Page 16 of Warm Comforts

  “I did. I tried one out last night as a special and the wait staff heard rave reviews.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  “So, Cori, when are you coming back to New York?”

  “I don’t know that I am, DJ, why?”

  “I was going to take you around and convince you to stay.”

  “Didn’t I tell you that I have businesses here to run?”

  “Yeah, can’t you run them from here?”

  “Not really. You do not need me as a chef so why do I need to be there?”

  “We could get acquainted again and see what happens.” DJ answered honestly.

  “DJ, you are very special and I need to explain some things to you. Do you have a few minutes?”

  “Yes” he answered. Cori began her life story since she left New York after graduation. DJ did a lot of swearing when she told him about her marriage. When she described her crisis facility and Warm Comforts, he said he was proud of her.

  “And one other thing DJ, that guy I was with when we were at your restaurant….”

  “He beat me to it, didn’t he?”

  “For now, yes he did. We may not work out because we have a past history from our teen years but we are certainly talking about a future. I’m sorry, DJ.”

  “Don’t be.” He answered “But call me if you change your mind about him. I’ll even come to Texas.”

  “You could come anyway.” She offered.

  “Maybe. Send me a wedding invitation.”

  “We aren’t quite there yet, DJ.”

  “I’m psychic and can predict the future.”

  “You are crazy and a good guy.”

  “Thanks” he said. “Call me anyway and send me any more recipes.”

  “I will. Bye DJ”

  “Bye Cori. Make sure he treats you right.”

  “I will.”

  Cori disconnected and chuckled slightly. She had a bet to pay up on. The email program opened and Cori typed Seth an email. I owe you. I lost the bet. Dinner. When? After clicking the send button, Cori went back to reading the report from her accountant. She had asked him about building another housing facility on the remaining land that she had originally purchased. He was advising her to wait a year or two and the numbers he provided agreed with that.

  “Hi Seth” Cori greeted when her cell phone rang.

  “Hello, beautiful. So, I was right.”

  “Yes, DJ called me a few minutes ago.”

  “And?” he gloated

  “You are so rotten.” Cori groaned “He wanted to know when I was coming back to New York so we could get better acquainted and he could convince me to stay.”

  “I knew it.” Seth laughed gently. “Anyway, how does Friday night work for you? Isaac and I are coming to Catesville. Isaac has a date with Faith and I want a date with you.”

  “Is Millie coming? Mindy and Micah?”

  “Nope. Just Isaac and I. I want to look over Mom’s house. Joycelyn said it needs some work so I want to assess it. Micah will stay with Mom here in Houston. You and I can have the whole weekend together if you aren’t busy with other things.”

  “John’s birthday party is Saturday afternoon and you are more than welcome. And that seems to be the only thing on my calendar.”

  “Excellent news. Then I’ll see you Friday.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Oh, me too.” He said enthusiastically.

  “Goodbye Seth”

  “Goodbye, sweetheart.”

  Cori went back to reading after hanging up with Seth. He was like a kid in a candy store. Cori knew she wasn’t “falling” any more, she was definitely in love with him. But oh, that was a terrifying thought. She could be more trouble to him than she was worth. Deciding not to think on those terms, she went to the factory floor to check on some of her residents.

  Chapter 14

  After a few last instructions for her catering staff, Cori waved goodbye to them and headed for her car. The mayor’s luncheon had gone well and the food had been well received. The meeting was not all that exciting. She had been asked to chair the committee for the July fourth dance but she had to refuse since her schedule was already booked for that day. It was a bad day for her and she planned to spend it alone. July fourth was a bad reminder of one of Roger’s worst attacks on her and she, in the past, had been very emotional on that day.

  Cori’s attention was not focused on her surroundings so the man who stepped in front of her caught her off guard. “Cori” he stated firmly.

  “Mr. Morgan” Cori returned. “What are you doing in Catesville?” she said stepping back from him. He advanced on her.

  “I want to talk to you.”

