Suddenly Marcy froze.

  “SHHHHHHH!! I hear another strange sound!” she whispered.



  I definitely heard it too!

  Alarmed, Marcy, Zoey, and I stared at the door.

  Were those footsteps?

  OMG! What if the secretary was coming in to place Principal Winston’s mail on his desk and discovered us in here?

  I quickly searched the room for a hiding spot.

  “Maybe we should hide in that closet!” I shouted quietly.

  “Hey, guys! Don’t FREAK OUT! It’s just ME,” Chloe giggled.

  We turned around to see her smacking loudly on the last few pieces of chocolate in Principal Winston’s candy jar. . . .


  “Sorry if I sound like a pig! But those mini candy bar thingies are DELISH!”

  Evidently, in the sixty seconds we had our backs turned, Chloe had somehow crammed most of the candy bars from that big candy jar into her dainty little mouth!

  Seriously! How did she do that?

  Does her jaw UNHINGE when she eats, like those huge snakes on the Animal Planet TV shows?!

  Anyway, in spite of Chloe’s noisy feeding frenzy, the dogs had finally fallen asleep.

  Marcy turned out the lights, and we rushed back to the main office.

  And just in time, too.

  As we headed into the hall on our way to class, the secretary held the door open for us.

  “Have a nice day, girls!” She smiled.

  “You too!” we said, and smiled back at her.

  Anyway, thank goodness the dogs are safely hidden away in Principal Winston’s office, where no one will find them.

  Now all I have to do is just survive the rest of the school day, which is about FIVE hours.

  How HARD can THAT be?!



  Chloe, Zoey, and I gobbled down our lunches as fast as we could.

  Then we snuck out of the cafeteria and rushed straight to the janitor’s closet as planned.

  OMG! The room looked like it had been hit by a Category 3 hurricane.

  It seemed like it was going to take us FOREVER to clean up the HUGE mess those dogs had made. Although my BFFs and I HATED cleaning our bedrooms and LOATHED putting dishes in the dishwasher, we somehow managed to finish up by the time lunch was over.


  We donned our rubber gloves and combined our strength to become the powerful SUPERHEROES known as . . .

  Unfortunately for us, we also ended up SMELLING like the janitor’s closet !

  Which is a combination of soap, toilet bowl cleaner, and musty, moldy MOP!

  EWW !!

  Anyway, Marcy has been checking on the dogs every hour between classes, and she said she’d text me if anything came up. I haven’t heard from her, so NO news is GOOD news !

  Maybe this whole dog sitting thing is going to work out after all.

  Just a few more hours left until the end of the school day.




  The big science fair is today after school, and students are already setting up in the gym. My bio teacher had a flyer posted on her wall. . . .

  Since half of the students in our biology class were in the gym setting up for the fair (including Brandon !), our teacher told us we could spend the hour quietly reviewing for our chapter test next week.

  It was nice having the extra time to study bio, but to be honest, I was bored out of my skull.

  Why study for the bio chapter test TODAY when I can just PROCRASTINATE and study for it NEXT WEEK?

  Anyway, I just checked my text messages and didn’t have any from Marcy, so the dogs must be doing okay !

  And school will be over soon!

  BUT just in case there IS a problem, I wanted to be totally prepared.

  So I decided to use my class time wisely and write an excuse generator, mostly just for fun !! . . .


  To: Principal Winston

  From: Nikki J. Maxwell

  Dear Principal Winston,

  You are probably wondering why there are eight dogs in your office. So, please, allow me to explain.

  But first, I sincerely want you to know that I’m just as:





  as you are about this very troubling situation.

  I was on my way to class this morning when I thought I heard:





  at one of the exit doors.

  I assumed it was just:

  a pizza delivery guy

  a circus clown

  a rabid squirrel

  a bloodthirsty vampire

  trying to get in.

  So I opened the door just a tiny bit to get a quick peek. But before I could stop them, eight dogs quickly ran inside.

  I tried to catch them, but they were faster than:


  uncontrolled diarrhea

  a slug in an ice storm

  a race car driver with four flat tires

  and they somehow disappeared down a hallway.

  So I thoroughly searched every single:




  garbage Dumpster

  but I STILL couldn’t find them.

  This made me so frustrated that I wanted to:

  eat a peanut butter, jelly, and pickle sandwich

  pick my nose

  do the hokey pokey

  take a bubble bath

  and then sob hysterically.

  The only place I HADN’T searched was your office! And that was because I didn’t want to break any school rules and possibly risk getting:

  expelled from WCD

  an after-school detention

  a severe case of diaper rash

  a zit on my nose the size of a raisin

  which, unfortunately, would become part of my permanent school record and possibly prevent me from getting admitted to a major university.

  Sadly, I had no choice but to search for the dogs in your office.

  Of course, as soon as I found them there, I immediately:

  wet my pants


  took a selfie

  stepped in doggie poo

  which was such a traumatic experience that it will take me years to recover.

