Hammer hated to wait that long. A glance over at Liam said he felt the same. But her pleading expression melted them. She’d said yes. After that, everything was a mere detail. “All right. Let’s at least set a date.” He pulled out his phone and launched the calendar. “August seventeenth?”

  Raine’s eyes flashed open wide. “That’s ten days after the baby is due.”

  “Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”

  Liam shook his head. “Wanker. She’ll have been pregnant for nine months. It’ll take more than five minutes for her to reclaim her body.”

  “How was I supposed to know?” Hammer threw his hands in the air. “And why the fuck do you?”

  “I’ve got a bloody brood of sisters, remember? They pop out babies like a muffin factory.”

  “Oh, my god,” Raine groaned. “Don’t ever refer to me as a muffin factory, Liam O’Neill, or you won’t be getting near my muffin for a long, long time.”

  Liam scowled. Hammer threw back his head and laughed. God, it felt so good to actually find life laughable again.

  “Okay, so what date would you like to get married, precious?” He handed her the phone.

  Before she could answer, Liam slid his hand into her hair and tugged her to face him. “Don’t ever threaten to take my muffin away again, sub.”

  He almost spoke the threat without cracking up…but not quite.

  Raine giggled, then leaned in and kissed him. “My muffin is always available for either of you, as long as—”

  Hammer slid his hand between her legs. She tensed.

  “Macen,” she hissed. “Don’t do that here or I’ll—”

  “Who gives the ultimatums, precious?”

  When his fingers danced over her cunt, she shuddered out a breath. “Like I said, muffin for you both.”

  “That’s what I thought. Now pick a date, before I lift your dress and Liam spanks your muffin in front of God and everyone in this restaurant,” Hammer threatened with a wink.

  Raine let out a tiny squeak as Macen rubbed her slowly. “Um, I don’t know. Let me think.” She turned to him. “If you want me to come up with a date, you really have to stop that.”

  He sighed noisily but withdrew his fingers. “Hurry.”

  “You’re so bloody romantic,” Liam teased.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “So if the baby is due on August seventh…”

  “I have a feeling our wee one will make an early appearance,” Liam murmured.

  She sent him a glance that asked if he was turning into his mother. When he shrugged, her eyes lit up and a broad smile spread across her lips.

  “Uh-oh, Macen. She’s got that mischievous look on her face. What?” Liam demanded.

  “How about September seventh?”

  Liam cocked his head. “Why in bloody hell would you actually remember that date, love?”

  “What? Why is that date important?” Hammer felt totally lost.

  “See? He’s really not good at the touchy-feely shit,” Liam teased. “Enlighten him.”

  “Well…” She looked adorably nervous. “That’s the day Liam arrived in LA. That was the beginning of us.”

  Macen remembered now. “That’s fitting as hell. September seventh it is. Will all your…um, will you be able to fit into…oh, fuck. I’m not asking, just going with it.”

  As they discussed the details of their big day, the food arrived. Between scrumptious bites, they continued to talk about the day they would “officially” become one.

  When the meal was through, they were stuffed, but Raine insisted they share a dessert. Soon, the waiter reappeared with a slice of mascarpone cheesecake, complete with a lit candle in the center. The other wait staff in the restaurant all gathered around their table to sing a loud and slightly off-key rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

  After blowing out the candle, he leaned in close to Raine’s ear. “When we get home, you’ll take all thirty-five of my birthday spankings.”

  She sent him an eager grin. “I almost wish you were older now.”

  “Greedy minx.” Liam chuckled.

  As night fell, the men sipped a glass of brandy, and Raine took a cup of tea while they drew in the city lights glistening below them. Macen had a feeling she was fantasizing about the ceremony of their dreams.

  He’d already skipped ahead to their wedding night.

  Blood boiling, heart racing, he threw down the napkin and tossed back the last of his brandy. “It’s time to go home.”

  “And share a private celebration in that big bed of ours, mate?”

  A wicked smile tugged at Hammer’s lips. “I thought your Spidey senses were going to disappear once your mom left.”

  “I don’t need them for what you were thinking. It’s written all over your face. In fact, I’m entertaining the very same thoughts.”

  “So pay the bill and let’s get out of here.” Raine’s voice held an edge of impatience.

  Sinking his fingers in Raine’s hair, he held her still and nibbled at her ear while Liam devoured her lips.

  “You two are killing me.” She breathed hard.

  “We’re just warming you up, precious.”

  “We’ll have you at a slow, rolling boil by the time we reach home, lovely,” Liam promised.

