Page 18 of Make Me Stay

  She followed him back to the truck and toted her backpack and his while he carried the cooler inside. She helped him unpack the food and drinks into the refrigerator, then she climbed the stairs to the loft and dropped their bags onto the bed.

  It was lovely up here, with tall windows overlooking the woods and the water. There was an attached bathroom as well, with a very roomy tub, along with a shower.

  She already had ideas for later.

  She went downstairs to find Reid in the kitchen. He was pulling plates out of the cabinet.

  "Are you hungry?" he asked.


  "Good. Me, too. Let's eat."

  There was a microwave on the counter, so she heated the chicken while Reid scooped out potato salad and poured sodas for them. They pulled up seats at the small round table just off the kitchen and dug in.

  "Martha made this?" she asked

  "Yeah. She always has extra food in the fridge for whenever she's not around. Though Des has been doing some cooking as well. She's getting really good at it."

  "I imagine she is. And this is exceptional chicken. I've had her potato salad before. It's very good."

  "Yeah. Makes me miss home."

  She took a scoop of potato salad and let the flavors melt in her mouth. There was something about Martha's potato salad that was simply unparalleled. She waved her fork at Reid. "Chalk up something else to things you can't get in Boston."

  "They do have potato salad in Boston, ya know."

  "Not Martha's."

  "That's true." He gave her a look. "Are you making some kind of list?"

  She frowned. "What list?"

  "A list of reasons why I should live here."

  "No. Why would I make a list? I already know why I live here and not somewhere else. As far as you . . . Well, I think that list would be self-explanatory."

  He had taken a bite of chicken, chewed and swallowed, and followed it up with several sips of soda. "Really. And what would those things be?"

  "Your brothers. Your awesome sisters-in-law. Future nieces and nephews now. This amazing ranch. The town of Hope and the potential business you could have there. That incredible office space on the third floor of the mercantile. Not My Dog."

  He laughed. "Those are quite a few things."

  She pointed her fork at him. "None of which you can find in Boston."

  "You forgot one thing."

  "I did? What?"


  Her entire body heated. "That's true. And I'm pretty exceptional all by myself."

  He took his napkin and swiped it along one corner of her mouth. "Yeah, you are."

  She wanted to get up and sit on his lap, to feel all that hard muscle pressed against her. But she was still eating, and she wanted to exercise some restraint.

  Still, his compliment lingered all through their meal and after, while they stood side by side at the sink and washed dishes.

  "This feels familiar," he said, looking down at her with a sexy smile that made her toes curl.

  "That first night you came over and I cooked you dinner."

  "Only tonight I cooked you dinner."

  She turned sideways to face him. "You are not taking credit for Martha's chicken and potato salad."

  "Oh, did I say Martha fixed it? I meant me."

  She laughed. "Too late now. No credit for you."

  "You're very tough, Ms. Reasor."

  "Next time fix your own chicken, Mr. McCormack."

  After they dried the dishes and put them away, Reid suggested they go outside and walk by the stream before it got dark.

  They went outside, and Sam breathed in the crisp, cool fall air.

  "It's perfect out here."

  "Are you cold?" he asked, pulling her next to him.

  "Not right now." She had her long-sleeved shirt to keep her warm, though the sun had set behind all the trees. And clouds were gathering.

  They climbed their way to the top of the rocks, where the water sifted underneath. Reid sat and pulled Sam down next to him.

  "This is a perfect spot," she said. "I could sit here--especially when the sun is shining--for hours, just listening to and watching the water."

  "It's a great spot. When I was a kid I'd come out here a lot. Sometimes with my dad, sometimes by myself. It's a good place to think."

  "I'm pretty sure it's the sound of the rushing water. It helps relax the mind."

  His lips curved. "Is that what it is?"

  "Of course. Close your eyes and just listen to it."

  He gave her a look. "I don't think so."

  "Oh, come on. You're a creative type. Tap into it with me." She grabbed his hand in hers. "Now close your eyes."

