THE moment was not quite so triumphant as it ought to have been. Tobegin with, the resources of Tommy’s pockets were somewhat limited. Inthe end the fare was managed, the lady recollecting a plebeian twopence,and the driver, still holding the varied assortment of coins in hishand, was prevailed upon to move on, which he did after one last hoarsedemand as to what the gentleman thought he was giving him?

  “I think you’ve given him too much, Tommy,” said Tuppence innocently. “Ifancy he wants to give some of it back.”

  It was possibly this remark which induced the driver to move away.

  “Well,” said Mr. Beresford, at length able to relieve his feelings,“what the--dickens, did you want to take a taxi for?”

  “I was afraid I might be late and keep you waiting,” said Tuppencegently.

  “Afraid--you--might--be--late! Oh, Lord, I give it up!” said Mr.Beresford.

  “And really and truly,” continued Tuppence, opening her eyes very wide,“I haven’t got anything smaller than a five-pound note.”

  “You did that part of it very well, old bean, but all the same thefellow wasn’t taken in--not for a moment!”

  “No,” said Tuppence thoughtfully, “he didn’t believe it. That’s thecurious part about speaking the truth. No one does believe it. I foundthat out this morning. Now let’s go to lunch. How about the _Savoy?_”

  Tommy grinned.

  “How about the _Ritz?_”

  “On second thoughts, I prefer the _Piccadilly_. It’s nearer. We shan’thave to take another taxi. Come along.”

  “Is this a new brand of humour? Or is your brain really unhinged?” inquired Tommy.

  “Your last supposition is the correct one. I have come into money, andthe shock has been too much for me! For that particular form of mentaltrouble an eminent physician recommends unlimited _Hors d’œuvre_,Lobster _à l’américane_, Chicken Newberg, and Pêche Melba! Let’s goand get them!”

  “Tuppence, old girl, what has really come over you?”

  “Oh, unbelieving one!” Tuppence wrenched open her bag. “Look here, andhere, and here!”

  “Great Jehosaphat! My dear girl, don’t wave Fishers aloft like that!”

  “They’re not Fishers. They’re five times better than Fishers, and thisone’s ten times better!”

  Tommy groaned.

  “I must have been drinking unawares! Am I dreaming, Tuppence, or do Ireally behold a large quantity of five-pound notes being waved about ina dangerous fashion?”

  “Even so, O King! _Now_, will you come and have lunch?”

  “I’ll come anywhere. But what have you been doing? Holding up a bank?”

  “All in good time. What an awful place Piccadilly Circus is. There’s ahuge bus bearing down on us. It would be too terrible if they killed thefive-pound notes!”

  “Grill room?” inquired Tommy, as they reached the opposite pavement insafety.

  “The other’s more expensive,” demurred Tuppence.

  “That’s mere wicked wanton extravagance. Come on below.”

  “Are you sure I can get all the things I want there?”

  “That extremely unwholesome menu you were outlining just now? Of courseyou can--or as much as is good for you, anyway.”

  “And now tell me,” said Tommy, unable to restrain his pent-up curiosityany longer, as they sat in state surrounded by the many _hors d’œuvre_of Tuppence’s dreams.

  Miss Cowley told him.

  “And the curious part of it is,” she ended, “that I really did inventthe name of Jane Finn! I didn’t want to give my own because of poorfather--in case I should get mixed up in anything shady.”

  “Perhaps that’s so,” said Tommy slowly. “But you didn’t invent it.”


  “No. _I_ told it to you. Don’t you remember, I said yesterday I’doverheard two people talking about a female called Jane Finn? That’swhat brought the name into your mind so pat.”

  “So you did. I remember now. How extraordinary----” Tuppence tailed offinto silence. Suddenly she aroused herself. “Tommy!”


  “What were they like, the two men you passed?”

  Tommy frowned in an effort at remembrance.

  “One was a big fat sort of chap. Clean shaven, I think--and dark.”

  “That’s him,” cried Tuppence, in an ungrammatical squeal. “That’sWhittington! What was the other man like?”

  “I can’t remember. I didn’t notice him particularly. It was really theoutlandish name that caught my attention.”

  “And people say that coincidences don’t happen!” Tuppence tackled herPêche Melba happily.

  But Tommy had become serious.

  “Look here, Tuppence, old girl, what is this going to lead to?”

  “More money,” replied his companion.

  “I know that. You’ve only got one idea in your head. What I mean is,what about the next step? How are you going to keep the game up?”

  “Oh!” Tuppence laid down her spoon. “You’re right, Tommy, it is a bit ofa poser.”

  “After all, you know, you can’t bluff him forever. You’re sure to slipup sooner or later. And, anyway, I’m not at all sure that it isn’tactionable--blackmail, you know.”

  “Nonsense. Blackmail is saying you’ll tell unless you are givenmoney. Now, there’s nothing I could tell, because I don’t really knowanything.”

