Macen, you son of a bitch. What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Despite their audience, he’d been ready to tell Raine everything and let the chips fall. But Hammer had wrested control of the situation—again—forcing Liam to either refute him in front of Raine or join the subterfuge.

  Liam felt the noose tightening.

  If Hammer managed to fuck up their relationship beyond repair… Liam’s hands curled into fists. The prick would have to die.

  Swallowing back the curse scalding the tip of his tongue, Liam ignored the guilty apology skewed over Hammer’s face and focused on Raine. She looked somewhere between concerned and relieved.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that?” Compassion filled her voice. “I worried that—”

  “I know what you worried about. Trust me when I say it’s not you. Never you, love.” He cupped her chin and gently kissed her. All the tension left her body as she melted beneath his lips. “I didn’t want anything to spoil this time between us, especially after all we’ve been through. I’m sorry if I worried you.”

  Wrapping her in a tight embrace, Liam tossed Hammer a glare that promised retribution. Macen might have embroiled him in this deceit, but Liam would be damned if he’d spoon-feed Raine lies of his own.

  “I understand,” she said softly, pulling back to cup his cheek. “I want to help.”

  Wasn’t that just like Raine? The submission in her heart sparked to life, big, bold, and beautiful. It was her nature to want to fix this for him, take on his worries, and keep the waters calm. He loved her all the more for it.

  “Just be patient with me while I sort out this mess. Like I’ve said, this is something I need to deal with. But I promise, I’ll rush through it as quickly as I can. Nothing is more important than you.”

  “Nothing in the world,” Hammer echoed, drawing a knuckle down Raine’s cheek. “We’re here for you, precious.”

  Cupping her face, Macen drew her attention away from him. In a way, Liam was grateful. Raine was sure to ask more questions, and there wasn’t enough room in the car for him to tap-dance around the details. On the other hand, talking to her had felt good, eased something in his chest.

  “I need your lips again,” Macen cut in, coaxing her in a raspy voice.

  Liam saw her hesitate. Clearly, she wanted to make sure he was all right. His attitude softened, and he nodded her way. If Hammer could soothe their girl with a kiss, he shouldn’t mind. In fact, he should be happy.

  Raine smiled, the gesture finally reaching her blue eyes, before she turned and faced Macen.

  Liam watched the other man brush his lips over Raine’s, making her melt and sigh. Then Macen dipped his head again, covering her mouth, going deeper. Taking control.

  As he funneled his hands in Raine’s hair and began to devour her, Liam stared. Hammer was doing exactly to Raine what they’d forbidden her to do: distract with sex. Cheeky bastard.

  The soft kitten moans she made as Macen claimed her mouth echoed in Liam’s ears. The sounds filled his head and crawled up his back. Hammer knew he had a fair bit on his mind. Liam hadn’t objected to a peck or two, but he wished the man hadn’t elected to stick his tongue down her throat and bloody climb all over her.

  He shot them an annoyed glance. Neither noticed. Hammer caressed his way down her lush body with covetous, possessive strokes. A tic spasmed in Liam’s jaw. The shit piled on his plate already overflowed, and Hammer appeared to have forgotten that Raine was their girl, not just his when his hand fell between her soft thighs, nudging them apart. And he didn’t look as if he intended to stop at a feel. Did Hammer really mean to fuck her in the car?

  Liam’s blood boiled.

  Macen stroked her pussy with one hand, then began to cup her heavy breasts with the other. Raine continued to whimper, oblivious. A shudder rippled through her body as the other man’s thumb brushed one of her turgid peaks. After all the ways they’d consumed her the night before, her body still responded in perfect, total surrender—at least for Hammer.

  Because she’d always loved him. Misery wound through Liam. Where did that leave him?

  I don’t need your love, lass, just your trust.

  Liam slid a hand down his face. He’d uttered those words to Raine a month ago, before he’d even kissed her once. At the time, they’d been true. Now he wished he’d never said that at all. Maybe she would never feel for him all she felt for Hammer.

  Raine’s thighs parted farther, welcoming Macen’s busy fingers. Resentment seared Liam as Macen tugged at her tank top and her plump breast spilled into the man’s palm as if it belonged there.

  “You need to feel this,” Hammer coaxed Liam. “She’s so hot…like liquid velvet. Just as incredible as last night.”

  Yes, Liam remembered her wet, silky warmth surrounding him, sucking at him. She’d taken him to paradise repeatedly. But his anger over Gwyneth’s scheme, the fear he might be a father, and now Hammer laying his hands all over Raine obliterated those magical moments. They were both so lost in pleasure.

  No, you go right ahead. Neither of you need me when you’ve got one another.

  Beck darted a glance in the rearview mirror, straightening up slightly and lifting his chin, focused on Hammer’s strumming fingers. Seth suddenly tensed as if he’d zeroed in on the sexual air swirling in the car.

