to refer to this piece of correspondence.

  31 Beckett, letter to A. J. Leventhal, 3 February 1959, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin.

  Table of Dates

  Where unspecified, translations from French to English or vice versa are by Beckett.


  13 April Samuel Beckett [Samuel Barclay Beckett] born in ‘Cooldrinagh’, a house in Foxrock, a village south of Dublin, on Good Friday, the second child of William Beckett and May Beckett, née Roe; he is preceded by a brother, Frank Edward, born 26 July 1902.


  Enters kindergarten at Ida and Pauline Elsner’s private academy in Leopardstown.


  Attends larger Earlsfort House School in Dublin.


  Follows Frank to Portora Royal, a distinguished Protestant boarding school in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh (soon to become part of Northern Ireland).


  October Enrols at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) to study for an Arts degree.


  August First visit to France, a month-long cycling tour of the Loire Valley.


  April–August Travels through Florence and Venice, visiting museums, galleries and churches.

  December Receives BA in Modern Languages (French and Italian) and graduates first in the First Class.


  Jan.–June Teaches French and English at Campbell College, Belfast.

  September First trip to Germany to visit seventeen-year-old Peggy Sinclair, a cousin on his father’s side, and her family in Kassel.

  1 November Arrives in Paris as an exchange lecteur at the École Normale Supérieure. Quickly becomes friends with his predecessor, Thomas McGreevy [after 1943, MacGreevy], who introduces Beckett to James Joyce and other influential anglophone writers and publishers.

  December Spends Christmas in Kassel (as also in 1929, 1930 and 1931).


  June Publishes first critical essay (‘Dante … Bruno . Vico . . Joyce’) and first story (‘Assumption’) in transition magazine.


  July Whoroscope (Paris: Hours Press).

  October Returns to TCD to begin a two-year appointment as lecturer in French.

  November Introduced by MacGreevy to the painter and writer Jack B.Yeats in Dublin.


  March Proust (London: Chatto & Windus).

  September First Irish publication, the poem ‘Alba’ in Dublin Magazine.


  January Resigns his lectureship via telegram from Kassel and moves to Paris.

  Feb.–June First serious attempt at a novel, the posthumously published Dream of Fair to Middling Women.

  December Story ‘Dante and the Lobster’ appears in This Quarter (Paris).


  3 May Death of Peggy Sinclair from tuberculosis.

  26 June Death of William Beckett from a heart attack.


  January Moves to London and begins psychoanalysis with Wilfred Bion at the Tavistock Clinic.

  February Negro Anthology, edited by Nancy Cunard and with numerous translations by Beckett from the French (London: Wishart & Co).

  May More Pricks than Kicks (London: Chatto & Windus).

  Aug.–Sept. Contributes several stories and reviews to literary magazines in London and Dublin.


  November Echo’s Bones and Other Precipitates, a cycle of thirteen poems (Paris: Europa Press).


  Returns to Dublin.

  29 September Leaves Ireland for a seven-month stay in Germany.


  Apr.–Aug. First serious attempt at a play, Human Wishes, about Samuel Johnson and his household.

  October Settles in Paris.


  6/7 January Stabbed by a street pimp in Montparnasse. Among his visitors at Hôpital Broussais is Suzanne Deschevaux-Dumesnil, an acquaintance who is to become Beckett’s companion for life.

  March Murphy (London: Routledge).

  April Begins writing poetry directly in French.


  3 September Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. Beckett abruptly ends a visit to Ireland and returns to Paris the next da


  June Travels south with Suzanne following the Fall of France, as part of the exodus from the capital.

  September Returns to Paris.


  13 January Death of James Joyce in Zurich.

  1 September Joins the Resistance cell Gloria SMH.


  16 August Goes into hiding with Suzanne after the arrest of close friend Alfred Péron.

  6 October Arrival at Roussillon, a small village in unoccupied southern France.


  24 August Liberation of Paris.


  30 March Awarded the Croix de Guerre.

  Aug.–Dec. Volunteers as a storekeeper and interpreter with the Irish Red Cross in Saint-Lô, Normandy.


  July Publishes first fiction in French – a truncated version of the short story ‘Suite’ (later to become ‘La Fin’) in Les Temps modernes, owing to a misunderstanding by editors – as well as a critical essay on Dutch painters Geer and Bram van Velde in Cahiers d’art.


  Jan.–Feb. Writes first play, in French, Eleutheria (published posthumously).

  April Murphy, French translation (Paris: Bordas).


  Undertakes a number of translations commissioned by UNESCO and by Georges Duthuit.


  25 August Death of May Beckett.


  March Molloy, in French (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  November Malone meurt (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  Purchases land at Ussy-sur-Marne, subsequently Beckett’s preferred location for writing.

  September En attendant Godot (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  5 January Premiere of Waiting for Godot at the Théâtre de Babylone in Montparnasse, directed by Roger Blin.

  May L’Innommable (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  August Watt, in English (Paris: Olympia Press).


  8 September Waiting for Godot (New York: Grove Press).

  13 September Death of Frank Beckett from lung cancer.


  March Molloy, translated into English with Patrick Bowles (New York: Grove; Paris: Olympia).

  3 August First English production of Waiting for Godot opens in London at the Arts Theatre.

  November Nouvelles et Textes pour rien (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  3 January American Waiting for Godot premiere in Miami.

  February First British publication of Waiting for Godot (London: Faber).

  October Malone Dies (New York: Grove).


