Page 12 of Ace

“Suits me,” Harlan called.

  Ally shook her head. “There’s ground beef in the freezer. But it’ll be solid as a brick.”

  “Okay.” He thought again. “How about grilled cheese sandwiches?”

  “There’s bread and cheese in the fridge,” Harlan said.

  Ace went back to the kitchen to search for the bread and cheese. Ally followed and located a skillet.

  “This is silly. I invited you to eat, not to fix dinner.”

  “Nope.” Ace took the skillet from her hand. “You sip your champagne. I’ll take care of this.”

  He lit the flame beneath the pan, then a few minutes later began flipping sandwiches until they were golden brown, and the cheese was dripping out the sides.

  “Just the way I like them,” Harlan remarked as he took the first bite of his.

  “Me, too.” Ace grinned. “How’s yours, Red?”

  “Fine.” She chewed woodenly. Swallowed. “Just fine.”

  “Nothing like a perfect grilled cheese, washed down with cool champagne.” Ace winked at her, and lifted his glass in a toast, and she knew she couldn’t stay angry forever. Her lips twitched. Against her will she laughed.

  “There now.” Ace closed a hand over hers. “There’s that smile. I knew I’d see it before very long.”

  Harlan polished off his sandwich and looked up. “How about that ice cream, Allycat?”

  “Oh, yeah.” She went inside and filled three dishes, then located some fudge sauce which she heated and poured over each.

  “Now this was worth waiting for.” Harlan dug in.

  “Gramps.” Ally took in a breath. Even though the first part of her plan had gone awry, there was no reason why she couldn’t follow through on the rest. As long as he was feeling mellow, the time was right. “There’s something I want to tell…” Out of the corner of her eye she saw two furry creatures slinking around the corner of the house. “Buster. Billy.”

  At the sound of her voice they came rushing up, tongues licking, bodies wriggling.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” She glowered at them. “You’re not worming your way back into my good graces that easily. Now, go lie down.”

  “You know you’re going to forgive them,” Harlan said with a laugh.

  “Yeah. Eventually. Oh, what the heck.” She reached out to scratch behind their ears.

  Just then Buster put his head in her lap and looked up at her with those big soulful eyes. It was enough to melt even the hardest of hearts.

  “Looks like he’s telling you he’s sorry,” Harlan said with a laugh.

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “I guess I’ll have to…” Be fore she could finish, the old dog gagged. And deposited his entire meal down the front of her dress.

  She fled to her room in tears.

  Ally pinned her hair on top of her head and stepped into the shower. Minutes later she emerged and rummaged through her drawers for something to wear. She finally settled on an old pair of denim shorts and a simple little summer blouse that tied at her midriff.

  She scowled at her reflection in the mirror. Not exactly the effect she’d wanted. But it no longer mattered. The whole evening had gone downhill.

  Barefoot she walked around the room snuffing the candles, then did the same in the bathroom. There was no need for pretty scents and soft flickering light. No need to set the mood for something that wasn’t to be.

  When she walked downstairs she found Ace cleaning the last of the dishes. The roses, which had seemed so stunning when he’d first presented them to her, now looked tired and wilted in their vase. The room still reeked of burned potatoes.

  She glanced around. “Where’s Gramps?”

  “He went off to his workroom. He took the chow hounds with him.”

  “But I wanted to talk to him.”

  “He said he’d see you in the morning.”

  She frowned. “Well, why not? Everything else has gone wrong tonight. I don’t see why I expected anything to be salvaged out of this mess.”

  “Hey. Stop beating yourself up.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and stared down into her eyes. “I know this wasn’t what you’d planned. But I have to admit, I had a great time. I don’t know when I’ve laughed this hard.”

  “Yeah. We’re a laugh a minute.” She pushed aside the feelings that shivered through her at his touch. “I think—” she turned away, so she wouldn’t have to see his face “—we ought to call it a night. You have a long drive ahead of you. And we both have to work in the morning.”