  “We have nothing to talk about.”

  “Get in the car, Cori, now.” Mr. Morgan clamped his hand around her wrist and pulled her towards his car. Cori fought to get away but his grip was too strong. Mr. Morgan opened the car door and shoved her inside. She hit her head on the car before she could duck inside. He didn’t seem to notice or care when she cried out. Before she could scramble back out of the car, he was around and in the driver’s seat and captured her arm in his grip again. “I just want to talk to you then I’ll let you go.”

  “No!” she said struggling. Roger’s father started the car and headed out of town towards Chickory Lake. When they reached there, he left the car and Cori was able to locate her emergency beacon and push the button. She knew help would be arriving soon.

  “Get out of the car” he said angrily. Cori moved slowly and exited the car. He again gripped her upper arm pulled her towards the old deserted boat docks.

  “Let go of me. Now” Cori struggled which made him grip her arm that much harder. She knew he was leaving bruises and that he wouldn’t care. “What do you want?”

  “I want my son’s reputation cleared up.”

  “Forget it. He beat me for four years and I’ll never recant that truth. He was just like you Mr. Morgan. A wife abuser.”

  “I’ve never touched my wife in anger.”

  “I wouldn’t believe it even if she told me that. Roger was sick and so are you. Mr. Morgan, I go nowhere without someone knowing where I am and I carry an emergency locator beacon which I have already sounded. The sheriff and my security staff will be here within minutes.”

  “You little witch.” He growled and raised his hand to backhand her just like his son would do but he heard the sirens approaching. “This isn’t finished. Recant your story or you’ll be sorry.”

  The first security car pull in just in front of the sheriff’s car as Mr. Morgan reached his car. Cori’s security chief, Kane, was out of the car and running towards her as the sheriff pulled in behind Mr. Morgan’s car.

  “Are you hurt, Cori?” Kane asked.

  “No” she answered “He threatened me but heard the sirens before he could strike me.”

  “Let’s go talk to the sheriff.” Kane directed. Cori followed him but stayed by her security car and watched as Mr. Morgan was questioned. He was detained while the sheriff came and asked Cori some questions. She repeated what had happened and refused to press charges against him for transporting her against her will. She just wanted him removed from town. He promised to leave and the sheriff released him.

  “Take me to my car, Kane.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He agreed. Cori directed him to the community center where the meeting had been held. “How did he know where you were?”

  “I guess he asked or followed me. I don’t know.”

  “I’ll follow you home.”

  “I have some errands to run first so go back to the factory. I’ll be there later. I still have the emergency locator if something else happens.”

  “Okay, I’m reluctant to agree with that though. I think the errands should wait.”

  “I’m okay. I promise.” Cori stated “And thank you for the quick response.”

>   “Anytime. This one time, Cori, I’m pulling rank on you. Turn the beacon on and leave it on. I want to know where you are at all times.”

  “I’m the boss.” She grumbled good-naturedly.

  “Not this time. Turn it on.” Cori fumbled with her purse and extracted the emergency beacon. It did have a GPS function on it and so she turned it on. Kane picked up the signal on his tracking unit then reluctantly let her leave his vehicle. He waited until she was safely in her car and leaving the parking lot before he turned his vehicle towards the factory compound.

  Cori called Doctor Jane as soon as she was able.

  “Hi Cori”

  “Hi. Can you squeeze me in?”

  “Yeah, sure. Come on over. What’s wrong?”

  “I’ll tell you when I get there.”

  The clinic that housed Doctor Jane’s office came into view a few minutes later and shortly Cori found herself in an exam room waiting for Doctor Jane.

  “Alright, what’s wrong?” Doctor Jane asked as she entered.

  Cori was holding her wrist where Mr. Morgan had twisted it. “I may have a sprained wrist, I hope it isn’t worse than that.”

