Page 5 of All I Want Is You

  “Please don’t make a fuss. I…I don’t need anything.” What she needed was Jack.

  Nina perked up when there was a knock at the door, hoping it was him coming back for something. She answered it only to find a massage team, fully equipped with table and a cart full of products.

  “Mrs. Spears?”


  “We’re here for your spa appointment.”

  “Sure, why not.” Nina opened the door, and rolled her eyes before following them inside.


  Jack was using a small meeting room as his command center on the ground floor.

  “Come on, George, a five-star resort and you can’t get me fireworks clearance?”

  “I assure you we are working to resolve the issue as fast as we can, but as an alternative we can have our banquet crew do sparklers.”

  “Look, I really don’t mean to come off like an ass, but my wife is worth more than some sparkler dance. I need fireworks.”

  “We will do everything we can,” George said.

  “How much is the fine if we set them off without the firefighters here?”

  “I—I’m not sure we can do that.”

  “I get that. But what is the fine if it happens?” Jack asked.

  “Sir, I can’t…”

  Jacks alarm on his phone sounded.

  “Hold that thought.” Jack dialed Stacey. “Hey, is Nina done with her massage.”

  “Looks like they’re just finishing up,” Stacey said.

  “Okay, I’m sending up some snacks now and your racks, cute stuff by the way.”

  “Thank you. I aim to please.”

  “Now one thing you have to know about Nina is that she’s thrifty. Tell her you found everything for a great deal and bill me for anything she likes. Even if she says no, you can pack it in the suitcases I have down here and she’ll get it when she gets home.”

  “Roger that. Gotta go.”

  Jack hung up. “Okay, George, send the first platter up. Make sure she has some nice cold water, and don’t forget the truffles.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Jack checked the time on his phone again. He had two more hours before he’d meet her for lunch and still so much stuff to do. He had to check out the private dining room and the terrace, and most importantly the menu. Jack made the reservations sight unseen and had forgotten to request a special menu for the Nina. He had to ensure everything was made according to her diet.

  “The suit,” Jack said to himself. He unpacked it to check if it needed pressing while he waited for George to return and paused when he realized he still had Nina’s toiletry bag. He checked his watch. She should’ve taken her pills two hours ago.

  “Shit.” Jack grabbed the suitcases and made a run for the door.

  Chapter 7

  Nina’s mood darkened by the minute. She wanted to be alone but it seemed like there was a new person coming through the door every ten minutes with fruit, or water, or racks of clothing. Darbie had assumed the role of door monitor. “You got another one,” she said as she entered the bedroom with a large gift box.

  It seemed Jack had gifted her with everything short of a puppy. Nina removed the large pink bow and box lid to find a collection of photo albums with a note. “A place to store your memories,” she read aloud.

  “Aww, how sweet,” Darbie said as Amelia and Stacey searched their racks in the hallway.

  “Here it is. I thought this would look amazing on you tonight,” Stacey said holding up a long red evening gown. Beading and crystals covered the strapless dress, making it shimmer with every move. It was beautiful, but all Nina wanted at that moment was to talk to Jack. She knew he had the best of intentions, but this wasn’t her. Nina wondered if she collapsed face down on the bed if they’d take the hint.

  Stop being dramatic, she thought. “It’s…really nice,” she said.

  “Nina?” Jack called and Nina’s heart stopped. She rushed out of the bedroom to find him out of breath and digging through a suitcase in the middle of the floor.

  “I forgot your pills.” He retrieved her prescription bottles from her toiletry bag and handed them to her.

  Nina looked at the clock. She hadn’t been paying attention of the time. “It’s okay.”

  His wheezing and red face concerned her. “Come sit down. Did you run up here?” Amelia helped her pull him up and guide him over to the couch.

  “Here’s some water,” Darbie said handing Nina a glass.

  “Thank you. Thank you all for your help.”

  “We’ll give you two a minute,” Stacey said. “Come on girls, we’ve got a dress now we need to figure out everything else.”

  Jack downed the glass of water as the girls left the room. Nina retrieved a pitcher of ice water from the crowded dining table and refilled his glass.

  “Take the pills,” Jack said in between breaths. Nina sighed and took her pills, knowing he wouldn’t calm down until she did.

  Jack sat back, taking in a few deep breathes and rubbed his head. He tried his best to keep strong face for everyone else, but Nina could tell when he was panicked.

  “Jack, I’m all right,” she said kissing his cheek. “Have you even eaten anything?”

  The curious look on his face was a definite no. Nina fed him some of the meat and cheese from her platter until he started to look a little better.

  “I’m supposed to be the one taking care of you today,” he said kissing the back of her hand.

  “Jack, I—” She wanted to tell him the truth, but she didn’t want to seem ungrateful or hurt his feelings. “Can I have my phone?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m sorry. I didn’t even know I still had it.”

  His alarm sounded, and Jack kissed her on the cheek. “I’ve gotta go, but I’ll be back in two hours.”

  Nina lowered her head to hide her disappointment.

  “Hey,” Jack said lifting her chin to get a look at her face. “That’s not a happy face. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Nina faked a smile. “I just—miss you.”

