her tart, tangy taste. Then he flattened his tongue and swiped over her lush folds and all the way up to the small of her back.

  Raine squealed and bucked, panted and gasped. He pinned her in place with a wide palm splayed across the top of her ass to still the writhing roll of her hips.

  He rounded the spanking bench and bent until they were face to face. “More what?”


  “I can do that, sweet sub,” Hammer assured before he gripped her hair and took her lips in another savage kiss. He drank down every ounce of her surrender, letting it fill all the empty places inside him he’d never allowed another sub to touch.

  Tapering away, he released her hair and stood. She relaxed on the bench now. His chest expanded, and a potent rush of power blasted through him. Fuck, he wanted his whip—his go-to toy. He knew he could kiss her with it so sweetly and send her flying. But she’d asked him not to use it, and he wouldn’t betray her trust.

  Clenching his jaw, he strode to the back of the bench again. The scent of her feminine musk filled his senses and lingered on his tongue like a drug. Lovingly, he brushed his fingers over the imprint of his slap. The mark still stood visible but blended beautifully with the warm, reddened flesh of her backside.

  Dominance. Control. Peace.

  Drawing the flogger back, Hammer landed the heavy falls across her pale flesh in a steady, throbbing rhythm again. And again. And again. Time lost all meaning, measured only by each deliberate stroke and the subtle jerk of her body.

  Her soft moans echoed around him, coalesced in his brain, and pulsed through his body. Each second sharpened with crystal clarity, magnifying the rising energy inside him. Nothing else mattered. No one else existed. Time stood still for this one moment.

  “Tell me where you’re at?” Hammer asked, his voice rough and husky.

  “In the clouds,” Raine sighed, her tone laced with serenity.

  “Go farther, precious. Sail past the stars,” Hammer demanded softly. “I’ll bring you back when it’s time.”

  As he continued to strike her ass with the wide falls, he looked for any signs of distress and found none. Her ass was a pretty red. Neither her hands nor feet looked purple. All good.

  Her dreamlike moans amplified his senses. Hammer reviewed the scene—what he’d done, how she’d responded mentally, emotionally, physically. Though he still focused on her with a keen hyperawareness, Raine no longer reacted to the flogger landing on her flesh.

  He’d never taken her to subspace before, and the power she’d willingly ceded ignited every cell in Hammer’s body. He held tight to the priceless trust she’d placed in his hands and fought the urge to slide out of his own head, into Dom space. Once he’d learned the submissive in her well enough, after he knew her every reaction… Yes, then he’d slide into his own delicious place and fully consume her power as he sent her even beyond the stars.

  That day would come. Soon.

  “Are you still with me, precious?” he murmured, watching her eyes gently flutter.

  “Yes,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “That’s my beautiful girl,” he praised.

  Sending the flogger over her already fiery red flesh, he could feel her slip away almost as tangibly as if she slowly released his clutching hand.

  “She’s gone,” Seth finally murmured softly.

  “Excellent.” Hammer smiled but didn’t stop.

  Mesmerized by the give of her flesh beneath the falls and the deepening red of her backside, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He’d given her what she needed, had crafted a quiet place inside her mind where she could escape the chaos.

  Keeping her suspended in that peaceful euphoria as long as he dared, Macen finally laid the flogger aside.

  Staring at her welted flesh, he fixated on the slick cream coating her pussy. Raine called to every primal cell in his body. She had surrendered herself mind, body, soul—and it still wasn’t enough. He needed more.




  Bending, he kissed the hot flesh of her ass, felt the throb of it beneath his lips. The need to feel her soft pussy surrounding his cock had him gritting his teeth. Not here. Not yet. He’d enjoy the razor’s edge of need just a bit longer. When she was ready… Oh, he’d gorge on her.

  Tormenting himself further, he uncuffed her ankles, then laved the rippling welts across her skin. He tasted her heat, gently bit into it, before begrudgingly lifting his lips from her blistering flesh.

  Hammer stood and moved to the front of the bench and quickly freed her wrists. Raine still didn’t move—didn’t flinch—even when he brushed his fingers over her cheek and through her hair.

  Placid and free, she floated in the safe haven of subspace, somewhere far away from everyone, especially Gwyneth and the problems the bitch had wrought.

  Like a slow-rising wave, pride rolled over Hammer. He’d taken her there, dissolved her worries and fears, and given her the sweet gift of peace.

  His chest expanded. He couldn’t suck in air fast enough as he breathed through his urge to let loose a primal roar. Instead, he clenched his jaw and gently lifted his limp beauty from the bench.

  As he turned, he was almost startled to see the crowd still gathered, still staring, approval all over their faces.