  He did, so she did as well, her mind drifting as she tapped into the sound of the water.

  "Doesn't it make your creative juices flow just listening to the sound of the water?"


  "Are you imagining building designs in your head?"

  "No, I'm picturing getting you naked on the top of this rock."

  She opened her eyes and laughed. "Okay, well, I can't exactly complain about where your mind is going with that one, but maybe not tonight. The wind is picking up and the clouds are starting to look a little angry. Not exactly conducive to getting naked."

  "Too bad, because I was having some very creative visions."

  She shifted, drawing her feet behind her. "Were you? Care to elaborate?"

  "How about I just show you instead?" He tugged her against him, and his lips fused to hers in a kiss that instantly made her forget all about creative vision and sent her reeling into passionate territory.

  And when he pulled her onto his lap, all she could think about were his muscular thighs and the way it felt to be close to his body heat. To be wrapped in his arms as the wind whipped around them was the best kind of feeling, especially when he deepened the kiss.

  She was always so lost in him when he kissed her, as if nothing else in the world existed.

  Until a cold, fat raindrop slapped her cheek. Then another, and another, and the angry wind got really pissed off as the clouds opened and they were suddenly sitting in the middle of a downpour.

  Thunder boomed loudly, and a crack of lightning snapped off in the distance.

  Reid rose, helping her up, and held her hand as they raced to the house, a deluge of rain blinding them along the way.

  By the time they reached the front door, Sam was soaked. She toed off her tennis shoes at the door and held them in her hand as they made their way inside. Reid shut and locked the door, and the two of them stood there, shaking.

  "Well. That was fun," she said.

  "Not really. But if I haven't mentioned before that you look sexy as hell all wet, let me say it now."

  She laughed. "I probably look a lot like wet dog."

  He wound his arms around her. "Trust me, Sam. You don't look anything like a wet dog. You look hot. So hot, in fact, that we should get these wet clothes off right here."

  Before she knew what was happening, he'd pulled off her top, and then his own. Her bra followed, and his mouth was on her cold, puckering nipples, instantly warming her.

  They were a tangle of shivering limbs as they worked themselves out of their clinging wet jeans, socks, and underwear.

  But when Reid put his arms around her and pulled her against his body, she heated up in a hurry.

  "I think a hot shower would warm things up."

  She looked up at him, at the water droplets clinging to his hair. "I don't know about you, but I'm already hot."

  "Then we'll get even hotter."

  He took her hand, and they dashed up the stairs. Sam grabbed towels while Reid turned on the shower. As soon as the water was warm, he tugged her inside.

  It wasn't a huge shower, but it was perfect, because it kept them close and under the water together. And when Reid's hands splayed across her back and he pulled her against him, his mouth covering hers, Sam couldn't think of anything more perfect.

/>   His rock-hard body pressed against hers, his erection sliding between her thighs as he kissed her until the warm water and his mouth made her dizzy with heat and desire. She slid her fingers into his hair, her fingers gliding into the silky wetness to massage his scalp. When he groaned and his cock lurched up against her sex, she responded with a moan.

  He backed her up against the wall of the shower and palmed her breast, using his thumb to brush against her nipple until sensation exploded and made her sex throb with anticipation. And when he moved his hand lower, snaking down over her rib cage and stomach, her breath caught.

  He cupped her sex, sliding his hand back and forth over her slick, sensitized flesh. He pulled his mouth from hers, his gaze fixed on hers as his hand glided over her. He seemingly knew exactly where to touch her, the perfect pressure to give her to take her right to the edge of orgasm--then over.

  It was a heady sensation, to be that intimately connected to someone as she came. And then he kissed her again, his body moving over hers in a way that told her they were just getting started.

  Reid turned the water off, his thumb brushing over her lower lip.

  "Warm now?" he asked.

  "Oh, yeah."

  He stepped out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her body, then grabbed one for himself. They hurriedly dried off, and Sam towel-dried her hair, then ran a comb through it. That was good enough, because by then Reid was in the bedroom. She was anxious to join him.

