Seduced By My Doms

  The Doms Of Genesis – Book Five

  By Jenna Jacob

  Coming early 2015!


  “Is there a full moon tonight, or what? This is beyond crazy,” I mumbled, sidling up next to Cindy—best friend and supervisor—at the nurses’ station.

  She didn’t take her dark eyes off the patient chart she studied, but nodded in agreement. “It’s balls to the wall, that’s for sure. Oh, and Dr. Reynolds just informed me, EMS is en route again. E.T.A. is six minutes.”

  The Emergency Room of Highland Park Hospital, where Cindy and I worked, had been filled to capacity since my shift began at noon. The entire unit had been hopping with patients suffering minor ailments to filled trauma bays after a six-car pile up on the Interstate. We’d barely had time to utter more than a few words to one another all night. The waiting room was still packed with no end in sight.

  “Somebody needs to take away the baton from whoever’s leading this parade.” I grumbled, waiting for the printer to spit out discharge papers for a six year old with tonsillitis.

  “They will, in two more hours when it’s time for shift change.” Cindy laughed then quickly sobered. “Hey, if you’ll keep an eye on my patients in two, six, seven, and fourteen, I’ll take the guy that’s coming in.”

  Though Cindy’s offer seemed benign, my suspicion spiked. She never passed off her patients and the concern lining her face, made me even more wary. She wasn’t telling me something, but what?

  “Who are they bringing in, the Pope?” I joked, hoping she’d spill the truth.

  “No. A bunch of drunk frat boys decided to beat the shit out of some guy.”

  “Piece of cake. Let me drop these papers off to my patient in twelve and prep the trauma room,” I offered. “My guy in three is being admitted, and my woman from eight is down in x-ray. They’re so swamped, she won’t be back for another hour or so.”

  “I said I’d take care of the new guy.”

  Cindy’s tone was unusually short, and I shot her my best, ‘bitch, please’ look.

  “I’m sorry,” she amended with a heavy sigh. “Just cover my patients for a bit, okay? I’ll take them back as soon as I can.”

  “What is it about this patient coming in that you think I’m not qualified to handle?” My voice held a bitter edge as I scowled at my bestie. “An hour ago I was sopping up blood from a dude who nearly cut his leg off with a chain saw. I think I can handle a guy who’s been in a fight. Unless you’re suddenly questioning my abilities, in which case, I find your lack of confidence in me insulting”

  “It’s not that you can’t handle it, Liz. It’s that I don’t want you to.”

  “Why not?” I countered.

  Cindy wrapped a soft hand around my elbow. Her dark eyes swam in a pool of apology and compassion. “Liz, you’re an amazing trauma nurse. I’ve never once questioned your skills. They’re impeccable. This isn’t about the job. It’s about you. I love you, and I don’t want you dealing with what’s coming through that door. Can’t we just leave it at that?”

  “No, we can’t. What is it you think you have to protect me from? Christ I’m thirty-one years old. I’ve been a nurse longer than most of the doctors doing rotation here.”

  She exhaled a heavy sigh as a look of resignation settled over the delicate bones of her pretty face. “The guy they’re bringing in is gay. He told the cops that a bunch of homophobic assholes beat him up. From what I hear, he’s in bad shape.”

  My heart lurched to my throat. Swallowing tightly I tried to detach my personal emotions from my professional duties. Digging deep, I squared my shoulders. “I appreciate your concern, but you don’t need to coddle me. Just let me do my job, okay?”

  As I turned on my heel to walk away, Cindy gripped my arm tighter. “Liz, you’ve been through hell and back, after Dayne…” She closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

  “Killed himself? Yes, I know.” Simply saying the words brought a rush of anguish so bitter and hot, I clenched my jaw to keep from howling.

  “Take my patients. Please. Let me deal with the beating victim.”

  I shook my head. “No. I need to do it. I have to. For Dayne’s sake as well as my own.”

  Cindy frowned and nodded defeat. “If the ghosts get too real, come get me. I’ll take over for you. Understood?”

  With a weak smile, I nodded. “Don’t worry. They won’t.”

  The double doors swung wide as the paramedics wheeled in a thin, young man covered in blood.

  “Bay one,” Cindy called out. We both raced into the room followed by other members of the trauma team.

  Racing into the room, other members of the trauma team poured in behind us. In a familiar and well-choreographed ballet, we moved around each other seamlessly, easing the patient from the gurney to the bed. While other nurses cut off the young man’s clothes, Dr. Reynolds and I started assessing the man’s injuries. A paramedic’s read from the run sheet while Cindy frantically took down the information. Listening, I made a mental note of the victims vitals while trying not to notice the patches of blonde hair—not covered in blood—was the same color of sun-bleached wheat as Dayne’s had been. So were the young man’s aqua blue eyes.

  Don’t go there. Focus. This isn’t the time or place to mourn Dayne.

  Running an IV, I took a new set of vitals, watching as Reynolds’s poked and prodded checking for internal injuries. The patient’s face was swollen and bloodied. He had a large contusion on his forehead and a deep laceration over his right eyebrow. Blood oozed from his nose and lips, and he had a gash above his ear that looked to be about eight centimeters long. The chicken-shit bastards had worked the poor guy over well.

  Doctor Reynolds pressed under the young man’s rib cage. The victim screamed in agony.