  Fortunately, the dogs were merely:

  eating student report cards

  drinking out of the toilet

  chewing a hole in your leather office chair

  taking a nap

  so your office was not heavily damaged.

  I had just left your office to call Fuzzy Friends Animal Rescue Center to pick up the dogs and find them homes, when I discovered you had returned and found the dogs in your office.

  I’ll never again open our school doors for:

  eight renegade retrievers

  seven prissy poodles

  six yappy Yorkies

  five dorky Dalmatians and a partridge in a pear tree

  because I have learned my lesson.





  It’s hard to believe a day that started so HORRIBLY WRONG is ending so PERFECTLY RIGHT !

  Chloe, Zoey, and I were working in the library as LSAs (library shelving assistants) when Brandon stopped by.

  We both had been really busy with stuff and hadn’t seen each other all day.

  “Hey, Nikki! I just wanted to thank you again for that compost for my science project. I gave the leftovers to Mrs. Wallabanger, and she was thrilled. Sh
e plans to use it to fix her flower garden.”

  “No problem! I’m always happy to help.” I smiled.

  Then Brandon got SUPERserious. “But most of all thank you for helping me with Holly and her pups. You’ve been just . . . AWESOME!” he gushed as he brushed his shaggy bangs out of his eyes.

  Then he, like . . . stared right into the . . . murky depths of my . . . fragile but tortured . . . soul.

  OMG! I thought I was going to MELT into a big puddle of sticky goo right there at the front desk.


  I decided to be perfectly honest with Brandon because TRUE friendship is based on honesty, trust, and mutual respect. Right?!

  “Thanks, Brandon! I have to admit I’ve had some challenging moments with the dogs. But overall things have gone really well, and they’ve been a lot of fun!”

  Okay, so maybe I wasn’t COMPLETELY honest.

  Yes, I know! I very conveniently left out the fact that my mom had told me I COULDN’T dog sit but I had done it anyway and kept the dogs hidden in my bedroom.

  And I didn’t mention how my mom had decided to stay home this morning, which meant I couldn’t leave the dogs at the house as originally planned.

  I also skipped the part about me bringing the dogs to school today.

  And the fact that Chloe, Zoey, and I had hidden them in the janitor’s closet.

  And how Marcy had helped us smuggle them into Principal Winston’s office while he was out for the day.

  So I guess you could say I basically LIED to Brandon by NOT telling him things. Sort of.

  But get THIS! He said he planned to thank me for all of my help by getting us cupcakes at the CupCakery sometime soon!


  I was really happy to hear that news (and so were those nosy snoops Chloe and Zoey!) . . .

  Anyway, in less than ONE hour, we’ll be meeting Marcy to pick up the dogs from the principal’s office.

  And then Chloe will take over.

  Chloe and Zoey are both really LUCKY because THEIR parents know about the dogs. So they won’t have to sneak around or hide them in their bedrooms like I did.

  I’m just happy I survived the past twenty-four hours! And so did ALL the dogs!


  I don’t mean to brag or anything.

  But I’ve been the . . .





  Okay!! MUST. NOT. PANIC !!

  I just got some text messages from MARCY!!

  MARCY: Waiting for you guys in Winston’s office. Dogs are fine. See you soon.

  ME: Great! At my locker waiting for Chloe and Zoey. Should be there in about 2 minutes.

  MARCY: BTW, dog water bowl is empty. Is it okay to give them more water?

  ME: Please do not open dog cage. So, no water.

  MARCY: Are you sure? They look thirsty.

  ME: DO NOT OPEN DOG CAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  MARCY: OOPS!! !!

  ME: What happened?!!

  ME: Marcy?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  This is what happened. . . .


  I was about to rush off to rescue Marcy when I heard someone calling my name.

  “NIKKI! Wait up! I need to talk to you!”

  Brandon jogged up and leaned on my locker, completely out of breath.

  “Whew! I just ran all the way from the gym to the library, and then here. But I’m glad I caught you before you left! I forgot to mention this earlier, but is anyone at your house right now?”

  That’s when I got another text from Marcy.

  MARCY: Trying to put dogs back in cage. Impossible! Where are you guys?!

  “Actually, Brandon, my mom is home right now. She didn’t go to work today. Why do you ask?”

  “Great! Since I have to be at the science fair until 7:00 this evening, I just sent the Queasy Cheesy driver to your house to pick up the dogs and take them to Chloe’s house. Is that okay?”

  I just stared at Brandon with my mouth dangling open. “Wait a minute! You already sent the driver to MY HOUSE?!”

  “Yes,” Brandon answered.



  “FROM MY MOM?!!!” I practically screeched.

  “Is there a problem? I thought you said she was home,” Brandon asked, a little confused.

  “She is home! Er, I mean, she WAS! Actually.”

  That’s when I got another text from Marcy.

  MARCY: WHERE ARE YOU?!!!! The dogs are running around and getting into everything!! HELP!!!