  She turned out the light in the bathroom and headed into the bedroom, and the room was instantly bathed with light as a strike of lightning hit.

  "Wow," she said. "That was close."

  "If you're scared, come on over here and I'll take care of you."

  Reid pulled down the comforter on the empty side of the bed.

  She wasn't afraid. She loved storms. But the idea of making love with Reid as one raged outside appealed. She climbed onto the bed, drew the covers back, and straddled him.

  Lightning flashed again outside, giving Reid a perfect view of Samantha's gorgeous body sitting on top of him. He hadn't expected the storm when he'd brought her out here, but he sure as hell wasn't going to complain about it. Her body was creamy perfection as she leaned over to kiss him, her breasts rubbing against his chest, making him ache to be inside her.

  He smoothed his hands down her back and grasped her hips.

  "You ready for me?" she murmured against his lips.

  "More than ready." He arched against her, letting her know just how ready he was.

  She lifted up and gave him a sexy smile that made his balls clench. "So you are."

  He grabbed the condom he'd laid on the nightstand. She took it from him, tore open the package, and slowly slid it down over his cock. He'd never once thought putting a condom on was hot--until now.

  She slid down on him, giving him one incredible view of her sex, of the perfect way the two of them fit together, as she lowered herself fully onto him. He reached up to touch her breasts, to rub his thumbs over her nipples.

  "Have I told you how much I enjoy you touching me?" she asked.

  "No, but I get a pretty good idea from the sounds you make." He put his hands behind her back and drew her forward, fitting one of her nipples into his mouth, and was rewarded with her sweet moans.

  She tightened around him, squeezing him as he sucked and licked her nipple. God, that was good. He could come right now, but the way she writhed against him was the best damn thing he'd ever felt and he could last all night long if he could keep this going.

  But when she ground against him and he felt her tight vise quivering around him, he knew she was going to go off soon. He drove hard into her and she rose up, tilted her head back, and cried out.

  "That's it," he said, then thrust and went with her, holding on to her hips as he shuddered with his climax.

  He held tight to her as she trembled against him with her orgasm. It was a wild ride, both of them shaking with the aftereffects.

  He swept his hand along her back, listening to the sound of rumbling thunder.

  "Mmm," she said against his neck.


  She rolled off of him, and he got up to dispose of the condom, then went downstairs and poured them both a glass of wine. He came back up to find her propped up against the head of the bed.

  "Ooh, wine. That sounds good." She smiled at him when he handed her a glass.

  "I thought you might be thirsty after all that screaming you did."

  She laughed. "Well, it was a lot of work."

  He climbed on the bed next to her. "Next round, I'll do all the work."

  She tipped her glass against his, then took a sip.

  "Next round, huh?" she asked.

  "Well, yeah. We've got all night together. Unless you're tired."

  "Oh, I'm absolutely not tired. And, you know, there are some amazing views out of the downstairs window. And all that privacy. We could do it standing up and watch the storm."

  He set his wineglass on the table and got out of bed, then held his hand out for her.

  "Let's go."

  She laughed. "I have a feeling it's going to be a very long, sleepless night."

  He hauled her out of bed. "It's your own fault for having such creative ideas."

  They both laughed as they ran downstairs.

  Chapter 27

  THE STORM OF the night before had given way to a beautiful morning. Reid was up early making coffee, and Sam came downstairs about twenty minutes after he did. She only wore one of his T-shirts.

  He leaned against the kitchen counter. "You know, if I could see that every morning I could die a happy man."

  She came over and accepted the cup he handed to her. "See what?"

  "You, wearing one of my shirts and nothing else."

  She leaned against him and pressed her lips to his. "Come over to my house and make me coffee every morning and we could probably work something out."

  "A tempting offer, Ms. Reasor. Unfortunately, if I saw you like this every morning, it's possible I'd never go to work. Then I'd end up unemployed and destitute, a shell of my former self." Then he lifted up her shirt and teased the band of her underwear. "Screw it. You're worth it."

