Page 23 of Bad Attitude

  Lifting his hand, she placed a kiss on the callused palm, then held it to her cheek. If she lived a thousand years, she would never understand the strength of this man.

  Steele melted at the sensation of her soft lips on his skin. The sunlight highlighted the reddish streaks in her black hair. God, she was beautiful.

  And for a moment, he was lost in those green eyes. He'd never felt like this about anyone else. He was hot, yet chills spread over him.

  "I won't let you down, Syd. I promise."

  A slow smile spread over her face before she pulled him into her arms again for a quick hug. "I know."

  She let go and pulled back. He felt the sudden emptiness of his arms, and it went through him like a knife.

  She took his hand and led him back toward the van. But what amazed him most was the fact that even though she let go of his hand to climb back inside, she took it right back.

  Andre arched a brow as he saw their joined hands, but he didn't mention it.

  The fact that Syd would do something like that when he knew how much she hated the thought of anyone knowing they'd been together warmed him.

  "Okay," Syd said as she looked back at Steele. "What do we need to do?"

  Steele rubbed his chin as he went into sniper mode. "We need the president's agenda."

  Carlos turned around to look at him. "We don't have the route from the airport."

  "We don't need it. My father won't hit him in a motorcade. You can't see through the darkened windows to your target. I need to know what he's planning to do while he's here."

  "There's a reception to be held day after tomorrow at the embassy, and then there's the meeting with our president and a few other dignitaries the day after that."

  Steele's mind whirred. "That's it. The embassy reception. It's big and public, with lots of people to panic and shield him as he gets away. Do you have a layout for the grounds?"

  Carlos turned around to pull it up.

  "We'll also need the caterer's schedule," Steele said.

  All three of them turned to stare at him.

  "Why?" Syd asked.

  "Because they will know when and where the president will be sitting. They'll know at what point he will enter the room, since they will want to make sure that they don't have any waiters or food there. Best of all, none of their information will be secret. All you have to do is tell them you're with the florist and ask, and they will hand it over."

  Andre shook his head. "That's a scary thought."

  Syd agreed, but it made sense. "It's always the one thing you overlook that gets you in the end. No one would ever think to look at the catering company as an opening. It's brilliant, Josh."

  Carlos handed him a printout of the embassy floor plan, then went to procure the catering schedule.

  Steele sat down with the maps so that he could get a good feel for the area. It was a fairly large embassy with a large terrace and good-sized courtyard at the back.

  Within a few minutes, Carlos had the additional information. "Dayam. You were right. They didn't even hesitate. We have ten tents that will be set up."

  Steele studied the layout carefully. "This is a pain in the ass."

  "How so?" Syd asked.

  "Too much overhang. You have a balcony, trees...linens and decorations. It's going to be hard to line up a shot."

  But there had to be one he could take. There was always some overlooked weakness that could be exploited.

  He looked back at the schedule. There wasn't a speech prepared. The president would be led from his office through a narrow corridor, then out to a table in the northermost tent to eat lunch with the bigwigs.

  This was tricky, but as he examined it, he realized that one place should give a good vantage point.

  "What's right here?" He pointed to the building behind the embassy.

  Syd looked over his shoulder. "It's a fancy bed and breakfast."

  Steele shook his head. It figured. "That's it, then. He'll be taking the shot from one of those rooms."

  Andre immediately grabbed the phone and dialed the bed and breakfast.

  Steele took the phone from him. "Hi," he said to the clerk after she answered. "This is Joseph Dzhugashvili, and I have misplaced my confirmation number. I was supposed to check in day after tomorrow..."

  Syd was amazed by his calm facade. Damn, the man was a natural at this.

  But as she watched him, she realized that he wasn't happy.

  "Are you sure? I should be booked. My assistant made the reservation. Could you check to see if it's under the name of either Steele or Stalin? Yes, Steele with an e."

  He met her gaze and she could see that it wasn't going down the way he'd hoped.