  His voice lowered with feeling. “If you’d say the word, I could be spared that long drive.”

  She could feel him playing with her hair. It sent little tremors of fire and ice curling along her spine.

  She shook her head. “Sorry. The timing’s just wrong.”

  “Timing?” There was a thread of anger in his tone. “Red, our timing’s been wrong since our very first meeting. And that hasn’t stopped us so far.”

  She drew her arms around herself, refusing to look at him. “I don’t want to argue with you, Ace. I just want you to go.”

  There was silence for the longest time, and she knew he was staring at her, trying to gauge the depth of her anger.

  “Okay.” He spoke the word on a sigh of resignation.

  Without another word he brushed past her and made his way to the front door. She heard the door open and close, and heard the sound of his footsteps crunching on gravel as he made his way to his truck.

  In the silence that followed she heard the sound of the truck door being opened and slammed shut. Heard the sound of the engine as he turned the key in the ignition.

  She wasn’t even aware that she was running through the house. Out the door. Along the path. Though her feet were bare, she took no notice of the bits of stone and gravel that cut and scraped her tender flesh. All she could think of was the fact that she couldn’t let him go. Not like this.


  Her voice drifted through the open window of the truck. His foot hit the brake pedal, and he brought the truck to a halt.

  “What did I forget?” He threw the gear into park and waited.

  “Nothing. This isn’t about you. It’s about me. About what I forgot.”

  “And that is?”

  “An apology.”

  “What do you have to apologize for?”

  “My temper. I’m not mad at you. I’m not even mad at the silly dogs. I’m really mad at myself. You see, I wanted everything to be perfect tonight because…” She took a deep breath and forced herself to say the words before she lost her nerve. “I intended to seduce you after dinner.”

  “You…” He was so thunderstruck, he couldn’t think of a thing to say. Very deliberately he turned off the engine and opened the truck door, pocketing the key as he did. Then he leaned against the door of the truck and crossed his arms over his chest. “You were going to seduce me?”

  She nodded.


  “Well, I was…” Flustered, she struggled to think. “Well, by setting the perfect scene. That dress. My hair. I saw how you looked at me when you first saw me.”

  “Red, the dress and hair were perfect. But they weren’t what I was seeing.”

  “They weren’t?”

  He shook his head. “I was seeing you. The same way I’m seeing you now. So, I’ll ask you again. How were you planning to go about seducing me?”

  She shrugged, feeling suddenly awkward and shy. “I figured we’d start by kissing.”

  He stood very still. “Care to show me?”

  She stepped closer and brushed her lips over his. The flare of heat was instantaneous. She felt it from the top of her head all the way to her toes.

  Disappointment washed over her when he didn’t kiss her back. In fact, except for a slight narrowing of his eyes, he didn’t react at all. He simply stood there, watching her in the shimmer of moonlight.

  “I guess…I guess that wasn’t very good. I don’t have much experience in seduction.”
br />   Over his dry throat he managed to ask, “Did you have anything else planned?”

  “I thought I’d…” Instead of telling him, she decided to show him. She lifted a hand to the pins in her hair. As soon as they were removed it tumbled in fiery waves around her shoulders. She saw his hands drop to his sides, where they clenched into fists.

  “And then I’d…” She reached a hand to the buttons of her blouse and saw the way he watched her.

  Something dangerous flared in his eyes as she unbuttoned first one, and then another. He waited to see her slide the blouse from her shoulders. Instead, he was disappointed when she gathered the edges together in one hand and suddenly hung her head.

  “I guess I was feeling a lot bolder when I was imagining all this. I didn’t realize one of us would be doing all the work, and the other would be just watching from the sidelines.”

  “Oh. You want my participation, do you?”

  She nodded. “That would be nice.”

  “Nice?” His lips curved in a dangerous smile. “Careful, Red. Nice isn’t in my vocabulary. If I join in this little game, it won’t be any half measure. If I’m in, I’m in all the way. And we won’t stop until I say so.”