  “Oh,” Jack sighed with relief and pulled her up from her seat and into his arms. “Don’t you worry; we’ll have plenty of time alone tonight, okay?”

  Nina nodded. She could suck it up for a few more hours.

  “Now make sure you shop until you drop, Stacey is a wonder when it comes to good deals.”

  “I will. Hurry back.”


  Nina felt a lot better having spent a few moments with Jack, and she tried to make the best of her over-the-top surprise.

  “Ready to view the rest of the rack?” Stacey asked.

  “Sure.” She tried her best to fake some enthusiasm

  Nina followed her back into the room.

  Chapter 8

  Jack was already late for lunch, they were still waiting on clearance for the fireworks, and now the chef was giving him problems.

  “Look, it’s my fault for not putting the request in earlier and I get that, but we’re here now, and all I’m asking for is one special plate for my wife.”

  “Then maybe you should take her to another restaurant. I don’t do substitutions,” the chef said.

  Jack had to fight to keep his temper in check with this puffed-up asshole. “Look, I’m not asking for a substitution, I just need a separate meal for her. She has heart disease. All I’m asking for is a clean meal, nothing fried, nothing dairy. Just a nice seared fish and steamed vegetables will do.”

  “And now you’re giving me a menu? I am not some short order cook. Do you think they named this place after me for nothing? I will not compromise my vision for any guest. End of discussion.”

  “George!” Jack called as he stepped away. He’d had enough with this resort and with Chef Boyardouche.

  “Good news. We got a firefighter to come in on his night off so your fireworks have been cleared,” George said, beaming with excitement.

  “Well, we won’t ne
ed them if your chef can’t cook something acceptable for my wife to eat.”

  “I never eluded that I could not. I simply refuse,” The chef replied.

  “Do you know how much I paid for this private dinner?” Jack asked, well beyond his breaking point. Nina was waiting for him, his final gift was stuck in traffic, and his was starving. Jack never thought a special day for Nina would be so stress-inducing, but he kept reminding himself of why he was doing this.

  “I am so, so very sorry Mr. Spears,” George said after the chef threw up his hands and went back to prepping. “The chef is more than happy to prepare a more health conscious alternative for you and your wife.”

  “Oh really? You sure he won’t spit in it.”

  “I assure you it will be every bit as delectable as our reviews have stated.”

  “How are you going to get him to change his mind?”

  “I have my ways of getting what I want,” George said looking quite proud.

  “Well, thank you. Now I can finally enjoy lunch with my wife.”

  “My pleasure. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.”

  Jack got a glimpse of the terrace on his way out, but the chain on the door caused him to pause.

  “Whoa, what is going on there?” He pointed to the door.

  “Just our seasonal maintenance. We like to strip the paint and give the patio a new coat once a year.”

  “In February? Isn’t it your busy season?”

  “Yes, but the cost is more favorable and the extended drying time gives the paint a more weathered look.”

  Jack handed George his card. “Call me and I can beat their lowest price at the time of year of your choice. But for now we have a problem.”

  “What is that?”

  “My wife and I are supposed to be standing there to see the fireworks.”

  “Oh…oh, dear. I am terribly sorry Mr. Spears. Please allow me to show you the other terraces, perhaps there is another we could use.”

  “No there isn’t. Are you forgetting the permit for the fireworks, we can’t just pick a new spot on a Saturday afternoon. God, this whole day is turning into a nightmare.”

  “We will find a solution, I promise you.”

  Jack paced the floor, staring at his phone. Nina had already texted him twice, asking where he was.

  “Let me see how bad it is,” Jack said.

  “Right away, I’ll just go grab the key.”

  George ran off and Jack strangled with the air in front of him. He approached the French doors and got a closer look at the unfinished patio. He closed his eyes for a second to gather his thoughts, which were interrupted by George’s return. “Found it!”

  George removed the padlock and chains and Jack stepped out onto the dark and lifeless space.

  “Grab a pen and a pad. We’re gonna need a few things,” Jack said as he looked over the railings.


  Nina had been waiting for Jack for nearly an hour with no answer to any of her texts. She let out a loud sigh.

  “I’m sure he’ll be here any minute,” Stacey said for the sixth time.

  Nina pushed back from the beautifully decorated table. “I’ve lost my appetite. Please help yourselves to anything you like. I think I’ll take a nap.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to look at more shoes?” Amelia asked. “That always makes me feel better.”

  “Maybe later. I could use some rest.”

  Nina entered the bedroom and closed the door. She hated herself for feeling so miserable when Jack had planned such a special day. She grabbed a box of tissues and sat in the center of the bed, already sensing her tears. No matter how much she reminded herself of Jack’s love and generous gift, Nina couldn’t shake feeling upset. Yes, it wasn’t her ideal way of celebrating, but compared to her past she should’ve been kissing Jack’s feet for loving her this much. What she needed was some perspective, which Angie was always good for.

  “Hey Superstar, how’s the big surprise going?”

  “It’s…nice,” Nina said followed by a sniffle.

  “Nina, are you crying?”