  "Hmm, very well. Thank you for your help." He hung up.

  "No reservation?" she asked.


  Andre shrugged. "Maybe he used another name."

  "No, he wouldn't have." Steele went back to the layout and studied it again. But the longer he looked at it, the more he was convinced that something was wrong. "The president isn't the target."

  Syd rolled her eyes. "Yes, he is."

  "No. He's not. He can't be. Not with this itinerary. Someone has their facts wrong."

  Now that made her angry. "I don't make those kinds of mistakes."

  "And as my father said, we all make those kinds of mistakes, Syd. Trusting intelligence is how Brian ended up with a bullet in his head."

  She folded her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine. Let's say for one second that you're right, and I'm wrong. Who would the other target be?"

  Steele didn't know. His mind was whirring with everything as he tried to sort through this. "Andre? Didn't you say you could pull the conversation I overheard earlier?"

  He nodded. "I just need the time the call was made."

  "About two hours ago, from Wallace's cell phone."

  While Andre moved to work on it, Steele returned to the sheets.

  Syd leaned against his back to read over his shoulder. "Are you sure he couldn't have used another name to make the reservation?"

  "No," he said in a distracted tone. "I know my father. Believe me, when it comes to stuff like this, he isn't that creative."

  Even so, Syd wasn't so sure he wasn't mistaken. She believed in her facts. "What about here?" she said, pointing to the building next door to the B and B. "Couldn't he use that one?"

  Steele shook his head as he reached for the caterer's sheet. "There'll be a portable cocktail cart there."

  "But they'll be moving it."

  "Not when the president is announced. They'll wait until he's seated. You don't take a shot when someone could sneeze the instant you pull the trigger and get their head blown off by mistake. Remember, one shot, one kill."

  "Hey," Andre said. "I think I have it.... Is this the conversation?"

  Syd looked up as it started playing.

  "Hello, Mr. President. It's good to hear from you."

  "Greetings, Mr. Wallace. I just wanted to verify that everything is as we discussed earlier with the party. It is to be a grand affair, is it not?"

  "Yes, yes, we have everything arranged. I have my best contractor for your case. Stalin has been briefed and will be standing by to ensure your safety."

  "And you are sure he understands what his duty is?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "That is good. You know, in my country, Stalin was a hero. He was a god. He did what was necessary to protect his people, no? Let us hope that this man lives up to his name. I have been assured that the amount we have agreed upon will be wired into the account after the event. I sent the second deposit in this morning, as you requested."

  "Very good," Wallace said. "The wire transfer for the balance is to take place within three hours after our services are rendered."

  "Excellent. I have to say that you have indeed lived up to your company's reputation. I now know why you have been so highly recommended to me. It is sad that in this world such things are needed. Tha
t we must hire people such as Stalin to protect us. I wish that one day the world would be a peaceful place for all. Don't you agree?"

  "Yes, sir. We'll see you in two days. Have a nice flight."

  Steele snorted. "Sounds innocuous enough, doesn't it? God, I hate this business."

  Syd rolled her eyes at him.

  "Andre," he said, raising his voice. "Play the Stalin part again."

  Syd listened carefully. "Why would he be hiring APS to protect him when his son has hired them to kill him?"

  Steele went ramrod stiff. "Do you have any calls from the son to APS?"


  "Syd," he said slowly. "Think about this. Are you sure you have data coming from the son to APS? Or were you just told that he had contacted them, and you have data showing a call from their capitol to the APS offices?"

  Suddenly, she wasn't so sure. "What are you thinking?"

  "There's no shot for the president at this event. And you guys know the doublespeak. Listen to that call again."

  Once more Andre piped it through.

  Syd listened carefully once more. "Okay, I know it's them playing nice, nice, but what are you hearing that I don't?"

  Steele's expression was hard and cold. "What I'm hearing isn't the son hiring APS to kill his father. What I hear is the father hiring them to kill his son."


