Sarah held vigil at the pool during the day and would have held vigil at night if her family and friends had let her. Nearly a fortnight had passed, but the pool was silent.
Sometimes Maryanne and Kevin would stop by. They’d hang out for an hour or so and then gently try and coax Sarah away. Sarah, however, was resolute.
“I think it’ll be a few weeks before John’s back,” said Kevin. “He wouldn’t have gone just to get a quick peek and then scurry back. I’m sure he’ll want to get it all out of his system before he returns. John’s a big boy. He’ll be fine.”
Sarah nodded sullenly.
“We’re going on a horseback ride tomorrow,” said Maryanne. “Come with us.”
Sarah gave a halfhearted smile. “It’s okay. I’ll stay here.”
Maryanne glanced at Kevin with a look of concern. Kevin shrugged. Maryanne took Sarah’s hand and squeezed it. They sat in silence for a quarter of an hour and then the couple left. Sarah was glad. Solitude felt better.