Eric put a hand on his best friend’s chest, stopping him. “Don’t look at me like I took your favorite toy away.”

  “You totally did. I didn’t even get to play with it.”

  Sometimes he was far too literal. “What has Kellan been trying to teach us?”

  Tate sighed. They’d been going to BDSM clubs with Kell for years, but had only recently gotten serious about topping when they realized Belle would likely be submissive in the bedroom. What they’d learned since was about far more than what flogger to use. Instead, Kellan had tried to teach them the value of communication.

  “Damn it. Why can’t we just fuck?” Tate put a hand up. “Don’t say anything. I know the answer. If she wants sex, she needs to ask for it.”

  Kellan came in and dropped an armful of bedding on the floor, then slapped Tate on the back. “Ah, he learns.”

  “He learns that he’s likely going to remain horny and lonely. Sometimes, D/s sucks.” Tate grumbled. “Vanilla guys just get to fall on the woman they want and enjoy her.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Eric assured, then turned to Kellan. “But you realize we’ll have to listen to him complain about his penis all day tomorrow.”

  Kell snorted. “Probably so, but it wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “It will be the loudest,” Tate promised. “Belle, baby…just tell them what you mean and put me out of my misery.”

  “Don’t push her if she’s not ready,” Kellan growled. “I’ll sleep in front of the door. She’ll feel better that way.”

  “No, she won’t.” Belle protested, looking frustrated. “I want you with us, Kellan, for however long we have. And I think it’s embarrassing and slightly mean that you’re going to make me admit what I want out loud. It would be easier if you would just toss me on the bed and attack me.”

  Eric’s heart skipped a beat because there was no way to mistake those words. He stepped forward and crowded her, his cock coming to attention the minute he realized tonight might not end in sleep after all.

  “Belle, I want you,” Eric murmured. “I’m not going to lie about it or prevaricate. So I’m going to put all my cards on the table. I want everything you have to give me. I want to share you with Tate and Kellan. I want to top you. I want to be one of your Masters. If you can’t admit what you want, then it would be best if we just watched over you tonight.”

  Kellan slid his fingers over the delicate slope of her jaw. “We really will wait for you to be comfortable and ready. We won’t repeat our mistakes. We took things much too fast. We didn’t talk.”

  “I think I talked too much,” Belle said. “I wish I hadn’t said anything at all.”

  Eric forced her to look into his eyes. She needed to understand a few truths. “You should be very happy you did. We would have known the minute one of us got inside you, and there would have been hell to pay for keeping that secret from us. We could have hurt you Belle.”

  “I’ve heard it’s going to hurt no matter what,” she argued.

  She was just begging for a spanking. Previously, she’d only taken Kellan’s discipline, but Eric itched to take her over his knee, too.

  “It’s time to explain how this is going to work. Then you can decide whether you want to proceed.”

  He heard Tate groan, but then the big fucker was already out of his clothes. Stripping in record time around Belle seemed to be one of his new talents.

  Belle turned, stopping to stare at Tate and his massive cock. Eric decided to make it a teaching moment.

  “Do you see how eager he is? If we don’t properly prepare you, that monster will tear you up.”

  Tate frowned and palmed his cock. “It’s not a monster. That’s totally rude. And it’s going to be so sweet to you, Belle. Sorry. I thought we were getting to the good stuff. Should I get dressed again?”

  Kellan sighed and sat on the small chaise across from the bed. “Don’t bother. Belle, I’m here to help. You understand I can’t commit the way they can. I would like to offer my services as a Dom to help them introduce you to the lifestyle. I think you’ll find comfort and pleasure in it. Will you allow me to assist?”

  She finally took her eyes off Tate’s dick and faced him. “Yes. Kinley has made BDSM sound fabulous, and this is the way I suspect we’ll all enjoy it most. So I want to experiment.”

  Eric didn’t like the thought of being her guinea pig, but he understood. She’d been burned by them. She still clung to her pride and tried to hang onto her heart, but he would make her understand she didn’t need to. He would strip away all the walls and barriers she put up because he didn’t intend for anything to come between them again.

  “Tell me about the experiences you’ve had,” he demanded.

  “Is that necessary?” Belle shook her head, obviously flustered.

  “Yes,” he volleyed back immediately.

  Belle sighed. “I’m struggling to concentrate while he’s naked.”

  “Get used to it. He’s naked a lot.” Eric took a seat next to Kellan, wishing Tate had never gotten so fucking comfortable with his body.

  The big guy shrugged. “It helps me think.”

  “It’s not helping me think,” Belle replied.

  “Come here and place yourself over my lap.” He patted his thigh to underscore his command and remind her who was in charge. Normally, that would be Kell, but he’d obviously taken a backseat since he didn’t intend to stay with Belle long term. Eric thought that was a crock of crap, but having the four of them all together and ready to take the next step was a big win. He wasn’t going to push them anymore—yet.

