Page 3 of Mews and Moms

  “Look, everybody,” Mewi yelled in front of the entire town. “Do you know how Valerie won? See Maria over there? Valerie has been bullying her since they were in kindergarten.”

  Mewi and Mewa went on the talk about the ponytail in kindergarten, the sand in first grade, skirts in second grade, party at Caroline’s and I feel guilty since I’m the only cat that’s not in on the conversation.

  Speak English, NOW! I told myself. “AND IN THE RACE SHE KICKED MEWI IN THE LEG SO SHE WOULD LOSE!” I burst out.

  The crowd gasped. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have an announcement.” The man on the big screen yelled. “The people in charge of the race have disqualified Valerie Prescott due to hurting others during the race. Thrid place is now William Howard, Second place is Sebastian Romero, and first place is Kendra Augustine!”

  I could tell that Maria felt hurt. “It’s going to be fine. At least Valerie won’t bully you anymore!” I told her.

  “You really CAN talk like your sisters!” She smiled

  “Yeah, I just found that out a minute ago.” I giggled.

  All of a sudden, Maria’s cell phone chimed. It was a text from Caroline.

  Wanna come to my place? You sound awesome to hang out with! Meet me at noon, if you can!

  “Are you satisfied now?!” I giggled.

  “Totally!!!” Maria laughed. She texted Caroline back.

  I’ll be there! And I’ll bring Mewi, Mewin’, and Mewa, too!

  “Well,” Mercy smiled. “Anything to say?”

  “Yeah,” Maria hesitated.

  No one said anything. “What?! Spit it out already!!!!” Mewa yelled after a minute of silence.

  “I love you guys!” She hugged us.

  After a few minutes of hugging us, she said, “Oh, and, Mercy, I like you, too.” She said without even looking at her.

  “HEY!!” Mercy yelled back.

  Fun facts!!!

  The Fur-real story

  Special thanks to the people who inspired me to write this. The book started out as a game I played with Tobi Vincent, Victoria Miller, Mia Scharf, and Carly Sonnier.

  The names in the book

  One day, Tobi started a game about cats. She said that the humans were called “Murs” Which you can probably notice because Victoria and Carly were Murs and both of their names in the book start with “Mur” As in, Maria, who was Victoria, and Mercy, who was Carly. Murfs were supposed to be teenage cats, but unfortunately, no one liked the name so we ended up just Murs and the little cats, Mews. That’s where I got the title from. I was going to name it “Mews and Murs,” But it didn’t sound right. Mia, Tobi, and I were the Mews. I was Mewin’, Tobi was Mewi, and Mia was Mewa.

  The plot

  I honestly have no idea where I got Valerie and Caroline in the story. When we were just playing the game, there was no existence of them. It was just about talking cats. I think at the beginning of the writing process, I guess I just wanted to twist the story a little to show why Maria was adopting the cats.

  Hope you love it!

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