  “What happened?” Cori repeated the story to the doctor. Doctor Jane knew Cori’s entire story and grew angry. She didn’t show it to Cori but instead examined her and took her for an x-ray. The pictures didn’t show a break so Doctor Jane wrapped it up and gave her instructions for the care. “Leave that bandage on for several days except to shower. I mean it, do not use that hand or remove that bandage.” Cori reluctantly agreed and left the office.

  A few minutes later, Cori pulled into the parking space in front of her apartment and called to Kane to report that she was back safe and sound. She thanked him once again for his help and then went into her apartment. The door had barely closed behind her before the tears started to pour down her face and the sobs overtook her. She flopped down on her bed and cried until her eyes were almost swollen shut. She was in pain from the wrist injury and from the memories that had resurfaced. After the tears abated, she went to get an ice bag for the bruises on her upper arm and called her mother.

  “Hi” Frances greeted.

  “I’m not feeling very well, Mom. Can you take my shift on the crisis line?”

  “I’d be glad too. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just feeling a little under the weather. It will pass but I’m just going to go to sleep. If we have an emergency, wake me up.”

  “I can handle it.”

  “I know but if you need me…”

  “Go to sleep, darling. Feel better.”

  “I will. Thanks, Mom.” Cori pulled on her pajamas, turned off her phone and crawled in bed. The tears started to flow again but eventually Cori drifted off to sleep. When she awoke a few hours later from the throes of a nightmare she was not surprised. It was about two am so she checked her messages and heard Seth’s voice. She didn’t know what to do about him, he was going to be so angry about Mr. Morgan. It was Friday morning and he was due to arrive later that day, she didn’t think she could disguise the bandage or the bruises on her arm. It was going to be a showdown when he arrived.

  Joycelyn welcomed Cori into the house early Friday afternoon. Cori carried a bunch of grocery sacks that blocked her from seeing the wrist bandage. “I’m almost jealous” Joycelyn began “an honest to goodness homemade Cori Lewis meal. How does Seth rate?”

  “I lost a bet.” Cori laughed. “And this is my payment.”

  “Well, I would stay and hassle that boy but I have the night off so I am out of here unless you need me.”

  “I’m good. I just need to get started cooking or it won’t be ready until midnight.”

  “See you later then.” Joycelyn said gathering her purse. Cori waved goodbye to her and then locked the doors. She hated to be that afraid but she didn’t know where Mr. Morgan was. She sat her emergency locator beacon on the counter right next to her and began to prepare the meal for her and Seth.

  Cori had decided to tell Seth as soon as he arrived what had happened. Contrary to what she had told Joycelyn, the meal didn’t take that long to prepare and if he was angry and kicked her out the meal would be prepared and he could still eat it.

  Frances had checked on Cori that morning and Cori was forced to tell her the truth. She was mad too and livid that Mr. Morgan had come to town. The sheriff had called her and asked how she was doing. Kane had been concerned when he saw her that morning too. He was surprised to see the bandage on her wrist and gave her a menacing look that disapproved of her not telling him that she had been injured. I am the boss Cori repeated to his disapproving look. He didn’t seem impressed nor did he change his stance with her. Cori ignored him and went to her office where Pearl and John grilled her and then John began paperwork to have a restraining order against Mr. Morgan. It would be filed on Monday.

  Cori was drawing at the kitchen table when she heard two car doors shut. She jumped and raced towards the window. She was relieved to see that it was Isaac and Seth. They walked around to the back door so Cori rushed there to let them in.

  “Hi” Seth greeted surprised to see her already. “Yum, it smells wonderful in here. I am surprised you are here already though.”

  “I needed to cook ahead of time.” She answered. “Hi Isaac”

  “Hi Miss Cori.” He returned. Cori shut the door behind the men while they carried their bags up to the rooms. When they returned, Cori hid her arm behind her back. Seth swept her up in a hug and gave her a kiss.

  “I missed you.” He whispered in her ear.

  “I missed you too.” Cori answered. She lowered her head and regained her emotions before Seth could see the tears. Isaac had slipped around her and retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

  “Miss Cori” he began “you have one minute to start your explanation before I do it for you.”