  Kellan smiled his approval.

  “Are you going to spank me?” A breathless anticipation rang in her voice that calmed him considerably. She did want and need this.

  “I’m going to ask you a few questions and you’re going to answer me as soon as you do as I’ve asked.”

  With an endearing awkwardness, she draped herself over his thighs.

  Because they were sitting so close, her head ended up in Kellan’s lap. He immediately cradled her head, smoothing her hair from her face. “Very good, love.”

  She relaxed slightly, but he still felt a fine trembling in her body.

  Eric ran a hand across her ass. So perfect. That ass was round and juicy. He let himself touch her through the thin yoga pants she wore, cupping and molding her flesh as he spoke. “Tell me about your sexual experiences to this point.”

  She hesitated.

  He gave her a few seconds more before he smacked her through her pants three times in quick succession. Belle stiffened for a moment, then released a shuddering sigh. Already, this was turning her on.

  “Tell him what he wants to know,” Kellan said, petting her hair. “Withholding information is not an option.”

  Tate knelt and kissed her forehead. “Belle, we really do need to know.”

  “Once I have, are you going to tell me all of your sexual experiences?”

  Eric repressed a smile. Her bratty mouth was going to get her in so much trouble. He delivered three more smacks, these a bit harder. When he’d finished, he pulled at the waist of her pants, lowering them over her backside and exposing it to the cool air. He loved the way she gasped and shuddered when he touched her hot skin.

  “I’ll answer any questions you like later, but tonight is about you. We need to know what you’re seeking, Belle. What you respond to. I’m not asking you these questions to embarrass you. I know it’s not polite, but it’s necessary. So start spilling and don’t you dare give me sarcasm. Tell me why you waited.”

  She hid behind her smart mouth. He’d figured that out a long time ago. She was bright and quirky and she usually made him laugh, but this wasn’t the time or the place for her sharp wit.

  A long moment passed, and he worried she would ask to be released. Finally, she sighed. “I didn’t mean to. It just happened.”

  Belle relaxed again, likely because Tate and Kellan were both stroking her. Kellan rubbed her scalp and massag
ed her neck over and over. Tate kissed her shoulder as he put his hand under her shirt and eased the muscles of her back. The touching seemed to ease her.

  “No high school boyfriends?” Eric couldn’t deny his curiosity about how a woman as beautiful as Belle managed to stay a virgin for so long.

  “I dated a little, but my father died when I was young. My mom needed help around the house, so I often did laundry and started dinner. I also worked a part-time job at the library and I went to school. I was on the debate team, and in high school, I got involved in academic decathlon. It took up most of my time.”

  His heart softened further as he imagined a teenaged Belle, so sweet and studious. “You were a mathlete?”

  Tate grinned. “Me, too.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.” Belle chuckled. “But I was more of a history and literature expert. I dated a guy on the team, but we mostly studied together.”

  He gave her three more smacks, just for fun. “Keep talking. Tell me about college.”

  “It was more of the same. I dated but I didn’t find the right man. I don’t know. Maybe I had an unrealistic vision of what a relationship should be. I wanted to be in love, but I’m too practical to fall easily. I’ve always wanted something that lasts.”

  Eric wanted that too, and he knew he’d found it with her. He just had to make sure she saw it that way. “So there’s no particular reason you chose not to have sex.”

  Her head came up a little. “There’s no dark past that made me avoid sex, guys. I just wanted it to be special and I didn’t find it.”

  Kellan eased her back down and petted her. “Good. We were worried there was, so we all backed off. I’m pleased to learn it was just you being your picky self.”

  “How are you feeling, Belle?” It was something Kellan had taught him: always ask where the sub was emotionally.

  “I feel achy and a little scared. I want to feel the way I did the other night. Can’t I have it? I’m not asking for more.”

  “Belle, I want to give you more,” Tate said. “A whole lot more, baby.”

  “There’s more to this than an orgasm.” Eric soothed his hand over her flesh. “But you’ll certainly have that, too. How do you feel now, knowing that?”

  “Better,” she admitted. “Talking about my past wasn’t as hard as I thought. I just don’t have that much experience, so it’s embarrassing. I mean, I’ve kissed before. I’ve had some heavy make-out sessions.”

  “Did you let a man touch your breasts?” He wanted to know everything she’d experienced so they could do it better, make her forget any touch but theirs.

  “I don’t know that I’d call them men. I had a couple of boyfriends squeeze my breasts in the past, but it usually hurt.”

  They’d likely moved far too fast. A woman had to be aroused to really enjoy rough play. Once they got Belle hot enough, she would accept clamps on her nipples. Without proper preparation, she’d likely just slap them. “How about your pussy? Ever had a man finger you before the other night?”

  “No. I never let it get that far. I didn’t really want any of those boys touching me there. I thought it would be messy and nasty.”