  Cradling Raine close to his chest, he held her for a long moment, simply gazing at the peace on her face. Then Hammer turned and walked out of the dungeon, intending to bring her back gently and sate a few cravings of his own.

  * * *

  Beck met Liam in the car park and ushered him through a doctors’ entrance that led to the emergency room. As they walked the maze of corridors, he updated Liam on Kyle’s progress.

  “I don’t really know more than what I said on the phone,” Beck offered. “But like I said earlier, we give priority to babies, especially when they projectile vomit green and we can’t find any obvious cause.”

  Liam didn’t like the sound of that. “So it’s serious?”

  “Could be a sign of a liver problem or a twisted stomach,” Beck replied. “Both can be deadly in infants if they aren’t caught early enough. Those are worst-case scenarios, of course. Hopefully, it’ll turn out to be something more benign, but we won’t know without further testing.”

  Deadly? Liam staggered at that news. “Where are Gwyneth and the baby now?”

  “Kyle is with a nurse having blood drawn. Mom was agitated and disrupting treatment, so security escorted her to the waiting room.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Liam shook his head.

  Beck rubbed at his chin. “Just for the record, I haven’t decided yet if your ex is merely a drama queen or just fucking crazy.”

  “As a loon, mate. I’m all but convinced I never really knew her.”

  “Well, she’s a looker. I’ll give her that much, but I wouldn’t fuck her—and that’s saying something.” Beck grinned.

  It was. “Do you think Kyle will be all right?”

  “Honestly?” He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Poor little guy. And I thought I was having a rough time of it.” He raked a hand through his hair, feeling as if he’d repeated the motion all day.

  “And it will probably get rougher. His doctors will likely insist that Kyle get a barium bottle to test his upper gastrointestinal tract. It won’t be pleasant, but the test is vital if there’s a blockage.”

  “So we could be here for a bit, then?”

  “I’m thinking so. I’ve pulled strings where I can, but it’s a busy time, and the labs are backed up. The tests simply take a while. And this is where I leave you. Just carry on to the end and turn right. You’ll see the waiting room. Gwyneth’s in there. I need to get out of here and sleep, at least for a few hours.” The doctor clapped him on the shoulder. “Later, man.”

  “Thanks, Beck. I’m in your debt.”

  As the other man waved him off and disappeared into an elevator, Liam found the waiting r
oom. He pushed the door open and spotted Gwyneth pacing by the window and wringing her hands, obviously distraught.

  When she turned again and caught sight of him, she rushed over in a soiled T-shirt and jeans, then threw herself in his arms. She smelled terrible.

  “Oh, Liam. Thank god you’re here. I’m so worried and fatigued. I’ve had no idea what to do, the name of a doctor to call. I would have rung you, but after this afternoon, I didn’t think… Then that surly man came…” She looked close to dissolving into tears.

  “Steady, Gwyneth. Take a seat and tell me about it,” he soothed as he took her elbow and led her to one of the chairs in a corner.

  There was only one other person in the room, but zero privacy.

  Liam waited until she finally settled herself into a chair before dragging another to face her. He dropped into it. “I’m glad that Beck stopped by his condo and could help.”

  “Yes, I am, too. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful.” Gwyneth started wringing her hands again. “I’m just so worried.”

  He laid his palm over her fingers and squeezed. “Tell me what’s happened with the lad.”

  Gwyneth sniffled. “After you left, Kyle developed a fever. He’d been listless and fussy most of the afternoon. But when he woke from his sleep, his nappy was dry. He felt hot. Next thing I knew, he started vomiting green everywhere. I-I didn’t expect it. He doesn’t eat much more than formula, so I didn’t know…” The tears started up again. “I tried everything I could think of. I rocked him. I sang to him. I wrapped him in cool cloths. I even tried to smash up crackers and feed him some. I’d just decided to call an ambulance when Dr. Beckman walked in. You know the rest.”

  “Crackers?” Liam looked at his ex-wife as if she finally had lost her mind. “That’s what you thought to give a vomiting baby?”

  “I thought it would soothe his stomach. It works for me. I didn’t know what else to try. What do I know about babies?”

  Maybe the truth would finally come out… “You are his mother, aren’t you?”

  She avoided his probing stare, reaching for a box of tissues on the table beside her, and blew her nose daintily. Back ramrod straight, she flew out of the chair to the rubbish bin. Rather than return to her seat, she resumed pacing.

  “Gwyneth?” Liam refused to let her ignore the question.

  “I-I…” She turned back to look at him, a flush staining her cheeks. She gave an exhausted sigh. “Liam…”

  With just one word, Gwyneth asked him for mercy he didn’t feel.

