Stories of

  Canine Companionship,

  Comedy and Courage

  Jack Canfield

  Mark Victor Hansen

  Marty Becker, D.V.M.

  Carol Kline

  Amy D. Shojai

  Health Communications, Inc.

  Deerfield Beach, Florida

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Chicken soup for the dog lover’s soul : stores of canine companionship, comedy,

  and courage / Jack Canfield ... [et al.].

  p. cm.

  eISBN-13: 978-0-7573-9489-8 (ebook) eISBN-10: 0-7573-9489-2 (ebook)

  1. Dogs—Anecdoes. 2. Dog owners—Anecdotes. 3. Human-animal relationships—Anecdotes. I. Canfield, Jack, 1944-

  SF426.2C453 2005



  © 2005 John T. Canfield and Hansen and Hansen LLC

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

  HCI, its logos and marks are trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.

  Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.

  3201 S.W. 15th Street

  Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190

  Cover photo ©2005 Best Friends/Troy Snow

  Cover design by Andrea Perrine Brower

  Inside typesetting by Lawna Patterson Oldfield

  This book is dedicated to dog lovers everywhere: the millions of people around the world who have opened up their hearts and homes to the extraordinary devotion, unconditional love and unbridled joy of a dog, and seen their lives richly blessed as a direct result.

  We also dedicate this book to the veterinary profession, who with unparalleled competence and compassion, assist, protect and nurture these life-support systems cleverly disguised as dogs.

  We dedicate this book as well to the responsible dog breeders and exhibitors who celebrate, sustain and strive to improve the health and well-being of their special dogs—whether tiny or pony-size, curly-coated, otter-slick, thickly furred or bald—preserving the unique legacy of the canine race in all its wondrous variations.

  And to the heroes, the people who give fully of themselves in their communities to help homeless dogs find loving homes, who aid sick, injured or misbehaving dogs to “heal,” then “heel,” and insure that all dogs are increasingly welcome in people’s lives.

  And finally, to God, who chose to bless us richly with dogs. He knows that through their special gifts, dogs add years to our lives and life to our years.




  Share with Us

  1. ON LOVE

  Patience Rewarded Hester Mundis

  The Duck and the Doberman Donna Griswold as told to Eve Ann Porinchak

  Now and Always Suzy Huether

  Lucky in Love Jennifer Gay Summers

  Jethro’s World Marc Bekoff

  The Great Dog Walk Anne Carter

  Velcro Beau Carol Kline

  A Christmas for Toby Tekla Dennison Miller

  Blu Parts the Veil of Sadness Margaret Hevel

  The Haunted Bowl John Arrington

  You Have No Messages Zardrelle Arnott

  Bubba’s Last Stand Lisa Duffy-Korpics


  Some Snowballs Don’t Melt Debbie Roppolo

  Greta and Pearl: Two Seniors Stefany Smith

  Bullet’s Dog Elizabeth Atwater

  Daisy Love Kathy Salzberg

  Devotion Marjie Lyvers

  Dixie’s Kitten Anne Culbreath Watkins

  Bashur, the Iraqi Dog John Fenzel, Jr.

  My Furry Muse Amy D. Shojai

  After Dooley Gary Ingraham

  When Harry Met Kaatje Dave Wiley

  Gremlin, Dog First Class JaLeen Bultman-Deardurff

  My Blue-Eyed Boy Alexandra Mandis

  The Subway Dog Elizabeth Lombard

  “Dog” and Mr. Evans Andrea Redd, D.V.M.