  S yd shook her head at Steele's words. No...surely not. "It's not possible. What kind of father would ruthlessly set his own son up to be executed on foreign soil?"

  He snorted. "Stalin. Remember? His son was captured and held during World War II. The Germans tried to exchange him, and Stalin refused. He sacrificed his son for the greater good of his people and was thought to be a hero." He glanced to Andre. "Play that last bit one more time for the lady."

  She listened as the president spoke....

  "Excellent. I have to say that you have indeed lived up to your company's reputation. I now know why you have been so highly recommended. It is sad that in this world such things are needed. That we must hire people such as Stalin to protect us. I wish that one day the world would be a peaceful place for all. Don't you agree?"

  She cursed under her breath. Steele was right, and she had missed it. Man, the president was cold-blooded. But then, in the world of politics, she had seen far harsher things than this, so why it surprised her, she didn't know.

  "Where would they shoot for the son?" she asked Steele.

  "I don't know. His schedule isn't here for the caterers."

  Carlos scratched his chin. "We know the son smokes, right?"

  Syd nodded.

  "Where would he go for a cigarette?" Carlos and Steele said simultaneously.

  Steel grabbed the layout again. "You would head out a side door, away from the party, so that Daddy wouldn't get mad at you."

  "But there are multiple doors," Syd said, looking over his shoulder. "How do you know which one?"

  "We guess."

  Suddenly, she didn't like his humor anymore. "I was being serious."

  "So am I. He could head out of any of them. The only way I know to stop it is to follow him and keep him from leaving the building or nearing a window."

  "You know," Andre said, "he's probably right. I doubt Steele's father would shoot him." His gaze went meaningfully to Steele, who laughed.

  "You don't know my father. Trust me, he wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in my head if I got in his way."

  Syd would like to think he was kidding, but the tone of his voice said he meant every word of it. She reached out and lightly stroked his arm. "I'll go in and follow the son."

  Steele shook his head. "You hired me to do this. At the end of the day, I'm a Steele, and we see our missions through."

  She had to admire him for that. She wasn't sure how she would be feeling right now if she knew she was going in to set up her father. But he was holding up with remarkable grace.

  "Then let's set up for it," Andre said. "I'll get to work on the forged invitations. Syd, you two need some wardrobe."

  "What about you two?" Syd asked.

  "We'll be there," Carlos said. "I'll go in as Secret Service."

  Andre arched both brows. "I don't think so. It's your turn to go in as a waiter, and my turn to be Secret Service."

  "You were Secret Service last time."

  "No, I wasn't. Remember? You went in, and I was the bartender."

  Carlos opened his mouth to argue then paused. "Oh, wait. You're right, I was the Secret Service agent last time. Damn. Okay, you be the SS and I'll be the waiter."

  Andre crossed his arms over his chest and beamed.

  Steele laughed. "You people seriously scare me."

  "We scare each other too," Carlos said with a laugh.

  That was certainly true enough. Syd pulled at Steele's arm. "C'mon, we have a lot of stuff to take care of. You two get busy, and we'll meet up for dinner."

  "You got it," Andre said as he sat down at a laptop.

  It wasn't until they were outside the van that Steele pulled her to a stop. "You do realize how many times you've grabbed my hand today, don't you?"

  She looked down to see their hands joined.

  "For someone who doesn't want anyone to know about us, you're not exactly hiding anything."

  Syd cocked her head at that as she continued to stare at her hand tucked inside his much larger one. Steele hadn't said anything to anyone about their being together either time. In fact, he'd gone out of his way to keep them a secret.

  Maybe she should learn to trust again, after all. It was hard after being burned, and yet, as she looked up at him, she didn't see a snake waiting to hurt her. She saw a man who had already walked through the fires of hell, and done it with honor and dignity.

  Surely such a person wouldn't betray her.

  For the first time in a long time, she wanted to trust again. Before she could stop herself, she lifted up on her tiptoes and placed a hot kiss on that delectable mouth.