  At his words, spoken so softly, her heart leapt to her throat. “You make it sound like a…war.”

  “That’s what it’ll feel like. Mortal combat. No-holds-barred. Like a knock-down-drag-out pool hustle. Only for much higher stakes.” He shot her a challenging look. “Are you in?”

  He still hadn’t moved. And yet she could almost feel his hands on her. Could already feel the heat beginning to flow through her veins like molten lava. “You mean, you’d still be interested? After all that went wrong?”

  “I’m asking you, Red. Are you in?”

  She swallowed. Nodded.

  Before she could say a word his hand snaked out, catching her by the wrist and dragging her into his arms. And then his mouth, that warm, clever mouth, was on hers. And those strong fingers were moving over her as he took her on a wild, dizzying ride.

  He lifted his head and she filled her lungs with deep draughts of warm night air.

  “Either we continue this inside, Red—” he pressed his lips to a tangle of hair at her temple “—or I’m going to end up taking you right here in the dirt.”

  She glanced up. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” He chuckled, a deep rich sound that trickled over her nerves like warm honey. “You’re talking to a starving man, Red. One who’s standing before a banquet. And I can’t wait to eat my fill.” He nibbled her cheek, her ear. “Your call.”

  Despite the weakness that held her in its grip, she caught his hand and began sprinting toward the house, with him in tow.

  Chapter 9

  They made it as far as the porch. With a laugh she opened the door and led him inside. But then she made a tactical error. She turned to him, intending to lead him up the stairs.

  At the mere touch of her hand he made an animal sound low in his throat and dragged her against him, savaging her mouth with a hunger that left her gasping.

  “Ace. Wait.” She pushed against him.

  “Too late.” He kissed her again and thrilled to her moan of pleasure.

  When she surfaced she managed a laugh. “I only meant we could go upstairs.”

  “We’ll never make it.” He was already sliding her shirt from her shoulders and tearing aside the bit of lace that covered her breasts. And then he was feasting and she was helpless to do more than give herself up to the feelings. Feelings that had her whimpering with a pleasure that bordered on pain.

  “You’re so beautiful. So perfect.” His words, whispered against her flesh, had her shivering. “All big green eyes and skin like cream.” He ran wet nibbling kisses up the column of her throat and buried his lips in the sensitive hollow of her throat. “And I want to devour you until I’ve had my fill.”

  “Ace.” She brought her hands to his face, hoping to still his movements. “I need a moment. I can’t think.”

  “Don’t think.” He flashed that quick, dangerous smile. “Just feel.”

  He caught her hand and placed it to his heart. It was thundering like a herd of mustangs. “Feel what you do to me.”

  He lowered his head to her. His mouth moved over hers, slowly, deliberately, until her lips parted for him. His tongue tangled with hers, teasing, tempting, until she sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  His lips whispered over her face, pressing kisses to her eyelids, her cheeks, the tip of her nose.

  “Oh, Red.” He breathed her name inside her mouth, and she thought of how she’d once hated that nickname. On his lips it sounded like the most beautiful name in the world.

  His tongue traced the curve of her ear, nipping and tugging on the lobe, before darting inside, sending her pulse rate climbing.

  When she shivered and tried to pull away he dragged her even closer and burned a trail of hot, wet kisses down her throat. He could feel the wild, erratic rhythm of her pulse-beat. As ragged as his own. And the way her breath hitched in her throat on a near sob.

  The spicy fragrance was stronger here at the base of her throat. A perfume that filled his lungs and went straight to his head.

  “I need to touch you.” She tugged his shirt from his waistband and slipped it over his head. And then her hands were on his chest, up his arms, over his shoulders. With each movement, she could feel his muscles tense, his heartbeat accelerate.

  He was so strong. The feel of him, all hard muscle and sleek sinew, gave her a thrill. And yet, for all his strength, there was a tenderness in him that was completely unexpected. And so out of character, it never ceased to move her.