  He took her mouth in a kiss that made him instantly hard. He heard her coffee cup hit the counter with a loud bang, and then her nails dug into his shirt. After that, his mind kind of went blank, and all he could think about was her sweet scent and the way she wriggled her body against his erection.

  He laid her back against the kitchen table, lifted the shirt and put his mouth on her breasts, needing to taste her, to touch her, furious passion overtaking him until all he wanted to do was sink inside her.

  He went to grab a condom and put it on, then shoved into her with a hard thrust that pushed her halfway up the table. Her eyes were heavy-lidded with passion as she wrapped her legs around his hips and held on to his arms while he drove into her.

  This wasn't slow, heady lovemaking like they'd done last night. It was fast, furious, need-filled desire for each other that fueled them both. He couldn't get enough of her, needing to fill her, taste her, breathe her in as he pumped hard into her. Her cries of pleasure only spurred him on to thrust harder.

  And when she came apart for him, he drove deeper, shuddering as his climax rocked him.

  He closed his eyes and settled, his arms shaking as he lifted his torso off of Sam's body. He stayed like that, trying to catch his breath.

  "You're dripping sweat all over me."

  He opened his eyes and smiled down on her. "You made me work for it."

  She arched against him. "You complaining?"


  He bent, wrapped his arms around her back, and lifted her, walking up the stairs to the loft and depositing both of them in the shower.

  "Hmm," she said as she drew him under the hot spray with her. "This feels familiar."

  He kissed her. "It does, doesn't it?"

  "Yes. And as much as I'd love round tw
o--or maybe six, depending on how we're counting--I'm hungry."

  "Me, too." They washed, rinsed, and got out, then dried off and dressed.

  He'd like to stay here with her longer. It was nice out here. Quiet. He could make love to her over and over again. Unfortunately, he hadn't brought enough food. They packed up and loaded the truck.

  Reid drove them back to the ranch. "Stay for breakfast?" he asked.

  "Sure. I called my grandmother when I first got up. She and Faith are in town having breakfast at Bert's. Then they are going to hit up the yard sales."

  "Sounds like Faith is a good friend to Grammy Claire."

  Sam smiled. "She is."

  After getting out of the truck and stopping to love on all the dogs, they headed into the house. Logan was seated at the table, and Des was at the island drinking a glass of juice.

  "Morning," Des said, coming over to give Sam a hug. Reid headed to the coffeepot for a cup, then went to sit next to his brother.

  "Good morning," Sam said. "How was your baby thing last night? Reid said he couldn't remember exactly what it was about."

  "Oh." Des laughed. "It was a tour of the hospital labor and delivery area and birthing rooms, and an informational meeting discussing different types of birthing options. Fun stuff."

  "I'm sure it was."

  Des laid her hand over her lower belly. "A little nerve-racking, all the decisions that have to be made."

  "I'm sure it is."

  "I made waffles this morning," Des said. "Would you like one?"

  "I'd love one."

  "Good. I see Reid has already dug in."

  "You know it," Reid said, his mouth full when he answered.

  Des laughed. "Come on, you'd better grab one before the guys eat them all."

  Sam and Des went to sit at the table with the guys. Reid had already wolfed down a waffle.

  "While you're here, you can help me with some maintenance on the tractor," Logan said.

  Reid stood, picking up a waffle in his hand. "Okay. Let's go."

  "You ladies have a good time," Logan said, kissing Des as they walked out.

  Reid gave Sam a grin and disappeared.

  She poured syrup on her waffle and dug in. "These are great, Des."

  "Thanks. I'm happy to be home now so I can do some cooking. And I know Martha is glad to have time off so she and Ben can spend time with each other."

  "Plus, you and Logan get alone time as well. I know you've been busy with movie-making."

  Des leaned back in her chair and nodded. "It's been pretty intense."

  Sam took a sip of juice and swallowed. "How are you going to handle the pregnancy, time-wise, with your filming schedule?"