  Steele closed his eyes as he savored the taste of Syd. Her tongue danced with his as he inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair and breath. She was the most beautiful woman in the world to him, and the heated passion of this kiss set fire to his body.

  Reluctantly, he pulled back from her kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. "You know Andre and Carlos can see us, right?"

  She smiled a smile that hit him like a fist in his gut. "Let them."

  He returned her smile before he pulled her even closer and kissed her again. Honestly, he'd never been the kind of man to be public with a kiss, but at the moment, he didn't care. All that seemed to matter was Syd.

  But unfortunately, they had way too much to do to neck like two horny kids in the mall. Hissing in regret, he forced himself to leave that tempting mouth.

  "We've got a party to attend, young miss."

  "I know," she said before she gave him one last quick, scorching kiss. She sighed as she stepped away. "What will you need?"

  "Nothing but a suit."

  She nodded. "I can pick up a dress and shoes. It shouldn't take too long, and then..." She dropped her gaze meaningfully to the bulge in his pants.

  Steele felt his cock jerk as a rush of excitement went through him. "Don't tease me, Syd."

  She bit her bottom lip playfully. "Haven't you learned yet that I don't tease?"

  God, he was beginning to seriously adore this woman. "How long does it take a woman to buy a dress, anyway?"

  She laughed evilly as she started back toward their car.

  Steele learned a few things that afternoon. The first was that women took an excruciatingly long time to find clothes and shoes.

  The second was the fact that Syd thought her ass was the size of a movie screen, but honestly, he loved the extra weight on her. He thought her lush curves were sexy as hell, and every time she turned around to give him her back and stick her butt out to ask if the dress made her fat, he thought he'd die from the pain of his erection.

  The third was to alway
s say she looked edible, no matter what she tried on, and she'd reward him with a kiss, then fuss at him for lying.

  And the fourth was the most important of all...

  "Josh?" Syd called in a loud whisper as she edged the dressing room door open an inch. "I need help."

  He pushed himself away from the rack to move closer to her. "What?"

  "The zipper's broken. I think. I can't get the dress off."

  Those words almost made him drool. "Okay. Turn around, and I'll unzip it."

  She glared at him. "Not out here in public. I don't have a bra on under this, and I don't want anyone to see me." She stepped back into the room.

  The no-bra comment put an image in his head that was absolutely cruel, to his way of thinking.

  Steele looked around to make sure there weren't any other women in the area before he stepped inside and shut the door. The room was a lot nicer than most of the men's dressing rooms he'd been in. It had a nice padded chair and two mirrors that reflected the two of them.

  Syd turned around to give him her back. Steele paused at the sight of her standing in front of him. He had a perfect view of her backside as he took the small zipper in his hands and wrestled with it.

  At first it was a stubborn bugger, but he finally got the cloth out from under it. He yanked the zipper down, baring the whole of Syd's back.

  That was a mistake.

  The minute he saw the pale skin, all he could think about was tasting it.

  Syd couldn't breathe as she saw the fire in Steele's gaze. Every hormone in her body fired. All she could do was watch as he gently ran his hand from the small of her back, up to her shoulder. Chills erupted in the wake of his hot touch.

  His gaze met hers in the mirror before he pushed the dress off her shoulders and bared her to his hungry stare. It was so strangely erotic to stand naked in front of him with her nipples puckered, her breasts heavy.

  He pulled her against him before he slid the dress over her hips. It fell to her feet with a rush as her body throbbed with sudden need. There was something about Steele that always made her hot.

  Steele dipped his head down to bury his firm lips against her neck. Syd leaned back with a hiss as his arms came around her to cup her breasts and tease them until she was weak with hunger. She sank her hand in his thick hair while those large, dark hands soothed and teased her.

  She'd never done anything like this before, and for some reason she couldn't fathom, she didn't want to stop. She liked being naughty with him. His lips burned her flesh as he kissed his way up and down her neck. He breathed into her ear a second before he ran his tongue over the sensitive flesh there.