  He brought his hand to the waistband of her shorts and nearly tore them in his haste. Underneath was another bit of lace that was stripped away with a single tug. At last he was free to see her. All of her. And the sight of her made his throat go dry.

  It occurred to him, in one breathless moment, that he could take her here and now. It was what they both wanted. Then they would be free of this terrible tension that was threatening to turn them both into raging animals. But it wouldn’t be enough. He wanted more. He wanted it all.

  He’d fantasized about this. Had dreamed of all the ways he would love her. And now he was free to do all those wonderful, glorious things he’d only hoped for. And so he banked the need and lowered his face, skimming soft butterfly kisses over her face.

  Moonlight streamed through the skylights, turning her hair to flame, her skin to burnished gold. When he brought his mouth lower, to the smooth column of her throat, she arched her neck to give him easier access. But just as she began to relax, he cupped her breasts in his hands and rubbed his work-roughened thumbs across the peaks.

  He saw those lovely green eyes darken. Heard the hiss of breath as she grew more and more aroused. Felt the way her body moved under his, inviting him to take more.

  And he did. He found her hot and moist, and drove her to the first frenzied peak. He saw the way her eyes widened, then slowly glazed with passion. For the moment, she was his. Only his.

  This was how he’d wanted her. Weak with desire. Oblivious to all except him. He watched the play of emotions on her face as she slowly surfaced.

  Giddy with need she reached for the fasteners at his waist. He helped her, shrugging out of his boots, his jeans. His briefs were shredded as they both tugged them aside, laughing like children.

  Their clothes lay in tangles around them, beneath them, and Ace and Ally were at last lying flesh to flesh.

  His eyes, dark and fierce, were steady on hers as he kissed her long and slow and deep. He heard the purr of pleasure deep in her throat as he ran openmouthed kisses down her neck, over her breasts, then lower. Her body jerked in violent response when he moved lower still. He heard her gasp as another climax ripped through her. He gave her no time to recover as, with lips and teeth and tongue, he took her on a wild ride to places she’d never even drea
med of. Even while her body shuddered, she hungered for more.

  And he gave. With a recklessness even he had never known before, he drove her higher, then higher still.

  He knew he was gripped by madness. Knew that there was something building inside that would soon demand to be set free. But he had slipped beyond reason, beyond control. Blinded by hard, driving need, he linked his fingers with hers and stared into her eyes, needing to see her as he entered her.

  Her body was slick with sheen. She tangled her arms and legs with his, wrapping herself around him with a strength that surprised him.

  And then she was moving with him. Climbing with him.

  Lungs straining, hearts racing, they sprinted to the very top of the mountain. And then, as their bodies trembled and shuddered, he cried out her name, or thought he did, as they stepped out into the abyss. And soared.

  “It’s a good thing this evening didn’t go as you’d planned.” Still joined, Ace pressed his forehead to hers and dragged in a breath. “If it had, you’d have killed me, Red. Or we’d have killed each other.”

  She gave a weak sound that might have been a laugh. “You mean we’re not dead?”

  “I’m not sure. Are you all right?” Ace lifted a hand to brush the hair from her eye.

  “Fine.” She rubbed a thumb over his mouth. “I’m fine.”

  “Yeah.” His smile was quick and deadly. “Better than fine. You, Red, were definitely worth waiting for.”

  “And that was,” she sighed, “some pool hustle. Got any more moves, cowboy?”

  “I’ve got a million of ’em.”

  “I’ll bet you have.”

  He closed his eyes. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted you, Red?”

  She smiled. “Since the first time you saw me.”

  His eyes blinked open. “How would you know that?”

  “It’s an old line, Ace. Couldn’t you have thought of a better one?”

  He rolled aside and lay back, his hands under his head, his lips curved into a satisfied smile. “Call it a line if you want. It’s the truth. I saw those long, long legs and that great backside draped over a pool table and told myself that this was some kind of woman. I couldn’t take my eyes off you, Red.”