As he exited into the hallway, he squared his shoulders and dragged in a deep breath, bolstering himself to do battle with Gwyneth. No doubt, she’d be more than stirred up when he dragged her out of Shadows, especially after her verbal spar with Hammer.

  Macen had been rattled, so their altercation must have been more vicious than even he’d let on. Juliet’s suicide was still a gaping wound in Hammer’s psyche. He hadn’t let go of the guilt. And blast Gwyneth for knowing that fact and using it against him. It was why Hammer clung to Raine so tightly, why he sheltered her a bit too much. Someday, they’d have to deal with that.

  Right now, enough was enough. Liam was ready to battle the dragon.

  Gwyneth seemed willing to do or say anything to get him back. Why? She hadn’t given a shit about him when they’d been married. And he wasn’t buying that she simply wanted to atone. She might want a family for Kyle, but why the sudden urgency? Gwyneth had known she was pregnant over a year ago. Why wait until now to decide the time had come to be a family? Why arrive in the middle of the night and demand they start their domestic bliss that moment?

  As far as he was concerned, once he dropped off this kid’s DNA swab, he’d be counting every minute of the next twenty-four hours.

  Suddenly, Gwyneth rounded the corner at the end of the hall. He cursed under his breath. She looked startled to see him, then pasted on a look of wilted relief.

  Liam frowned. Where the hell was the child? Had she left him alone in the room?

  “Oh, thank goodness it’s you.” She raised a palm to her heart, gliding toward him.

  “Why are you roaming the halls? I told you to stay put.” Liam ate up the remaining distance between them. No way would he have her near Hammer’s office—and Raine.

  “I had to find you.” Gwyneth looked ready to burst into tears. “Hammer accosted me, and the things he said… I’ve never been so insulted or humiliated in all my life.”

  “I know all about your run-in.” Liam gripped her elbow and tugged her toward the room she occupied.

  “Only Hammer’s side of it. I’m begging you to hear me out.” She sucked in a deep breath, clearly preparing to launch into a tirade. Then her whole body stiffened. “Liam, I… How could you do this to me?” she gasped and covered her offended nose. “You reek of sex.”

  “Damn good sex, in fact,” he quipped as he propelled her down the far hallway and pushed her into the bedroom, barely resisting the urge to slam the door.

  Glancing toward the bed, he saw the baby playing safe and sound with his plush toys, still surrounded by pillows. For the love of god, if Kyle was Liam’s flesh and blood, he’d have to do something to protect the lad from his inept mother.

  “Pack your things,” Liam ordered.

  Gwyneth jerked from his grip and spun to face him, somehow managing to look both horrified and betrayed. “I came all the way from London to tell you about your son and confess that I still love you. And you…you just…” She reached out for him, curling her fingers around his shoulders, entreating him. “Liam, she’s not for you. I’ll take care of all your needs.”

  He shrugged her off. I’d rather become a eunuch.

  “Anything you desire. Everything. I’m here for you. Don’t do this to us!” she sobbed. “I know if you’ll give us another chance that—”

  “You had your chance. Stop your bleating and move,” Liam growled.

  “That tart you and Hammer are f…” She hesitated as if biting back the f-bomb. “Sharing. Perhaps she’s fun to play with, but you need love. An immoral slut can’t give you that.”

  With every fiber of his body, he wanted to defend his lass. But Liam knew Gwyneth too well. Doing that would only put a bigger target on Raine’s back.

  Liam didn’t reply, just narrowed his eyes and jerked his chin. “Do as I say. And make sure you get everything because you’re not coming back. Then gather up the baby. You’ve worn out your welcome here.”

  “Where are we going?” Gwyneth blinked, wiping at her tears.

  “I’ve arranged a condo for you and the boy for a couple of days.” He bent to fold up the playpen. “You even have a view of the ocean.”

  Gwyneth stared up at him with seeming devastation. “Don’t stow us away like forgotten baggage. Stay with us.”

  “I have a life, Gwyneth.”

  “But…” she stammered and glanced over her shoulder toward the baby. “Don’t you want to spend time with your son? Get to know him?”

  “If he’s actually my son, I will. Now start packing or I’ll do it for you.”

  “At least let Kyle have some playtime—”

  “Don’t try me,” Liam warned.

  “This is Hammer’s doing, isn’t it?” She pursed her lips into a flat line. “He’s angry that I rebuffed his advances.”

  “What?” Liam stared at her as if she must be crazy.

  “Yes, your best friend—the man you share that woman with—he…touched me.” She shuddered. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. He pushed me against a door and…” She dissolved into trembling tears. “I barely escaped.”

  If Hammer had touched her at all, it was to play games with her head. Obviously, it had worked. Liam wanted to tip his hat at his friend.

  “Well, then, let’s get you far from Hammer. He won’t be able to bother you at the condo.”

