“Damn it, Macen,” Liam cursed impatiently.

  Hammer clenched his fist. No fucking way he could wait now. He needed to finish this, annihilate her defenses, remind her who she belonged to.

  Cock in hand, Macen impaled her again in one long stroke. She thrashed between them, pinned, immobile, helpless. He fucking loved it.

  “Help.” Tears welled in her eyes. “I’m on fire. The burn is…too much.”

  “That’s exactly how we want you.” Hammer reared back and plunged deep again, sending her grinding up and down on Liam’s cock. “Burn hot and high for us.”

  “I am,” she gasped. “Oh, god, I am.”

  With a grunt, Hammer unleashed the last of his restraint, plowing into her at a blistering pace. Their skin slapped. Sweat broke out at his temples, between his shoulders. His whole body coursed with need. Raine closed her eyes with an animal cry, working between them. Liam’s length rubbed his own through the thin barrier of her skin, back and forth.

  Hammer grabbed her hips, snarled, bent his knees to work deeper. A low, guttural cry tore from her chest, and he relished the sound.

  Now. Hammer didn’t refuse his inner beast’s demand.

  As he drove fast and hard into Raine, she yelped and she tossed her head from side to side. Hammer hovered over her, bracing his palms flat on the mattress. With every plunge inside her, her breasts bounced in his face. He bit and sucked at her.

  Beneath them both, Liam shuttled Raine up and down his cock, a frown creasing his face. Raine’s eyes were closed, but her mouth split wide open in a silent scream. Grinding into her, Macen tried to work deeper than his last stroke, deeper than ever, plant himself inside her forever.



  “Who do you belong to?” Hammer seethed out the words between clenched teeth as he fucked into her tight walls again.

  “You and Liam, Sir,” Raine panted, grinding her hips against them.

  “Yes.” His fingers tightened on her thighs, and Macen knew they’d leave bruises on her fair skin. He loved the idea. His next hard thrust felt impossibly deeper. “Ride your Masters’ cocks. Feel our power and strength surging into you.”

  “I feel it. I feel everything!”

  “We own you, precious. All of you.”

  Hammer bit her breasts again. Her screams filled the air. He snarled in satisfaction.

  “Macen,” Liam snapped.

  Hammer blinked and found his friend glaring in a furious scowl. His eyes narrowed. Liam better not be killing his buzz.

  “A bit easier, mate,” Liam insisted. “Let’s make sure our girl knows she’s loved.”

  Darting a glance over Raine’s smooth, writhing flesh as Liam rocked inside her, Macen caught sight of the red imprints of his teeth stamping her. He spied even more at the arch of her mound and inside her thigh. The Dom inside filled with pride, but the man winced. Fuck, they were christening the house, cementing their bond, not using her to the fullest. Tender Raine was new to being shared. And as a fresh submissive, she wasn’t ready to be anything near a slave he could brand at will. She might never be.

  Hammer looped the chain around his inner beast’s neck and yanked hard. He withdrew, leaving only his crest throbbing inside her as he tried to catch his breath, slow his thoughts.

  What was it about Raine that drove him to the brink of insanity? He’d marked Juliet before, numerous times, but never compulsively. Not with the intensity Raine conjured inside him. What the hell did that mean?

  “No!” Raine struggled, screamed. “Don’t you dare stop. I need more. I need you both now.”

  Macen wanted to give Raine what she begged for, felt need breathing down his neck. But he’d also asked Liam to keep him in line and not let him break her.

  Sweat ran in rivulets down his chest. He eased inside her gently, panting, undecided. He flicked a questioning stare Liam’s way.

  “It’s all right, brother,” Liam reassured with a nod. “Let’s let our girl fly. What do you say?”

  “Yes!” Raine broke free of Liam’s hold and pressed his palms over her breasts. “I need you both. I’m dying without you…”

  Liam pinched her nipples. Raine’s soft kitten moan brought Hammer back to the present. Yes. They needed to set her free, then follow her into ecstasy.

  Focused on Raine’s pleasure, Hammer rocked into her, finding a steady rhythm that alternated with Liam’s. When he glided his thumb over her clit once more, Raine sighed blissfully.

  With every stroke, he picked up the pace. The sounds of their flesh slapping accompanied by Liam’s grunts and Raine’s whimpers echoed in the cavernous room. The musky scent of sex surrounded them.

  As she clutched and released his driving shaft in impending climax, tingles shot up his spine. He tossed his head back, jaw tight, and roared at the searing ecstasy burning through his bloodstream.

  He might not be marking her at the moment, but the memory of those he’d left now and the first time he’d taken her to bed rolled through his mind. Nothing like knowing Raine looked as if she belonged with him… Even the thought was decimating his self-control.