  “Hm,” said Tommy doubtfully. “Well, anyway, what _are_ we going to do?Whittington was in a hurry to get rid of you this morning, but next timehe’ll want to know something more before he parts with his money. He’llwant to know how much _you_ know, and where you got your informationfrom, and a lot of other things that you can’t cope with. What are yougoing to do about it?”

  Tuppence frowned severely.

  “We must think. Order some Turkish coffee, Tommy. Stimulating to thebrain. Oh, dear, what a lot I have eaten!”

  “You have made rather a hog of yourself! So have I for that matter, butI flatter myself that my choice of dishes was more judicious than yours.Two coffees.” (This was to the waiter.) “One Turkish, one French.”

  Tuppence sipped her coffee with a deeply reflective air, and snubbedTommy when he spoke to her.

  “Be quiet. I’m thinking.”

  “Shades of Pelmanism!” said Tommy, and relapsed into silence.

  “There!” said Tuppence at last. “I’ve got a plan. Obviously what we’vegot to do is to find out more about it all.”

  Tommy applauded.

  “Don’t jeer. We can only find out through Whittington. We must discoverwhere he lives, what he does--sleuth him, in fact! Now I can’t do it,because he knows me, but he only saw you for a minute or two in Lyons’.He’s not likely to recognize you. After all, one young man is much likeanother.”

  “I repudiate that remark utterly. I’m sure my pleasing features anddistinguished appearance would single me out from any crowd.”

  “My plan is this,” Tuppence went on calmly, “I’ll go alone to-morrow.I’ll put him off again like I did to-day. It doesn’t matter if I don’tget any more money at once. Fifty pounds ought to last us a few days.”

  “Or even longer!”

  “You’ll hang about outside. When I come out I shan’t speak to you incase he’s watching. But I’ll take up my stand somewhere near, and whenhe comes out of the building I’ll drop a handkerchief or something, andoff you go!”

  “Off I go where?”

  “Follow him, of course, silly! What do you think of the idea?”

  “Sort of thing one reads about in books. I somehow feel that in reallife one will feel a bit of an ass standing in the street for hours withnothing to do. People will wonder what I’m up to.”

  “Not in the city. Every one’s in such a hurry. Probably no one will evennotice you at all.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve made that sort of remark. Never mind, Iforgive you. Anyway, it will be rather a lark. What are y
ou doing thisafternoon?”

  “Well,” said Tuppence meditatively. “I _had_ thought of hats! Or perhapssilk stockings! Or perhaps----”

  “Hold hard,” admonished Tommy. “There’s a limit to fifty pounds! Butlet’s do dinner and a show to-night at all events.”


  The day passed pleasantly. The evening even more so. Two of thefive-pound notes were now irretrievably dead.

  They met by arrangement the following morning and proceeded citywards.Tommy remained on the opposite side of the road while Tuppence plungedinto the building.

  Tommy strolled slowly down to the end of the street, then back again.Just as he came abreast of the building, Tuppence darted across theroad.


  “Yes. What’s up?”

  “The place is shut. I can’t make anyone hear.”

  “That’s odd.”

  “Isn’t it? Come up with me, and let’s try again.”

  Tommy followed her. As they passed the third floor landing a young clerkcame out of an office. He hesitated a moment, then addressed himself toTuppence.

  “Were you wanting the Esthonia Glassware?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “It’s closed down. Since yesterday afternoon. Company being wound up,they say. Not that I’ve ever heard of it myself. But anyway the officeis to let.”

  “Th--thank you,” faltered Tuppence. “I suppose you don’t know Mr.Whittington’s address?”

  “Afraid I don’t. They left rather suddenly.”

  “Thank you very much,” said Tommy. “Come on, Tuppence.”

  They descended to the street again where they gazed at one anotherblankly.

  “That’s torn it,” said Tommy at length.

  “And I never suspected it,” wailed Tuppence.

  “Cheer up, old thing, it can’t be helped.”

  “Can’t it, though!” Tuppence’s little chin shot out defiantly. “Do youthink this is the end? If so, you’re wrong. It’s just the beginning!”

  “The beginning of what?”

  “Of our adventure! Tommy, don’t you see, if they are scared enough torun away like this, it shows that there must be a lot in this Jane Finnbusiness! Well, we’ll get to the bottom of it. We’ll run them down!We’ll be sleuths in earnest!”

  “Yes, but there’s no one left to sleuth.”

  “No, that’s why we’ll have to start all over again. Lend me that bit ofpencil. Thanks. Wait a minute--don’t interrupt. There!” Tuppence handedback the pencil, and surveyed the piece of paper on which she hadwritten with a satisfied eye:

  “What’s that?”


  “You’re not going to put that thing in after all?”

  “No, it’s a different one.” She handed him the slip of paper.

  Tommy read the words on it aloud:

  “WANTED, any information respecting Jane Finn. Apply Y. A.”