  “I’m shaken. I-I can’t seem to gather myself. I need you to hold me.”

  “You’ll pack up and come with me now, or I’ll forgo the condo altogether and take you and the boy straight to the airport. We’ll let our lawyers sort out this mess.”

  “Liam, please. Listen to me.” She shook her head imploringly. “I never once considered putting lawyers between us. I don’t want money or documents about parental rights. I want a full life for Kyle. I want my son to have his father. I want my husband back.”

  Gwyneth might be singing a different verse, but it was the same song. He’d grown weary of these lyrics.

  “I’ve told you more than once that until a paternity test tells me I fathered that boy, I don’t believe you. And I don’t care what you feel for me.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks. “I brought our son here to show you that I love you and I’ve changed. W-when did you become so heartless?” She thrust her hands on her hips. “This is Hammer’s influence. He’s leading you down a terrible path of emptiness and depravity. My love can save you.”

  Her “love” had already fucked his life up once. The thought of giving her the chance to hoodwink him again…no. Even being near her now made him crave a shower.

  “I’m giving you sixty seconds, Gwyneth. Get your shit together or I’ll be dragging you out of the club empty handed.”

  She opened her mouth to argue. Something on his face must have convinced her that was unwise. She snapped it shut and began shoving her belongings into a designer suitcase. Kyle’s things she tucked into the diaper bag. When she scooped up the baby, he started fussing.

  Gwyneth shot Liam an icy glare. “If you’re satisfied, I’m ready.”

  Repressing a smile, he snatched up her suitcase and the playpen, then led them down the hallway, toward the front door. As they passed the bar, Seth turned, coming face-to-face with Gwyneth. Sauntering into her path, he flashed her a cynical smile.

  She didn’t return it. “I might have known you’d be here, too.” Turning to face Liam, she flashed him a look of pity. “Obviously, you’ve been lonely since our separation. I can’t think of any other reason you’d surround yourself with your most debauched friends. My poor Liam…”

  He rolled his eyes.

  Seth just laughed. “I’m doing well. Thanks for asking, Gwyneth. I wish I could say that it’s good to see you, but I could go another hundred years without the privilege.” He turned to Liam. “You finally getting her the fuck out of here?”

  “I am.”

  “Hot damn. We’ll throw a party. After the exorcism, of course.” With a smirk, Seth sidestepped Gwyneth and continued down t
he hallway, whistling as he left.

  She stared after him for a moment, then turned back to Liam and shook her head mournfully. “Oh, Liam. I should never have left you.”

  “I’m so glad you did.”

  He all but pushed Gwyneth out the front door. Having her in a common area worried Liam. Hammer should be occupying Raine now, which distressed him for other reasons. But even if Macen couldn’t control his beast, she’d be safer with him than with Gwyneth.

  Once outside, he raised his key fob to unlock the doors of his Escalade. After tossing her suitcase and the playpen into the back, Liam closed the hatch, then turned to find Gwyneth staring at him with a wounded expression.

  “Well, looky here.” That familiar voice turned him to stone. “It’s the slick Mick who’s fucking my daughter.”

  Liam whirled to see Bill strolling toward them across the car park.

  “Get in the car, Gwyneth,” he demanded.

  His ex-wife froze and stared at Bill. Why didn’t she ever bloody listen?

  Liam didn’t have any more time to insist again before he stepped in front of Gwyneth and Kyle to glare at Bill. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Just paying you and Master Pervert a friendly visit.” Bill leaned and settled his stare on Gwyneth, undressing her with his eyes. “Is this another kinky whore you tie up and beat? She sure is pretty.”

  Gwyneth gaped indignantly. “How dare—”

  “Shut up,” Liam snapped, wanting to slam Bill’s teeth down his throat. No woman should have to endure Bill’s vile nature. And his protective instinct now extended to Kyle. “Get in the bloody car.”

  “Did you knock this one up?” Bill winked. “Good job. Maybe you’ll plant a seed in Raine’s belly soon, too. I’ve always wanted to be a grandpa. I think I’d make a good one, don’t you?”

  “So you could try to rape that child, too?”

  Bill waved him away. “Don’t make me out to be some villain. Master Pervert popped Raine’s cherry when she was underage.”

  Liam surged forward and lunged in Bill’s face. “Hammer never touched—” No, he didn’t owe Raine’s father any explanation. Nor would Bill believe the truth. Blood boiling, he shoved a finger in the old man’s face. “Turn around and leave while you still can, Kendall.”

  “Does my daughter know you’re fucking this blonde, too? ’Cuz I’ll bet Raine will get pissy if she finds out you’re shoving your deviant dick into this beauty’s juicy cunt,” Bill taunted gleefully, then turned to Gwyneth. “It is juicy, isn’t it, honey?”