  Shifting in his seat, the big blond man looked over his shoulder, his gaze settling on Raine’s splayed thighs barely covered by the skirt. “Damn. That’s pretty. Smells good.”

  Liam wanted to punch his friend in the mouth.

  “It’s not yours,” Hammer growled.

  Liam’s gut twisted. Who the fuck was Macen talking to? Just Seth? It didn’t seem that way. At the moment, Raine didn’t feel like his at all.

  Clenching his teeth, he turned away to stare out the window. His body hummed with frustration and suppressed fury. Every little catch of her breath stabbed him deep. At the scent of her hot, feminine arousal, jealousy burned like acid.

  “Spread wider for me,” Hammer muttered thickly.

  “Liam,” Raine moaned in a breathy whisper.

  He turned and watched her squirm in her seat, wanton and desperate, uninhibited. Raine had opened herself utterly to Macen, so Liam didn’t answer. What could he say? She didn’t need him. And he didn’t need her pity.

  Hammer grunted in approval as he kissed her and swallowed her moan. Liam watched as Macen planted his fingers deeper in her pussy. Raine reached out to clasp Liam’s hand and lift it to her breast as if pleading for his touch. Desire snaked through his veins. No denying she had beautiful breasts, and he’d like nothing more than to work his way deep inside her again. But he’d be damned if he’d be a third wheel. An afterthought.

  Liam let his hand slide back to his lap and shifted his body, separating himself even farther from the lovers. He focused out the window once more.

  “Are you ready to fly for me, Raine?” Hammer teased.

  Not for us, asshole. Just for you. Liam gritted his teeth.

  “Yes. I need…” she panted out, struggling to catch her breath.

  Clearly, she would have no trouble orgasming without him.

  “Beg sweetly, and I’ll give it to you,” Hammer promised.

  “Please. But I… Liam?” she called to him again.

  He flinched, pretending not to hear. Why were they bothering now?

  “Shh, he’s fine. Straddle my lap, precious,” Hammer muttered, his voice thick with lust.

  “Wait, Macen.” Raine gasped, rustled. “Just…stop. Don’t!”

  “What?” Hammer sounded like he struggled to catch his breath.

  “Liam?” she called to him again. “What’s wrong?”

  Oh, so it finally matters to you two that I’m here?

  “I’m not in the mood.” He tried not to snarl the words.

  Hammer sighed heavily. “For fuck’s sake…”

  Liam heard the whisper of fabric, as if Raine readjusted her clothing. Still, he didn’t turn to look at them
; he couldn’t. Scraped raw, he tried to breathe, grab a hold of his temper. No such luck. It continued to pulse, white, hot, and unrelenting.

  So they hadn’t actually fucked in the car. Small bloody comfort. How much longer before he could get out of this rolling torture chamber and put some distance between them? The road signs told him it would be longer than he’d like.

  Holding in a curse, he glanced over his shoulder to find Hammer staring at him with something that resembled fury. Liam opened his mouth to let his rage fly, when Macen zipped his stare down to Raine. Liam followed suit.

  The rejection in her posture—the way she hunched her shoulders protectively, head down, arms wrapped tightly around her middle—ripped at his heart. The sweltering resentment bubbling in his veins evaporated instantly. He’d turned her away, and now she tried to hide in her own skin and shield herself from the pain.

  Bloody fucking hell. Liam felt as if someone had hit him in the chest with a battering ram.

  He’d done this to her. And why? Where had all this ugly envy come from? It wasn’t as if Raine cheated on him with Hammer. Yet he wallowed in betrayal, like the night he’d collared her…and she’d left him to spend it in Hammer’s bed. The only difference was that now Hammer intended to screw Raine in front of him instead of behind his back.

  He knew what sharing a sub meant, and Raine was the epitome of everything he’d ever wanted. So why had he needed to exercise all his self-control not to beat Hammer to a pulp and rail at her? Had he really thought they didn’t give a shit about him? Christ, he had enough to deal with. He didn’t need to add more torment to the list, especially self-inflicted.

  All he wanted in that moment was to hug Raine close, feel the warmth and comfort of her soft and sure in his arms. With his pride so wounded, he didn’t know how reach out to her. And after hurting her, did he even deserve to?

  Hammer cleared his throat. Liam met his friend’s gaze. Understanding flickered before Macen arched his brows and nodded toward her. The message was clear: Fix the damage he’d done to their girl’s fragile heart.

  Seeing her so completely withdrawn gutted him. He couldn’t indulge in this pity party. He wasn’t the only one with feelings, troubles, and worries. As her Dom, his job was to give Raine what she needed. Right now, that was reassurance. Liam loved her too much to let her believe he didn’t want her.

  Groaning, he gathered Raine into his arms. She held herself stiffly as he cradled her against his chest. Then she blinked up at him with an ache that nearly destroyed him.