  “Um . . . my mom just texted me. She took the dogs . . . er, SHOPPING! They won’t be back for at least an hour.”

  “Shopping? Really!” Brandon said. “Well, I’ll just tell the driver to wait in the driveway until she gets back.”

  “NO! He can’t! I mean, okay. But after shopping she plans to go to, um . . . the SPA!”

  “Nikki, your mom is taking eight dogs shopping and to the spa?!”

  “It’s a DOGGIE spa! And it’s run by Miss Bri-Bri. She’s the lady you spoke to on the phone yesterday. They’ll probably be there for, like, seventeen hours, so the driver definitely shouldn’t wait!”

  Then, Chloe and Zoey walked up.

  “Hi, Nikki. Is everything okay?” Zoey asked.

  “Yeah, you look a little flustered!” Chloe added.

  “Well, things ARE a little crazy right now!” Brandon explained. “Nikki just gave me an update on the dogs. And some of it is almost unbelievable!”

  “YOU TOLD BRANDON ABOUT THE DOGS?!!” Chloe and Zoey exclaimed.

  “YES! I mean, NO! Sorry, I’m just really, really confused right now!” I muttered.

  “Nikki told me the dogs aren’t at her house right now,” Brandon said.

  “So you know all about us bringing the dogs to school today?!” Chloe laughed.

  “And them completely trashing the janitor’s closet?!” Zoey giggled.

  “Nikki, why are you making those strange, ugly faces at us and pointing at Brandon?” Chloe asked.

  “OOPS!” Chloe and Zoey mumbled.

  That’s when Brandon started to freak out. “Okay, wait a minute! Did you guys just say you brought the dogs to SCHOOL today?! And put them in the JANITOR’S CLOSET?!”

  “No, we DIDN’T just say that,” Chloe fibbed.

  “Well, Nikki just told me her MOM was taking them SHOPPING and to a doggie SPA?!” Brandon said.


  “Well, yes! Of course she didn’t!” I shrugged.

  “Okay, Nikki! I’m really confused!” Brandon said, shaking his head. “If the dogs are NOT at your house OR in the janitor’s closet OR shopping with your mom OR at the doggie spa, then WHERE in the heck ARE they?!”

  Brandon, Chloe, and Zoey stared at me, like, FOREVER, waiting for my answer.

  Suddenly Marcy came running down the hall, screaming at the top of her lungs! . . .

  Which meant I DIDN’T have to answer Brandon’s question, because MARCY did !

  “WHAT! The dogs are in Principal Winston’s office?!! Are you guys SERIOUS?!” Brandon groaned.

  “As serious as a HEART ATTACK!” we answered.

  That’s when the five of us frantically took off running to get to the principal’s office!




  (That was me screaming.)

  OMG! I was so ANGRY at myself!

  WHY did I think I could secretly keep eight dogs in my bedroom? And then take them to school? And hide them in the janitor’s closet? And then smuggle them into the principal’s office?

  WHAT was I thinking?!!!!

  And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did.

  When the five
of us finally arrived at the principal’s office, we cautiously peeked inside. Unfortunately, we saw eight dogs running loose, trashing the office.

  AND one very confused, ticked-off principal . . .

  Of course, when Principal Winston saw us standing there, he totally lost it! “Can anyone explain to me WHY there’s a pack of WILD DOGS running loose in my office?!” he yelled.

  “I’m sorry, sir! But it’s ALL my f-fault!” I stammered.

  “No, it’s actually MY fault!” Marcy said, hanging her head.

  “Principal Winston, I accept total responsibility for these dogs,” Brandon admitted solemnly.

  “Well, I was involved too, sir!” Zoey said glumly.

  That’s when everyone stared at Chloe.

  “Hey, I just raided your candy jar!” Chloe shrugged. “I’m no puppy smuggler!”

  I could NOT believe Chloe was throwing ALL of us under the bus like that!!

  “Well, the owner of these dogs better speak up, or I’m going to be calling ALL of your parents!!”

  It got SO quiet you could hear a pin drop. Then we heard a friendly voice in the doorway. . . .


  Of course, everyone was shocked to see him standing there. And poor Principal Winston was so confused, he didn’t know WHO to believe. Until Max called Holly over and all eight dogs tackled him and smothered him with kisses. . . .

  Max introduced himself to the principal and told him he attended South Ridge Middle School.

  He went on to explain that his science fair project with Brandon was Using Distillation to Turn Dirty Water into Clean Drinking Water.

  And it involved taking dirty runoff water from compost, and bathwater (from the dogs), and turning it into clean drinking water.

  Principal Winston was VERY impressed with both Max AND his science project. And apparently, so were Chloe, Zoey, and Marcy. For some unknown reason, all THREE of them suddenly got a severe case of the giggles.

  I could NOT believe that they were actually FLIRTING with Max like that.

  Anyway, while Principal Winston chatted with Max, Brandon started to gather up the dogs and put them back in their cage, and Chloe, Zoey, and Marcy tidied up the office.