  “Say the word, man,” Hammer rumbled. “I’m on the edge.”

  “Right there with you,” Liam assured, his voice low and torn, as he squeezed Raine’s breasts and thrust up beneath them. “Oh, love… You feel so perfect. I don’t want this to end. But you’ve brought us to our limits. Are you ready?”

  Raine clawed at Liam’s arms. “More than ready.”

  “You want it?” Hammer knew she did, but he craved hearing it again.

  “Yes!” she croaked.

  Macen gritted his teeth and staved off his need to come for just a moment more. “Tell us how much.”

  Her eyes flew open. Her pools of blue had darkened. Her expression speared him with fire that shot straight to his balls. “I fucking need this. Let me come for you. God, let me…”

  “Do it,” Liam barked. “Come. We want to feel you. I’ve got to have it.”

  As soon as Raine climaxed, she would drag him over the edge with her.

  Beyond eager to feel the painful, exquisite death of this sweltering demand, he bellowed as he drove inside her again.

  “Now!” Hammer commanded her.

  Her body seized on their cocks, strangling so tight he couldn’t move or breathe. Fuck yeah. Blackness swam in his vision as he tried to delve deeper into the molasses grip of her cunt. Rapture gripped him by the balls, squeezed his heart, and flattened him with a steamroller of pleasure even as he soared into a blinding, piercing euphoria he’d never experienced.

  Oh, he’d never get enough of this.

  Liam let out a ferocious roar as he pumped into Raine from behind while she spasmed around them, her velvet walls fluttering and clutching, and howled out her release in an endless hoarse cry that echoed even after she fell silent.

  As the three of them lay, panting and sweating, in a tangled heap, Hammer floated back to earth one boneless limb at a time. He loved the feel of her body, steaming and lush, pressed against him. He felt dead and yet more alive than he’d ever felt in his life.

  “Holy crap,” Raine gasped, sounding dazed.

  Liam fought to catch his breath. “What the hell just happened? I only thought I’d had my mind blown before.”

  “No idea what that was,” Macen added, skimming a palm down Raine’s thigh. “But I can’t wait to do it again.”

  “Amen.” Liam laughed.

  Raine giggled. “I’m going to love playing house with you boys.”

  Telling himself he’d remind her soon that he wasn’t a boy at all, Hammer wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her with him, slumping to the bed on his side. Liam turned in tandem as Raine slowly opened her eyes. Love, pure and unfiltered, reflected there. Hammer felt Liam’s hot breath spilling over her shoulder as he cupped her breast.

  “We love you, Raine,” Liam whispered in her ear.

  “Forever,” Hammer added solemnly.

  A s
oft, contented sigh slipped from her lips as she closed her eyes. “I love you both, too.”

  One at a time, they eased from inside her. Liam rolled out of bed first, returning with a warm washcloth. Hammer stood and watched for a moment as his pal cleaned her off with such gentle reverence. Drugged by contentment, Hammer sauntered to the bathroom, trashed the condom, and returned to join them in bed.

  As their bodies pressed together, Liam skimmed his hands over her soft flesh. Raine smiled softly. Hammer tugged a strand of her hair and watched as she forced her heavy lids open, peeking up at him beneath her dark lashes. Christ, she was beautiful.

  “Yes?” she croaked.

  “We haven’t forgotten your earlier rant…” he began, biting back a smirk. “Fourteen fucks, one damn it, one bullshit, one regular shit, and you called me an ass.”

  “Tsk, tsk, Raine,” Liam added.

  Raine blinked. “But I was—”

  “A very bad girl,” Liam scolded in her ear. “We’ll have to broaden your vocabulary and work harder on your communication skills.”

  She arched a brow as she peered over her shoulder.

  Hammer expected her to toss out some smartassed comeback, but he tugged on her hair, cutting her off. “Don’t go there.”

  She barely managed not to roll her eyes. Life with her would never be easy, but then…anyone could do easy. Hammer lived for a challenge. Raine would give him one every day.

  “There will be repercussions, lass,” Liam warned.

  “Yes.” He yawned, suddenly feeling twice his age. “But not right now. This feels too good. But soon. Very soon.”

  Raine let out a low moan just as a cell phone began to ring. Hammer felt Liam tense.

  What the fuck now?

  If Gwyneth was calling to cause more shit, Hammer would drive to Beck’s place and set the bitch straight for good.

  Raine rose up on one elbow as Liam rolled out of bed. Macen could see the anxiety crawl across her face.

  He pulled her to his chest and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t worry, precious. If that’s Gwyneth, she won’t get the chance to hurt you again.”

  She tensed as Liam pulled out his phone.