  Calvin: A Dog with a Big Heart Max Edelman

  Fate, Courage and a Dog Named Tess Susanne Fogle

  In Her Golden Eyes Diane Nichols

  Ballerina Dog Jackie Tortoriello

  The Dog Who Loved to Fly Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant

  Locked In M. L. Charendoff

  The Telltale Woof Eleanor Whitney Nelson


  Moving Day Micki Ruiz

  Refrigerator Commando Sam Minier

  The Offer Jean Houston

  Sammy’s Big Smile Gayle Delhagen

  Phoebe’s Family Stacy Pratt

  A Canine Nanny Christine Henderson

  Two Old Girls Atreyee Day

  A Dog’s Love Kelly Munjoy

  Lady Abigail Jennifer Remeta


  Willow and Rosie: The Ordinary Miracle of Pets Audrey Thomasson

  At Face Value Linda Saraco

  Abacus Meghan Beeby

  Dog Days of School Jean Wensink

  Raising a Star Laura Sobchik

  Star Power Mary Klitz

  Max Susan Boyer

  A Lesson from Luke Christine Watkins

  Honey’s Greatest Gift B. J. Reinhard

  Puppy Magic Aubrey Fine, Ed.D.

  An Angel in the Form of a Service Dog David Ball


  Good Instincts Gillian Westhead as told to Bill Westhead

  A New Home Elisabeth A. Freeman

  Judgment Day Millicent Bobleter

  Mound of Dirt Paula Gramlich

  The Last Puppy Roger Dean Kiser


  Dad’s Right Knee Carol M. Chapman

  Just Like Always Lorena O’Connor

  A Smile from Phoebe Beth McCrea

  Legacy of Love Marty Becker, D.V.M.

  Tears for Sheila Laurie MacKillip

  Harry and George Margaret P. Cunningham

  Gentle Giant Robin Pressnall

  A Familiar Road Pennie DeBoard

  Saying Good-Bye to Dingo Elizabeth Wrenn


  Just an Old Golden Retriever Audrey Thomasson

  Nothing That Can’t Be Fixed Pamela Jenkins

  Ana: From Rescued to Rescuer Wilma Melville

  Scouting Out a Home Jennifer Coates, D.V.M.

  Brooks and the Roadside Dog Shannon McCarty

  Can’t Help Falling in Love Patricia Smith

  The Miracle of Love Valery Selzer Siegel

  The Dumpster Dog Finds a Home Debra Jean-MacKenzie Szot

  The Parking-Lot Dog Wendy Kaminsky

  Two Good Deeds Rosemarie Miele

  The Promise Bill King


  Canine Compassion Ed Kostro

  Busted! Lynn Alcock

  Pudgy Joyce Laird

  Felix, the Firehouse Dog Trevor and Drew Orsinger

  Beau and the Twelve-Headed Monster John Arrington

  Sled Dogs without Snow Dave Wiley


  Lucky Wows the Sheriff Mariana Levine

  A Dog’s Day in Court Sr. Mary K. Himens, S.S.C.M.

  The Bravest Dog Sherry Cremona-Van Der Elst

  A Pocketful of Love Amy D. Shojai

  Pedro the Fisherman Bob Toren

  Angel’s Angel We
ndy Greenley

  Take Me Home! Ed Eames, Ph.D.

  More Chicken Soup?

  Supporting Others

  Who Is Jack Canfield?

  Who Is Mark Victor Hansen?

  Who Is Marty Becker, D.V.M.?

  Who Is Carol Kline?

  Who Is Amy D. Shojai?




  We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the following people who helped make this book possible:

  Our families, who have been chicken soup for our souls!

  Jack’s family: Inga, Travis, Riley, Christopher, Oran and Kyle for all their love and support.

  Mark’s family: Patty, Elisabeth and Melanie Hansen, for once again sharing and lovingly supporting us in creating yet another book.

  Marty’s soul mate and fellow pet lover, wife Teresa, who inspires him with her inexhaustible love for, and attention to, the special love of animals. And his beloved children, Mikkel and Lex, who bring so much joy into his hectic life and remind him to relax, tease, laugh and repot himself by taking time off. Virginia Becker and the late Bob Becker, who taught farm-reared Marty to love all God’s creatures from spoiled family pets to soiled dairy cows. Valdie and Rockey Burkholder, whose goodness and support have allowed Marty to thrive in the world’s greatest oasis of beauty, goodness and serenity, magnificent Bonners Ferry, Idaho. And to all the pets, past, present and future who with their gifts of love, loyalty and laughter have made his life so much richer and more meaningful.