  He cocked a brow at her. “Tell me.”

  With slow, reluctant steps, she crossed the room to him again. “Oh, bugger it all.”

  He remembered hearing exactly this tone of voice after he’d caught her cheating. His hackles rose. “Sit. Explain. Now.”

  She took her seat again, squirming gingerly to avoid sitting on the cheek where he’d paddled her, and reached out to pat his knee. Their gazes tangled, and she must have seen that he’d reached the end of his patience.

  Gwyneth drew her hand back. “I’d like to start by saying I never meant this situation to get quite so out of hand. But…Kyle isn’t your son.”

  Liam fought back a smile of triumph. “We didn’t actually have sex after the damn benefit that night in New York, did we?”

  “When I suggested you come to my hotel room, you didn’t say no. But you passed out just after you took off your trousers.” And she looked put out about that.

  Relief hit him square in the chest. Good to know he didn’t have to disinfect his dick again. “Kyle isn’t your son, either. Is he?”

  “No.” She took up her hand wringing again. “He’s Kitty and George’s.”

  “Your sister?” She’d just married as he and Gwyneth had divorced.

  The puzzle pieces of her deception began to slot into place. She’d developed this elaborate ruse and manipulated him. And she’d destroyed Raine’s piece of mind. For what? Liam couldn’t yet comprehend her purpose.

  How could he have ever believed he had feelings for this selfish, miserable bitch?

  The anger he’d tamped down earlier heated from a slow simmer up to a roiling boil.

  “You’re so void of a conscience that you’d deceive me about fathering a child? You’ve got some fucking nerve. After the way I found you cheating, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you lack a basic understanding of what’s right and wrong.” He stood abruptly, shoving his balled-up fists into his pants pockets.

  In another corner, the other person in the waiting room cleared his throat and hurriedly left.

  “Oh, Liam…” She sniffled. “Don’t be angry. Give me a chance to explain. Then you’ll understand.”

  Liam swung back to face her and fought for control. “No, I won’t. What the bloody hell is wrong with you, Gwyneth?”

  “With me?” Nose red, eyes swollen, she stabbed her finger at him. “What about you? You’ve let Hammer corrupt you and become a vile pervert.”

  Coming from her, that was almost a compliment.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what you think of me. But you destroyed every shred of feeling I ever had for you by treating the woman I love with such contempt.”

  “That ill-kept guttersnipe? You’ve come down in the world. She’s a—”

  “Be very careful about the words you choose.” His voice went frosty with warning. “Another insult and I won’t be responsible for what happens.”

  Liam strode away from her to calm his thoughts and pulled out his phone to give Raine and Hammer the good news. Naturally, his battery was dead. Fuck.

  She approached him from behind. “I’m sorry. I’m distraught, not thinking clearly. You have no idea what I’ve been through.”

  “It’s of your own doing,” he reminded in a rough tone.

  He wanted to say more, but the man who’d left the waiting room returned, wiping water from his lips and sending them a sideways glance.

  “I didn’t mean any harm,” she insisted. “I just needed you to marry me again for a few weeks.”

  Liam barely managed not to choke. “Marry you? Again? You’ve gone fucking mental. I bloody well learned my lesson the first time.” He grabbed Gwyneth by the wrist and hauled her back to her chair. “Why would you think I’d agree?”

  “Well, I didn’t mean forever.” She gave him a petulant frown. “I thought if I dropped my knickers and enticed you again, you’d enjoy it. And I’d inherit a company worth a billion pounds.”

  His jaw gaped open. Now he knew she was mental. “What are you yapping about?”

  “My father is dying. He’s been trying to decide whether to leave his company to Kitty or me. Of course, we’d both inherit money, but he said he’s still choosing which one of us to leave his business.”

  Liam still couldn’t discern where he fit into this scenario, but one question smacked him in the face. “What do you know about running a company, especially one that size?”

  “Nothing.” She bit her lip and paused, as if just realizing that practicality. “But I’ve already lined up a cash-rich buyer. Kitty foolishly thinks she should run it herself. If she’s going to be that ridiculous, she doesn’t deserve anything.”

  Liam perched on the edge of his chair. “And what does all this have to do with me?”

  “Well…Daddy thought you kept a firm hand on me and was more than a teensy bit upset by our divorce. To inherit the company, I have to prove I’m ‘responsible and less impulsive.’” She dropped her voice, mocking the elderly man. “Because apparently droning out her vows to an insipid idiot and spitting out a kid makes Kitty dependable. Anyway, my father said that he’d leave control of the business to me if you and I remarried. Other than sex, I had no idea how I was going to convince you to take me back…”

  That was Gwyneth logic. Nothing she did should shock him