Page 7 of Circle of Desire

  “You don’t have a lot of faith in women, do you?”

  Her comment surprised him, and he looked at her. There was hurt in her green eyes, and while he regretted that, he had to wonder why. They might be sexually attracted to each other, but they were still strangers, after all. He had no more reason to trust her than he did any possible witness to a crime. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  She crossed her arms. “Do you often sleep with women you don’t trust?”

  “All the time.” Because he didn’t trust any woman. Not nowadays.

  “So women really are just a form of release to you?”

  “Yes.” He looked at her again. “But you knew that. You’ve known from the start that I was a werewolf.”

  She pulled her gaze from his and stared ahead. He had a sudden feeling it was going to take an awful lot of chocolate to get back into her good graces.

  They cruised on. The terrain passed by, interesting but endless, and the vibrations coming through the steering wheel gradually got worse. Obviously, more damage had been done to the vehicle than he’d originally thought.

  “What do you want to eat?” he asked as they rattled into Bandon.

  She shrugged. “Something hot and hearty. I need to rebuild some energy.”

  He cruised around, and they eventually settled for a classy-looking restaurant that was close to the beach. He stopped the car and watched her climb out, enjoying the flash of her honey-colored thighs. “Get us a table. I’ll take the Caddie to the service station just down the road, and be back as soon I can.”

  She nodded and slammed the door shut. He watched until she entered the building, then headed to the service station. Thankfully, it had a mechanic who seemed to know what he was talking about, and after a quick few minutes under the car, the mechanic came up with the news he’d feared.

  “The accident has broken the rear axle. I usually have replacements, but I’ve just used up my last.”

  “How long will it take to get the parts in?”

  “I’ve got them on order already. It shouldn’t be more than a day or so.”

  They couldn’t wait that long, so he plucked a business card from his wallet. “Fix it as quickly as you can. Is there a place nearby where I can rent another?”

  The mechanic took a quick glance at the card, then shoved it into a greasy pocket. “There sure is. Just down the road. Tell Jim I sent you, and he’ll give you a good deal.”

  “Thanks. Call me when the car’s fixed?”

  “Sure thing.”

  He collected their bags, the condoms, and his gun out of the car, but by the time he’d arranged a rental and got back to the restaurant, an hour had passed. He glanced at his watch. They still had a two-hour drive to Rogue River. Time was slipping away too fast. Kat wasn’t eating when he arrived, which surprised him. She just sat at a table, sipping wine and staring out the window.

  He slid into the chair opposite her. Things could have happened a whole lot quicker if he’d sat beside her and let the aura of the werewolf do its stuff, but as much as he wanted her, he also wanted her truly willing—a need that was a little disturbing and certainly something he’d never worried about before when in the midst of moon heat.

  She glanced at him. There were smudges under her eyes, and her skin looked a little pale. “All set?”

  “I had to rent a car. The Caddie’s out of action for a couple of days.”

  “The Circle will reimburse all your expenses.” Her voice still held a touch of coolness.

  He waved the comment away. He’d spend his entire savings if that was what it took to bring Janie home and this killer to justice.

  A waitress came over and handed them both menus. After some consideration, Kat ordered a steak, and he chose the salmon. The woman gave them a cheery nod and disappeared into the kitchen.

  Kat picked up the bottle of wine. “You want a glass?”

  He nodded and held his glass out. He would have preferred a beer, but he couldn’t be bothered calling the waitress out again. He sipped the cool liquid carefully. A little sweet for his taste, but drinkable.

  “Did you call your grandmother and tell her we’re okay?”

  She nodded. “She said it’s important we get there by nine.”

  He frowned. “Why? What difference is a few minutes going to make?”

  She studied him for a minute, then glanced out the window. “If we don’t make our presence felt, another kid will be kidnapped.”

  Then they’d definitely be getting there by nine. “So, basically, we’re bait.”

  She nodded. “If they’re worrying about us, they’re not stealing little kids.”

  “Won’t that just force them to run again?”

