Page 12 of On the Rocks

Page 12

  My eyes fly open and I grab her shoulders, pulling her off and into a standing position. Her eyes are fevered and glazed, as she looks at me in confusion.

  “Can’t have you doing that just right now, Gabs. I’m barely maintaining my control as it is. ”

  I pull her in hard, crushing her body into mine, and kiss her with an almost violent passion. She responds with equal zeal, and our teeth clash while our tongues duel. Her hands reach out to find my c**k and, once her fingers circle around me, I’m almost driven to my knees again. Her touch is just that catastrophic to my senses.

  Quickly grabbing at her, I encircle her wrists and pull her hands away, taking her bottom lip in between my teeth and biting down. She jerks forward, and her skin practically burns mine, even as she tries to evade my grasp so she can touch me again. If she keeps it up, I’ll spill in her hand like a f**king kid in junior high, jacking off to his dad’s Playboys.

  “Am I going to have to restrain you?” I growl at her, leaning down to suck at her neck.

  She laughs at me, her voice husky and dripping sex. “Maybe,” she taunts.

  I sort of knew that Gabby would be a hellion in the bedroom. She had too much fire not to be, and I’m pretty sure I have my hands full.

  Which gives me a brilliant idea.

  Leaning down, I kiss her again. Kiss her to distraction so she doesn’t think twice as I peel my robe off her shoulders and push it down her arms. Reaching down quickly, I grab the ends of the belt on each side of her, looping it around each wrist twice, then pulling them behind her back. Before she can even register a complaint, I deftly tie a knot between the two ends, effectively binding her hands behind her.

  Then I step back to admire my work.

  Gabby is standing there, her skin flushed, her ni**les hard as little pebbles, and her chest heaving. She’s glaring at me, but not in an, ‘I’m going to kick your balls in for doing that to me,’ kind of way. No, she’s pissed because she can’t touch me, and the knowledge that she wants it so much makes my dick go even more impossibly hard, especially when she looks down at it in longing.

  “Bad girl,” I tease her, and then take her face in my hands to kiss her again. This time it’s slower, not as frantic, and I relish the warmth of her mouth against mine.

  Pushing Gabby backward, I step into her, causing her to move across the kitchen. I walk her right back into the wall and when it halts her progress, I press my body against hers, my dick twitching when it touches the smooth skin on her stomach.

  Dropping my hands to her br**sts, I take one in each palm, testing their weight and then squeezing them. Gabby lets her head fall back and it hits against the wall, but she’s not feeling any pain.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her before I bend down and take a nipple in my mouth. I tongue at it gently, listening to her tiny gasps of pleasure. Then I suck on it hard, causing her to groan and buck against me.

  Slipping a hand down in between her legs, I slide a finger inside of her, practically burned by the heat she’s unleashing. A new bolt of lust shoots through me and I suck at her nipple harder, and then give it a small bite, causing her to cry out, “It’s too much. ”

  Releasing her from my mouth, I turn my cheek and rub the scruff of my beard against her br**sts. “Not even close. ”

  “Untie my hands,” she demands.

  “Not gonna happen,” I tell her simply, as I pull away and look into her eyes. She’s challenging me, seeing how much quarter I’ll give her.

  She’s getting none.

  I drop to my knees, just the way she did moments ago, and I feel like I’m getting ready to worship at the Temple of Gabriella. I’d gladly sacrifice all I have just to kneel down here again and again.

  Running my hands up the length of her smooth legs, I look up at her. She’s gazing down at me with such fever that I have a moment of nervousness, wondering if I can ever possibly do right by her. But then I draw on my spirit of competition… of determination, and know exactly what I’m going to do to her.

  I gently lift one of her legs up and drape it over my shoulder. She has an idea of what I’m getting ready to do, but she really has no clue. Bringing a hand up, I stroke softly between her legs, causing a gurgling sound to well up in her throat. I smile, because this is getting ready to get crazy.

  Bending and angling my opposite shoulder in between her legs, I nudge my way in and bring her other leg up and over. Now she’s straddling me, suspended helplessly from the floor, with nothing but the strength of my shoulders and the wall against her back to support her.

  She’s staring at me with eyes wild in confusion and lust. I’ve shocked her, and it feels f**king awesome for some reason.

  Leaning my head forward, I place a kiss just below her navel, and then stick my tongue out to give her a lick. Turning my face, I rub up against her again and murmur, “I like you like this… trussed up, suspended, and helpless. Not a damn thing you can do to stop me. ”

  I look up at her to gauge her reaction. Rather than apprehension, I see challenge as her lips curl upward at me. “Do your worst,” she whispers, and I can’t help but grin back at her.

  “Oh, I will,” I tell her as I bring my hands up over the tops of her thighs and spread her apart for my pleasure… and hers.

  The next lick I have against her… I’ll never forget. She jerks so violently that I have to grip onto her legs hard to keep her from falling.

  “Stop moving,” I warn her as I nuzzle my lips in between her legs. “Or I won’t be able to finish you off. ”

  “Asshole,” she mutters and I chuckle against her, causing her to thrust her h*ps forward from the vibrations emanating from my mouth onto her tender flesh.

  “You won’t be calling me that when I’m done,” I assure her, and then I let her have it.