  Kellan chuckled. “It is messy and nasty. It’s also fucking hot. That’s why I licked my fingers afterward. You tasted so good. I suppose that means you’ve never given anyone a blow job, huh?”

  “No,” she replied. “I’ve never wanted to before.”

  “Before what?” Eric hung on her answer to that question.

  She hesitated only a moment before she answered. “Before I met you three, I hadn’t thought about sex for a long time. I didn’t miss it. I didn’t care that I wasn’t having it. I certainly didn’t think about spanking or letting anyone tie me up. But now I like getting spanked. Does that make me weird?”

  “It makes you perfect.” Eric gave her another three in rapid succession, loving the way she wiggled and squirmed. “It makes you perfect, Belle. And you’re going to love it when we tie you up.”

  He was satisfied that she wasn’t trading sex for comfort. He could smell her arousal, but he wanted to feel it, too. Her legs were trapped, the pants holding her thighs together, but the way she was lying across his lap placed her sweet pussy on perfect display. He ran his hand down the swell of her ass until he reached the soft, slick heat of her pussy.

  Belle gasped, but Tate and Kellan were there to settle her down with soft words and strokes. Tate lowered himself closer to the floor so he could kiss her. His lips brushed hers as Eric started to work her pussy, spreading the arousal he found there.

  “Did she really like her spanking?” Kellan asked, his eyes on her ass.

  Eric pulled his hand out and showed his partner her wetness on his fingers. “She can’t fake that. She’s ready, so I think we should give her a few firsts tonight.”

  He didn’t just want her to lay back and take pleasure. That wouldn’t tie her to them. She needed to be involved.

  “Get up, baby,” Eric ordered. “I want to watch you give your first blow job.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kellan watched as Belle eased off Eric’s lap and into Tate’s waiting arms. The big guy covered her back with his body, almost eclipsing her as he wrapped an arm around her waist and bent to feather kisses along her neck. He fanned a hand under the hem of her shirt, skimming his palm up her abdomen, then peeled the garment off her body, apparently determined to get her as naked as he was.

  Eric claimed Tate had once been self-conscious about his body, but by the time Kellan had moved to Chicago, all trace of that insecurity had left the building. The upside was that it made Tate perfectly comfortable in BDSM clubs. Belle, on the other hand, curled her hands over her chest, already looking a little unsure.

  “Don’t try to hide. Tate is going to undress you,” Eric said, his voice reassuring but firm. “Let us see what’s ours.”

  Belle exhaled and lowered her arms to her sides again, visibly relaxing as Eric took control of the scene. Pride and desire both stabbed at Kell. Not only had Eric come a long way from the anxious kid he’d first met in college, but Belle surrendered herself a little at a time, her submissive streak so natural and beautiful. No, they hadn’t asked a lot of her yet. Her emotional triggers would trip her up at some point. Kell had no doubt of that.

  She claimed she’d only remained a virgin because she’d never had time to pursue romance and hadn’t found anything special enough. Maybe that was somewhat true, but he was a betting man. He’d put money on the fact that Belle had been scarred by her father’s death. Tate had once told him that her mother had checked out after her husband’s demise. Belle had been a mere child. It must have been bewildering and painful to go from being loved unconditionally to damn near being orphaned. No doubt she’d learned to hide in her shell to protect her heart. Kell vowed to make sure Eric and Tate gently pushed her boundaries and opened her up.

  If he were a better man with a different past, Kellan would relish the opportunity to participate. But it wouldn’t be fair to Belle to top her and build her trust in him when he had no intention of staying. So he’d simply support his friends in their efforts and envy their happiness while cherishing what little time he had with her.

  He watched with greedy eyes as Tate unhooked the clasp of her bra between her shoulder blades. It sagged against her body, the straps clinging to her, as he plucked at the string of her yoga pants and shoved them down the lush curve of her hips. Once they reached her ankles, Belle stepped out of them. Eric stood and drew her bra from her body, tossing it aside and leaving her gloriously naked. Kell wondered if he would ever forget the sight.

  Raven black hair curved around her shoulders. Her skin was the most beautiful color he’d ever seen. The contrast of its mocha tone against Tate’s tanned flesh was striking. But her plump breasts with their pert chocolate nipples looked downright sexy. The little nubs strained for attention, begging to be taken into his mouth and sucked until she screamed with the pleasure he ached to give her. Her fla
t belly led to a dark pussy, engorged and lightly covered by a trimmed fringe of hair that fascinated him.

  With a low groan, Tate wrapped her in his embrace, plastering himself across her back and kissing her bare, delicate shoulder as he palmed his way up her abdomen. Fire shot through Kellan’s blood as he watched Tate cup her breasts in his big hands. The luscious mounds just fit in his grip.

  Eric stepped against her, crowding her, and staring down with demand in his eyes. “You’re going to kiss me, Belle.”

  She looked breathless, overwhelmed. So ready and beautiful. So