  “Gran doesn’t think so. She thinks it’ll all end in Rogue River, one way or another.”

  “You put a damn lot of faith in your grandmother’s visions, don’t you?”

  Her gaze flicked to his. “I have no reason not to.”

  And therein lay the cause of her remoteness. Trust. Or more precisely, his lack of it. “I’m a cop,” he said softly. “We tend not to trust anyone.”

  She leaned back and studied him for several moments. “That’s just an excuse.”

  Yes, and she was reading him better than anyone ever had. “It’s nothing personal.”

  Her look suggested it was very personal. She took another sip of her wine, then said, “Why?”

  He shrugged. “The nature of the beast, I think.” And an easy scapegoat in situations like this.

  “The beast being the werewolf rather than the cop?”

  “Yeah.” He hesitated, but he knew he owed her at least some honesty. “I can’t help the way I am. I don’t need or want any complications in my life. All I’m after is a good time while the moon is full. After that, it’s thanks for the sex, but bye-bye, sister.”

  “So there’s never been anyone you’ve felt the slightest bit emotional about?”

  “No.” The lie slipped easily off his tongue. “And there won’t ever be. As I said, it’s the nature of the beast.”

  “So what lies between you and me—”

  “Could be mind-blowing. But I won’t allow it to be anything more.”

  She studied him for a moment, eyes bright and judgmental. Then she nodded. He wondered if that meant she accepted his terms. He hoped so, because he had nothing else he was willing to offer. The waitress approached with their meals, and silence fell as they began to eat.

  When she’d finished, Kat leaned back in the chair. Her legs brushed his, charging his skin with electricity and sending a flash flood of heat to his groin.

  “That was wonderful. All I need now is chocolate and my life would be complete.”

  Hopefully not too complete. He drew out the chocolate bar he’d bought earlier and offered it to her.

  Her eyebrows rose. “And you think that trumps the chocolate cake I was eyeing for dessert?”

  He glanced at his watch. They had only half an hour of free time left, and he needed her so fiercely it was becoming painful. “That rather depends. If we’re to be at Rogue River by nine, we either have time for the chocolate cake here or a … walk on the beach, and a chocolate bar later. Lady’s choice.” He hoped to hell he hadn’t misjudged her intentions.

  Her cheeks dimpled. “Walk and lackluster chocolate bar it is, then. Want to ask for the check?”

  “Most definitely.”

  She put the chocolate on the table, then picked up her purse and stood. “Then I’ll be back in a moment.”

  His gaze slid down her back to her legs as she walked away. He fervently hoped she kept wearing overly tight tops and short, swirly skirts while he was around. A figure as good as hers shouldn’t be hidden under layers of clothing. He glanced up as the waitress approached.

  “Coffee?” she asked.

  He shook his head and asked for the check instead. When Kat came back, he glanced out the window. “Would you like me to go get your coat from the car? The win
d can be pretty brisk around these parts, and it will be worse down near the waves.”

  A smile touched her full lips. “I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

  When the check arrived, Kat took it out of his hands. “I’ll get this,” she said, and dropped cash on the plate.

  They headed outside and found the steps down to the sand. Kat took off her shoes, dangling them from her fingers as she strolled barefoot along the damp golden sand. Waves teased her toes and splashed up her bare legs, and suddenly he found himself fighting the desire to lick the salt from her skin.

  He scrubbed a hand across his jaw and studied the long stretch ahead. The beach curved around to the right and disappeared. Once they walked beyond that point, they’d be beyond the sight of those in the restaurant and, hopefully, alone.

  They continued on slowly. Heat pounded through his veins and surged to his groin. He was hard and aching like hell. Dusk was beginning to shadow the horizon, and darkness would only bring the fever into full focus. He had to ease his needs before then, or there could be real trouble. He’d never tested his will like this before. He didn’t know what would truly happen if the moon fever took over. But he could imagine, and he didn’t want to do that to Kat. Or any other female, for that matter.

  They rounded the corner. The sea stretched before them, dotted by huge outcrops of rocks, and the sand was a long stretch of emptiness. He gave a mental sigh of relief. One problem down.