  She clutched Kyle tighter to her chest and glanced nervously at Liam.

  “Get in the bloody car, Gwyneth,” he growled. “Now!”

  Finally, she scurried into the backseat with the baby, then quickly shut and locked the door.

  Liam narrowed his gaze on Kendall. For the hundredth time, he wondered how the sorry sack of shit had had any part of making their beautiful Raine.

  The violence Liam wanted to unleash on the man scared him. He’d seen the photographs of the abuse this animal had heaped on her. It made him crazy that Bill continued to breathe. Liam had to beat back the urge to fix that.

  “Did you think Hammer was kidding when he said he’d put a bullet in your head? I’d be happy to do it in his stead. Turn the fuck around and leave. You won’t get another warning.”

  Bill plucked a toothpick from behind his ear, seemingly unconcerned, and picked at his tobacco-stained teeth. “I ain’t going anywhere without my money.”

  Cold fury poured through Liam. “Your money tree has dried up, old man. Fuck off.”

  “I don’t think so. You two don’t get to plow my daughter every which way for free. If you freaks want to keep boning Raine… Well, Hammer has been paying for the pleasure since she was seventeen. You two will have to keep paying.”

  With a roar, Liam snapped and grabbed Bill by the scruff of his grimy shirt. As he slammed the devil against the SUV, the car rocked. Gwyneth shrieked. Kendall’s mouth fell open in shock, the toothpick tumbling from between his lips. His face turned red, making the scar Raine had slashed across his cheek look even whiter.

  “She’s not a whore,” Liam spat. “And the thought of you trying to be her pimp is revolting. If you talk about the woman I love like that again, I will kill you myself.” Liam dropped Kendall to his feet.

  The man scowled at him furiously. “Pay me. Or you’ll all be sorry.”

  Finally, the shitbag skulked across the parking lot, heaved into his truck, and pulled away.

  The wind ruffled Liam’s hair, holding a bit of a nip. He dragged in the air, hoping it would cool him down. No such luck. He prided himself on being a man in control. Bill Kendall made him want to strip away his civility and murder the miscreant with his bare hands.

  As he rolled out of sight, Liam scrubbed a hand down his face, then yanked his phone from his pocket. He fired off a text to Hammer about Bill’s visit, as well as his threats. He also advised Macen that Gwyneth was clear of the club before tucking his mobile away.

  Liam closed his eyes. When is this bloody day going to end?

  Forcing himself to carry on, he climbed into the driver’s seat. At least delivering his ex-wife to Beck’s would mean one fewer problem.

  He glanced in the rearview and spied Gwyneth’s pale face. He suspected she’d heard every word of his exchange with Kendall, especially since the window beside her was open an inch or two. Hammer must have left it cracked. Liam muttered an inward curse.

  Swiveling in his seat, he turned to see his ex buckled up with Kyle still clutched in her arms. She looked honestly shaken.

  “Are you both all right?”

  Gwyneth remained silent for once.

  Liam frowned. He didn’t know much about babies, but he’d watched the telly. “Do you have a car seat for the boy?”

  She froze. “No. I… The airlines lost it. They promised to call me when they found it.”

  Liam gritted his teeth. “We’ll stop and get one, then. He isn’t safe otherwise.”

  With a curse, he started the engine and pulled away from Shadows.

  Two blocks later, Gwyneth cleared her throat. “Is that horrid man actually the father of the woman you and Hammer share? Is Raine her name?”

  “I won’t discuss her with you—ever. She’s none of your business.”

  “I’m on your side, Liam. I found that man positively frightening.”

  “Drop it,” he warned.

  She ignored him. “I hope that man’s psychotic tendencies didn’t pass to his daughter.”

  Liam gripped the steering wheel so tightly his fingers turned white. He bit back a vicious roar.

  Gwyneth cupped his shoulder. “We’ve both made mistakes, haven’t we? I’m more than willing to forgive yours, darling.”

  He shrugged off her touch. “Don’t bother. And I told you, I’m not your darling.”

  She sent him a pouty expression. “I don’t understand. You were so distraught by my unfortunate lapse of judgment, yet you seem perfectly content to let Hammer defile Raine, whom I gather you care for. Why is that? Is she with him now?”

  He tensed. Jealousy rolled through his belly in a horrifying wave. Liam knew he had to control his irrational urge to hoard Raine for himself or he’d lose her.

  “I finally see what’s going on.” Gwyneth seemed to measure her words. “You’re looking for some solace or belonging in this wanton relationship. But you can’t possibly love a slut you share with Hammer. Thankfully, Kyle and I are here to rescue you. We’ll give you the true happiness you’re searching for.”

  Liam tried hard not to let his anger override his sense. But if she called Raine a slut one more time… Only a few more miles, and he’d be rid of her.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  “I am.” Liam glared at her in the rearview mirror. “Trouble