  Carol’s family: Lorin, McKenna and especially her dearly loved husband, Larry, who makes it possible for Carol to spend all her time writing and editing. Carol’s mother, Selma, brothers Jim and Burt, and sisters Barbara and Holly, and their families, for being her favorite people in the world. Barbara’s grammar and punctuation coaching was the best—thanks, Dr. P!

  Amy’s husband, Mahmoud, for his unflagging encouragement, love and support. And her parents, Phil and Mary Monteith, who inspired and fostered her love of pets from the beginning. Her wonderful brothers and their families, Laird, Gene, Jodi, Sherrie, Andrew, Colin, Erin and Kyle Monteith—and their assorted beloved canine family members past, present and future. And Fafnir who lives on in the hearts of his family.

  Marci Shimoff, who, as always, is an inspiration, a support and, of course, the best friend ever.

  Cindy Buck, whose excellent editing skills we rely on deeply, and whose friendship matters even more.

  Sarajane Peterson Woolf, our literary and highly literate editor whose insights and advice were invaluable.

  Christian Wolfbrandt, dog-walker and dog-sitter extra-ordinaire— and good friend. Your help was so appreciated!

  Our publisher, Peter Vegso, who is a cherished friend, both personally and professionally, and from whom we’ve learned so much about writing and successfully marketing a book and remaining doggedly loyal.

  Patty Aubery and Russ Kamalski, for your brilliance, insight and continued support, as well as for being there on every step of the journey, with love, laughter and endless creativity.

  Barbara Lomonaco, for nourishing us with truly wonderful stories and cartoons.

  D’ette Corona, for being indispensable, cheerful, knowledgeable and as steady as the Rock of Gibraltar. We couldn’t do it without you.

  Patty Hansen, for her thorough and competent handling of the legal and licensing aspects of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. You are magnificent at the challenge!

  Laurie Hartman, for being a precious guardian of the Chicken Soup brand.

  Veronica Romero, Teresa Esparza, Robin Yerian, Jesse Ianniello, Jamie Chicoine, Jody Emme, Debbie Lefever, Michelle Adams, Dee Dee Romanello, Shanna Vieyra, Lisa Williams, Gina Romanello, Brittany Shaw, Dena Jacobson, Tanya Jones and Mary McKay, who support Jack’s and Mark’s businesses with skill and love.

  Lisa Drucker, for editing our final readers’ manuscript. Thank you once again for being there whenever we need you.

  Bret Witter, Elisabeth Rinaldi, Allison Janse and Kathy Grant, our editors at Health Communications, Inc., for their devotion to excellence.

  Our great friend, Terry Burke, who takes a personal interest in all the books and who doggedly pursues sales so that, in this case, pets and people can benefit.

  Lori Golden, Kelly Maragni, Tom Galvin, Sean Geary, Patricia McConnell, Ariana Daner, Kim Weiss, Paola Fernandez-Rana and Julie De La Cruz, the sales, marketing and PR departments at Health Communications, Inc., for doing such an incredible job supporting our books.

  Tom Sand, Claude Choquette and Luc Jutras, who manage year after year to get our books translated into thirty-six languages around the world.

  The art department at Health Communications, Inc., for their talent, creativity and unrelenting patience in producing book covers and inside designs that capture the essence of Chicken Soup: Larissa Hise Henoch, Lawna Patterson Oldfield, Andrea Perrine Brower, Anthony Clausi, Kevin Stawieray and Dawn Von Strolley Grove.

  Special thanks go to Frank Steele for the gift of a special friendship. Your support during the birthing of this book means so very much.

  And a thousand thanks to the wonderful pet-loving writers, especially the members of DogWriters Association of America, Cat Writers’ Association, Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, the “Colorado Gang” and the “Warpies” whose helping “paws” aided enormously in the success of this book. We couldn’t have done it without you!

  Thanks also to all the Chicken Soup for the Soul coauthors whomake it such a joy to be part of this Chicken Soup family.