  She moved up the beach toward the grass-topped dunes, then stopped, staring at the horizon as she rubbed her arms. He stopped behind her, close enough to smell her fresh fragrance, close enough that the scent of her desire washed over him. But not touching her. Not quite.


  She nodded. “You were right. I should have gotten my jacket.”

  If things went the way he hoped, she wouldn’t really need it. The heat they’d raise between them would keep her warm enough. “Do you want to go back?”

  She tilted her head back, one eyebrow arched as she met his gaze boldly. “Do you?”

  In answer, he slid his hand around the cool skin of her bare waist and drew her close. She wriggled her bottom against him, sending heat flashing through his veins, then she sighed. “So much nicer.”

  It certainly was. He slid his hand under her shirt. A tremor ran through her, and her breath caught as he brushed one taut nipple. He hoped it was a sign she was ready for him, because there wasn’t much chance of slowness once he started down the path of seduction. Not this first time, with the night coming on and the moon pounding so fiercely through his veins.

  He pressed a kiss into her neck, then ran his tongue up to her ear. She tasted like she smelled—fresh and sunshiny. He took the lobe in his mouth, gently nibbling. Her soft groan ran across him, tearing at his control. He slid his other hand under her shirt and cupped her lush breasts. Teased and caressed her nipples until her breathing was as rapid as his own.

  “Turn around,” he whispered.

  His hands slid around her waist as she complied, and he pulled her close. He claimed her lips, exploring her mouth with his tongue, tasting her leisurely but deeply. She made a needy sound deep in her throat and ran a hand down his side until she touched him. He shuddered and pulled away.

  “Don’t,” he said, fighting the surge, “or I’ll lose it.”

  Her smile was pure cheek. “Isn’t that what you want?”

  “Not yet.” Because as much as he wanted her, he wanted to at least give her some pleasure this first time. Or there might not be a second.

  Always look after your own interests, his father had once told him. It was a lesson he’d learned all too well.

  He took possession of her lips again and slid his hands under the hem of her skirt to caress the silk of her thigh. Then continued up the cool, smooth skin to discover heaven had no restrictions.

  “When?” He slid his finger past her curls and into her moistness, gently caressing.

  She pressed into his touch, forcing it deeper. “When I went to the restroom.”

  “Clever girl.”

  “Horny girl would be more accurate.”

  “Suits me.”

  Her grin was saucy. “Thought it might.”

  He kissed her again, this time more urgently. His veins burned with heat, and every muscle trembled with the effort of restraint. She grabbed his shirt, her hands cold on his skin as she began undoing the buttons. He didn’t stop her, just enjoyed the sensations trembling through him. She kissed his neck, his chest, her lips feather-light on his skin yet burning deep.

  Her touch moved to his waist, and she slowly undid the button on his jeans. “Condom?” she whispered against his lips.

  He took a shuddering breath, then whispered hoarsely, “Right pocket.”

  She pulled out the foil packet, then pushed his jeans down. He skimmed his hand down her waist and hips, then caught the end of her skirt and bunched it up between them.

  “Beautiful,” he said, running his hands down her glorious rump.

  “Definitely,” she agreed, echoing his movements with gentle hands.

  He kissed her fiercely, drinking in her essence, exploring every inch of her mouth until both of them were panting for breath. He trailed his tongue down the long line of her neck, then pushed up her shirt and circled the pebbled points of her breasts. She shuddered, arching her back, as if offering them to him. It was an invitation too good to refuse. He took one nipple in his mouth, sucking hard as he slid a hand down the flat of her stomach and into her moistness. Her moan shuddered through him, testing his strength, his will.

  He delved deeper, sliding through her slickness, until her muscles pulsed around his fingers. She pressed against him, riding his hand with increasing urgency. Her skin was feverish, flushed with desire and need.

  A need he understood only too well.

  She grabbed his shoulders, fingers trembling, nails digging deep.