  It’s the best f**king head I’ve ever given in my life, if I don’t say so myself, but then again… it’s Gabby. I want to give her the best of everything. And she tastes better than anything I’ve ever had in my mouth before.

  The effort I have to exert to keep her still and pushed against the wall is a constant battle because she won’t stop moving, but it makes me even more determined.

  My efforts pay off because it doesn’t take long before she stiffens, clamping her legs against my head and screaming out.

  “Fuck yeah,” I murmur against her, licking and sucking gently as she comes down off what I’m betting is the mother lode of all orgasms.

  She’s still shuddering when I release my hold on her and bring her legs off my shoulders, causing her to sag like a bowl of Jell-O to the floor. But I don’t have time for weak limbs. I stand up, lifting her along with me, and quickly untie the belt from around her wrists, shoving the robe off her.

  I’m so f**king hard and horny right now, I’m not sure I’ll make the short trek down the hall to my bedroom. Lifting her quickly up in my arms, I make my way back there.

  She’s limp and sated, barely able to cling onto me. I like her like this… at my mercy. Laying her on the bed, I make a mad grab for the condoms in my nightstand, fumbling to open the packet. My hands are shaking as I roll it on and when I turn to look at her, she’s staring at me with longing.

  “Hurry,” she whispers, and I think I might just perish right there from the emotion that courses through me. She’s completely wrecked and yet still wanting. What does that say about the level of desire that she feels for me? It makes me humble and thankful, and makes me want to prostrate myself at her temple again.

  Shaking my head slightly, I kneel on the bed and crawl in between her legs, which open wider for me as I pull my way up her body.

  I press myself against her, my dick coming right up against the heat that is begging me to come inside. I lay a soft kiss on her lips, and she gives me a sigh that warms me through and through.

  “Hi,” I tell her.

  She gives me a slight smile and says, “Hi. ”

  “Are you okay?”
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  “I’ve been better,” she says softly, and my protective instincts rear up violently.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask urgently, moving my hands up to frame her face.

  “I felt better about two minutes ago. I want to feel like that again,” she says with a tart smile.

  Relief courses through me, and I give her a resounding kiss. “You’re rotten, but I think I can remedy that. ”

  Before I can give her a chance to respond, I push into her without much effort because she is so wet and ready for me. We both give out identical groans from the exquisiteness of the feeling, and I drop my forehead against hers to get my bearings.

  “That feels good,” she says. I pull back and sink back in, causing her to groan again.

  “Feels amazing,” I concur.

  I start to move against her, in her. The feeling is so intense as I f**k her slowly… softly. Pulling her hands up above her head, I lace my fingers among hers and prop some of my weight on my elbows so I don’t crush her. Her legs raise up, her knees gripping along my ribcage, pulling me in deeper. We stare at each other the entire time, and it strikes me with wonder that Gabby is laying underneath my body and we are sharing in the height of intimacy between two people.

  Things are never going to be the same between us.

  I’m not sure if it’s the way our hearts beat against each other as my chest lays flush against hers, but we are in sync… our bodies marching to the beat of the same drummer. Just as I feel her start to stiffen up, just as her head tilts back and her eyes close, I feel my orgasm start to prickle deep within me. It doesn’t rush at me but rather builds like a symphony orchestra striving for their crescendo, then it crashes through me just as Gabby issues a soft cry of pleasure and starts to shudder below me.

  I go absolutely still inside of her as my orgasm shoots hot out of me, squeezing my eyes shut. I don’t make a sound or another movement, choosing instead to put all of my attention on what must be the most amazing feeling of my entire life. It seems to go on and on, and that’s fine by me. I don’t ever want it to stop, as wave after wave of bliss washes through me.

  When I’m empty. . . completely devoid, I roll to my side and pull her into my arms. I listen as her breathing quiets, rubbing her back in soft strokes.

  We lay like that for a while, listening to the rain beat down on the roof, both alone with our thoughts. I want to say something… but I’m not sure what. Things changed the minute I touched my finger to her neck, and there’s no going back. I’m just not sure how to move forward, particularly in light of Gabby’s apparent disdain for all things Hunter Markham.

  I can honestly say, though, that I’m not surprised when Gabby pulls out of my grasp and rolls to the edge of the bed.

  “I need to get going,” she says brusquely as she stands and heads into the kitchen.

  I roll out of bed on my side, taking the used condom off and tossing it in the trashcan. I follow her, finding her shrugging into my robe and looking around.

  “Gabby… don’t run off,” I say as I pull my jeans on.

  She turns to me, and her face is closed off. “Where’s your dryer, so I can get my clothes?”

  I step up to her and put my hands on her shoulders. Her gaze is averted, so I wait patiently until she looks up at me. My heart constricts when I see fear swimming in her eyes. “This was a mistake, Hunter. A huge mistake. ”

  “No way,” I disagree adamantly. “That was the best f**king thing that could have happened between us. ”

  She pulls away and steps back. “It was sex, Hunter. There are better things in life than that. ”

  Ouch… that hurt, but I really don’t think she meant that. “It was more than just sex, and you know it. We have a history together. ”

  She laughs then, and it’s bitter. “History? Yeah, we have history, but it’s not really that great of a history. ”