  “Hang in there, sweetheart,” I assured in a calm voice. “We’re going to get you fixed up. Tell me your name.”

  “Ever,” he murmured.

  I gently lifted his split top lip to find both front teeth missing. His gums were bleeding badly. So was the deep laceration on the side of his tongue.

  “Evan?” I asked, leaning in close.

  “Trevor,” he sobbed. “I want Dadddyyy.”

  About Jenna Jacob

  Bestselling Author Jenna Jacob's erotic romance comes from the heart of submission. With over twenty years experience in the dynamics of the BDSM lifestyle, Jenna strives to portray Dominance and submission with a passionate and comprehensive voice. Her stories will make you laugh, cry, and may leave you with a better understanding of the fulfillment found in the BDSM power exchange.

  A married mom of four grown children, Jenna and her husband lives in Kansas. Her passions include her family, reading, camping, cooking, music, and riding Harleys. She loves to make people laugh with her outgoing and warped sense of humor. If you're looking for hot romance with a kinky twist, pick up one of Jenna's books.

  Connect with me online:


  E Mail: [email protected]

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  Twitter: @jennajacob3


  Also from Jenna Jacob

  Click to purchase

  The Doms Of Genesis

  Embracing My Submission

  Masters Of My Desire

  Master Of My Mind

  Saving My Submission

  Coming Soon:

  Seduced By My Doms

  Doms Of Her Life (by Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob, and Isabella LaPearl)

  One Dom To Love

  The Young And The Submissive

  The Bold And The Dominant

  Coming Soon:

  The Edge Of Dominance

  The Diva And The Dom

  By Isabella LaPearl

  Coming Soon!

  “Do you really believe that I can just walk away from you?” His fingers trailed softly up the length of her spine sending a shiver of need pulsing through her again.

You’ll just have to. I haven’t anything else to offer you.” Cristina shifted to glance back at him over her shoulder, taking in the hard muscled length of his body and wished helplessly for a different outcome. She turned away with a sigh and made to get up. His warm palm in the center of her back stopped her, yet the languid pool of ecstasy from his lovemaking that had drugged her limbs and evaporated her senses had dissipated. The spell of intimacy between them was irrevocably broken.

  “I won’t allow what we have to end like this, Cristina. Dammit, listen to me. I need to see you again.”

  David’s harsh tone gave way to gentle coaxing. Seven little bites of temptation that tugged at her aching heart, willing her to heed him, as she had his every command of her body.

  She concentrated instead on the surf beyond the open doorway, listened as it pounded rhythmically against the shore. Drew deeply of the salty air, savoring the clean fresh scents of the sea and turned her head toward the faint cries of the gulls.

  It was so peaceful here.

  Even as every part of her insisted that somehow, in some way, this magic between them didn’t truly have to end—another part of her already mourned its passing. The timing was wrong, that was all. Somehow their souls had miscalculated, and they’d missed their divine opportunity. Despite that, this meeting of mind, body, and spirit had been inevitable, no matter their wants, they’d both already chosen their respective paths and now they had to follow them.

  Prolonging the agony was pointless. Sighing regretfully, Cristina rose from the bed and silently dressed. His accusing stare did nothing to change her mind.

  And yet despite the years that would pass between this moment and next, a part of her she never gave to another remained with him and the stolen hours they’d shared in that little shack by the sea.

  About Isabella LaPearl

  Isabella LaPearl is a New Zealand-American author of erotic romance. She loves to spin a good yarn and word paint a picture into life. One Dom To Love, The Young And The Submissive and The Bold and The Dominant are her first full-length novels.

  Connect with me online:


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  You Only Love Twice

  Masters and Mercenaries, Book 8

  By Lexi Blake

  Coming February 17, 2015!

  Click here to pre-order.

  A woman on a mission

  Phoebe Graham is a specialist in deep cover espionage, infiltrating the enemy, observing their practices, and when necessary eliminating the threat. Her latest assignment is McKay-Taggart Security Services, staffed with former military and intelligence operatives. They routinely perform clandestine operations all over the world but it isn’t until Jesse Murdoch joins the team that her radar starts spinning. Unfortunately so does her head. He’s gorgeous and sweet and her instincts tell her to trust him but she’s been burned before, so he’ll stay where he belongs—squarely in her sights.

  A man on the run

  Since the moment his Army unit was captured by jihadists, Jesse’s life has been a nightmare. Forced to watch as those monsters tortured and killed his friends, something inside him snapped. When he’s finally rescued, everyone has the same question—why did he alone survive? Clouded in accusations and haunted by the faces of those he failed, Jesse struggles in civilian life until McKay-Taggart takes him in. Spending time with Phoebe, the shy and beautiful accountant, makes him feel human for the first time in forever. If someone so innocent and sweet could accept him, maybe he could truly be redeemed.

  A love they never expected

  When Phoebe receives the order to eliminate Jesse, she must choose between the job she’s dedicated her life to and the man who’s stolen her heart. Choosing Jesse would mean abandoning everything she believes in, and it might mean sharing his fate because a shadowy killer is dedicated to finishing the job started in Iraq.

  A Masters and Mercenaries Novel by Lexi Blake

  * * *

  Jesse pushed through the double doors, his whole being surprisingly calm. This was what he needed. He’d been sitting in his office waiting for her to wake up, thinking about how he would