  January First radio broadcast, All That Fall on the BBC Third Programme.

  Fin de partie, suivi de Acte sans paroles (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  28 March Death of Jack B.Yeats.

  August All That Fall (London: Faber).

  October Tous ceux qui tombent, translation of All That Fall with Robert Pinget (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  April Endgame, translation of Fin de partie (London: Faber).

  From an Abandoned Work (London: Faber).

  July Krapp’s Last Tape in Grove Press’s literary magazine, Evergreen Review.

  September The Unnamable (New York: Grove).

  December Anthology of Mexican Poetry, translated by Beckett (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press; later reprinted in London by Thames & Hudson).


  March La Dernière bande, translation of Krapp’s Last Tape with Pierre Leyris, in the Parisian literary magazine Les Lettres nouvelles.

  2 July Receives honorary D.Litt. degree from Trinity College Dublin.

  November Embers in Evergreen Review.

  December Cendres, translation of Embers with Pinget, in Les Lettres nouvelles.

  Three Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies,The Unnamable (New York: Grove; Paris: Olympia Press).


  January Comment c’est (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  24 March Marries Suzanne at Folkestone, Kent.

  May Shares Prix International des Editeurs with Jorge Luis Borges.

  August Poems in English (London: Calder).

  September Happy Days (New York: Grove).


  February Oh les beaux jours, translation of Happy Days (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  May Assists with the German production of Play (Spiel, translated by Elmar and Erika Tophoven) in Ulm.

  22 May Outline of Film sent to Grove Press. Film would be produced in 1964, starring Buster Keaton, and released at the Venice Film Festival the following year.


  March Play and Two Short Pieces for Radio (London: Faber).

  April How It Is, translation of Comment c’est (London: Calder; New York: Grove).

  June Comédie, translation of Play, in Les Lettres nouvelles.

  July–Aug. First and only trip to the United States, to assist with the production of Film in New York.


  October Imagination morte imaginez (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  November Imagination Dead Imagine (London: The Sunday Times; Calder).


  January Comédie et Actes divers, including Dis Joe and Va et vient (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  February Assez (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  October Bing (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  February D’un ouvrage abandonné (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  Têtes-mortes (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  16 March Death of Thomas MacGreevy.

  June Eh Joe and Other Writings, including Act Without Words II and Film (London: Faber).

  July Come and Go, English translation of Va et vient (London: Calder).

  26 September Directs first solo production, Endspiel (translation of Endgame by Elmar Tophoven) in Berlin.

  November No’s Knife: Collected Shorter Prose, 1945–1966 (London: Calder).

  December Stories and Texts for Nothing, illustrated with six ink line drawings by Avigdor Arikha (New York: Grove).


  March Poèmes (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  December Watt, translated into French with Ludovic and Agnès Janvier (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  23 October Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Sans (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  April Mercier et Camier (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  Premier amour (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  July Lessness, translation of Sans (London: Calder).

  September Le Dépeupleur (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  January The Lost Ones, translation of Le Dépeupleur (London: Calder; New York: Grove). The North, part of The Lost Ones, illustrated with etchings by Arikha (London: Enitharmon Press).


  January Not I (London: Faber).

  July First Love (London: Calder).


  Mercier and Camier (London: Calder).


  Spring Directs Waiting for Godot in Berlin and Pas moi (translation of Not I) in Paris.


  February Pour finir encore et autres foirades (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  20 May Directs Billie Whitelaw in Footfalls, which is performed with That Time at London’s Royal Court Theatre in honour of Beckett’s seventieth birthday.

  Autumn All Strange Away, illustrated with etchings by Edward Gorey (New York: Gotham Book Mart).

  Foirades/Fizzles, in French and English, illustrated with etchings by Jasper Johns (New York: Petersburg Press).

  December Footfalls (London: Faber).


  March Collected Poems in English and French (London: Calder; New York: Grove).


  May Pas, translati
on of Footfalls (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  August Poèmes, suivi de mirlitonnades (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  January Compagnie (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit). Company (London: Calder).

  May Directs Endgame in London with Rick Cluchey and the San Quentin Drama Workshop.


  March Mal vu mal dit (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).

  April Rockaby and Other Short Pieces (New York: Grove).

  October Ill Seen Ill Said, translation of Mal vu mal dit (New York: New Yorker; Grove).


  April Worstward Ho (London: Calder).

  September Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment, edited by Ruby Cohn, containing critical essays on art and literature as well as the unfinished play Human Wishes (London: Calder).


  February Oversees San Quentin Drama Workshop production of Waiting for Godot, directed by Walter Asmus, in London.

  Collected Shorter Plays (London: Faber; New York: Grove).

  May Collected Poems, 1930–1978 (London: Calder).

  July Collected Shorter Prose, 1945–1980 (London: Calder).


  April Stirrings Still, with illustrations by Louis le Brocquy (New York: Blue Moon Books).

  June Nohow On: Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, Worstward Ho, illustrated with etchings by Robert Ryman (New York: Limited Editions Club).

  17 July Death of Suzanne Beckett.

  22 December Death of Samuel Beckett. Burial in Cimetière de Montparnasse.



  As the Story Was Told: Uncollected and Late Prose (London: Calder; New York: Riverrun Press).


  Dream of Fair to Middling Women (Dublin: Black Cat Press).


  Eleutheria (Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit).


  Eleutheria, translated into English by Barbara Wright (London: Faber).