  “I’m sorry for being an ass, love,” he murmured.

  With a cry, she threw herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She clung. Little sobs shook her.

  Combing his fingers through her hair, Liam held her tighter, rubbing her back and kissing her face. “I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?”

  Raine sniffled and nodded, gripping him as if she feared he would disappear—or leave her. Remorse stabbed him again.

  Beck weaved the SUV through the congested Southern California traffic as Raine drifted off in his arms. Without her cries, the car went completely silent. Liam felt waves of disapproval coming from every direction. He closed his eyes, knowing he’d earned it. What the devil had gotten into him?

  When Shadows finally came into view, the sight filled him with dread. He didn’t want to let Raine go. He didn’t want to face his ex-wife.

  He didn’t have a choice.

  Beck killed the engine. “Welcome home.”

  Chapter Three

  Let the games begin.

  Hammer glanced down at Raine. Thankfully, she still lay sleeping peacefully in Liam’s arms. He really wanted to slam his pal against the nearest hard surface. Evidently, Liam hadn’t purged his jealousy via his fists last night. Instead, he’d let his cheating ex crawl up his ass and flip his switch again. Hammer didn’t want to disturb Raine until Beck and Seth were ready to lead her safely inside. Then…all bets were off.

  “Hold tight. I’ll be right back. Then we’ll wake her together.” He tamped down his anger to whisper to Liam before tapping Beck and Seth on the shoulder. Jerking his head, Hammer motioned the other two to join him outside the car.

  They each opened their doors and exited, shutting them softly, then clustered behind the vehicle.

  Hammer turned to Beck. “Do you have time to bring us a DNA kit before your surgery?”

  “Yeah. I can swing it. It should only take an hour or so. Once the lab has the swab, I’ll have it rushed through so you’ve got results in less than twenty-four hours.”

  “That would be great. I owe you. Thanks.” Hammer kept his voice low, hoping that by this time tomorrow, they would have concrete answers.

  So they would know whether their future was fucked.

  Sighing, he glanced at Seth. “While we were en route, Gwyneth spied and found Liam’s room—and Raine’s things inside.”

  “It would be my pleasure to hurt her,” Beck volunteered with cheer.

  Hammer smiled, appreciating a little comic relief. “I’d enjoy watching. Hell, I might even help. Sadly, there’s no time for fun. Liam is going to remove the bitch from my club, so I plan on taking Raine out for a while until the coast is clear.” He faced Seth again. “For now, I need you to escort her to Liam’s room so she can shower. In the meantime, he and I will talk to Pike and get the scoop.”

  “No problem,” Seth assured. “While you two are gone, I’ll make some calls and see if I can dig up any info on Gwyneth’s recent activities, try to find out who else might have fathered that baby and what she’s been up to.”

  Seth’s skills as a private investigator would be an asset, and Macen was in favor of anything that would make her go the fuck away.

  “Much appreciated.” Hammer nodded. “Before we bring Raine inside, would you go in first and make sure the she-beast is contained? We don’t want her springing any nasty surprises on Raine.”

  Seth chuckled. “No problem. I’m not sure anyone can hold Gwyneth back with a whip and a chair, but I’ll try. Oh, maybe I could use a tranq gun instead?”

  “If I had one, Pike would have already emptied that bad boy in her,” Hammer drawled. “Let’s get the car unloaded and get this nightmare over with.”

  Beck hauled out the luggage as Seth ducked inside the club, then emerged a minute later and gave Macen a thumbs-up.

  With a little sigh of relief, Hammer opened the passenger door. Liam greeted him with a grim look of determination before he gently roused Raine. She rubbed her eyes as she eased off of Liam’s lap. Hammer helped her from the car.

  “Why don’t you go inside and take a long, hot shower?” he suggested, ushering her across the parking lot. “I’ll take you to breakfast.”

  “That sounds heavenly,” she moaned, then glanced back at Liam, who followed them. She looked like she wanted to say something more, but Beck sauntered up with a suitcase.

  Seth grabbed his own duffel and followed close behind. “Come on, little one. We’ve got your things. Let’s get them to your room.”

  Liam held the door to the club open. She reached out to touch him, sending a hopeful gaze his way. “Are you coming to breakfast, too?”

  “I’d love to join you, lass. But I’m afraid I need to tend to some matters.”

  Disappointment weighed in the heavy fall of her shoulders. The anger Hammer had been shoving down at Gwyneth’s untimely return sparked to life again.

  “I’ll square everything away as quickly as I can so I can spend time with you.” Liam smiled, as if his earlier burst of jealousy had never occurred. “I promise.”

  “I hope it doesn’t take too long.” Raine stared at him, so raw and yearning.

  God, Hammer wanted nothing more than to drag the two of them away, find a place where they could block out the rest of the world, and solidify their future.

  He felt it slipping through his fingers.