  Hammer eagerly thrust his hand in the air. “Waiter.”

  The three burst out laughing.

  After the valet delivered his car, Hammer opened the back door on the passenger side for Raine but wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing his erection against her ass. “Lose the panties, precious.”

  She whipped around, meeting him with wide eyes. “Here?”

  He nodded. “And now.” When Raine darted a nervous glance at the valet, he stepped in and blocked her body. “Do it.”

  Hastily reaching beneath her dress, she tugged at her thong and dragged it to her knees.

  “Stop,” Hammer commanded. “Lean in. I’ll take them from here.”

  As Raine bent into the backseat, Hammer tugged the scrap of silk down her calves and over her heels. He settled her onto the leather and shut the door before jogging around to the driver’s seat. As he sat and put the vehicle in drive, he drew her panties to his nose and inhaled deeply. His cock sprang to life, already attuned to her scent.

  Liam settled into the passenger’s seat with a grin and held out his hand. Hammer obliged by dropping Raine’s thong into the man’s palm, watching as he inhaled their girl’s tangy scent with a sigh. “Reminds me of our trip to the lodge.”

  “It does.” Hammer glanced at Raine in the rearview mirror. “As I remember, you were particularly needy that day, precious.”

  “No. I was desperate,” Raine confessed. “You two teased and tormented me relentlessly.”

  “We were giving you your first lesson in control, proving how thoroughly we could make you ache for us.”

  “I still do,” she whispered. “More than ever. Can you drive faster?”

  He could relate to the impatience in her tone. His cock throbbed, hard to the point of pain. He’d enjoy lifting her snug, wet pussy onto him and riding her fast and hard all the way home. But tonight, he wanted to spread her out on their bed so the three of them could share every spine-bending sensation together.

  He spent the drive home imagining all the dirty, wonderful ways they could make her scream. By the time he pulled into the garage, Macen’s balls were churning. He was ready to shove open his door, haul Raine upstairs, strip her naked, and drag her soft body beneath him. Instead, he controlled his carnal urges, helped her from the car, and waited for Liam. Then they half led, half carried her upstairs to their room.

  They’d barely cleared the doorway when he and Liam began doffing every stitch they wore, then set about stripping Raine. Anticipation zinged through the air as they explored her lush curves with their mouths, hands, fingers, and tongues. They exchanged dominant control over her body in effortless, fluid movements. With each clutch of her hair, pinch of her clit, or tug of her nipple, he
and Liam moved in perfect harmony.

  The beast within him stretched and yawned, slow to awaken and even slower yet to engage. Oddly, he felt as if purging his anguish and making love to Raine had tamed his inner savage. Macen wanted her like that again because he could savor her in ways he never had.

  “Your skin is so soft, lovely.” Liam trailed ardent kisses over her collarbones, easing lower to one breast.

  Hammer slid his fingers through her hair, gently tugging her head back to capture her lips. Skimming his other hand down Raine’s body, he cupped her other breast. She writhed, every move she made rocking him to the core. Her kitten-like moan hung in the air between them.

  It was as if they connected on a sharper, more potent level than anytime he and Liam had taken her before. Macen wanted to harness this sensation and hold it in his heart for all time.

  Easing from her lips with a smile, he found Liam tonguing her beaded nipple. “Does that feel good, precious?”

  “Mmm,” she barely managed to sigh.

  “How wet is she?” he asked Liam.

  His friend slid a pair of fingers between her plump folds, then gave a heated grin. “Very. She’s more than ready.”

  “Liam. Hammer,” she panted. “I want you both but…”

  They paused and exchanged a glance.

  “But?” Macen prompted.

  A hesitance settled into her tone, broke across her face. “Would you… Can we try again? The ropes, I mean. I think I’m ready.”

  Hammer studied her intently. He wasn’t sure that was a stellar idea. Not that he was afraid she’d fail. If it didn’t work out tonight, they would have a next time…and a next—until she succeeded. But they’d been on one hell of a roller coaster ride the past couple of weeks. Each one had struggled to cope with the notion that their dreams might be ending. Since that morning he’d awakened hungover and feeling left out, he hadn’t given much thought to pushing Raine’s submissive limits. And while the three of them had grown stronger during the ordeal, Hammer wasn’t in any hurry to set them up for failure again.

  On the other hand, if Raine was determined to try, could he deny her?

  Liam’s expression reflected his own concerns. This time, they’d watch her like a fucking hawk. They were prepared and knew the signs to watch for.

  “Are you sure, love?” he prodded, delving deeply into her eyes.