  Cori glared at him. “Faith has a big mouth.”

  “Thirty seconds and counting” Isaac stated.

  Seth looked confused. “What are you talking about, Isaac?”

  “Cori has something very important to tell you and she has ten seconds to start her explanation.”

  “Are you always this big of a pain in the butt, Isaac Walters?”

  “Yes” Seth and Isaac answered simultaneously. “Times up, Cori. Seth, Cori had a run in…”

  “I’ll do it.” She interrupted. “I was going to tell him anyway, big mouth.”

  “I’m waiting.” Isaac announced smugly.

  “Sit down, Seth.” Cori stated turning away from him. Seth sat down at the kitchen table and Cori leaned against the cabinet by the sink on the opposite side of the room.

  “Yesterday, Roger’s father forcibly abducted me and took me to Chickory Lake.”

  “What?” Seth exploded. Cori blanched and tried to back up.

  “Sorry.” He calmed down. “Go ahead.”

  “In the process he sprained my wrist and put a few bruises on my arm.” She said holding up her arm and her bandaged hand. “I carry an emergency locator beacon with me at all times and I was able to call in the troops before he could hit me but he did injure me slightly.”

  “What did he want?” Seth tried to ask calmly.

  “The usual. Recant my story that Roger abused me and clear his reputation.”

  “Never” Seth said angrily.

  “Easy Seth” Isaac soothed. He had seen Cori try to escape by backing farther away from the angry man. “Are you okay now, Miss Cori?”

  “I am fine. The bruises and the sprain will heal and John will file for a restraining order on Monday.”

  “If he doesn’t, I will.” Seth stated. Cori blinked back the tears.

  “I’m sorry, Seth. He caught me off guard.”

  “Hey, hey” he said rushing to her. “No apologies from you sweetheart. This wasn’t your fault.”

  “You aren’t mad at

  “No not about that. Why didn’t you call and tell me though?”

  “I was so upset. I just wanted to hide away. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “We will talk about it later, okay. Come here.” He said gently enfolding her in his arms. Cori was sobbing within a few seconds. Isaac caught Seth’s eye and motioned that he was leaving. Seth nodded and soon he and Cori were alone in the house.

  Seth led her to the living room and sat down on the chair and pulled her onto his lap. She continued to sob and Seth held her gently and rubbed her back. He kissed her hair occasionally and tried to soothe her. “Shh, I’m here and you are okay.”

  “I wasn’t afraid of him, I was afraid of you.”

  Seth was confused “Why me?”

  “I was afraid you’d be mad at me.”

  “No, I’m not. Next time I want to hear about it immediately. I wondered why you hadn’t answered my call last night but I figured you were doing the crisis line.”

  “I was supposed to be but my mom did it for me.”

  “But I’m not mad at you. You did nothing wrong. I want to talk to John this weekend though. I want to make sure he can handle the restraining order or if Isaac needs to help him.”

  “Seth, John handles restraining orders as often as most people change clothes. The local judge just signs them anymore. Remember what business I’m in?”

  “I guess so. But if you need anything regarding security, you let me know. And no more leaving me in the dark.”

  “I won’t. I’m sorry. I just was so upset and confused.”

  “I know. I’ll let this one slide since it is your first offense but the next one costs you another dinner.” He teased. “And this one smells delicious. I’m starved.”

  “It’s ready when you are. I wanted it ready in case you wanted me to leave.” Cori said climbing down from his lap and heading for the kitchen.

  “Why would I do that?” he asked walking with her to the kitchen.

  “If you were mad at me, I needed to leave not stay here and fix dinner.”

  “Even if I was mad at you for some reason, we would need to talk about it not you leave. That’s what couples do. We work through the problem and solve it, not walk away.”

  “I’m not very good at this relationship stuff. My counselor is helping but I’m a slow learner.”

  “You are not.” He growled. “That just cost you a kiss. Pay up.”