  “No,” Nina muttered unable to hold back her tears. “Okay, a little.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m just screwed up. Jack planned this whole day for me, and I haven’t been able to enjoy a single second of it.”

  “Really, you looked like you enjoyed the band to me.”

  “Okay, well, maybe not everything. The band, limo, and helicopter ride were nice.”

  “The what?”

  “I thought you knew.”

  “No, Jack wouldn’t tell me anything. Where did he take you?”

  Nina searched the room. “Michel Resort.”

  “Oh my god!”

  “That’s not all. I have ladies, five of them,” Nina whispered. “They’ve been here all day showing me designer clothes and shoes and bringing me water. There’s a whole glam team waiting to do my hair. I had a masseuse team come in earlier to give me a massage and facial.”

  “Okay, and what’s the problem, because I’m about five seconds from being jealous enough to hang up.”

  “I haven’t seen Jack all day,” Nina’s tears returned. “We were supposed to have lunch but he never showed. I just feel stupid. I know I have nothing to be upset about.”

  “Nina, you’re not stupid. Sounds to me that you might be a little disappointed.”

  “But I have no right to be. I’ve been trying to put on a smile and fake my way through it, but I honestly just want to go home.”

  “Then tell Jack.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Nina, he planned all this for you. He’s not going to be happy when he finds out how miserable you are.”

  “He’s not going to find out. Really, I’m fine. I just needed to vent a little.”

  “Nina, you called me in tears. That’s about as far from fine as you can get.”

  “I’m better now.”

  “Well, I don’t believe you. I can call him for you if you want.”

  “No! Don’t. I’ll bring you back one of the designer dresses if you promise not to say anything.”

  “Well…if you insist.” Angie giggled.

  “I do…and shoes, just don’t say anything. And don’t tell Jason that I called.”

  “Okay, but no more tears.”

  “Okay.” Nina got a new text. “I gotta go, I think that’s Jack.” She ended the call and checked Jack’s response: So sorry, start without me, see you at dinner.

  She didn’t even know what time dinner was scheduled. She took a deep breath and held it until there was a knock at the door.

  “Nina, sorry to bother you, but you have a delivery you have to sign for,” Darbie said through the door.

  Nina rolled her eyes. What could he possibly have sent now? She exited the room and found a man in a suit and a guard waiting for her.

  “Mrs. Spears?”


  “Please sign here.” Nina signed the release form and he handed her a black gift bag. She felt like she was in a movie or something. The girls crowded around her as she opened the bag and removed three boxes. They all gasped when she opened the large one to find a beautiful diamond necklace.

  “That is amazing,” Amelia said.

  “This has to be some kind of mistake,” Nina said as she opened the other two boxes, containing a tennis bracelet, and diamond earrings which had to be over a carat each. “Please tell me this is a rental?” she asked the man.

  “I’m afraid not. Congratulations and Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Nina had to sit down, but it wasn’t from feeling light-headed, she was furious. She closed the boxes and threw them back into the bag before storming back into the bedroom and slamming the door. She paced the floor, fueling her anger more. She didn’t understand it. Jack knew her; he knew the life she had before. What on earth would make him think her idea of a gre
at Valentine’s Day would include this type of wasteful spending?

  She sat on the foot of the bed with an open mouth. Maybe he thought she missed Michael’s money. She searched her memory for anything that could’ve sparked this reaction, but she got nothing. How could he not see how perfectly happy her life was with him?

  Nina quickly broke her promise to Angie, sobbing in the overstuffed comforter.

  Chapter 9

  “Nina?” Erica called through the door. “Sorry to bother you, but we really need to start on your hair and makeup if you’re gonna be ready on time.”

  Nina had been in her room for nearly three hours and she still didn’t feel any better, but dinner meant that the day was almost finished which gave her great relief. She got a glimpse of her puffy face and red eyes in the mirror. She really did need a professional to fix the mess she’d made.

  When she opened the door, the girls were all waiting. “I’m sorry; I’m probably the worst client you’ve ever had.”

  “Trust me, I’ve worked with some bitches over the years.” The others agreed with Quinn.

  “You just seem so…sad,” Darbie said.

  “I take it this wasn’t what you thought you were coming here for?” Stacey asked.

  “Not even a little. I really just wanted a quite weekend alone with Jack at our cabin.”

  “And you got the five of us and all this? Boy was he off!” Amelia exclaimed and Stacey elbowed her. “Ouch, I’m just saying.”

  “No, you’re right,” Nina said. “But I’m done wallowing. I really want him to think I had an amazing day so I’m ready for you to work your magic. Bring on the clothes, shoes, whatever you got.”

  The girls at least seemed excited to hear it. So did Nina. She was only hours away from finally being alone with Jack.


  Jack yawned as he pulled on his pants. He was exhausted, starving, and still unsure of dinner, but he was long past his pursuit of perfection. He pulled on his shirt and searched his suitcase for his cuff links.

  “I know I packed them,” he said to himself.

  They were meant to be his groom’s gift for the wedding they never got to have. Jack never really felt comfortable receiving gifts, but Nina’s always meant the world to him. She was great at picking things he never even realized he needed, like cuff links.