  Confusion wrinkled the man’s forehead as he pressed it to his ear. “Beck?”

  * * *

  Liam pressed the phone to his ear and closed his eyes, rubbing at them with his thumb and forefinger. Every time the damn phone rang, something else fucked up was about to happen. “What’s going on? I thought you’d be in surgery.”

  “Me, too. The hospital in Cleveland took the donor off life support, but apparently the patient is hanging on. They’re anticipating another eight hours or so. Looks like the surgery might not happen until tomorrow. So I went back to my condo.”

  That rattled Liam. “My ex-wife is there.”

  “Right. I was focused on getting some decent sleep, and I’d forgotten.” Beck hesitated. “What a hellacious, stick-up-her-ass—”

  “I know.” Liam sighed. “Neither Seth nor Hammer can stand her. Raine had the misfortune of running into Gwyneth earlier. It didn’t go well. We’ve been…talking about it since.”

  Beck chuckled. “With your pants off, I’ll bet.”

  In fact, Liam wasn’t wearing a stitch now, but he didn’t admit that. “The baby is swabbed. I doubt he’s mine, but when I prove that tomorrow, I’ll move my ex-wife out of your place and put her on a plane back to London. I know it’s an inconvenience, but I’ll gladly put you up in a hotel room tonight.”

  “No worries. I’ve got a house to crash in, man. The condo is just for convenience. But that’s not why I’m calling. When I met Gwyneth, she was rocking Kyle and crying. And behaving like a shrew, but she was worried, and I digress… Anyway, once I proved my medical credentials, she let me examine the kid. I’m no pediatrician, but something is definitely wrong. He’s running a fever and throwing up green. We’re at the emergency room now. I hate to ask this of you, especially since you don’t think this is your kid, but I have to get some shut-eye before this surgery, and she’s falling apart.”

  “And you want me to come there?” Liam challenged, then rolled his eyes.

  “I think it’s a good idea.”

  Liam was so bloody exhausted. A decent meal and a night in bed with Raine and Hammer were all he wanted. But Gwyneth was in an unfamiliar hospital, surrounded by strangers in a city she’d never visited. Even if Kyle wasn’t her son and she lacked mothering instinct, she still seemed to care for him on a basic human level…maybe more. Would he want to be stuck alone in a waiting room, pacing the floor, anticipating news that might come in five minutes or five hours?

  That sounded like the worst torture.

  Yes, he’d wanted to humiliate Gwyneth, but that didn’t mean he wanted anything to happen to the boy. And maybe, if she was truly shaken, her defenses would be down and he’d finally get some answers.

  “I’ll be there in less than thirty.”

  “Thanks,” Beck said.

  “Thank you for taking care of Kyle and letting me know.”

  When they hung up, Hammer glowered, appearing as if he’d like to grind his teeth into dust. Raine had gone quiet.

  “You have to go,” she murmured, clearly wanting an explanation and not asking.

  Was she so disappointed that she wouldn’t ask? Or was she trying to show him her trust? Liam wished he had time to puzzle through it now. Nothing was more important to him than Raine, but damn it if life hadn’t prevented him from having the time to make certain she felt emotionally secure.

  “I do and I’m sorry about dinner,” he said with regret, dressing as he explained the situation.

  She opened her mouth, then closed it. He thought for sure she’d clam up and force him to drag an answer out of her, but she surprised him.

  “Kyle is a baby. Whether you’re his father or not, he needs someone to champion him.”

  “I’m not going because I want to,” Liam swore.

  “I know.” She nodded solemnly, and he believed she did.

  He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I don’t know how long I’ll be. The emergency room is never quick.”

  Hammer wrapped an arm around Raine’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of her. Don’t worry.”

  That set his mind at ease…mostly. He worried about Raine crawling down another mental black hole. Thankfully, she wouldn’t be alone, but then he worried about Hammer’s tendencies as well. “I’ll do my best to be back shortly.”

  “But…” She bit her lip. “You haven’t slept or eaten enough. I’m worried about you.”

  Liam’s heart softened at her words. Raine’s submission showed so well here. She wanted to take care of the people she loved—feed and nurture and ensure their wellbeing. She’d make an amazing mother someday, and he couldn’t fail to notice the contrast to Gwyneth. He’d been praying Kyle wasn’t his son mostly so that he didn’t have to parent with his ex-wife. But taking in Raine’s soft concern while standing in the house they’d soon share, he hoped someday that he and Hammer would fill her belly and these bedrooms with their children.

  He wondered how Macen would feel about that after losing a pregnant Juliet…

  “They have a cafeteria, love.” When she would have objected, Liam laid a finger over her lips. “Granted, it’s not your cooking,