  And our glorious panel of readers who helped us to make the final selections and made invaluable suggestions on how to improve the book:

  Ellen Adams, R.V.T., Beverly Appel, Joyce Barton, Cindy Buck, Wendy Czarnecki, Roni Coleman, Jennifer Dysert, Kay Eichenhofer, Duchess Emerson, Maria Estrada, Terri Frees, Jill Gallo, Veryl Ann Grace, TracyLynn Jarvis, Erica M. Kresovich, Marcy Luikart, Kathy Moad, Erin Monteith, Phil Monteith, Mary Jane Monteith, Rebecca Morse, Mary Jane O’Brien, Tom Phillips, Kylee Reynolds, Caitlin Rivers, Barry Schochet, Betty Schubert, Patti Shanaberg, Anthony Solano, Julie Urban and Mindy Valcarcel.

  Most of all, thank you to everyone who submitted their heartfelt stories, poems, quotes and cartoons for possible inclusion in this book. While we were not able to use everything you sent in, we know that each word came from a heartfelt place and was meant to celebrate dogs as the family they are.

  Because of the size of this project, we may have left out the names of some people who contributed along the way. If so, we are sorry, but please know that we really do appreciate you very much.

  We are truly grateful and love you all!


  Throughout the ages, our lives with dogs have been lovingly documented—from cave art to hieroglyphics and from medieval tombs of European knights to Victorian wedding portraits. In today’s world, dogs are still an important and highly visible part of modern culture.

  Just turn on a television or leaf through any magazine or newspaper to see a mind-boggling array of canine accoutrement for sale. Refrigerator magnets read, “Dear Lord, Please help me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.” Bumper stickers announce, “We’re staying together for the sake of the dog.” Two- and four-legged family members even pile on the couch together to view videotapes of shared family vacations.

  The human-animal bond, or simply “the Bond,” isn’t just surviving—it’s thriving!

  In fact, it is the strength and power of the Bond that inspired this book’s creation. In response to our call for stories, we received thousands of submissions from dog lovers around the globe who shared with us the myriad ways their dogs have positively impacted their lives. Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul is a testament to the enduring love we humans have for the dogs who share our lives. The chapters in the book reflect the main ways that dogs benefit us: They love us, heal us, teach us, make us laugh and sometimes break our hearts with their pa
ssing. As author Roger Caras once said, “Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.”

  Dogs have been at our sides longer than any other domestic species. Perhaps this partnership arose and endured because people and dogs are so similar: We both love our families. We both enjoy snuggling in our dens. We both relish social bonds and respect loyalty.

  Called the “most plastic of species,” dogs exist in almost every size and shape imaginable. In addition, they occupy a wide occupational niche, from pampered lapdogs who give new meaning to the term “dog tired,” to courageous canines that patrol airline terminals looking for bombs, drugs and dangerous people.

  Dogs make us feel good—and are good for us. Organizations like the Delta Society describe this as “the positive effect of pets on human health and well-being.” Our dogs relieve chronic pain, lift our spirits, sniff out cancer, detect impending heart attacks, seizures and migraines, lower our blood pressure and cholesterol levels, help us recover from devastating illness, and even improve our children’s IQ, as well as lowering their risk for adult allergies and asthma. Just think—the unconditional love, limitless affection and to-die-for loyalty of a well-chosen, well-trained, well-cared-for dog could be just what the doctor ordered!

  But perhaps our dogs help us most of all by giving us an important outlet for our love. About six out of ten U.S. households have pets, whereas only three out of ten have children. Once our children grow up—and the nest empties— dogs take on even greater importance to millions of Americans who yearn to nurture. For we humans are an extremely social species with a need to nurture.

  Yet in today’s world, many of us live alone, whether due to divorce, choosing to remain childless, surviving a spouse or partner, or having a far-flung extended family. And sadly, too much time spent alone can leave us sick— and even shorten our lives.

  Lucky for us, our canine companions provide emotional rescue for everything from a relationship breakup or bad day at work to a bad hair day—or even a no hair day for those of us facing cancer treatment. Dogs love us for simply being who and what we are. They don’t care if we’re famous, powerful, rich, important people—we’re all that and more in their eyes.

  At the end of the day, we may never know whether those liquid eyes shine for us or for the treat drawer, but when a tap-dancing, delighted frenzy of fur greets you at the door with a red-carpet welcome, it hardly seems to matter.