  Her conviction strengthened Macen. She was willing to risk falling back into terrible dark memories for them. Yes, she loved bondage…but they did, too. She knew that.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he murmured.

  “I do. I need to try but I’m hesitant because…” She sighed. “I don’t even know how to say this. I want to be with you two the way we were the other night, Macen.”

  Hammer understood. But the puzzled expression on Liam’s face said he didn’t have a clue.

  “The night you went to dinner with your parents, I made love to Raine not like a Dom…just a man,” Macen confessed. “That’s what you mean, Raine, right?”

  She nodded. “Is that even possible if you tie me up?”

  Liam looked relieved to comprehend. “Anything is possible with trust, love.”

  “I never stopped trusting you.” She looked almost horrified that either of them would think she had. “I just…in trying so hard not to think about what happened with Bill, I ignored signs. I know what to look for now. I won’t say I’ll never panic again. But we’ll all be more aware. And I know you’ll catch me.”

  Macen wasn’t sure being aware was enough. He’d worn her trust in him thin these past few months. He ached to grant her desire, chafed to prove they were stronger together than ever, but he feared she wasn’t really ready. For the first time, he was unsure whether to proceed.

  It was time they negotiated with their girl.

  “Precious, I would love nothing more than to tie you to our bed and make love to you again. But I need you to be honest. If the trust between us isn’t strong enough right now—”

  Raine looked up at him as if he’d landed on a spaceship in the front yard. “After that night you opened up about your past, I’ve never been more sure of you in my life.”

  “But I left you to Liam these past few months, ran away from you both. It’s totally understandable for you to doubt—”

  “Macen, stop assuming you know how I feel, especially when you’re wrong.” Raine eased out from between them. “First of all, I now understand why you put distance between us. My god, your wife killed not only herself but your unborn child. I can’t even let myself dwell on the fact that I came close to being another woman with a child in her womb to die on you. I wish you’d told me sooner. But if you think for one minute that I’m angry or blame you for trying to deal with your demons, maybe you’re the one who lacks faith in me.”

  Hammer stood, dumbfounded. When had she gotten this fucking strong? “Christ, I’m so proud of you, Raine. You amaze me over and over.” Macen gripped her shoulders and yanked her in tight against his chest, bending close to her ear. “And yes, we’re going to tie you up and make sweet love to you all night long.”

  “I’ll get the rope, mate.” Liam grinned as he pulled open the nightstand drawer and tossed three bundles to Hammer.

  “On your knees.” Macen turned to Raine.

  She sucked in a stuttered gasp, then lowered herself to the carpet, stunningly submissive.

  As Hammer admired her, pride exploded in his chest. “Wait there.”

  Silently, he and Liam braided the three strands of silk into a symbolic, unbreakable bond.

  When they were done, Liam smiled down at their girl. “Fucking gorgeous.”

  “She always has been… always will be in our eyes, brother,” Hammer whispered.

  Raine’s cheeks blossomed. She smiled at their words.

  Peace settled into his chest. Not only had they all saved one another, they’d managed to help each other grow, become better lovers and people. Raine was no longer the insecure, impulsive girl who expressed her anger with tantrums and petulance. In an unbelievably short time, she’d matured into a resilient, strong, self-assured woman who would fight not only for herself but those she loved.

  He was a fucking lucky man.

  “Rise and lie on your back in the center of the bed, precious,” Hammer instructed.

  She followed his command without a word. He and Liam shared a smile, then crawled onto the mattress—each an anchor at her sides. Macen laid the rope on his pillow as he and Liam glided their hands up and down her body, preparing her for pleasure. They infused her with the heat of their touch and branded the feel of their hands onto her heart and mind.

  When her milky white flesh had turned rosy and her breathing was rough, Hammer worked with Liam to thread the rope through the frame of the headboard, binding her wrists in the soft coil. They watched her intently, looking for any sign of panic or distress.

  “Talk to us, lovely,” Liam instructed.

  “I’m good, Sir.” She swallowed but nodded decisively. “I’m better than good.”

  The confidence in her voice filled Hammer with reassurance. A look of silent understanding passed between him and Liam. For now, they would take turns suffusing her with love while the other watched for signs of panic. It was the only safe, sane, and consensual way to help her scale her unpredictable trigger.

  As if sensing their concern, Raine stared up at them. “I’m fine, Sirs. I’m safe. I’m loved. I’m protected. Don’t stop.”

  “We have no intention of stopping,” Hammer promised.

  Unless you need us to.