  “Oh … God.” Her voice little more than a fractured whisper. “Please …”

  Her plea raged across his senses, almost destroying his restraint. He shuddered and pulled his touch away, knowing if she came right now it would shatter what little control he still had left.

  Her groan almost shot it to hell anyway.

  “Condom,” he said, voice harsh with the urgency pounding through his body.

  She tore open the packet with her teeth and rolled it on with an ease that spoke of practice. Not that he cared. He pulled her close again and began to stroke her. Her soft cries urged him on, her body trembling against his, her skin glossy with perspiration. He kissed her ear, ran his tongue down her neck. She tasted like no woman he’d ever had, and right at this moment, he wanted to keep on sampling her forever.

  Her shuddering reached a crescendo, her movements urgent against his hand. Her strangled cry of pleasure echoed through him and smashed any remaining restraint. He cupped her buttocks and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him, then pushed him deep inside. He groaned at the sheer glory of it. She felt so good, so hot and firm.

  She captured his lips, her kiss passionate. Demanding. She rode him harder, enveloping him in sweet, sweet heat. Hot flesh slapped against hot flesh, and there was nothing gentle about it. It was almost as if the urgency of the moon were driving her as fiercely as it did him. She claimed every inch of him, her taut muscles quivering with rising urgency against him.

  The red tide rose, becoming a wall of pleasure he could not deny. Her movements quickened, her desire and need matching his own. Her gasps reached a second crescendo, and her cries echoed as her body bucked against his. He came—hot, glorious release that locked his body in pleasure.

  They stood there for what seemed like forever, and he didn’t really care because it felt so good. The sea breeze cooled the sweat on their skin, and the rich aroma of sex mingled with Kat’s warm, sunshiny scent, stirring his senses anew. Only the fact that they had to get to Rogue River kept him from instigating a second, much slower, seduction.

; When she began to shiver, he lowered her gently to the grassy sand, kissing her nose. After they’d both straightened their clothing, she picked up her purse and chocolate bar from the sand. Her pupils were still dilated, evidence of the satisfaction that touched her lips. “That sure beat the chocolate cake.”

  He cupped her cheek with his hand and brushed his thumb across her kiss-swollen lips. “Sorry it was so fast.”

  She raised an eyebrow, her amusement deepening. “In case you didn’t notice, I was more than a little fast myself.”

  Thankfully. He certainly couldn’t have held off much longer than he had. She’d felt too damn good.

  “Next time,” he said, “we’ll try someplace more comfortable.”

  “And warmer.” She rubbed her arms, then glanced past him. “We’d better get moving. Dusk is closing in.”

  He knew that without looking. The fever stirred in his veins, despite the fact that his body was momentarily sated. Or maybe it was just the scent of her lingering on his skin that stirred his blood.

  They walked back to the rental car and continued on to Rogue River. Kat fell asleep fairly quickly, and he half wished he could join her. It would be nice to be in bed at this moment, holding her lush, warm body against his as he drifted off to sleep. Then he frowned at the thought and thrust it away. No matter how good it promised to be between them, it could never be anything more than just sex.

  He’d learned that lesson long ago.

  KAT WOKE WHEN THE CAR STOPPED. SHE YAWNED AND stretched, then glanced out the window. Warm lights shone through the trees, providing enough light to see the two log cabins just ahead.

  She glanced at Ethan. “What time is it?”

  “Eight forty-five.”

  His reply was a little terse, and she frowned, wondering why. Then she shook her head at her own stupidity. It had been a long day, and he’d done most of the driving. He was probably tired as hell.

  She climbed out of the car and grabbed her bag from the trunk. He collected his, then locked the car and motioned for her to lead. She picked her way through the heavy darkness, shivering a little as the cool breeze caressed her bare skin. She was definitely going to have to change into something warmer before they did their tour tonight. Wearing this skirt and shirt had been nothing short of stupidity—though she certainly didn’t regret it. Heat flushed through her at the memory. The chill she was feeling now was worth every minute. And if that had been rushed, she could hardly wait to feel what it was like when he took his time.